blob: aa484dc67e2fab9bed6d384ea49e5f277246c52c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package unicode provides Unicode encodings such as UTF-16.
package unicode // import ""
import (
// UTF16 returns a UTF-16 Encoding for the given default endianness and byte
// order mark (BOM) policy.
// When decoding from UTF-16 to UTF-8, if the BOMPolicy is IgnoreBOM then
// neither BOMs U+FEFF nor noncharacters U+FFFE in the input stream will affect
// the endianness used for decoding, and will instead be output as their
// standard UTF-8 encodings: "\xef\xbb\xbf" and "\xef\xbf\xbe". If the
// BOMPolicy is ExpectBOM then the input stream is expected to start with a
// BOM, and the transformation will return early with an ErrMissingBOM error if
// it does not. That starting BOM is not written to the UTF-8 output. Instead,
// it overrides the default endianness e for the remainder of the
// transformation. Any subsequent BOMs U+FEFF or noncharacters U+FFFE will not
// affect the endianness used, and will instead be output as their standard
// UTF-8 encodings.
// When encoding from UTF-8 to UTF-16, a BOM will be inserted at the start of
// the output if the BOMPolicy is ExpectBOM. Otherwise, a BOM will not be
// inserted. The UTF-8 input does not need to contain a BOM.
// There is no concept of a 'native' endianness. If the UTF-16 data is produced
// and consumed in a greater context that implies a certain endianness, use
// IgnoreBOM. Otherwise, use ExpectBOM and always produce and consume a BOM.
// In the language of, IgnoreBOM
// corresponds to "Where the precise type of the data stream is known... the
// BOM should not be used" and ExpectBOM corresponds to "A particular
// protocol... may require use of the BOM".
func UTF16(e Endianness, b BOMPolicy) encoding.Encoding {
return utf16Encoding{e, b}
// BOMPolicy is a UTF-16 encoding's byte order mark policy.
type BOMPolicy bool
const (
// IgnoreBOM means to ignore any byte order marks.
IgnoreBOM BOMPolicy = false
// ExpectBOM means that the UTF-16 form is expected to start with a
// byte order mark.
ExpectBOM BOMPolicy = true
// Endianness is a UTF-16 encoding's default endianness.
type Endianness bool
const (
// BigEndian is UTF-16BE.
BigEndian Endianness = false
// LittleEndian is UTF-16LE.
LittleEndian Endianness = true
// ErrMissingBOM means that decoding UTF-16 input with ExpectBOM did not find a
// starting byte order mark.
var ErrMissingBOM = errors.New("encoding: missing byte order mark")
type utf16Encoding struct {
endianness Endianness
bomPolicy BOMPolicy
func (u utf16Encoding) NewDecoder() transform.Transformer {
return &utf16Decoder{
endianness: u.endianness,
initialBOMPolicy: u.bomPolicy,
currentBOMPolicy: u.bomPolicy,
func (u utf16Encoding) NewEncoder() transform.Transformer {
return &utf16Encoder{
endianness: u.endianness,
initialBOMPolicy: u.bomPolicy,
currentBOMPolicy: u.bomPolicy,
func (u utf16Encoding) String() string {
e, b := "B", "Ignore"
if u.endianness == LittleEndian {
e = "L"
if u.bomPolicy == ExpectBOM {
b = "Expect"
return "UTF-16" + e + "E (" + b + " BOM)"
type utf16Decoder struct {
endianness Endianness
initialBOMPolicy BOMPolicy
currentBOMPolicy BOMPolicy
func (u *utf16Decoder) Reset() {
u.currentBOMPolicy = u.initialBOMPolicy
func (u *utf16Decoder) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) {
if u.currentBOMPolicy == ExpectBOM {
if len(src) < 2 {
return 0, 0, transform.ErrShortSrc
switch {
case src[0] == 0xfe && src[1] == 0xff:
u.endianness = BigEndian
case src[0] == 0xff && src[1] == 0xfe:
u.endianness = LittleEndian
return 0, 0, ErrMissingBOM
u.currentBOMPolicy = IgnoreBOM
nSrc = 2
for nSrc+1 < len(src) {
x := uint16(src[nSrc+0])<<8 | uint16(src[nSrc+1])
if u.endianness == LittleEndian {
x = x>>8 | x<<8
r, sSize := rune(x), 2
if utf16.IsSurrogate(r) {
if nSrc+3 >= len(src) {
x = uint16(src[nSrc+2])<<8 | uint16(src[nSrc+3])
if u.endianness == LittleEndian {
x = x>>8 | x<<8
r, sSize = utf16.DecodeRune(r, rune(x)), 4
dSize := utf8.RuneLen(r)
if dSize < 0 {
r, dSize = utf8.RuneError, 3
if nDst+dSize > len(dst) {
err = transform.ErrShortDst
nDst += utf8.EncodeRune(dst[nDst:], r)
nSrc += sSize
if err == nil && nSrc != len(src) {
err = transform.ErrShortSrc
return nDst, nSrc, err
type utf16Encoder struct {
endianness Endianness
initialBOMPolicy BOMPolicy
currentBOMPolicy BOMPolicy
func (u *utf16Encoder) Reset() {
u.currentBOMPolicy = u.initialBOMPolicy
func (u *utf16Encoder) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) {
if u.currentBOMPolicy == ExpectBOM {
if len(dst) < 2 {
return 0, 0, transform.ErrShortDst
dst[0], dst[1] = 0xfe, 0xff
u.currentBOMPolicy = IgnoreBOM
nDst = 2
r, size := rune(0), 0
for nSrc < len(src) {
r = rune(src[nSrc])
// Decode a 1-byte rune.
if r < utf8.RuneSelf {
size = 1
} else {
// Decode a multi-byte rune.
r, size = utf8.DecodeRune(src[nSrc:])
if size == 1 {
// All valid runes of size 1 (those below utf8.RuneSelf) were
// handled above. We have invalid UTF-8 or we haven't seen the
// full character yet.
if !atEOF && !utf8.FullRune(src[nSrc:]) {
err = transform.ErrShortSrc
if r <= 0xffff {
if nDst+2 > len(dst) {
err = transform.ErrShortDst
dst[nDst+0] = uint8(r >> 8)
dst[nDst+1] = uint8(r)
nDst += 2
} else {
if nDst+4 > len(dst) {
err = transform.ErrShortDst
r1, r2 := utf16.EncodeRune(r)
dst[nDst+0] = uint8(r1 >> 8)
dst[nDst+1] = uint8(r1)
dst[nDst+2] = uint8(r2 >> 8)
dst[nDst+3] = uint8(r2)
nDst += 4
nSrc += size
if u.endianness == LittleEndian {
for i := 0; i < nDst; i += 2 {
dst[i], dst[i+1] = dst[i+1], dst[i]
return nDst, nSrc, err