blob: 7fc2ea7d16eaa5b89dcee722e95a2201a3f65dbe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package catalog
import (
type entry struct {
tag, key string
msg interface{}
var testCases = []struct {
desc string
cat []entry
lookup []entry
desc: "empty catalog",
lookup: []entry{
{"en", "key", ""},
{"en", "", ""},
{"nl", "", ""},
}, {
desc: "one entry",
cat: []entry{
{"en", "hello", "Hello!"},
lookup: []entry{
{"und", "hello", ""},
{"nl", "hello", ""},
{"en", "hello", "Hello!"},
{"en-US", "hello", "Hello!"},
{"en-GB", "hello", "Hello!"},
{"en-oxendict", "hello", "Hello!"},
{"en-oxendict-u-ms-metric", "hello", "Hello!"},
}, {
desc: "hierarchical languages",
cat: []entry{
{"en", "hello", "Hello!"},
{"en-GB", "hello", "Hellø!"},
{"en-US", "hello", "Howdy!"},
{"en", "greetings", "Greetings!"},
lookup: []entry{
{"und", "hello", ""},
{"nl", "hello", ""},
{"en", "hello", "Hello!"},
{"en-US", "hello", "Howdy!"},
{"en-GB", "hello", "Hellø!"},
{"en-oxendict", "hello", "Hello!"},
{"en-US-oxendict-u-ms-metric", "hello", "Howdy!"},
{"und", "greetings", ""},
{"nl", "greetings", ""},
{"en", "greetings", "Greetings!"},
{"en-US", "greetings", "Greetings!"},
{"en-GB", "greetings", "Greetings!"},
{"en-oxendict", "greetings", "Greetings!"},
{"en-US-oxendict-u-ms-metric", "greetings", "Greetings!"},
}, {
desc: "variables",
cat: []entry{
{"en", "hello %s", []Message{
Var("person", String("Jane")),
String("Hello ${person}!"),
{"en", "hello error", []Message{
Var("person", String("Jane")),
noMatchMessage{}, // trigger sequence path.
String("Hello ${person."),
{"en", "fallback to var value", []Message{
Var("you", noMatchMessage{}, noMatchMessage{}),
String("Hello ${you}."),
{"en", "scopes", []Message{
Var("person1", String("Mark")),
Var("person2", String("Jane")),
Var("person1", String("Joe")),
String("${person1} and ${person2}")),
String("Hello ${couple}."),
{"en", "missing var", String("Hello ${missing}.")},
lookup: []entry{
{"en", "hello %s", "Hello Jane!"},
{"en", "hello error", "Hello $!(MISSINGBRACE)"},
{"en", "fallback to var value", "Hello you."},
{"en", "scopes", "Hello Joe and Jane."},
{"en", "missing var", "Hello missing."},
}, {
desc: "macros",
cat: []entry{
{"en", "macro1", String("Hello ${macro1(1)}.")},
{"en", "macro2", String("Hello ${ macro1(2) }!")},
{"en", "macroWS", String("Hello ${ macro1( 2 ) }!")},
{"en", "missing", String("Hello ${ missing(1 }.")},
{"en", "badnum", String("Hello ${ badnum(1b) }.")},
{"en", "undefined", String("Hello ${ undefined(1) }.")},
{"en", "macroU", String("Hello ${ macroU(2) }!")},
lookup: []entry{
{"en", "macro1", "Hello Joe."},
{"en", "macro2", "Hello Joe!"},
{"en-US", "macroWS", "Hello Joe!"},
{"en-NL", "missing", "Hello $!(MISSINGPAREN)."},
{"en", "badnum", "Hello $!(BADNUM)."},
{"en", "undefined", "Hello undefined."},
{"en", "macroU", "Hello macroU!"},
func setMacros(b *Builder) {
b.SetMacro(language.English, "macro1", String("Joe"))
b.SetMacro(language.Und, "macro2", String("${macro1(1)}"))
b.SetMacro(language.English, "macroU", noMatchMessage{})
func initBuilder(t *testing.T, entries []entry) (Catalog, []language.Tag) {
tags := []language.Tag{}
cat := NewBuilder()
for _, e := range entries {
tag := language.MustParse(e.tag)
tags = append(tags, tag)
switch msg := e.msg.(type) {
case string:
cat.SetString(tag, e.key, msg)
case Message:
cat.Set(tag, e.key, msg)
case []Message:
cat.Set(tag, e.key, msg...)
return cat, internal.UniqueTags(tags)
type dictionary map[string]string
func (d dictionary) Lookup(key string) (data string, ok bool) {
data, ok = d[key]
return data, ok
func initCatalog(t *testing.T, entries []entry) (Catalog, []language.Tag) {
m := map[string]Dictionary{}
for _, e := range entries {
m[e.tag] = dictionary{}
for _, e := range entries {
var msg Message
switch x := e.msg.(type) {
case string:
msg = String(x)
case Message:
msg = x
case []Message:
msg = firstInSequence(x)
data, _ := catmsg.Compile(language.MustParse(e.tag), nil, msg)
m[e.tag].(dictionary)[e.key] = data
c, err := NewFromMap(m)
if err != nil {
// TODO: implement macros for fixed catalogs.
b := NewBuilder()
c.(*catalog).macros.index = b.macros.index
return c, c.Languages()
func TestCatalog(t *testing.T) { testCatalog(t, initCatalog) }
func TestBuilder(t *testing.T) { testCatalog(t, initBuilder) }
func testCatalog(t *testing.T, init func(*testing.T, []entry) (Catalog, []language.Tag)) {
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s", tc.desc), func(t *testing.T) {
cat, wantTags := init(t,
if got := cat.Languages(); !reflect.DeepEqual(got, wantTags) {
t.Errorf("%s:Languages: got %v; want %v", tc.desc, got, wantTags)
for _, e := range tc.lookup {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", e.tag, e.key), func(t *testing.T) {
tag := language.MustParse(e.tag)
buf := testRenderer{}
ctx := cat.Context(tag, &buf)
want := e.msg.(string)
err := ctx.Execute(e.key)
gotFound := err != ErrNotFound
wantFound := want != ""
if gotFound != wantFound {
t.Fatalf("err: got %v (%v); want %v", gotFound, err, wantFound)
if got := buf.buf.String(); got != want {
t.Errorf("Lookup:\ngot %q\nwant %q", got, want)
type testRenderer struct {
buf bytes.Buffer
func (f *testRenderer) Arg(i int) interface{} { return nil }
func (f *testRenderer) Render(s string) { f.buf.WriteString(s) }
var msgNoMatch = catmsg.Register("no match", func(d *catmsg.Decoder) bool {
return false // no match
type noMatchMessage struct{}
func (noMatchMessage) Compile(e *catmsg.Encoder) error {
return catmsg.ErrIncomplete