blob: 18f692791a0f7f1a480fed03fd04330fb7f748c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// This file was generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT
package cases
// This file contains definitions for interpreting the trie value of the case
// trie generated by "go run gen*.go". It is shared by both the generator
// program and the resultant package. Sharing is achieved by the generator
// copying gen_trieval.go to trieval.go and changing what's above this comment.
// info holds case information for a single rune. It is the value returned
// by a trie lookup. Most mapping information can be stored in a single 16-bit
// value. If not, for example when a rune is mapped to multiple runes, the value
// stores some basic case data and an index into an array with additional data.
// The per-rune values have the following format:
// if (exception) {
// 15..5 unsigned exception index
// } else {
// 15..6 XOR pattern for case mapping
// 5..4 CCC: zero (normal or break), above or other
// }
// 3 exception: interpret this value as an exception index
// 2..0 case mode
// For the non-exceptional cases, a rune must be either uncased, lowercase or
// uppercase. If the rune is cased, the XOR pattern maps either a lowercase
// rune to uppercase or an uppercase rune to lowercase (applied to the 10
// least-significant bits of the rune).
// See the definitions below for a more detailed description of the various
// bits.
type info uint16
const (
casedMask = 0x0003
fullCasedMask = 0x0007
ignorableMask = 0x0006
ignorableValue = 0x0004
exceptionBit = 1 << 3
exceptionShift = 5
numExceptionBits = 11
xorShift = 6
xorBitsPerByte = 6
numXORBits = 10
// There is no mapping if all xor bits and the exception bit are zero.
hasMappingMask = 0xffc0 | exceptionBit
// The case mode bits encodes the case type of a rune. This includes uncased,
// title, upper and lower case and case ignorable. (For a definition of these
// terms see Chapter 3 of The Unicode Standard Core Specification.) In some rare
// cases, a rune can be both cased and case-ignorable. This is encoded by
// cIgnorableCased. A rune of this type is always lower case. Some runes are
// cased while not having a mapping.
// A common pattern for scripts in the Unicode standard is for upper and lower
// case runes to alternate for increasing rune values (e.g. the accented Latin
// ranges starting from U+0100 and U+1E00 among others andsome Cyrillic
// characters). We use this property by defining a cXORCase mode, where the case
// mode (always upper or lower case) is derived from the rune value. As the XOR
// pattern for case mappings is often identical for successive runes, using
// cXORCase can result in large series of identical trie values. This, in turn,
// allows us to better compress the trie blocks.
const (
cUncased info = iota // 000
cTitle // 001
cLower // 010
cUpper // 011
cIgnorableUncased // 100
cIgnorableCased // 101 // lower case if mappings exist
cXORCase // 11x // case is cLower | ((rune&1) ^ x)
maxCaseMode = cUpper
func (c info) isCased() bool {
return c&casedMask != 0
func (c info) isCaseIgnorable() bool {
return c&ignorableMask == ignorableValue
func (c info) isCaseIgnorableAndNonBreakStarter() bool {
return c&(fullCasedMask|cccMask) == (ignorableValue | cccZero)
func (c info) isNotCasedAndNotCaseIgnorable() bool {
return c&fullCasedMask == 0
func (c info) isCaseIgnorableAndNotCased() bool {
return c&fullCasedMask == cIgnorableUncased
// The case mapping implementation will need to know about various Canonical
// Combining Class (CCC) values. We encode two of these in the trie value:
// cccZero (0) and cccAbove (230). If the value is cccOther, it means that
// CCC(r) > 0, but not 230. A value of cccBreak means that CCC(r) == 0 and that
// the rune also has the break category Break (see below).
const (
cccBreak info = iota << 4
cccMask = cccBreak | cccZero | cccAbove | cccOther
func (c info) cccVal() info {
if c&exceptionBit != 0 {
return cccZero
return c & cccMask
func (c info) cccType() info {
ccc := c.cccVal()
if ccc <= cccZero {
return cccZero
return ccc
const (
starter = 0
above = 230
iotaSubscript = 240
// TODO: Implement full Unicode breaking algorithm:
// 1) Implement breaking in separate package.
// 2) Use the breaker here.
// 3) Compare table size and performance of using the more generic breaker.
// Note that we can extend the current algorithm to be much more accurate. This
// only makes sense, though, if the performance and/or space penalty of using
// the generic breaker is big. Extra data will only be needed for non-cased
// runes, which means there are sufficient bits left in the caseType.
// Also note that the standard breaking algorithm doesn't always make sense
// for title casing. For example, a4a -> A4a, but a"4a -> A"4A (where " stands
// for modifier \u0308).
// ICU prohibits breaking in such cases as well.
// For the purpose of title casing we use an approximation of the Unicode Word
// Breaking algorithm defined in Annex #29:
// For our approximation, we group the Word Break types into the following
// categories, with associated rules:
// 1) Letter:
// ALetter, Hebrew_Letter, Numeric, ExtendNumLet, Extend.
// Rule: Never break between consecutive runes of this category.
// 2) Mid:
// Format, MidLetter, MidNumLet, Single_Quote.
// (Cf. case-ignorable: MidLetter, MidNumLet or cat is Mn, Me, Cf, Lm or Sk).
// Rule: Don't break between Letter and Mid, but break between two Mids.
// 3) Break:
// Any other category, including NewLine, CR, LF and Double_Quote. These
// categories should always result in a break between two cased letters.
// Rule: Always break.
// Note 1: the Katakana and MidNum categories can, in esoteric cases, result in
// preventing a break between two cased letters. For now we will ignore this
// (e.g. [ALetter] [ExtendNumLet] [Katakana] [ExtendNumLet] [ALetter] and
// [ALetter] [Numeric] [MidNum] [Numeric] [ALetter].)
// Note 2: the rule for Mid is very approximate, but works in most cases. To
// improve, we could store the categories in the trie value and use a FA to
// manage breaks. See TODO comment above.
// Note 3: according to the spec, it is possible for the Extend category to
// introduce breaks between other categories grouped in Letter. However, this
// is undesirable for our purposes. ICU prevents breaks in such cases as well.
// isBreak returns whether this rune should introduce a break.
func (c info) isBreak() bool {
return c.cccVal() == cccBreak
// isLetter returns whether the rune is of break type ALetter, Hebrew_Letter,
// Numeric, ExtendNumLet, or Extend.
func (c info) isLetter() bool {
ccc := c.cccVal()
if ccc == cccZero {
return !c.isCaseIgnorable()
return ccc != cccBreak
// The exceptions slice holds data that does not fit in a normal info entry.
// The entry is pointed to by the exception index in an entry. It has the
// following format:
// Header:
// byte 0: // TODO: case folding not implemented yet.
// 7 conditional case folding
// 6 conditional special casing
// 6..3 length of case folding
// 2..0 length of closure mapping (up to 7).
// byte 1:
// 7..6 unused
// 5..3 length of 1st mapping of case type
// 2..0 length of 2nd mapping of case type
// case 1st 2nd
// lower -> upper, title
// upper -> lower, title
// title -> lower, upper
// Lengths with the value 0x7 indicate no value and implies no change.
// A length of 0 indicates a mapping to zero-length string.
// Body bytes:
// lowercase mapping bytes
// uppercase mapping bytes
// titlecase mapping bytes
// case folding bytes
// closure mapping bytes
// Fallbacks:
// missing fold -> lower
// missing title -> upper
// all missing -> original rune
// exceptions starts with a dummy byte to enforce that there is no zero index
// value.
const (
lengthMask = 0x07
lengthBits = 3
noChange = 0
// References to generated trie.
var trie = newCaseTrie(0)
var sparse = sparseBlocks{
values: sparseValues[:],
offsets: sparseOffsets[:],
// Sparse block lookup code.
// valueRange is an entry in a sparse block.
type valueRange struct {
value uint16
lo, hi byte
type sparseBlocks struct {
values []valueRange
offsets []uint16
// lookup returns the value from values block n for byte b using binary search.
func (s *sparseBlocks) lookup(n uint32, b byte) uint16 {
lo := s.offsets[n]
hi := s.offsets[n+1]
for lo < hi {
m := lo + (hi-lo)/2
r := s.values[m]
if r.lo <= b && b <= r.hi {
return r.value
if b < r.lo {
hi = m
} else {
lo = m + 1
return 0
// lastRuneForTesting is the last rune used for testing. Everything after this
// is boring.
const lastRuneForTesting = rune(0x1FFFF)