| # worker |
| |
| ## Endpoints |
| |
| ### `/merge/?date=<YYYY-MM-DD>` |
| |
| The merge endpoint reads the set of reports from the upload bucket prefixed with |
| the value of the data param and encodes each report as newline separated JSON in |
| a merged report. It returns the number of reports merged and the location of the |
| merged report. |
| |
| ### `/chart` |
| |
| The /chart endpoint reads the file named 'YYYY-MM-DD.json' containing reports |
| from the given date from the merge bucket and generates chart data based on |
| these reports. It returns the number of reports used to generate the chart and |
| the location where the chart data is stored. |
| |
| #### `/chart/?date=<YYYY-MM-DD>` |
| |
| Use this endpoint to generate charts from a report on a specific date. The |
| worker will retrieve the report for the provided date from the merge bucket. |
| |
| #### `/chart/?start=<YYYY-MM-DD>&end=<YYYY-MM-DD>` |
| |
| Use this endpoint to generate an aggregate chart file containing data from the |
| provided date range (inclusive) from the merge bucket. |
| |
| ### `/copy` (dev env only) |
| |
| This endpoint facilitates the copying of uploaded reports from the prod |
| environment's "uploaded" bucket to the dev environment's "uploaded" bucket. |
| |
| Since we don't have clients regularly uploading data to dev, copying seeds the |
| dev environment with data. |
| |
| Similar to the /chart endpoint, /copy also supports the following query |
| parameters: |
| |
| - `/?date=<YYYY-MM-DD>``: Copies reports for a specific date. |
| - `/?start=<YYYY-MM-DD>&end=<YYYY-MM-DD>``: Copies reports within a specified date range. |
| |
| ### `/queue-tasks` |
| |
| The queue-tasks endpoint is responsible for task distribution. When invoked, it |
| triggers the following actions: |
| |
| - call merge endpoint to merge uploaded reports for the past 7 days. |
| - call chart endpoint to generate daily charts for the 7 days preceding today. |
| - call chart endpoint to generate weekly charts for the past 8 days. |
| |
| ## Local Development |
| |
| For local development, simply build and run. It serves on localhost:8082. |
| |
| go run ./godev/cmd/worker |
| |
| By default, the server will use the filesystem for storage object I/O. Use the |
| -gcs flag to use the Cloud Storage API. |
| |
| go run ./godev/cmd/worker --gcs |
| |
| Optionally, use the localstorage devtool the emulate the GCS server on your |
| machine. |
| |
| ./godev/devtools/localstorage.sh |
| STORAGE_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:8081 go run ./godev/cmd/worker --gcs |
| |
| ### Environment Variables |
| |
| | Name | Default | Description | |
| | ------------------------------ | --------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | |
| | GO_TELEMETRY_PROJECT_ID | go-telemetry | GCP project ID | |
| | GO_TELEMETRY_LOCAL_STORAGE | .localstorage | Directory for storage emulator I/O or file system storage | |
| | GO_TELEMETRY_UPLOAD_CONFIG | ../config/config.json | Location of the upload config used for report validation | |
| | GO_TELEMETRY_MAX_REQUEST_BYTES | 102400 | Maximum request body size the server allows | |
| | GO_TELEMETRY_ENV | local | Deployment environment (e.g. prod, dev, local, ... ) | |
| | GO_TELEMETRY_LOCATION_ID | | GCP location of the service (e.g, us-east1) | |
| | GO_TELEMETRY_SERVICE_ACCOUNT | | GCP service account used for queueing work tasks | |
| | GO_TELEMETRY_CLIENT_ID | | GCP OAuth client used in authentication for queue tasks | |
| | GO_TELEMETRY_WORKER_URL | http://localhost:8082 | | |
| |
| ## Testing |
| |
| The worker servie has a suite of regression tests that can be run with: |
| |
| go test golang.org/x/telemetry/... |
| |
| ## Deploying |
| |
| Each time a CL is reviewed and submitted, the site is automatically deployed to |
| Cloud Run. If it passes its serving-readiness checks, it will be automatically |
| promoted to handle traffic. |
| |
| If the automatic deployment is not working, or to check on the status of a |
| pending deployment, see the “worker” trigger in the |
| [Cloud Build history](https://console.cloud.google.com/cloud-build/builds?project=go-telemetry). |
| |
| ### Test Instance |
| |
| To deploy a test instance of this service, push to a branch and manually trigger |
| the deploy job from the |
| [Cloud Build console](https://console.cloud.google.com/cloud-build/triggers?project=go-telemetry) |
| with the desired values for branch and service name. |