present/dir.go: be more idiomatic when documenting boolean return values.
Phrases like "returns whether or not the image is opaque" could be
describing what the function does (it always returns, regardless of
the opacity) or what it returns (a boolean indicating the opacity).
Even when the "or not" is missing, the phrasing is bizarre.

Go with "reports whether", which is still clunky but at least makes
it clear we're talking about the return value.

R=golang-dev, dsymonds
diff --git a/present/dir.go b/present/dir.go
index 0a04fef..c8c8304 100644
--- a/present/dir.go
+++ b/present/dir.go
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
 	return true, dirListTemplate.Execute(w, d)
-// showFile returns whether the given file should be displayed in the list.
+// showFile reports whether the given file should be displayed in the list.
 func showFile(n string) bool {
 	switch filepath.Ext(n) {
 	case ".pdf":
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
 	return true
-// showDir returns whether the given directory should be displayed in the list.
+// showDir reports whether the given directory should be displayed in the list.
 func showDir(n string) bool {
 	if len(n) > 0 && (n[0] == '.' || n[0] == '_') || n == "present" {
 		return false