go.talks: add "Towards Go 1.3" talk

LGTM=dvyukov, r
R=dvyukov, r, josharian, nightlyone, nj
CC=golang-codereviews, golang-dev
diff --git a/2014/go1.3.slide b/2014/go1.3.slide
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21c5720
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2014/go1.3.slide
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+Toward Go 1.3
+(and beyond)
+Andrew Gerrand
+* Go 1.3
+Code freeze is March 1, 2014.
+Release is June 1, 2014.
+(Six months after Go 1.2, released December 1, 2013.)
+* A to-do list
+After Go 1.2 the Go contributors compiled a to-do list:
+.link http://golang.org/s/go13todo
+The list is aspirational; not all of it will get done.
+This talk is based on that list.
+* 100% precise GC
+* Copying stacks (1/2)
+.link http://golang.org/s/contigstacks
+Go 1.2's stack split mechanism has a "hot split" problem.
+Copying (or "contiguous") stacks are grown by reallocation and copying.
+Resolves the "hot split" problem.
+Makes smaller initial stacks practical - more goroutines in the same space.
+* Copying stacks (2/2)
+.image go1.3/json.png
+* Dmitry's bag of performance tricks
+Runtime changes:
+- increase page size to 8K (~10% GC less pause time)
+- do not collect GC roots explicitly (~6% GC less pause time)
+- prefetch next block in mallocgc (~2% less CPU)
+- smarter slice grow (2-20% less CPU)
+- combine small NoScan allocations (10% faster json benchmark)
+- do not zero terminate strings (1% fewer allocs json benchmark)
+- remove locks from netpoll hotpaths (~5% faster TCP)
+- allocate goroutine ids in batches (8-66% faster goroutine creation)
+- use lock-free ring for work queues (5-40% faster goroutine scheduling)
+- per-P defer pool (memory savings for programs with many goroutines)
+And many more to come...
+* Channel rewrite
+.link http://golang.org/s/go13chan
+- make single-threaded (non-contended) channel operations faster
+- make contended buffered (producer/consumer) channel operations faster
+- make non-blocking failing operations (e.g. checking of "stop" channel) faster
+- make chan semaphores (chan struct{}) faster
+- make select statements faster
+- make channels completely lock-free (this would significantly complicate implementation and make it slower for common cases)
+- make contended synchronous channel operations faster
+* sync.Pool (1/2)
+Many Go libraries include custom thread-safe free lists, like this:
+	var objPool = make(chan *Object, 10)
+	func obj() *Object {
+		select {
+		case p := <-objPool:
+			return p
+		default:
+		}
+		return NewObject()
+	}
+	func objPut(p *Object) {
+		select {
+		case objPool <- p:
+		default:
+		}
+	}
+	p := obj()
+	// use p
+	objPut(p)
+* sync.Pool (2/2)
+The `sync.Pool` type provides a general thread-safe global free list.
+It allows the runtime to reclaim entries when appropriate
+(for example, during garbage collection).
+	var objPool = sync.Pool{
+		New: func() interface{} {
+			return NewObject()
+		},
+	}
+	p := objPool.Get().(*Object)
+	// use p
+	objPool.Put(p)
+This is an experimental type and might not be released.
+* Native Client port
+.link http://golang.org/s/go13nacl
+Native Client (NaCl) is a restricted execution environment for x86 binaries.
+Notably used to run compiled binaries inside Google Chrome.
+NaCl also provides a tool for executing command-line binaries
+Go 1.3 targets that command-line tool for 32-bit and 64-bit x86 architectures.
+(NaCl supports 32-bit ARM, but we have no plans to support it.)
+The [[http://play.golang.org][Go Playground]] uses the NaCl tool chain to safely execute untrusted programs.
+The NaCl tool chain includes the fake time, network, and file system capabilities of the playground.
+* OS ports
+Solaris: work in progress, on track for Go 1.3.
+DragonflyBSD: work is done, looking for a maintainer.
+Plan 9: still not finished.
+darwin/arm, android/arm: a contributor is working on these, some way to go.
+* The go command and fsnotify
+.link http://golang.org/s/go13fsnotify
+In Go 1.2, `go` `build` stats every dependent source file to see whether they have changed.
+This is a big chunk of total build time.
+The proposed "go background" command starts a daemon that watches source files for changes.
+When building, the `go` commands can ask the daemon which files have changed.
+A new `os/fsnotify` package will be added to the standard library to support the `go` command.
+A proposed interface is discussed here:
+.link http://golang.org/cl/48310043
+* Support for linking against Objective C code
+The Go 1.2 tool chain can link against C++ code using `cgo` (but you need to write a small C bridge into the C++ code).
+The same can be done for Objective C code, with some modifications to the go tool.
+This will make it easier to write native OS X applications.
+* Address binary bloat
+.link http://golang.org/issue/6853
+Go binaries are getting pretty big. Rob ran an experiment:
+	As an experiment, I built "hello, world" at the release points for go 1.0. 1.1, and 1.2.
+	Here are the binary's sizes:
+	% ls -l x.1.?
+	-rwxr-xr-x  1 r  staff  1191952 Nov 30 10:25 x.1.0
+	-rwxr-xr-x  1 r  staff  1525936 Nov 30 10:20 x.1.1
+	-rwxr-xr-x  1 r  staff  2188576 Nov 30 10:18 x.1.2
+Go binaries contain several sets of debugging symbols (for gdb, profilers, reflection, etc).
+We intend to rationalize these as part of some work on the linker.
+Speaking of which...
+* Linker overhaul (1/3)
+.link http://golang.org/s/go13linker
+The `gc` tool chain is a bit unconventional.
+The compilers don't emit machine code but an intermediate assembly language.
+The linker translates it into machine code.
+The packages can be compiled in parallel by independent runs of the compiler,
+but the linking must be done by a single linker process after compilation is complete.
+The `gc` linker has become a bottleneck in building programs
+because it does more work than a typical linker.
+* Linker overhaul (2/3)
+The Go 1.2 linker's job can be split into two parts:
+- translate an input stream of pseudo-instructions into executable code, data blocks, and a list of relocations,
+- delete dead code, merge what's left, resolve relocations, and generate a few whole-program data structures.
+.image go1.3/liblink1.png
+* Linker overhaul (3/3)
+In Go 1.3, much of the old linker is moved to a `liblink` library that is then used by assemblers and compilers (`6a`, `6c`, `6g`, etc). This allows more work to be done in parallel.
+.image go1.3/liblink2.png
+And because the linker is much simpler now, we can rewrite it in Go.
+* Compiler overhaul
+.link http://golang.org/s/go13compiler
+The "gc" tool chain is based on the Plan 9 C compilers.
+The assemblers, C compilers, and linkers were lifted wholesale.
+The Go compilers are new C programs that fit into that tool chain.
+Wouldn't it be nice to have a Go compiler written in Go?
+* Compiler overhaul: why C then?
+Many benefits to writing the compiler in C:
+- Go did not exist
+- Once Go did exist, it changed often
+Today, Go does exist and is stable as of Go 1.
+These benefits not as relevant now.
+* Compiler overhaul: why Go now?
+The benefits of a Go-based compiler:
+- Go code is easier to write and debug
+- Go has better support for modularity, automated rewriting, unit testing, and profiling
+- Go programmers are more likely to work on a compiler written in Go
+- Go code is easier to parallelize
+- Go is more fun!
+* Compiler overhaul: the plan
+Not a rewrite.
+Translate the C compilers to Go.
+Write and use an automatic translator to do this.
+Start the process with Go 1.3 and continue in future releases.
+* Compiler overhaul: five phases
+- Develop and debug the translator.
+- Translate the C to Go and delete the C code.
+- Clean up and document the code, add unit tests. (Target Go 1.4)
+- Profile and optimize the compiler and split it into packages.
+- Replace the front end with `go/parser` and `go/types`. (Maybe with new versions of those packages.)
+* Compiler overhaul: bootstrapping
+Must have a way to build the compiler from scratch.
+Our plan is that the Go 1.3 compiler must compile using Go 1.2, and Go 1.4 must compile with Go 1.3, and so on.
+Write a shell script to do this automatically. Bootstrap once per machine.
+This scales poorly over time, so we might write a back end for the compiler that generates C code, and keep the C version of the compiler sources checked in.
+* Compiler overhaul: alternatives
+Write new compilers from scratch?
+- The existing compilers are well-tested and handle many subtle cases well; would be foolish to throw away 10 man-years of effort.
+Translate the compiler manually?
+- Translation is tedious and error-prone, mistakes are subtle and hard to find. Can continue to work on existing compilers while writing the translator.
+Translate just the back ends and connect to `go/parser` and `go/types` immediately?
+- The existing APIs are very different; too much work to undertake at once.
+Discard the current compilers and use gccgo (or `go/parser` and `go/types` and LLVM)?
+- The current compilers are a large part of our flexibility. Tying Go to large C/C++ projects like GCC or LLVM hurts that flexibility.
+* Lots of small things
+As with previous releases, we'll see a long tail of small fixes and changes.
diff --git a/2014/go1.3/json.png b/2014/go1.3/json.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab542e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2014/go1.3/json.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/2014/go1.3/liblink.graffle b/2014/go1.3/liblink.graffle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d193382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2014/go1.3/liblink.graffle
@@ -0,0 +1,1268 @@
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+			<integer>67</integer>
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+				<string>{373.75, 417.03887110316862}</string>
+				<string>{416, 417.03887110316862}</string>
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+			<dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>HeadArrow</key>
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+					<key>Legacy</key>
+					<true/>
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+					<integer>1</integer>
+					<key>TailArrow</key>
+					<string>0</string>
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+			<dict>
+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>64</integer>
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+		<dict>
+			<key>Class</key>
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+			<key>Head</key>
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+				<string>{289.75, 417.03886858470719}</string>
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+					<key>HeadArrow</key>
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+					<key>Legacy</key>
+					<true/>
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+					<integer>1</integer>
+					<key>TailArrow</key>
+					<string>0</string>
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+			<dict>
+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>46</integer>
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+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{296.75, 401.95199012756348}, {70, 64.751556396484375}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>65</integer>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Rectangle</string>
+			<key>Text</key>
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+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1265
+{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 Delete dead code, link binary}</string>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{290.25, 361.53887748718262}, {83, 111}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>ID</key>
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+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Rectangle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
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+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1265
+{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 Linker\
+(6l, 8l, etc)}</string>
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+			<integer>0</integer>
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+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>FitText</key>
+			<string>YES</string>
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+					<key>Draws</key>
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+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
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+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
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+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1265
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+\f0\fs24 \cf0 Executable\
+				<key>VerticalPad</key>
+				<integer>0</integer>
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+			<string>NO</string>
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+			<key>Head</key>
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+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>60</integer>
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+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>61</integer>
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+				<string>{451.49999999999966, 108.99990395818676}</string>
+				<string>{484, 108.99986518354167}</string>
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+					<string>0</string>
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+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>28</integer>
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+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{484, 95}, {60, 28}}</string>
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+			<string>Resize</string>
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+			<integer>60</integer>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Rectangle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>fill</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
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+				<key>shadow</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
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+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
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+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1265
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+\f0\fs24 \cf0 Executable\
+				<key>VerticalPad</key>
+				<integer>0</integer>
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+			<key>Wrap</key>
+			<string>NO</string>
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+			<key>Class</key>
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+				<string>{331.75000961041695, 193}</string>
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+			<dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Color</key>
+					<dict>
+						<key>b</key>
+						<string>0.088643</string>
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+						<string>0</string>
+						<key>r</key>
+						<string>0.838867</string>
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+					<string>0</string>
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+					<integer>1</integer>
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+					<string>0</string>
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+			<dict>
+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>38</integer>
+			</dict>
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+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{233.75, 193}, {196, 14}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
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+			<key>Flow</key>
+			<string>Resize</string>
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+				<key>Color</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>b</key>
+					<string>0</string>
+					<key>g</key>
+					<string>0.00579522</string>
+					<key>r</key>
+					<string>0.491593</string>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>58</integer>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Rectangle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>fill</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>shadow</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Pad</key>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1265
+{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf2 To be extracted as the "liblink" library}</string>
+				<key>VerticalPad</key>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Wrap</key>
+			<string>NO</string>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{80.875, 511.23331069946312}, {51.5, 28}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>FontInfo</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Color</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>b</key>
+					<string>0.0128754</string>
+					<key>g</key>
+					<string>0</string>
+					<key>r</key>
+					<string>0.546174</string>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>55</integer>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Rectangle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Color</key>
+					<dict>
+						<key>b</key>
+						<string>0.088643</string>
+						<key>g</key>
+						<string>0</string>
+						<key>r</key>
+						<string>0.838867</string>
+					</dict>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1265
+{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf2 liblink}</string>
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+			<key>Head</key>
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+				<key>ID</key>
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+			<key>Class</key>
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+			<key>Head</key>
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+				<key>ID</key>
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+					<key>TailArrow</key>
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+			<string>Resize</string>
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+					<key>Draws</key>
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+				<key>shadow</key>
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+					<key>Draws</key>
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+					<key>Draws</key>
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+\f0\fs24 \cf0 Assembler\
+(6a, 8a, etc)}</string>
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+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1265
+{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
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+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1265
+{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 Go compiler\
+(6g, 8g, etc)}</string>
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+		<dict>
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+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{375.25, 92.499996185302734}, {70, 64.751556396484375}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>ID</key>
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+		<dict>
+			<key>Class</key>
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+				<key>stroke</key>
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+					<key>HeadArrow</key>
+					<string>FilledArrow</string>
+					<key>Legacy</key>
+					<true/>
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+					<integer>1</integer>
+					<key>TailArrow</key>
+					<string>0</string>
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+			<key>Tail</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>32</integer>
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+		<dict>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>LineGraphic</string>
+			<key>Head</key>
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+				<key>ID</key>
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+					<key>Legacy</key>
+					<true/>
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+					<key>TailArrow</key>
+					<string>0</string>
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+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>31</integer>
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+		<dict>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>LineGraphic</string>
+			<key>Head</key>
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+				<key>ID</key>
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+					<key>HeadArrow</key>
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+					<key>Legacy</key>
+					<true/>
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+					<integer>1</integer>
+					<key>TailArrow</key>
+					<string>0</string>
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+				<key>ID</key>
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+			<key>Class</key>
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+			<key>Head</key>
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+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>32</integer>
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+			<dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>HeadArrow</key>
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+					<key>Legacy</key>
+					<true/>
+					<key>LineType</key>
+					<integer>1</integer>
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+					<string>0</string>
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+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>29</integer>
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+			<key>Bounds</key>
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+			<key>Class</key>
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+			<key>Flow</key>
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+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
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+				<key>shadow</key>
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+					<key>Draws</key>
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+				<dict>
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+					<string>NO</string>
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+			<string>NO</string>
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+\f0\fs24 \cf0 C compiler\
+(6c, 8c, etc)}</string>
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+{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 Go compiler\
+(6g, 8g, etc)}</string>
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+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{291, 53.5}, {160, 111}}</string>
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