go.talks/present: combine main.go and local.go

R=golang-dev, campoy
diff --git a/present/local.go b/present/local.go
index 8674dfd..c800f78 100644
--- a/present/local.go
+++ b/present/local.go
@@ -7,14 +7,72 @@
 package main
 import (
+	"flag"
+	"fmt"
+	"go/build"
+	"log"
+	"os"
+	"strings"
+	"code.google.com/p/go.talks/pkg/present"
-// HandleSocket registers the websocket handler with http.DefaultServeMux under
-// the given path.
-func HandleSocket(path string) {
-	playScript(basePath, "socket.js")
-	http.Handle(path, socket.Handler)
+const basePkg = "code.google.com/p/go.talks/present"
+var basePath string
+func main() {
+	httpListen := flag.String("http", "", "host:port to listen on")
+	flag.StringVar(&basePath, "base", "", "base path for slide template and static resources")
+	flag.BoolVar(&present.PlayEnabled, "play", true, "enable playground (permit execution of arbitrary user code)")
+	flag.Parse()
+	if basePath == "" {
+		p, err := build.Default.Import(basePkg, "", build.FindOnly)
+		if err != nil {
+			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Couldn't find gopresent files: %v\n", err)
+			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, basePathMessage, basePkg)
+			os.Exit(1)
+		}
+		basePath = p.Dir
+	}
+	if present.PlayEnabled {
+		playScript(basePath, "socket.js")
+		http.Handle("/socket", socket.Handler)
+	}
+	http.Handle("/static/", http.FileServer(http.Dir(basePath)))
+	if !strings.HasPrefix(*httpListen, "") &&
+		!strings.HasPrefix(*httpListen, "localhost") &&
+		present.PlayEnabled {
+		log.Print(localhostWarning)
+	}
+	log.Printf("Open your web browser and visit http://%s/", *httpListen)
+	log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(*httpListen, nil))
+const basePathMessage = `
+By default, gopresent locates the slide template files and associated
+static content by looking for a %q package
+in your Go workspaces (GOPATH).
+You may use the -base flag to specify an alternate location.
+const localhostWarning = `
+The present server appears to be listening on an address that is not localhost.
+Anyone with access to this address and port will have access to this machine as
+the user running present.
+To avoid this message, listen on localhost or run with -play=false.
+If you don't understand this message, hit Control-C to terminate this process.
diff --git a/present/main.go b/present/main.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b99d2d..0000000
--- a/present/main.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// +build !appengine
-package main
-import (
-	"flag"
-	"fmt"
-	"go/build"
-	"log"
-	"net/http"
-	"os"
-	"strings"
-	"code.google.com/p/go.talks/pkg/present"
-const basePkg = "code.google.com/p/go.talks/present"
-var basePath string
-func main() {
-	httpListen := flag.String("http", "", "host:port to listen on")
-	flag.StringVar(&basePath, "base", "", "base path for slide template and static resources")
-	flag.BoolVar(&present.PlayEnabled, "play", true, "enable playground (permit execution of arbitrary user code)")
-	flag.Parse()
-	if basePath == "" {
-		p, err := build.Default.Import(basePkg, "", build.FindOnly)
-		if err != nil {
-			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Couldn't find gopresent files: %v\n", err)
-			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, basePathMessage, basePkg)
-			os.Exit(1)
-		}
-		basePath = p.Dir
-	}
-	if present.PlayEnabled {
-		HandleSocket("/socket")
-	}
-	http.Handle("/static/", http.FileServer(http.Dir(basePath)))
-	if !strings.HasPrefix(*httpListen, "") &&
-		!strings.HasPrefix(*httpListen, "localhost") &&
-		present.PlayEnabled {
-		log.Print(localhostWarning)
-	}
-	log.Printf("Open your web browser and visit http://%s/", *httpListen)
-	log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(*httpListen, nil))
-const basePathMessage = `
-By default, gopresent locates the slide template files and associated
-static content by looking for a %q package
-in your Go workspaces (GOPATH).
-You may use the -base flag to specify an alternate location.
-const localhostWarning = `
-The present server appears to be listening on an address that is not localhost.
-Anyone with access to this address and port will have access to this machine as
-the user running present.
-To avoid this message, listen on localhost or run with -play=false.
-If you don't understand this message, hit Control-C to terminate this process.