2015: add State of Go (May) talk

Change-Id: I0763c1e26b4875d295eaa3f7baa5799078481851
Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/10365
Reviewed-by: Andrew Gerrand <adg@golang.org>
diff --git a/2015/state-of-go-may.slide b/2015/state-of-go-may.slide
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+The State of Go
+Where we are in May 2015
+27 May 2015
+Andrew Gerrand
+* The State of the State of Go
+I gave a similar talk at FOSDEM in February 2015.
+.link https://talks.golang.org/2015/state-of-go.slide
+This talk builds on that talk.
+* Go 1.5
+* Release schedule
+Go 1.5 is scheduled for release in August 2015.
+The major work is done.
+We are now in the "feature freeze" period.
+* From C to Go
+The `gc` tool chain has been converted from C to Go.
+Machine-translated `compile` tool replaces `6g`, `8g`, etc.
+Machine-translated `link` tool replaces `6l`, `8l`, etc.
+New `asm` tool replaces `6a`, `8a`, etc.
+Go 1.5 has *no* C code in the tool chain or runtime.
+Rob will talk more about this.
+* Concurrent Garbage Collector
+- Limit GC latency to less than 10 milliseconds.
+- Run Go application code for at least 40ms out of every 50ms.
+.image state-of-go-may/gc.png
+.link https://golang.org/s/go14gc
+* Concurrent GC trade-offs
+The new GC spends a little more memory and CPU time
+in exchange for significantly shorter GC pause times.
+.image state-of-go-may/gc2.png
+* Better concurrency performance
+Setting `GOMAXPROCS=N` (where `N` is your number of CPUs) works well in Go 1.5.
+Better performance executing goroutines in parallel:
+.image state-of-go-may/conc-sieve.png _ 800
+Better perfomance switching between goroutines in serial:
+.image state-of-go-may/conc-chain.png _ 800
+* Better concurrency performance (bottom line)
+Better performance under practical workloads:
+.image state-of-go-may/conc-practical.png _ 800
+And our benchmark suite:
+.image state-of-go-may/conc-bench.png _ 500
+* Go 1.5 overall performance 
+.image state-of-go-may/gcperf.png
+* Go 1.5 overall performance (continued)
+.image state-of-go-may/perfchart.png
+* OS/Arch ports
+Go 1.5 supports some new `GOOS/GOARCH` combinations:
+- `darwin/arm`, a.k.a iOS
+- `darwin/arm64` (newer iDevices)
+- `linux/arm64` (cgo is supported, but only with external linking)
+- `openbsd/arm` (no cgo or external linking)
+And retires some old ones:
+DragonflyBSD dropped support for i386; `dragonfly/386` was removed from Go.
+Apple no longer supports OS X 10.6 (no security updates since 2013);
+the Go port to OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) is no longer actively maintained.
+* Shared libraries
+Go 1.5 can produce Go shared libraries that can be consumed by Go programs.
+Build the standard library as shared libraries:
+	$ go install -buildmode=shared std
+Build a "Hello, world" program that links against the shared libraries:
+	$ go build -linkshared hello.go
+	$ ls -l hello
+	-rwxr-xr-x 1 adg adg 13926 May 26 02:13 hello
+Go 1.5 can also build Go programs as C archive files (for static linking)
+or shared libraries (for dynamic linking) that can be consumed by C programs.
+.link https://golang.org/s/execmodes
+* Go programs as C libraries
+Given a package:
+	package p // import "p"
+	import "C"
+	//export Foo
+	func Foo() int32 { return 42 }
+And a main package that imports it:
+	package main // import "m"
+	import _ "p"
+	func main() {} // ignored
+You can build an archive file that can be linked into a C program:
+	$ go build -buildmode=c-archive m
+	$ ls $GOPATH/pkg/linux_amd64
+	m.a  p.a  p.h
+* A minor language change
+You may now omit the key type from a map literal.
+This map literal
+	m := map[Point]string{
+		Point{29.935523, 52.891566}:   "Persepolis",
+		Point{-25.352594, 131.034361}: "Uluru",
+		Point{37.422455, -122.084306}: "Googleplex",
+	}
+may now be written as:
+	m := map[Point]string{
+		{29.935523, 52.891566}:   "Persepolis",
+		{-25.352594, 131.034361}: "Uluru",
+		{37.422455, -122.084306}: "Googleplex",
+	}
+* "go doc"
+The `go` tool has a new implementation of the old `doc` subcommand,
+with a much improved command-line interface:
+	$ go doc zip.reader
+	package zip // import "archive/zip"
+	type Reader struct {
+		File    []*File
+		Comment string
+		// Has unexported fields.
+	}
+	func NewReader(r io.ReaderAt, size int64) (*Reader, error)
+	$ cd $GOROOT/src/archive/zip
+	$ go doc reader
+	# same output as above
+* Execution tracing
+The new execution tracer collects data to produce diagrams of process execution.
+.image state-of-go/trace.png 350 _
+Front end is the Android/Chrome trace-viewer. ([[https://github.com/google/trace-viewer][github.com/google/trace-viewer]])
+.link http://golang.org/s/go15trace
+* Analysis and Refactoring Tools
+We have been working on tools for analyzing and manipulating Go source code.
+Analysis tools:
+- `oracle`: a tool for answering questions about Go source code (w/ plugins for Sublime Text and Emacs).
+- `callgraph`: display the call graph of a Go program.
+- `godoc`-analysis=pointer:` see pointer analysis details in godoc.
+Refactoring tools:
+- `eg`: a template-based refactoring tool
+- `gorename`: type-safe renaming of identifiers in Go source code.
+* Builder infrastructure
+We have been hacking away at our continuous build infrastructure.
+Now running Linux, Windows, OS X, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and Plan 9 builders
+on Google Compute Engine.
+Spin up builders to do work, spin up many in parallel.
+Gives us results much faster.
+Sharding of tests on slower platforms (eg, ARM).
+Trybots test pending changes. (Demo)
+* Mobile
+Go 1.5 provides support for Android and experimental support for iOS.
+.image state-of-go-may/iphone.jpg 500 _
+* The gomobile tool
+The `gomobile` tool simplifies SDK installation and app deployment.
+(It only supports Android right now.)
+To install the Android compiler toolchain:
+	$ gomobile init
+To build an Android APK and install on a device:
+	$ gomobile install
+To build a shared library for an Android or iOS app:
+	$ gomobile bind
+* Go community events
+- GoCon, Tokyo, June
+- GopherCon, Denver, July
+- GolangUK, London, August
+- GothamGo, New York, October
+- dotGo, Paris, November
+And more to be announced.
+.image state-of-go-may/gophercon.png
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+++ b/2015/state-of-go-may/conc-powser.png
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Binary files differ
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