blob: efeb26ba92a211ff932cdb30b9b2c4a1ca396d6f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func cmdReword(args []string) {
flags.Usage = func() {
fmt.Fprintf(stderr(), "Usage: %s reword %s [commit...]\n",
progName, globalFlags)
args = flags.Args()
// Check that we understand the structure
// before we let the user spend time editing messages.
b := CurrentBranch()
pending := b.Pending()
if len(pending) == 0 {
dief("reword: no commits pending")
if b.Name == "HEAD" {
dief("reword: no current branch")
var last *Commit
for i := len(pending) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
c := pending[i]
if last != nil && !c.HasParent(last.Hash) {
dief("internal error: confused about pending commit graph: parent %.7s vs %.7s", last.Hash, c.Parents)
last = c
headState := func() (head, branch string) {
head = trim(cmdOutput("git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"))
for _, line := range nonBlankLines(cmdOutput("git", "branch", "-l")) {
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "* ") {
branch = trim(line[1:])
return head, branch
dief("internal error: cannot find current branch")
head, branch := headState()
if head != last.Hash {
dief("internal error: confused about pending commit graph: HEAD vs parent: %.7s vs %.7s", head, last.Hash)
if branch != b.Name {
dief("internal error: confused about pending commit graph: branch name %s vs %s", branch, b.Name)
// Build list of commits to be reworded.
// Do first, in case there are typos on the command line.
var cs []*Commit
newMsg := make(map[*Commit]string)
if len(args) == 0 {
for _, c := range pending {
cs = append(cs, c)
} else {
for _, arg := range args {
c := b.CommitByRev("reword", arg)
cs = append(cs, c)
for _, c := range cs {
newMsg[c] = ""
// Invoke editor to reword all the messages message.
// Save the edits to REWORD_MSGS immediately after editor exit
// in case we for some reason cannot apply the changes - don't want
// to throw away the user's writing.
// But we don't use REWORD_MSGS as the actual editor file,
// because if there are multiple git rewords happening
// (perhaps the user has forgotten about one in another window),
// we don't want them to step on each other during editing.
var buf bytes.Buffer
saveFile := filepath.Join(gitPathDir(), "REWORD_MSGS")
saveBuf := func() {
if err := os.WriteFile(saveFile, buf.Bytes(), 0666); err != nil {
dief("cannot save messages: %v", err)
saveBuf() // make sure it works before we let the user edit anything
printf("editing messages (new texts logged in %s in case of failure)", saveFile)
note := "edited messages saved in " + saveFile
if len(cs) == 1 {
c := cs[0]
edited := editor(c.Message)
if edited == "" {
dief("edited message is empty")
newMsg[c] = string(fixCommitMessage([]byte(edited)))
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "# %s\n\n%s\n\n", c.Subject, edited)
} else {
// Edit all at once.
var ed bytes.Buffer
byHash := make(map[string]*Commit)
for _, c := range cs {
if strings.HasPrefix(c.Message, "# ") || strings.Contains(c.Message, "\n# ") {
// Will break our framing.
// Should be pretty rare since 'git commit' and 'git commit --amend'
// delete lines beginning with # after editing sessions.
dief("commit %.7s has a message line beginning with # - cannot reword with other commits", c.Hash)
hash := c.Hash[:7]
byHash[hash] = c
// Two blank lines before #, one after.
// Lots of space to make it easier to see the boundaries
// between commit messages.
fmt.Fprintf(&ed, "\n\n# %s %s\n\n%s\n", hash, c.Subject, c.Message)
edited := editor(ed.String())
if edited == "" {
dief("edited text is empty")
// Save buffer for user before going further.
for i, text := range strings.Split("\n"+edited, "\n# ") {
if i == 0 {
text = "# " + text // restore split separator
// Pull out # hash header line and body.
hdr, body, _ := strings.Cut(text, "\n")
// Cut blank lines at start and end of body but keep newline-terminated.
for body != "" {
line, rest, _ := strings.Cut(body, "\n")
if line != "" {
body = rest
body = strings.TrimRight(body, " \t\n")
if body != "" {
body += "\n"
// Look up hash.
f := strings.Fields(hdr)
if len(f) < 2 {
dief("edited text has # line with no commit hash\n%s", note)
c := byHash[f[1]]
if c == nil {
dief("cannot find commit for header: %s\n%s", strings.TrimSpace(hdr), note)
newMsg[c] = string(fixCommitMessage([]byte(body)))
// Rebuild the commits the way git would,
// but without doing any git checkout that
// would affect the files in the working directory.
var newHash string
last = nil
for i := len(pending) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
c := pending[i]
if (newMsg[c] == "" || newMsg[c] == c.Message) && newHash == "" {
// Have not started making changes yet. Leave exactly as is.
last = c
// Rebuilding.
msg := newMsg[c]
if msg == "" {
msg = c.Message
if last != nil && newHash != "" && !c.HasParent(last.Hash) {
dief("internal error: confused about pending commit graph")
gitArgs := []string{"commit-tree", "-p"}
for _, p := range c.Parents {
if last != nil && newHash != "" && p == last.Hash {
p = newHash
gitArgs = append(gitArgs, p)
gitArgs = append(gitArgs, "-m", msg, c.Tree)
os.Setenv("GIT_AUTHOR_NAME", c.AuthorName)
os.Setenv("GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL", c.AuthorEmail)
os.Setenv("GIT_AUTHOR_DATE", c.AuthorDate)
newHash = trim(cmdOutput("git", gitArgs...))
last = c
if newHash == "" {
// No messages changed.
// Attempt swap of HEAD but leave index and working copy alone.
// No obvious way to make it atomic, but check for races.
head, branch = headState()
if head != pending[0].Hash {
dief("cannot reword: commits changed underfoot\n%s", note)
if branch != b.Name {
dief("cannot reword: branch changed underfoot\n%s", note)
run("git", "reset", "--soft", newHash)
var rewordProlog = `Rewording multiple commit messages.
The # lines separate the different commits and must be left unchanged.