blob: f2a7b91a9874e8df3a582f02be2b5fb71ff3df4c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func doSync(args []string) {
expectZeroArgs(args, "sync")
// Fetch remote changes.
run("git", "fetch", "-q")
// If there's no pending change, just fast-forward.
b := CurrentBranch()
if !b.HasPendingCommit() {
run("git", "merge", "-q", "--ff-only", b.OriginBranch())
// Don't sync with staged changes.
// TODO(adg): should we handle unstaged changes also?
if HasStagedChanges() {
dief("run 'git-review change' to commit staged changes before sync.")
// Sync current branch to origin.
id := b.ChangeID()
run("git", "rebase", "-q", b.OriginBranch())
// If the change commit has been submitted,
// roll back change leaving any changes unstaged.
if b.Submitted(id) && b.HasPendingCommit() {
run("git", "reset", "HEAD^")