blob: c6eee7e2c6e9319d4abb2483347eb4a1b9bf1333 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func mail(args []string) {
var (
diff = flags.Bool("diff", false, "show change commit diff and don't upload or mail")
force = flags.Bool("f", false, "mail even if there are staged changes")
rList = new(stringList) // installed below
ccList = new(stringList) // installed below
flags.Var(rList, "r", "comma-separated list of reviewers")
flags.Var(ccList, "cc", "comma-separated list of people to CC:")
flags.Usage = func() {
fmt.Fprintf(stderr(), "Usage: %s mail %s [-r reviewer,...] [-cc mail,...]\n", os.Args[0], globalFlags)
if len(flags.Args()) != 0 {
b := CurrentBranch()
if b.ChangeID() == "" {
dief("no pending change; can't mail.")
if *diff {
run("git", "diff", b.Branchpoint()+"..HEAD", "--")
if !*force && HasStagedChanges() {
dief("there are staged changes; aborting.\n"+
"Use '%s change' to include them or '%s mail -f' to force it.", os.Args[0], os.Args[0])
// for side effect of dying with a good message if origin is GitHub
refSpec := b.PushSpec()
start := "%"
if *rList != "" {
refSpec += mailList(start, "r", string(*rList))
start = ","
if *ccList != "" {
refSpec += mailList(start, "cc", string(*ccList))
run("git", "push", "-q", "origin", refSpec)
// Create local tag for mailed change.
// If in the 'work' branch, this creates or updates work.mailed.
// Older mailings are in the reflog, so work.mailed is newest,
// work.mailed@{1} is the one before that, work.mailed@{2} before that,
// and so on.
// Git doesn't actually have a concept of a local tag,
// but Gerrit won't let people push tags to it, so the tag
// can't propagate out of the local client into the official repo.
// There is no conflict with the branch names people are using
// for work, because git change rejects any name containing a dot.
// The space of names with dots is ours (the Go team's) to define.
run("git", "tag", "-f", b.Name+".mailed")
// PushSpec returns the spec for a Gerrit push command to publish the change in b.
func (b *Branch) PushSpec() string {
return "HEAD:refs/for/" + strings.TrimPrefix(b.OriginBranch(), "origin/")
// mailAddressRE matches the mail addresses we admit. It's restrictive but admits
// all the addresses in the Go CONTRIBUTORS file at time of writing (tested separately).
var mailAddressRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^([a-zA-Z0-9][-_.a-zA-Z0-9]*)(@[-_.a-zA-Z0-9]+)?$`)
// mailList turns the list of mail addresses from the flag value into the format
// expected by gerrit. The start argument is a % or , depending on where we
// are in the processing sequence.
func mailList(start, tag string, flagList string) string {
errors := false
spec := start
short := ""
long := ""
for i, addr := range strings.Split(flagList, ",") {
m := mailAddressRE.FindStringSubmatch(addr)
if m == nil {
printf("invalid reviewer mail address: %s", addr)
errors = true
if m[2] == "" {
email := mailLookup(addr)
if email == "" {
printf("unknown reviewer: %s", addr)
errors = true
short += "," + addr
long += "," + email
addr = email
if i > 0 {
spec += ","
spec += tag + "=" + addr
if short != "" {
verbosef("expanded %s to %s", short[1:], long[1:])
if errors {
return spec
// reviewers is the list of reviewers for the current repository,
// sorted by how many reviews each has done.
var reviewers []reviewer
type reviewer struct {
addr string
count int
// mailLookup translates the short name (like adg) into a full
// email address (like
// It returns "" if no translation is found.
// The algorithm for expanding short user names is as follows:
// Look at the git commit log for the current repository,
// extracting all the email addresses in Reviewed-By lines
// and sorting by how many times each address appears.
// For each short user name, walk the list, most common
// address first, and use the first address found that has
// the short user name on the left side of the @.
func mailLookup(short string) string {
short += "@"
for _, r := range reviewers {
if strings.HasPrefix(r.addr, short) {
return r.addr
return ""
// loadReviewers reads the reviewer list from the current git repo
// and leaves it in the global variable reviewers.
// See the comment on mailLookup for a description of how the
// list is generated and used.
func loadReviewers() {
if reviewers != nil {
countByAddr := map[string]int{}
for _, line := range getLines("git", "log", "--format=format:%B") {
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "Reviewed-by:") {
f := strings.Fields(line)
addr := f[len(f)-1]
if strings.HasPrefix(addr, "<") && strings.Contains(addr, "@") && strings.HasSuffix(addr, ">") {
reviewers = []reviewer{}
for addr, count := range countByAddr {
reviewers = append(reviewers, reviewer{addr, count})
type reviewersByCount []reviewer
func (x reviewersByCount) Len() int { return len(x) }
func (x reviewersByCount) Swap(i, j int) { x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i] }
func (x reviewersByCount) Less(i, j int) bool {
if x[i].count != x[j].count {
return x[i].count > x[j].count
return x[i].addr < x[j].addr
// stringList is a flag.Value that is like flag.String, but if repeated
// keeps appending to the old value, inserting commas as separators.
// This allows people to write -r rsc,adg (like the old hg command)
// but also -r rsc -r adg (like standard git commands).
// This does change the meaning of -r rsc -r adg (it used to mean just adg).
type stringList string
func (x *stringList) String() string {
return string(*x)
func (x *stringList) Set(s string) error {
if *x != "" && s != "" {
*x += ","
*x += stringList(s)
return nil