blob: c38215c81191562551a027a1cbb1ee146a6587b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func cmdSync(args []string) {
expectZeroArgs(args, "sync")
// Get current branch and commit ID for fixup after pull.
b := CurrentBranch()
var id string
if work := b.Pending(); len(work) > 0 {
id = work[0].ChangeID
// If this is a Gerrit repo, disable the status advice that
// tells users to run 'git push' and so on, like the marked (<<<) lines:
// % git status
// On branch master
// Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 3 commits. <<<
// (use "git push" to publish your local commits) <<<
// ...
// (This advice is inappropriate when using Gerrit.)
if len(b.Pending()) > 0 && haveGerrit() {
// Only disable if statusHints is unset in the local config.
// This allows users who really want them to put them back
// in the .git/config for the Gerrit-cloned repo.
_, err := cmdOutputErr("git", "config", "--local", "advice.statusHints")
if err != nil {
run("git", "config", "--local", "advice.statusHints", "false")
// Don't sync with staged or unstaged changes.
// rebase is going to complain if we don't, and we can give a nicer error.
// Pull remote changes into local branch.
// We do this in one command so that people following along with 'git sync -v'
// see fewer commands to understand.
// We want to pull in the remote changes from the upstream branch
// and rebase the current pending commit (if any) on top of them.
// If there is no pending commit, the pull will do a fast-forward merge.
if *verbose > 1 {
run("git", "pull", "-q", "-r", "-v", "origin", strings.TrimPrefix(b.OriginBranch(), "origin/"))
} else {
run("git", "pull", "-q", "-r", "origin", strings.TrimPrefix(b.OriginBranch(), "origin/"))
b = CurrentBranch() // discard any cached information
if len(b.Pending()) == 1 && b.Submitted(id) {
// If the change commit has been submitted,
// roll back change leaving any changes unstaged.
// Pull should have done this for us, but check just in case.
run("git", "reset", b.Branchpoint())
func checkStaged(cmd string) {
if HasStagedChanges() {
dief("cannot %s: staged changes exist\n"+
"\trun 'git status' to see changes\n"+
"\trun 'git-codereview change' to commit staged changes", cmd)
func checkUnstaged(cmd string) {
if HasUnstagedChanges() {
dief("cannot %s: unstaged changes exist\n"+
"\trun 'git status' to see changes\n"+
"\trun 'git stash' to save unstaged changes\n"+
"\trun 'git add' and 'git-codereview change' to commit staged changes", cmd)
type syncBranchStatus struct {
Local string
Parent string
Branch string
ParentHash string
BranchHash string
Conflicts []string
func syncBranchStatusFile() string {
return filepath.Join(repoRoot(), ".git/codereview-sync-branch-status")
func readSyncBranchStatus() *syncBranchStatus {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(syncBranchStatusFile())
if err != nil {
dief("cannot sync-branch: reading status: %v", err)
status := new(syncBranchStatus)
err = json.Unmarshal(data, status)
if err != nil {
dief("cannot sync-branch: reading status: %v", err)
return status
func writeSyncBranchStatus(status *syncBranchStatus) {
js, err := json.MarshalIndent(status, "", "\t")
if err != nil {
dief("cannot sync-branch: writing status: %v", err)
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(syncBranchStatusFile(), js, 0666); err != nil {
dief("cannot sync-branch: writing status: %v", err)
func cmdSyncBranch(args []string) {
os.Setenv("GIT_EDITOR", ":") // do not bring up editor during merge, commit
var cont bool
flags.BoolVar(&cont, "continue", false, "continue after merge conflicts")
if len(flag.Args()) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(stderr(), "Usage: %s sync-branch %s [-continue]\n", progName, globalFlags)
parent := config()["parent-branch"]
if parent == "" {
dief("cannot sync-branch: codereview.cfg does not list parent-branch")
branch := config()["branch"]
if parent == "" {
dief("cannot sync-branch: codereview.cfg does not list branch")
b := CurrentBranch()
if b.DetachedHead() {
dief("cannot sync-branch: on detached head")
if len(b.Pending()) > 0 {
dief("cannot sync-branch: pending changes exist\n" +
"\trun 'git codereview pending' to see them")
if cont {
if _, err := os.Stat(syncBranchStatusFile()); err != nil {
dief("cannot sync-branch -continue: no pending sync-branch status file found")
syncBranchContinue(" -continue", b, readSyncBranchStatus())
if _, err := cmdOutputErr("git", "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "MERGE_HEAD"); err == nil {
// Don't sync with staged or unstaged changes.
// rebase is going to complain if we don't, and we can give a nicer error.
// Make sure client is up-to-date on current branch.
// Note that this does a remote fetch of b.OriginBranch() (aka branch).
// Pull down parent commits too.
quiet := "-q"
if *verbose > 0 {
quiet = "-v"
run("git", "fetch", quiet, "origin", "refs/heads/"+parent+":refs/remotes/origin/"+parent)
// Write the status file to make sure we can, before starting a merge.
status := &syncBranchStatus{
Local: b.Name,
Parent: parent,
ParentHash: gitHash("origin/" + parent),
Branch: branch,
BranchHash: gitHash("origin/" + branch),
// Start the merge.
_, err := cmdOutputErr("git", "merge", "origin/"+parent)
// Resolve codereview.cfg the right way (never take it from the merge).
cmdOutputDir(repoRoot(), "git", "checkout", "HEAD", "--", "codereview.cfg")
if err != nil {
// Check whether the only listed file is codereview.cfg and try again if so.
// Build list of unmerged files.
for _, s := range nonBlankLines(cmdOutputDir(repoRoot(), "git", "status", "-b", "--porcelain")) {
// Unmerged status is anything with a U and also AA and DD.
if len(s) >= 4 && s[2] == ' ' && (s[0] == 'U' || s[1] == 'U' || s[0:2] == "AA" || s[0:2] == "DD") {
status.Conflicts = append(status.Conflicts, s[3:])
if len(status.Conflicts) == 0 {
// Must have been codereview.cfg that was the problem.
// Try continuing the merge.
// Note that as of Git 2.12, git merge --continue is a synonym for git commit,
// but older Gits do not have merge --continue.
var out string
out, err = cmdOutputErr("git", "commit", "-m", "TEMPORARY MERGE MESSAGE")
if err != nil {
printf("git commit failed with no apparent unmerged files:\n%s\n", out)
} else {
if err != nil {
if len(status.Conflicts) == 0 {
dief("cannot sync-branch: git merge failed but no conflicts found\n" +
"(unexpected error, please ask for help!)")
dief("sync-branch: merge conflicts in:\n\t- %s\n\n"+
"Please fix them (use 'git status' to see the list again),\n"+
"then 'git add' or 'git rm' to resolve them,\n"+
"and then 'git sync-branch -continue' to continue.\n"+
"Or run 'git merge --abort' to give up on this sync-branch.\n",
strings.Join(status.Conflicts, "\n\t- "))
syncBranchContinue("", b, status)
func diePendingMerge(cmd string) {
dief("cannot %s: found pending merge\n"+
"Run 'git codereview sync-branch -continue' if you fixed\n"+
"merge conflicts after a previous sync-branch operation.\n"+
"Or run 'git merge --abort' to give up on the sync-branch.\n",
func syncBranchContinue(flag string, b *Branch, status *syncBranchStatus) {
if h := gitHash("origin/" + status.Parent); h != status.ParentHash {
dief("cannot sync-branch%s: parent hash changed: %.7s -> %.7s", flag, status.ParentHash, h)
if h := gitHash("origin/" + status.Branch); h != status.BranchHash {
dief("cannot sync-branch%s: branch hash changed: %.7s -> %.7s", flag, status.BranchHash, h)
if b.Name != status.Local {
dief("cannot sync-branch%s: branch changed underfoot: %s -> %s", flag, status.Local, b.Name)
branch := status.Branch
parent := status.Parent
branchHash := status.BranchHash
parentHash := status.ParentHash
prefix := ""
if strings.HasPrefix(branch, "dev.") || strings.HasPrefix(branch, "release-branch.") {
prefix = "[" + branch + "] "
msg := fmt.Sprintf("%sall: merge %s (%.7s) into %s", prefix, parent, parentHash, branch)
if flag != "" {
// Need to commit the merge.
// Check that the state of the client is the way we left it before any merge conflicts.
mergeHead, err := cmdOutputErr("git", "rev-parse", "MERGE_HEAD")
if err != nil {
dief("cannot sync-branch%s: no pending merge\n"+
"If you accidentally ran 'git merge --continue',\n"+
"then use 'git reset --hard HEAD^' to undo.\n", flag)
mergeHead = trim(mergeHead)
if mergeHead != parentHash {
dief("cannot sync-branch%s: MERGE_HEAD is %.7s, but origin/%s is %.7s", flag, mergeHead, parent, parentHash)
head := gitHash("HEAD")
if head != branchHash {
dief("cannot sync-branch%s: HEAD is %.7s, but origin/%s is %.7s", flag, head, branch, branchHash)
if HasUnstagedChanges() {
dief("cannot sync-branch%s: unstaged changes (unresolved conflicts)\n"+
"\tUse 'git status' to see them, 'git add' or 'git rm' to resolve them,\n"+
"\tand then run 'git sync-branch -continue' again.\n", flag)
run("git", "commit", "-m", msg)
// Amend the merge message, which may be auto-generated by git
// or may have been written by us during the post-conflict commit above,
// to use our standard format and list the incorporated CLs.
// Merge must never sync codereview.cfg,
// because it contains the parent and branch config.
// Force the on-branch copy back while amending the commit.
cmdOutputDir(repoRoot(), "git", "checkout", "origin/"+branch, "--", "codereview.cfg")
conflictMsg := ""
if len(status.Conflicts) > 0 {
conflictMsg = "Conflicts:\n\n- " + strings.Join(status.Conflicts, "\n- ") + "\n\n"
msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s\n\n%sMerge List:\n\n%s", msg, conflictMsg,
cmdOutput("git", "log", "--format=format:+ %cd %h %s", "--date=short", "HEAD^1..HEAD^2"))
run("git", "commit", "--amend", "-m", msg)
fmt.Fprintf(stderr(), "\n")
cmdPending([]string{"-c", "-l"})
fmt.Fprintf(stderr(), "\n* Merge commit created.\nRun 'git codereview mail' to send for review.\n")