blob: e4530eb0a70b9cc2442e298adeef7ee952edb048 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func TestCurrentBranch(t *testing.T) {
gt := newGitTest(t)
defer gt.done()
t.Logf("on main")
checkCurrentBranch(t, "main", "origin/main", false, "", "")
t.Logf("on newbranch")
trun(t, gt.client, "git", "checkout", "--no-track", "-b", "newbranch")
checkCurrentBranch(t, "newbranch", "origin/main", false, "", "")
t.Logf("making change")
write(t, gt.client+"/file", "i made a change", 0644)
trun(t, gt.client, "git", "commit", "-a", "-m", "My change line.\n\nChange-Id: I0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef\n")
checkCurrentBranch(t, "newbranch", "origin/main", true, "I0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef", "My change line.")
t.Logf("on dev.branch")
trun(t, gt.client, "git", "checkout", "-t", "-b", "dev.branch", "origin/dev.branch")
checkCurrentBranch(t, "dev.branch", "origin/dev.branch", false, "", "")
t.Logf("on newdev")
trun(t, gt.client, "git", "checkout", "-t", "-b", "newdev", "origin/dev.branch")
checkCurrentBranch(t, "newdev", "origin/dev.branch", false, "", "")
t.Logf("making change")
write(t, gt.client+"/file", "i made another change", 0644)
trun(t, gt.client, "git", "commit", "-a", "-m", "My other change line.\n\nChange-Id: I1123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef\n")
checkCurrentBranch(t, "newdev", "origin/dev.branch", true, "I1123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef", "My other change line.")
t.Logf("detached head mode")
trun(t, gt.client, "git", "checkout", "HEAD^0")
checkCurrentBranch(t, "HEAD", "origin/HEAD", false, "", "")
func checkCurrentBranch(t *testing.T, name, origin string, hasPending bool, changeID, subject string) {
b := CurrentBranch()
if b.Name != name {
t.Errorf("b.Name = %q, want %q", b.Name, name)
if x := b.OriginBranch(); x != origin {
t.Errorf("b.OriginBranch() = %q, want %q", x, origin)
if x := b.HasPendingCommit(); x != hasPending {
t.Errorf("b.HasPendingCommit() = %v, want %v", x, hasPending)
if work := b.Pending(); len(work) > 0 {
c := work[0]
if x := c.ChangeID; x != changeID {
t.Errorf("b.Pending()[0].ChangeID = %q, want %q", x, changeID)
if x := c.Subject; x != subject {
t.Errorf("b.Pending()[0].Subject = %q, want %q", x, subject)
func TestLocalBranches(t *testing.T) {
gt := newGitTest(t)
defer gt.done()
t.Logf("on main")
checkLocalBranches(t, "main")
t.Logf("on dev branch")
trun(t, gt.client, "git", "checkout", "-b", "newbranch")
checkLocalBranches(t, "main", "newbranch")
t.Logf("detached head mode")
trun(t, gt.client, "git", "checkout", "HEAD^0")
checkLocalBranches(t, "HEAD", "main", "newbranch")
func checkLocalBranches(t *testing.T, want ...string) {
var names []string
branches := LocalBranches()
for _, b := range branches {
names = append(names, b.Name)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(names, want) {
t.Errorf("LocalBranches() = %v, want %v", names, want)
func TestAmbiguousRevision(t *testing.T) {
gt := newGitTest(t)
defer gt.done()
t.Logf("creating file paths that conflict with revision parameters")
mkdir(t, gt.client+"/origin")
write(t, gt.client+"/origin/", "Uh-Oh! SpaghettiOs", 0644)
mkdir(t, gt.client+"/work..origin")
write(t, gt.client+"/work..origin/main", "Be sure to drink your Ovaltine", 0644)
b := CurrentBranch()
func TestBranchpoint(t *testing.T) {
gt := newGitTest(t)
defer gt.done()
// Get hash corresponding to checkout (known to server).
hash := strings.TrimSpace(trun(t, gt.client, "git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"))
// Any work we do after this point should find hash as branchpoint.
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
testMain(t, "branchpoint")
t.Logf("numCommits=%d", i)
testPrintedStdout(t, hash)
func TestRebaseWork(t *testing.T) {
gt := newGitTest(t)
defer gt.done()
// Get hash corresponding to checkout (known to server).
// Any work we do after this point should find hash as branchpoint.
hash := strings.TrimSpace(trun(t, gt.client, "git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"))
testMainDied(t, "rebase-work", "-n")
testPrintedStderr(t, "no pending work")
write(t, gt.client+"/file", "uncommitted", 0644)
testMainDied(t, "rebase-work", "-n")
testPrintedStderr(t, "cannot rebase with uncommitted work")
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
testMain(t, "rebase-work", "-n")
t.Logf("numCommits=%d", i)
testPrintedStderr(t, "git rebase -i "+hash)
func TestBranchpointMerge(t *testing.T) {
gt := newGitTest(t)
defer gt.done()
// commit more work on main
write(t, gt.server+"/file", "more work", 0644)
trun(t, gt.server, "git", "commit", "-m", "work", "file")
// update client
trun(t, gt.client, "git", "checkout", "main")
trun(t, gt.client, "git", "pull")
hash := strings.TrimSpace(trun(t, gt.client, "git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"))
// merge dev.branch
testMain(t, "change", "work")
trun(t, gt.client, "git", "merge", "-m", "merge", "origin/dev.branch")
// check branchpoint is old head (despite this commit having two parents)
bp := CurrentBranch().Branchpoint()
if bp != hash {
t.Logf("branches:\n%s", trun(t, gt.client, "git", "branch", "-a", "-v"))
t.Logf("log:\n%s", trun(t, gt.client, "git", "log", "--graph", "--decorate"))
t.Logf("log origin/main..HEAD:\n%s", trun(t, gt.client, "git", "log", "origin/main..HEAD"))
t.Fatalf("branchpoint=%q, want %q", bp, hash)