reflect/prototype: implement NewGoExtension

Implement the constructor for protoreflect.ExtensionType.
The constructor is more complicated than NewGoEnum and NewGoMessage because
it is responsible for providing the wrappers to present *[]T as a

There are no tests since we need the follow-up logic in internal/impl to actually
make use of extensions. A subsequent CL will add that logic and comprehensively
test extensions.

Change-Id: I2d7893de299fe40be2ccedd8f39a92c40c41e59a
Reviewed-by: Herbie Ong <>
diff --git a/reflect/protoreflect/type.go b/reflect/protoreflect/type.go
index 5885270..6e3ff11 100644
--- a/reflect/protoreflect/type.go
+++ b/reflect/protoreflect/type.go
@@ -438,34 +438,11 @@
 	// GoNew returns a new value for the field.
+	// For scalars, this returns the default value in native Go form.
 	GoNew() interface{}
 	// GoType returns the Go type of the field value.
-	// The type is currently determined automatically (although custom Go types
-	// may be supported in the future). The type is T for scalars and
-	// *[]T for vectors. Maps are not valid in extension fields.
-	// The type T is determined as follows:
-	//
-	//	+------------+-------------------------------------+
-	//	| Go type    | Protobuf kind                       |
-	//	+------------+-------------------------------------+
-	//	| bool       | BoolKind                            |
-	//	| int32      | Int32Kind, Sint32Kind, Sfixed32Kind |
-	//	| int64      | Int64Kind, Sint64Kind, Sfixed64Kind |
-	//	| uint32     | Uint32Kind, Fixed32Kind             |
-	//	| uint64     | Uint64Kind, Fixed64Kind             |
-	//	| float32    | FloatKind                           |
-	//	| float64    | DoubleKind                          |
-	//	| string     | StringKind                          |
-	//	| []byte     | BytesKind                           |
-	//	| E          | EnumKind                            |
-	//	| M          | MessageKind, GroupKind              |
-	//	+------------+-------------------------------------+
-	//
-	// The type E is the concrete enum type (see EnumDescriptor.GoType).
-	// The type M is the concrete message type (see MessageDescriptor.GoType).
-	//
 	// Invariants:
 	//	t.GoType() == reflect.TypeOf(t.GoNew())
 	//	t.GoType() == reflect.TypeOf(t.InterfaceOf(t.ValueOf(t.GoNew())))
diff --git a/reflect/prototype/go_type.go b/reflect/prototype/go_type.go
index 4db1191..0659b35 100644
--- a/reflect/prototype/go_type.go
+++ b/reflect/prototype/go_type.go
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
+	""
@@ -90,4 +91,205 @@
 	return p.goType
-// TODO: add extension support.
+// GoExtension is a constructor for a protoreflect.ExtensionType.
+type GoExtension struct {
+	protoreflect.ExtensionDescriptor
+	// NewEnum returns a concrete proto.Enum value with the given enum number.
+	// The constructor must be provided if protoreflect.ExtensionDescriptor.Kind
+	// is protoreflect.EnumKind.
+	//
+	// The returned enum must represent an protoreflect.EnumDescriptor
+	// that matches protoreflect.ExtensionDescriptor.EnumType.
+	NewEnum func(protoreflect.EnumNumber) protoreflect.ProtoEnum
+	// NewMessage returns a new empty proto.Message instance.
+	// The constructor must be provided if protoreflect.ExtensionDescriptor.Kind
+	// is protoreflect.MessageKind or protoreflect.GroupKind.
+	//
+	// The returned message must represent an protoreflect.MessageDescriptor
+	// that matches protoreflect.ExtensionDescriptor.MessageType.
+	NewMessage func() protoreflect.ProtoMessage
+	// TODO: Separate NewEnum and NewMessage constructors make it possible for
+	// users to provide a constructor that returns a Go type does not match
+	// the corresponding protobuf descriptor in ExtensionDescriptor.
+	// Checking for correctness is hard since descriptors are not comparable.
+	//
+	// An alternative API is for ExtensionDescriptor.{EnumType,MessageType}
+	// to document that it must implement protoreflect.{EnumType,MessageType}.
+	// TODO: Support custom Go types? If so, the user needs to provide their
+	// own New, ValueOf, and InterfaceOf adapters.
+	once        sync.Once
+	new         func() interface{}
+	goType      reflect.Type
+	valueOf     func(v interface{}) protoreflect.Value
+	interfaceOf func(v protoreflect.Value) interface{}
+type goExtension struct{ *GoExtension }
+// NewGoExtension creates a new protoreflect.ExtensionType.
+// The Go type is currently determined automatically (although custom Go types
+// may be supported in the future). The type is T for scalars and
+// *[]T for vectors. Maps are not valid in extension fields.
+// The type T is determined as follows:
+//	+------------+-------------------------------------+
+//	| Go type    | Protobuf kind                       |
+//	+------------+-------------------------------------+
+//	| bool       | BoolKind                            |
+//	| int32      | Int32Kind, Sint32Kind, Sfixed32Kind |
+//	| int64      | Int64Kind, Sint64Kind, Sfixed64Kind |
+//	| uint32     | Uint32Kind, Fixed32Kind             |
+//	| uint64     | Uint64Kind, Fixed64Kind             |
+//	| float32    | FloatKind                           |
+//	| float64    | DoubleKind                          |
+//	| string     | StringKind                          |
+//	| []byte     | BytesKind                           |
+//	| E          | EnumKind                            |
+//	| M          | MessageKind, GroupKind              |
+//	+------------+-------------------------------------+
+// The type E is the concrete enum type returned by NewEnum,
+// which is often, but not required to be, a named int32 type.
+// The type M is the concrete message type returned by NewMessage,
+// which is often, but not required to be, a pointer to a named struct type.
+// The caller must relinquish full ownership of the input t and must not
+// access or mutate any fields.
+func NewGoExtension(t *GoExtension) protoreflect.ExtensionType {
+	if t.ExtendedType() == nil {
+		panic("field descriptor does not extend a message")
+	}
+	switch t.Kind() {
+	case protoreflect.EnumKind:
+		if t.NewEnum == nil {
+			panic("enum constructor not provided for enum kind")
+		}
+		if t.NewMessage != nil {
+			panic("message constructor provided for enum kind")
+		}
+	case protoreflect.MessageKind, protoreflect.GroupKind:
+		if t.NewMessage == nil {
+			panic("message constructor not provided for message kind")
+		}
+		if t.NewEnum != nil {
+			panic("enum constructor provided for message kind")
+		}
+	default:
+		if t.NewMessage != nil || t.NewEnum != nil {
+			panic(fmt.Sprintf("enum or message constructor provided for %v kind", t.Kind()))
+		}
+	}
+	return goExtension{t}
+func (p goExtension) GoNew() interface{} {
+	p.lazyInit()
+	v :=
+	if reflect.TypeOf(v) != p.goType {
+		panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %T, want %v", v, p.goType))
+	}
+	return v
+func (p goExtension) GoType() reflect.Type {
+	p.lazyInit()
+	return p.goType
+func (p goExtension) ValueOf(v interface{}) protoreflect.Value {
+	p.lazyInit()
+	if reflect.TypeOf(v) != p.goType {
+		panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %T, want %v", v, p.goType))
+	}
+	return p.valueOf(v)
+func (p goExtension) InterfaceOf(pv protoreflect.Value) interface{} {
+	p.lazyInit()
+	v := p.interfaceOf(pv)
+	if reflect.TypeOf(v) != p.goType {
+		panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %T, want %v", v, p.goType))
+	}
+	return v
+func (p goExtension) lazyInit() {
+	p.once.Do(func() {
+		switch p.Cardinality() {
+		case protoreflect.Optional:
+			switch p.Kind() {
+			case protoreflect.EnumKind:
+				p.goType = reflect.TypeOf(p.NewEnum(0))
+ = func() interface{} { return p.NewEnum(p.Default().Enum()) }
+				p.valueOf = func(v interface{}) protoreflect.Value {
+					ev := v.(protoreflect.ProtoEnum).ProtoReflect()
+					return protoreflect.ValueOf(ev.Number())
+				}
+				p.interfaceOf = func(pv protoreflect.Value) interface{} {
+					return p.NewEnum(pv.Enum())
+				}
+			case protoreflect.MessageKind, protoreflect.GroupKind:
+				p.goType = reflect.TypeOf(p.NewMessage())
+ = func() interface{} { return p.NewMessage() }
+				p.valueOf = func(v interface{}) protoreflect.Value {
+					return protoreflect.ValueOf(v)
+				}
+				p.interfaceOf = func(pv protoreflect.Value) interface{} {
+					return pv.Message().Interface()
+				}
+			default:
+				p.goType = goTypeForPBKind[p.Kind()]
+ = func() interface{} { return p.Default().Interface() }
+				p.valueOf = func(v interface{}) protoreflect.Value {
+					return protoreflect.ValueOf(v)
+				}
+				p.interfaceOf = func(pv protoreflect.Value) interface{} {
+					v := pv.Interface()
+					return v
+				}
+			}
+		case protoreflect.Repeated:
+			var goType reflect.Type
+			switch p.Kind() {
+			case protoreflect.EnumKind:
+				goType = reflect.TypeOf(p.NewEnum(p.Default().Enum()))
+			case protoreflect.MessageKind, protoreflect.GroupKind:
+				goType = reflect.TypeOf(p.NewMessage())
+			default:
+				goType = goTypeForPBKind[p.Kind()]
+			}
+			c := value.NewConverter(goType, p.Kind())
+			p.goType = reflect.PtrTo(reflect.SliceOf(goType))
+ = func() interface{} { return reflect.New(p.goType.Elem()).Interface() }
+			p.valueOf = func(v interface{}) protoreflect.Value {
+				return protoreflect.ValueOf(value.VectorOf(v, c))
+			}
+			p.interfaceOf = func(v protoreflect.Value) interface{} {
+				// TODO: Can we assume that Vector implementations know how
+				// to unwrap themselves?
+				// Should this be part of the public API in protoreflect?
+				return v.Vector().(value.Unwrapper).Unwrap()
+			}
+		default:
+			panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid cardinality: %v", p.Cardinality()))
+		}
+	})
+var goTypeForPBKind = map[protoreflect.Kind]reflect.Type{
+	protoreflect.BoolKind:     reflect.TypeOf(bool(false)),
+	protoreflect.Int32Kind:    reflect.TypeOf(int32(0)),
+	protoreflect.Sint32Kind:   reflect.TypeOf(int32(0)),
+	protoreflect.Fixed32Kind:  reflect.TypeOf(int32(0)),
+	protoreflect.Int64Kind:    reflect.TypeOf(int64(0)),
+	protoreflect.Sint64Kind:   reflect.TypeOf(int64(0)),
+	protoreflect.Fixed64Kind:  reflect.TypeOf(int64(0)),
+	protoreflect.Uint32Kind:   reflect.TypeOf(uint32(0)),
+	protoreflect.Sfixed32Kind: reflect.TypeOf(uint32(0)),
+	protoreflect.Uint64Kind:   reflect.TypeOf(uint64(0)),
+	protoreflect.Sfixed64Kind: reflect.TypeOf(uint64(0)),
+	protoreflect.FloatKind:    reflect.TypeOf(float32(0)),
+	protoreflect.DoubleKind:   reflect.TypeOf(float64(0)),
+	protoreflect.StringKind:   reflect.TypeOf(string("")),
+	protoreflect.BytesKind:    reflect.TypeOf([]byte(nil)),