blob: 467175e1e519d80a3bf16a6c363f226b4c6d9554 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package prototype
// X provides functionality internal to the protobuf module.
// WARNING: The compatibility agreement covers nothing except for functionality
// needed to keep existing generated messages operational. The Go authors
// are not responsible for breakages that occur due to unauthorized usages.
var X internal
type internal struct{}
// optionTypes contains typed nil-pointers to each of the options types.
// These are populated at init time by the descriptor package.
var optionTypes struct {
File interface{}
Enum interface{}
EnumValue interface{}
Message interface{}
Field interface{}
Oneof interface{}
ExtensionRange interface{}
Service interface{}
Method interface{}
func (internal) RegisterFileOptions(m interface{}) { optionTypes.File = m }
func (internal) RegisterEnumOptions(m interface{}) { optionTypes.Enum = m }
func (internal) RegisterEnumValueOptions(m interface{}) { optionTypes.EnumValue = m }
func (internal) RegisterMessageOptions(m interface{}) { optionTypes.Message = m }
func (internal) RegisterFieldOptions(m interface{}) { optionTypes.Field = m }
func (internal) RegisterOneofOptions(m interface{}) { optionTypes.Oneof = m }
func (internal) RegisterExtensionRangeOptions(m interface{}) { optionTypes.ExtensionRange = m }
func (internal) RegisterServiceOptions(m interface{}) { optionTypes.Service = m }
func (internal) RegisterMethodOptions(m interface{}) { optionTypes.Method = m }