blob: 635099b411efef4a81721671723d6532d32ac6fb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package filetype provides functionality for wrapping descriptors
// with Go type information.
package filetype
import (
fdesc ""
pimpl ""
pref ""
preg ""
ptype ""
piface ""
// TypeBuilder constructs type descriptors from a raw file descriptor
// and associated Go types for each enum and message declaration.
// Flattened Ordering
// The protobuf type system represents declarations as a tree. Certain nodes in
// the tree require us to either associate it with a concrete Go type or to
// resolve a dependency, which is information that must be provided separately
// since it cannot be derived from the file descriptor alone.
// However, representing a tree as Go literals is difficult to simply do in a
// space and time efficient way. Thus, we store them as a flattened list of
// objects where the serialization order from the tree-based form is important.
// The "flattened ordering" is defined as a tree traversal of all enum, message,
// extension, and service declarations using the following algorithm:
// def VisitFileDecls(fd):
// for e in fd.Enums: yield e
// for m in fd.Messages: yield m
// for x in fd.Extensions: yield x
// for s in fd.Services: yield s
// for m in fd.Messages: yield from VisitMessageDecls(m)
// def VisitMessageDecls(md):
// for e in md.Enums: yield e
// for m in md.Messages: yield m
// for x in md.Extensions: yield x
// for m in md.Messages: yield from VisitMessageDecls(m)
// The traversal starts at the root file descriptor and yields each direct
// declaration within each node before traversing into sub-declarations
// that children themselves may have.
type TypeBuilder struct {
// File is the underlying file descriptor builder.
File fdesc.DescBuilder
// GoTypes is a unique set of the Go types for all declarations and
// dependencies. Each type is represented as a zero value of the Go type.
// Declarations are Go types generated for enums and messages directly
// declared (not publicly imported) in the proto source file.
// Messages for map entries are accounted for, but represented by nil.
// Enum declarations in "flattened ordering" come first, followed by
// message declarations in "flattened ordering".
// Dependencies are Go types for enums or messages referenced by
// message fields (excluding weak fields), for parent extended messages of
// extension fields, for enums or messages referenced by extension fields,
// and for input and output messages referenced by service methods.
// Dependencies must come after declarations, but the ordering of
// dependencies themselves is unspecified.
GoTypes []interface{}
// DependencyIndexes is an ordered list of indexes into GoTypes for the
// dependencies of messages, extensions, or services.
// There are 5 sub-lists in "flattened ordering" concatenated back-to-back:
// 0. Message field dependencies: list of the enum or message type
// referred to by every message field.
// 1. Extension field targets: list of the extended parent message of
// every extension.
// 2. Extension field dependencies: list of the enum or message type
// referred to by every extension field.
// 3. Service method inputs: list of the input message type
// referred to by every service method.
// 4. Service method outputs: list of the output message type
// referred to by every service method.
// The offset into DependencyIndexes for the start of each sub-list
// is appended to the end in reverse order.
DependencyIndexes []int32
// MessageInfos is a list of message infos in "flattened ordering".
// If provided, the GoType and PBType for each element is populated.
// Requirement: len(MessageInfos) == len(Build.Messages)
MessageInfos []pimpl.MessageInfo
// LegacyExtensions is a list of legacy extensions in "flattened ordering".
// If provided, the pointer to the v1 ExtensionDesc will be stored into the
// associated v2 ExtensionType and accessible via a pseudo-internal API.
// Also, the v2 ExtensionType will be stored into each v1 ExtensionDesc.
// Requirement: len(LegacyExtensions) == len(Build.Extensions)
LegacyExtensions []piface.ExtensionDescV1
// TypeRegistry is the registry to register each type descriptor.
// If nil, it uses protoregistry.GlobalTypes.
TypeRegistry interface {
Register(...preg.Type) error
func (tb TypeBuilder) Build() (out struct {
File pref.FileDescriptor
// Enums is all enum types in "flattened ordering".
Enums []Enum
// Messages is all message types in "flattened ordering".
// It includes a stub message type for map entries.
Messages []Message
// Extensions is all extension types in "flattened ordering".
Extensions []Extension
}) {
// Replace the resolver with one that resolves dependencies by index,
// which is faster and more reliable than relying on the global registry.
if tb.File.FileRegistry == nil {
tb.File.FileRegistry = preg.GlobalFiles
tb.File.FileRegistry = &resolverByIndex{
goTypes: tb.GoTypes,
depIdxs: tb.DependencyIndexes,
fileRegistry: tb.File.FileRegistry,
// Initialize registry if unpopulated.
if tb.TypeRegistry == nil {
tb.TypeRegistry = preg.GlobalTypes
fbOut := tb.File.Build()
out.File = fbOut.File
// Process enums.
enumGoTypes := tb.GoTypes[:len(fbOut.Enums)]
if len(fbOut.Enums) > 0 {
out.Enums = make([]Enum, len(fbOut.Enums))
for i := range fbOut.Enums {
out.Enums[i] = Enum{
EnumDescriptor: &fbOut.Enums[i],
NewEnum: enumMaker(reflect.TypeOf(enumGoTypes[i])),
// Register enum types.
if err := tb.TypeRegistry.Register(&out.Enums[i]); err != nil {
// Process messages.
messageGoTypes := tb.GoTypes[len(fbOut.Enums):][:len(fbOut.Messages)]
if tb.MessageInfos != nil && len(tb.MessageInfos) != len(fbOut.Messages) {
panic("mismatching message lengths")
if len(fbOut.Messages) > 0 {
out.Messages = make([]Message, len(fbOut.Messages))
for i := range fbOut.Messages {
if messageGoTypes[i] == nil {
continue // skip map entry
out.Messages[i] = Message{
MessageDescriptor: &fbOut.Messages[i],
NewMessage: messageMaker(reflect.TypeOf(messageGoTypes[i])),
if tb.MessageInfos != nil {
tb.MessageInfos[i].GoType = reflect.TypeOf(messageGoTypes[i])
tb.MessageInfos[i].PBType = &out.Messages[i]
// Register message types.
if err := tb.TypeRegistry.Register(&out.Messages[i]); err != nil {
// As a special-case for descriptor.proto,
// locally register concrete message type for the options.
if out.File.Path() == "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto" && out.File.Package() == "google.protobuf" {
for i := range fbOut.Messages {
switch fbOut.Messages[i].Name() {
case "FileOptions":
descopts.File = messageGoTypes[i].(pref.ProtoMessage)
case "EnumOptions":
descopts.Enum = messageGoTypes[i].(pref.ProtoMessage)
case "EnumValueOptions":
descopts.EnumValue = messageGoTypes[i].(pref.ProtoMessage)
case "MessageOptions":
descopts.Message = messageGoTypes[i].(pref.ProtoMessage)
case "FieldOptions":
descopts.Field = messageGoTypes[i].(pref.ProtoMessage)
case "OneofOptions":
descopts.Oneof = messageGoTypes[i].(pref.ProtoMessage)
case "ExtensionRangeOptions":
descopts.ExtensionRange = messageGoTypes[i].(pref.ProtoMessage)
case "ServiceOptions":
descopts.Service = messageGoTypes[i].(pref.ProtoMessage)
case "MethodOptions":
descopts.Method = messageGoTypes[i].(pref.ProtoMessage)
// Process extensions.
if tb.LegacyExtensions != nil && len(tb.LegacyExtensions) != len(fbOut.Extensions) {
panic("mismatching extension lengths")
if len(fbOut.Extensions) > 0 {
var depIdx int32
out.Extensions = make([]Extension, len(fbOut.Extensions))
for i := range fbOut.Extensions {
out.Extensions[i] = Extension{Extension: ptype.Extension{
ExtensionDescriptor: &fbOut.Extensions[i],
// For enum and message kinds, determine the referent Go type so
// that we can construct their constructors.
const listExtDeps = 2
switch fbOut.Extensions[i].L1.Kind {
case pref.EnumKind:
j := depIdxs.Get(tb.DependencyIndexes, listExtDeps, depIdx)
goType := reflect.TypeOf(tb.GoTypes[j])
out.Extensions[i].NewEnum = enumMaker(goType)
case pref.MessageKind, pref.GroupKind:
j := depIdxs.Get(tb.DependencyIndexes, listExtDeps, depIdx)
goType := reflect.TypeOf(tb.GoTypes[j])
out.Extensions[i].NewMessage = messageMaker(goType)
// Keep v1 and v2 extensions in sync.
if tb.LegacyExtensions != nil {
out.Extensions[i].legacyDesc = &tb.LegacyExtensions[i]
tb.LegacyExtensions[i].Type = &out.Extensions[i]
// Register extension types.
if err := tb.TypeRegistry.Register(&out.Extensions[i]); err != nil {
return out
type depIdxs []int32
// Get retrieves the jth element of the ith sub-list.
func (x depIdxs) Get(i, j int32) int32 {
return x[x[int32(len(x))-i-1]+j]
type (
resolverByIndex struct {
goTypes []interface{}
depIdxs depIdxs
fileRegistry interface {
FindFileByPath(string) (pref.FileDescriptor, error)
FindEnumByName(pref.FullName) (pref.EnumDescriptor, error)
FindMessageByName(pref.FullName) (pref.MessageDescriptor, error)
Register(...pref.FileDescriptor) error
func (r *resolverByIndex) FindEnumByIndex(i, j int32, es []fdesc.Enum, ms []fdesc.Message) pref.EnumDescriptor {
if depIdx := int(r.depIdxs.Get(i, j)); int(depIdx) < len(es)+len(ms) {
return &es[depIdx]
} else {
return pimpl.Export{}.EnumDescriptorOf(r.goTypes[depIdx])
func (r *resolverByIndex) FindMessageByIndex(i, j int32, es []fdesc.Enum, ms []fdesc.Message) pref.MessageDescriptor {
if depIdx := int(r.depIdxs.Get(i, j)); depIdx < len(es)+len(ms) {
return &ms[depIdx-len(es)]
} else {
return pimpl.Export{}.MessageDescriptorOf(r.goTypes[depIdx])
func enumMaker(t reflect.Type) func(pref.EnumNumber) pref.Enum {
return func(n pref.EnumNumber) pref.Enum {
v := reflect.New(t).Elem()
return v.Interface().(pref.Enum)
func messageMaker(t reflect.Type) func() pref.Message {
return func() pref.Message {
return reflect.New(t.Elem()).Interface().(pref.ProtoMessage).ProtoReflect()
type (
Enum = ptype.Enum
Message = ptype.Message
Extension struct {
legacyDesc *piface.ExtensionDescV1
// ProtoLegacyExtensionDesc is a pseudo-internal API for allowing the v1 code
// to be able to retrieve a v1 ExtensionDesc.
// WARNING: This method is exempt from the compatibility promise and may be
// removed in the future without warning.
func (x *Extension) ProtoLegacyExtensionDesc() *piface.ExtensionDescV1 {
return x.legacyDesc