blob: 93334d537cb5a7f72424c00e6a7e9f7a330312ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package prototype
import (
protoV1 ""
descriptorV1 ""
pref ""
// TestDescriptors tests that the implementations do not declare additional
// methods that do not exist on the interface types.
func TestDescriptors(t *testing.T) {
tests := []interface{}{
[]pref.FileDescriptor{placeholderFile{}, fileDesc{}},
[]pref.MessageDescriptor{placeholderMessage{}, standaloneMessage{}, messageDesc{}},
[]pref.FieldDescriptor{standaloneExtension{}, fieldDesc{}, extensionDesc{}},
[]pref.EnumDescriptor{placeholderEnum{}, standaloneEnum{}, enumDesc{}},
[]pref.FieldDescriptors{(*fields)(nil), (*oneofFields)(nil)},
for _, tt := range tests {
v := reflect.ValueOf(tt) // []T where T is an interface
ifaceType := v.Type().Elem()
for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
implType := v.Index(i).Elem().Type()
var hasName bool
for j := 0; j < implType.NumMethod(); j++ {
if name := implType.Method(j).Name; name == "Format" {
hasName = true
} else if _, ok := ifaceType.MethodByName(name); !ok {
t.Errorf("spurious method: %v.%v", implType, name)
if !hasName {
t.Errorf("missing method: %v.Format", implType)
// TestDescriptorAccessors tests that descriptorAccessors is up-to-date.
func TestDescriptorAccessors(t *testing.T) {
ignore := map[string]bool{
"DefaultEnumValue": true,
"DescriptorByName": true,
"ProtoType": true,
rt := reflect.TypeOf((*pref.Descriptor)(nil)).Elem()
for i := 0; i < rt.NumMethod(); i++ {
ignore[rt.Method(i).Name] = true
for rt, m := range descriptorAccessors {
got := map[string]bool{}
for _, s := range m {
got[s] = true
want := map[string]bool{}
for i := 0; i < rt.NumMethod(); i++ {
want[rt.Method(i).Name] = true
// Check if descriptorAccessors contains a non-existent accessor.
// If this test fails, remove the accessor from descriptorAccessors.
for s := range got {
if !want[s] && !ignore[s] {
t.Errorf("%v.%v does not exist", rt, s)
// Check if there are new protoreflect interface methods that are not
// handled by the formatter. If this fails, either add the method to
// ignore or add them to descriptorAccessors.
for s := range want {
if !got[s] && !ignore[s] {
t.Errorf("%v.%v is not called by formatter", rt, s)
// TODO: Test NewFileFromDescriptorProto with imported files.
func TestFile(t *testing.T) {
f1 := &File{
Syntax: pref.Proto2,
Path: "path/to/file.proto",
Package: "test",
Options: &descriptorV1.FileOptions{Deprecated: protoV1.Bool(true)},
Messages: []Message{{
Name: "A", // "test.A"
Options: &descriptorV1.MessageOptions{
MapEntry: protoV1.Bool(true),
Deprecated: protoV1.Bool(true),
Fields: []Field{{
Name: "key", // "test.A.key"
Number: 1,
Options: &descriptorV1.FieldOptions{Deprecated: protoV1.Bool(true)},
Cardinality: pref.Optional,
Kind: pref.StringKind,
}, {
Name: "value", // "test.A.value"
Number: 2,
Cardinality: pref.Optional,
Kind: pref.MessageKind,
MessageType: PlaceholderMessage("test.B"),
}, {
Name: "B", // "test.B"
Fields: []Field{{
Name: "field_one", // "test.B.field_one"
Number: 1,
Cardinality: pref.Optional,
Kind: pref.StringKind,
Default: pref.ValueOf("hello, \"world!\"\n"),
OneofName: "O1",
}, {
Name: "field_two", // "test.B.field_two"
JSONName: "Field2",
Number: 2,
Cardinality: pref.Optional,
Kind: pref.EnumKind,
Default: pref.ValueOf(pref.EnumNumber(1)),
EnumType: PlaceholderEnum("test.E1"),
OneofName: "O2",
}, {
Name: "field_three", // "test.B.field_three"
Number: 3,
Cardinality: pref.Optional,
Kind: pref.MessageKind,
MessageType: PlaceholderMessage("test.C"),
OneofName: "O2",
}, {
Name: "field_four", // "test.B.field_four"
JSONName: "Field4",
Number: 4,
Cardinality: pref.Repeated,
Kind: pref.MessageKind,
MessageType: PlaceholderMessage("test.A"),
}, {
Name: "field_five", // "test.B.field_five"
Number: 5,
Cardinality: pref.Repeated,
Kind: pref.Int32Kind,
Options: &descriptorV1.FieldOptions{Packed: protoV1.Bool(true)},
}, {
Name: "field_six", // "test.B.field_six"
Number: 6,
Cardinality: pref.Required,
Kind: pref.BytesKind,
Oneofs: []Oneof{
Name: "O1", // "test.B.O1"
Options: &descriptorV1.OneofOptions{
UninterpretedOption: []*descriptorV1.UninterpretedOption{
{StringValue: []byte("option")},
{Name: "O2"}, // "test.B.O2"
ExtensionRanges: [][2]pref.FieldNumber{{1000, 2000}, {3000, 3001}},
}, {
Name: "C", // "test.C"
Messages: []Message{{
Name: "A", // "test.C.A"
Fields: []Field{{Name: "F", Number: 1, Cardinality: pref.Required, Kind: pref.BytesKind, Default: pref.ValueOf([]byte("dead\xbe\xef"))}},
Enums: []Enum{{
Name: "E1", // "test.C.E1"
Values: []EnumValue{{Name: "FOO", Number: 0}, {Name: "BAR", Number: 1}},
Extensions: []Extension{{
Name: "X", // "test.C.X"
Number: 1000,
Cardinality: pref.Repeated,
Kind: pref.MessageKind,
Options: &descriptorV1.FieldOptions{Packed: protoV1.Bool(false)},
MessageType: PlaceholderMessage("test.C"),
ExtendedType: PlaceholderMessage("test.B"),
Enums: []Enum{{
Name: "E1", // "test.E1"
Options: &descriptorV1.EnumOptions{Deprecated: protoV1.Bool(true)},
Values: []EnumValue{
Name: "FOO",
Number: 0,
Options: &descriptorV1.EnumValueOptions{Deprecated: protoV1.Bool(true)},
{Name: "BAR", Number: 1},
Extensions: []Extension{{
Name: "X", // "test.X"
Number: 1000,
Cardinality: pref.Repeated,
Kind: pref.MessageKind,
Options: &descriptorV1.FieldOptions{Packed: protoV1.Bool(true)},
MessageType: PlaceholderMessage("test.C"),
ExtendedType: PlaceholderMessage("test.B"),
Services: []Service{{
Name: "S", // "test.S"
Options: &descriptorV1.ServiceOptions{Deprecated: protoV1.Bool(true)},
Methods: []Method{{
Name: "M", // "test.S.M"
InputType: PlaceholderMessage("test.A"),
OutputType: PlaceholderMessage("test.C.A"),
IsStreamingClient: true,
IsStreamingServer: true,
Options: &descriptorV1.MethodOptions{Deprecated: protoV1.Bool(true)},
fd1, err := NewFile(f1)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("NewFile() error: %v", err)
f2 := &descriptorV1.FileDescriptorProto{
Syntax: protoV1.String("proto2"),
Name: protoV1.String("path/to/file.proto"),
Package: protoV1.String("test"),
Options: &descriptorV1.FileOptions{Deprecated: protoV1.Bool(true)},
MessageType: []*descriptorV1.DescriptorProto{{
Name: protoV1.String("A"),
Options: &descriptorV1.MessageOptions{
MapEntry: protoV1.Bool(true),
Deprecated: protoV1.Bool(true),
Field: []*descriptorV1.FieldDescriptorProto{{
Name: protoV1.String("key"),
Number: protoV1.Int32(1),
Options: &descriptorV1.FieldOptions{Deprecated: protoV1.Bool(true)},
Label: descriptorV1.FieldDescriptorProto_Label(pref.Optional).Enum(),
Type: descriptorV1.FieldDescriptorProto_Type(pref.StringKind).Enum(),
}, {
Name: protoV1.String("value"),
Number: protoV1.Int32(2),
Label: descriptorV1.FieldDescriptorProto_Label(pref.Optional).Enum(),
Type: descriptorV1.FieldDescriptorProto_Type(pref.MessageKind).Enum(),
TypeName: protoV1.String(".test.B"),
}, {
Name: protoV1.String("B"),
Field: []*descriptorV1.FieldDescriptorProto{{
Name: protoV1.String("field_one"),
Number: protoV1.Int32(1),
Label: descriptorV1.FieldDescriptorProto_Label(pref.Optional).Enum(),
Type: descriptorV1.FieldDescriptorProto_Type(pref.StringKind).Enum(),
DefaultValue: protoV1.String("hello, \"world!\"\n"),
OneofIndex: protoV1.Int32(0),
}, {
Name: protoV1.String("field_two"),
JsonName: protoV1.String("Field2"),
Number: protoV1.Int32(2),
Label: descriptorV1.FieldDescriptorProto_Label(pref.Optional).Enum(),
Type: descriptorV1.FieldDescriptorProto_Type(pref.EnumKind).Enum(),
DefaultValue: protoV1.String("BAR"),
TypeName: protoV1.String(".test.E1"),
OneofIndex: protoV1.Int32(1),
}, {
Name: protoV1.String("field_three"),
Number: protoV1.Int32(3),
Label: descriptorV1.FieldDescriptorProto_Label(pref.Optional).Enum(),
Type: descriptorV1.FieldDescriptorProto_Type(pref.MessageKind).Enum(),
TypeName: protoV1.String(".test.C"),
OneofIndex: protoV1.Int32(1),
}, {
Name: protoV1.String("field_four"),
JsonName: protoV1.String("Field4"),
Number: protoV1.Int32(4),
Label: descriptorV1.FieldDescriptorProto_Label(pref.Repeated).Enum(),
Type: descriptorV1.FieldDescriptorProto_Type(pref.MessageKind).Enum(),
TypeName: protoV1.String(".test.A"),
}, {
Name: protoV1.String("field_five"),
Number: protoV1.Int32(5),
Label: descriptorV1.FieldDescriptorProto_Label(pref.Repeated).Enum(),
Type: descriptorV1.FieldDescriptorProto_Type(pref.Int32Kind).Enum(),
Options: &descriptorV1.FieldOptions{Packed: protoV1.Bool(true)},
}, {
Name: protoV1.String("field_six"),
Number: protoV1.Int32(6),
Label: descriptorV1.FieldDescriptorProto_Label(pref.Required).Enum(),
Type: descriptorV1.FieldDescriptorProto_Type(pref.BytesKind).Enum(),
OneofDecl: []*descriptorV1.OneofDescriptorProto{
Name: protoV1.String("O1"),
Options: &descriptorV1.OneofOptions{
UninterpretedOption: []*descriptorV1.UninterpretedOption{
{StringValue: []byte("option")},
{Name: protoV1.String("O2")},
ExtensionRange: []*descriptorV1.DescriptorProto_ExtensionRange{
{Start: protoV1.Int32(1000), End: protoV1.Int32(2000)},
{Start: protoV1.Int32(3000), End: protoV1.Int32(3001)},
}, {
Name: protoV1.String("C"),
NestedType: []*descriptorV1.DescriptorProto{{
Name: protoV1.String("A"),
Field: []*descriptorV1.FieldDescriptorProto{{
Name: protoV1.String("F"),
Number: protoV1.Int32(1),
Label: descriptorV1.FieldDescriptorProto_Label(pref.Required).Enum(),
Type: descriptorV1.FieldDescriptorProto_Type(pref.BytesKind).Enum(),
DefaultValue: protoV1.String(`dead\276\357`),
EnumType: []*descriptorV1.EnumDescriptorProto{{
Name: protoV1.String("E1"),
Value: []*descriptorV1.EnumValueDescriptorProto{
{Name: protoV1.String("FOO"), Number: protoV1.Int32(0)},
{Name: protoV1.String("BAR"), Number: protoV1.Int32(1)},
Extension: []*descriptorV1.FieldDescriptorProto{{
Name: protoV1.String("X"),
Number: protoV1.Int32(1000),
Label: descriptorV1.FieldDescriptorProto_Label(pref.Repeated).Enum(),
Type: descriptorV1.FieldDescriptorProto_Type(pref.MessageKind).Enum(),
TypeName: protoV1.String(".test.C"),
Extendee: protoV1.String(".test.B"),
EnumType: []*descriptorV1.EnumDescriptorProto{{
Name: protoV1.String("E1"),
Options: &descriptorV1.EnumOptions{Deprecated: protoV1.Bool(true)},
Value: []*descriptorV1.EnumValueDescriptorProto{
Name: protoV1.String("FOO"),
Number: protoV1.Int32(0),
Options: &descriptorV1.EnumValueOptions{Deprecated: protoV1.Bool(true)},
{Name: protoV1.String("BAR"), Number: protoV1.Int32(1)},
Extension: []*descriptorV1.FieldDescriptorProto{{
Name: protoV1.String("X"),
Number: protoV1.Int32(1000),
Label: descriptorV1.FieldDescriptorProto_Label(pref.Repeated).Enum(),
Type: descriptorV1.FieldDescriptorProto_Type(pref.MessageKind).Enum(),
Options: &descriptorV1.FieldOptions{Packed: protoV1.Bool(true)},
TypeName: protoV1.String(".test.C"),
Extendee: protoV1.String(".test.B"),
Service: []*descriptorV1.ServiceDescriptorProto{{
Name: protoV1.String("S"),
Options: &descriptorV1.ServiceOptions{Deprecated: protoV1.Bool(true)},
Method: []*descriptorV1.MethodDescriptorProto{{
Name: protoV1.String("M"),
InputType: protoV1.String(".test.A"),
OutputType: protoV1.String(".test.C.A"),
ClientStreaming: protoV1.Bool(true),
ServerStreaming: protoV1.Bool(true),
Options: &descriptorV1.MethodOptions{Deprecated: protoV1.Bool(true)},
fd2, err := NewFileFromDescriptorProto(f2, nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("NewFileFromDescriptorProto() error: %v", err)
tests := []struct {
name string
desc pref.FileDescriptor
{"NewFile", fd1},
{"NewFileFromDescriptorProto", fd2},
for _, tt := range tests {
tt := tt
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
// Run sub-tests in parallel to induce potential races.
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
t.Run("Accessors", func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel(); testFileAccessors(t, tt.desc) })
t.Run("Format", func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel(); testFileFormat(t, tt.desc) })
func testFileAccessors(t *testing.T, fd pref.FileDescriptor) {
// Represent the descriptor as a map where each key is an accessor method
// and the value is either the wanted tail value or another accessor map.
type M = map[string]interface{}
want := M{
"Parent": nil,
"Index": 0,
"Syntax": pref.Proto2,
"Name": pref.Name("test"),
"FullName": pref.FullName("test"),
"Path": "path/to/file.proto",
"Package": pref.FullName("test"),
"IsPlaceholder": false,
"Options": &descriptorV1.FileOptions{Deprecated: protoV1.Bool(true)},
"Messages": M{
"Len": 3,
"Get:0": M{
"Parent": M{"FullName": pref.FullName("test")},
"Index": 0,
"Syntax": pref.Proto2,
"Name": pref.Name("A"),
"FullName": pref.FullName("test.A"),
"IsPlaceholder": false,
"IsMapEntry": true,
"Options": &descriptorV1.MessageOptions{
MapEntry: protoV1.Bool(true),
Deprecated: protoV1.Bool(true),
"Fields": M{
"Len": 2,
"ByNumber:1": M{
"Parent": M{"FullName": pref.FullName("test.A")},
"Index": 0,
"Name": pref.Name("key"),
"FullName": pref.FullName("test.A.key"),
"Number": pref.FieldNumber(1),
"Cardinality": pref.Optional,
"Kind": pref.StringKind,
"Options": &descriptorV1.FieldOptions{Deprecated: protoV1.Bool(true)},
"JSONName": "key",
"IsPacked": false,
"IsMap": false,
"IsWeak": false,
"Default": "",
"OneofType": nil,
"ExtendedType": nil,
"MessageType": nil,
"EnumType": nil,
"ByNumber:2": M{
"Parent": M{"FullName": pref.FullName("test.A")},
"Index": 1,
"Name": pref.Name("value"),
"FullName": pref.FullName("test.A.value"),
"Number": pref.FieldNumber(2),
"Cardinality": pref.Optional,
"Kind": pref.MessageKind,
"JSONName": "value",
"IsPacked": false,
"IsMap": false,
"IsWeak": false,
"Default": nil,
"OneofType": nil,
"ExtendedType": nil,
"MessageType": M{"FullName": pref.FullName("test.B"), "IsPlaceholder": false},
"EnumType": nil,
"ByNumber:3": nil,
"Oneofs": M{"Len": 0},
"RequiredNumbers": M{"Len": 0},
"ExtensionRanges": M{"Len": 0},
"Messages": M{"Len": 0},
"Enums": M{"Len": 0},
"Extensions": M{"Len": 0},
"ByName:B": M{
"Name": pref.Name("B"),
"Index": 1,
"Fields": M{
"Len": 6,
"ByJSONName:field_one": nil,
"ByJSONName:fieldOne": M{
"Name": pref.Name("field_one"),
"Index": 0,
"JSONName": "fieldOne",
"Default": "hello, \"world!\"\n",
"OneofType": M{"Name": pref.Name("O1"), "IsPlaceholder": false},
"ByJSONName:fieldTwo": nil,
"ByJSONName:Field2": M{
"Name": pref.Name("field_two"),
"Index": 1,
"JSONName": "Field2",
"Default": pref.EnumNumber(1),
"OneofType": M{"Name": pref.Name("O2"), "IsPlaceholder": false},
"ByName:fieldThree": nil,
"ByName:field_three": M{
"IsMap": false,
"MessageType": M{"FullName": pref.FullName("test.C"), "IsPlaceholder": false},
"OneofType": M{"Name": pref.Name("O2"), "IsPlaceholder": false},
"ByNumber:12": nil,
"ByNumber:4": M{
"Cardinality": pref.Repeated,
"IsMap": true,
"Default": nil,
"MessageType": M{"FullName": pref.FullName("test.A"), "IsPlaceholder": false},
"ByNumber:5": M{
"Cardinality": pref.Repeated,
"Kind": pref.Int32Kind,
"IsPacked": true,
"Default": int32(0),
"ByNumber:6": M{
"Cardinality": pref.Required,
"Default": []byte(nil),
"OneofType": nil,
"Oneofs": M{
"Len": 2,
"ByName:O0": nil,
"ByName:O1": M{
"FullName": pref.FullName("test.B.O1"),
"Index": 0,
"Options": &descriptorV1.OneofOptions{
UninterpretedOption: []*descriptorV1.UninterpretedOption{
{StringValue: []byte("option")},
"Fields": M{
"Len": 1,
"Get:0": M{"FullName": pref.FullName("test.B.field_one")},
"Get:1": M{
"FullName": pref.FullName("test.B.O2"),
"Index": 1,
"Fields": M{
"Len": 2,
"ByName:field_two": M{"Name": pref.Name("field_two")},
"Get:1": M{"Name": pref.Name("field_three")},
"RequiredNumbers": M{
"Len": 1,
"Get:0": pref.FieldNumber(6),
"Has:1": false,
"Has:6": true,
"ExtensionRanges": M{
"Len": 2,
"Get:0": [2]pref.FieldNumber{1000, 2000},
"Has:999": false,
"Has:1000": true,
"Has:1500": true,
"Has:1999": true,
"Has:2000": false,
"Has:3000": true,
"Get:2": M{
"Name": pref.Name("C"),
"Index": 2,
"Messages": M{
"Len": 1,
"Get:0": M{"FullName": pref.FullName("test.C.A")},
"Enums": M{
"Len": 1,
"Get:0": M{"FullName": pref.FullName("test.C.E1")},
"Extensions": M{
"Len": 1,
"Get:0": M{"FullName": pref.FullName("test.C.X")},
"Enums": M{
"Len": 1,
"Get:0": M{
"Name": pref.Name("E1"),
"Options": &descriptorV1.EnumOptions{Deprecated: protoV1.Bool(true)},
"Values": M{
"Len": 2,
"ByName:Foo": nil,
"ByName:FOO": M{
"FullName": pref.FullName("test.FOO"),
"Options": &descriptorV1.EnumValueOptions{Deprecated: protoV1.Bool(true)},
"ByNumber:2": nil,
"ByNumber:1": M{"FullName": pref.FullName("test.BAR")},
"Extensions": M{
"Len": 1,
"ByName:X": M{
"Name": pref.Name("X"),
"Number": pref.FieldNumber(1000),
"Cardinality": pref.Repeated,
"Kind": pref.MessageKind,
"IsPacked": true,
"MessageType": M{"FullName": pref.FullName("test.C"), "IsPlaceholder": false},
"ExtendedType": M{"FullName": pref.FullName("test.B"), "IsPlaceholder": false},
"Options": &descriptorV1.FieldOptions{Packed: protoV1.Bool(true)},
"Services": M{
"Len": 1,
"ByName:s": nil,
"ByName:S": M{
"Parent": M{"FullName": pref.FullName("test")},
"Name": pref.Name("S"),
"FullName": pref.FullName("test.S"),
"Options": &descriptorV1.ServiceOptions{Deprecated: protoV1.Bool(true)},
"Methods": M{
"Len": 1,
"Get:0": M{
"Parent": M{"FullName": pref.FullName("test.S")},
"Name": pref.Name("M"),
"FullName": pref.FullName("test.S.M"),
"InputType": M{"FullName": pref.FullName("test.A"), "IsPlaceholder": false},
"OutputType": M{"FullName": pref.FullName("test.C.A"), "IsPlaceholder": false},
"IsStreamingClient": true,
"IsStreamingServer": true,
"Options": &descriptorV1.MethodOptions{Deprecated: protoV1.Bool(true)},
"DescriptorByName:": nil,
"DescriptorByName:A": nil,
"DescriptorByName:test": nil,
"DescriptorByName:test.": nil,
"DescriptorByName:test.A": M{"FullName": pref.FullName("test.A")},
"DescriptorByName:test.A.key": M{"FullName": pref.FullName("test.A.key")},
"DescriptorByName:test.A.A": nil,
"DescriptorByName:test.A.field_one": nil,
"DescriptorByName:test.B.field_one": M{"FullName": pref.FullName("test.B.field_one")},
"DescriptorByName:test.B.O1": M{"FullName": pref.FullName("test.B.O1")},
"DescriptorByName:test.B.O3": nil,
"DescriptorByName:test.C.E1": M{"FullName": pref.FullName("test.C.E1")},
"DescriptorByName:test.C.E1.FOO": nil,
"DescriptorByName:test.C.FOO": M{"FullName": pref.FullName("test.C.FOO")},
"DescriptorByName:test.C.Foo": nil,
"DescriptorByName:test.C.BAZ": nil,
"DescriptorByName:test.E1": M{"FullName": pref.FullName("test.E1")},
"DescriptorByName:test.E1.FOO": nil,
"DescriptorByName:test.FOO": M{"FullName": pref.FullName("test.FOO")},
"DescriptorByName:test.Foo": nil,
"DescriptorByName:test.BAZ": nil,
"DescriptorByName:test.C.X": M{"FullName": pref.FullName("test.C.X")},
"DescriptorByName:test.X": M{"FullName": pref.FullName("test.X")},
"DescriptorByName:test.X.": nil,
"DescriptorByName:test.S": M{"FullName": pref.FullName("test.S")},
"DescriptorByName:test.S.M": M{"FullName": pref.FullName("test.S.M")},
"DescriptorByName:test.M": nil,
checkAccessors(t, "", reflect.ValueOf(fd), want)
func checkAccessors(t *testing.T, p string, rv reflect.Value, want map[string]interface{}) {
if rv.Interface() == nil {
t.Errorf("%v is nil, want non-nil", p)
for s, v := range want {
// Call the accessor method.
p := p + "." + s
var rets []reflect.Value
if i := strings.IndexByte(s, ':'); i >= 0 {
// Accessor method takes in a single argument, which is encoded
// after the accessor name, separated by a ':' delimiter.
fnc := rv.MethodByName(s[:i])
arg := reflect.New(fnc.Type().In(0)).Elem()
s = s[i+len(":"):]
switch arg.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
case reflect.Int32, reflect.Int:
n, _ := strconv.ParseInt(s, 0, 64)
rets = fnc.Call([]reflect.Value{arg})
} else {
rets = rv.MethodByName(s).Call(nil)
// Check that (val, ok) pattern is internally consistent.
if len(rets) == 2 {
if rets[0].IsNil() && rets[1].Bool() {
t.Errorf("%v = (nil, true), want (nil, false)", p)
if !rets[0].IsNil() && !rets[1].Bool() {
t.Errorf("%v = (non-nil, false), want (non-nil, true)", p)
// Check that the accessor output matches.
if want, ok := v.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
checkAccessors(t, p, rets[0], want)
got := rets[0].Interface()
if pv, ok := got.(pref.Value); ok {
got = pv.Interface()
// Compare with proto.Equal if possible.
gotMsg, gotMsgOK := got.(protoV1.Message)
wantMsg, wantMsgOK := v.(protoV1.Message)
if gotMsgOK && wantMsgOK {
if !protoV1.Equal(gotMsg, wantMsg) {
t.Errorf("%v = %v, want %v", p, got, want)
if want := v; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("%v = %v, want %v", p, got, want)
func testFileFormat(t *testing.T, fd pref.FileDescriptor) {
const want = `FileDescriptor{
Syntax: proto2
Path: "path/to/file.proto"
Package: test
Messages: [{
Name: A
IsMapEntry: true
Fields: [{
Name: key
Number: 1
Cardinality: optional
Kind: string
JSONName: "key"
}, {
Name: value
Number: 2
Cardinality: optional
Kind: message
JSONName: "value"
MessageType: test.B
}, {
Name: B
Fields: [{
Name: field_one
Number: 1
Cardinality: optional
Kind: string
JSONName: "fieldOne"
HasDefault: true
Default: "hello, \"world!\"\n"
OneofType: O1
}, {
Name: field_two
Number: 2
Cardinality: optional
Kind: enum
JSONName: "Field2"
HasDefault: true
Default: 1
OneofType: O2
EnumType: test.E1
}, {
Name: field_three
Number: 3
Cardinality: optional
Kind: message
JSONName: "fieldThree"
OneofType: O2
MessageType: test.C
}, {
Name: field_four
Number: 4
Cardinality: repeated
Kind: message
JSONName: "Field4"
IsMap: true
MessageType: test.A
}, {
Name: field_five
Number: 5
Cardinality: repeated
Kind: int32
JSONName: "fieldFive"
IsPacked: true
}, {
Name: field_six
Number: 6
Cardinality: required
Kind: bytes
JSONName: "fieldSix"
Oneofs: [{
Name: O1
Fields: [field_one]
}, {
Name: O2
Fields: [field_two, field_three]
RequiredNumbers: [6]
ExtensionRanges: [1000:2000, 3000]
}, {
Name: C
Messages: [{
Name: A
Fields: [{
Name: F
Number: 1
Cardinality: required
Kind: bytes
JSONName: "F"
HasDefault: true
Default: "dead\xbe\xef"
RequiredNumbers: [1]
Enums: [{
Name: E1
Values: [
{Name: FOO}
{Name: BAR, Number: 1}
Extensions: [{
Name: X
Number: 1000
Cardinality: repeated
Kind: message
ExtendedType: test.B
MessageType: test.C
Enums: [{
Name: E1
Values: [
{Name: FOO}
{Name: BAR, Number: 1}
Extensions: [{
Name: X
Number: 1000
Cardinality: repeated
Kind: message
IsPacked: true
ExtendedType: test.B
MessageType: test.C
Services: [{
Name: S
Methods: [{
Name: M
InputType: test.A
OutputType: test.C.A
IsStreamingClient: true
IsStreamingServer: true
tests := []struct{ fmt, want string }{{"%v", compactMultiFormat(want)}, {"%+v", want}}
for _, tt := range tests {
got := fmt.Sprintf(tt.fmt, fd)
got = strings.Replace(got, "FileDescriptor ", "FileDescriptor", 1) // cleanup randomizer
if got != tt.want {
t.Errorf("fmt.Sprintf(%q, fd):\ngot: %s\nwant: %s", tt.fmt, got, tt.want)
// compactMultiFormat returns the single line form of a multi line output.
func compactMultiFormat(s string) string {
var b []byte
for _, s := range strings.Split(s, "\n") {
s = strings.TrimSpace(s)
s = regexp.MustCompile(": +").ReplaceAllString(s, ": ")
prevWord := len(b) > 0 && b[len(b)-1] != '[' && b[len(b)-1] != '{'
nextWord := len(s) > 0 && s[0] != ']' && s[0] != '}'
if prevWord && nextWord {
b = append(b, ", "...)
b = append(b, s...)
return string(b)
func TestResolve(t *testing.T) {
f := &File{
Syntax: pref.Proto2,
Package: "test",
Messages: []Message{{
Name: "FooMessage",
Fields: []Field{{Name: "F", Number: 1, Cardinality: pref.Optional, Kind: pref.BytesKind}},
Messages: []Message{{
Name: "FooMessage",
Fields: []Field{{Name: "F", Number: 1, Cardinality: pref.Optional, Kind: pref.BytesKind}},
}, {
Name: "BarMessage",
Fields: []Field{{Name: "F", Number: 1, Cardinality: pref.Optional, Kind: pref.BytesKind}},
Enums: []Enum{{
Name: "FooEnum",
Values: []EnumValue{{Name: "E", Number: 0}},
}, {
Name: "BarEnum",
Values: []EnumValue{{Name: "E", Number: 0}},
}, {
Name: "BarMessage",
Fields: []Field{{Name: "F", Number: 1, Cardinality: pref.Optional, Kind: pref.BytesKind}},
Enums: []Enum{{
Name: "FooEnum",
Values: []EnumValue{{Name: "E", Number: 0}},
}, {
Name: "BarEnum",
Values: []EnumValue{{Name: "E", Number: 0}},
fd, err := NewFile(f)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("NewFile() error: %v", err)
tests := []struct {
parent pref.Descriptor
name pref.FullName
want pref.Descriptor
parent: fd.Enums().Get(0),
name: "test.Foo",
want: nil,
}, {
parent: fd.Enums().Get(0),
name: "test.FooEnum",
want: fd.Enums().Get(0),
}, {
parent: fd.Enums().Get(0),
name: "test.BarEnum",
want: fd.Enums().Get(1),
}, {
parent: fd.Enums().Get(0),
name: "test.BarMessage",
want: fd.Messages().Get(1),
}, {
parent: fd.Enums().Get(0),
name: "test.FooMessage.BarMessage",
want: fd.Messages().Get(0).Messages().Get(1),
}, {
parent: fd.Enums().Get(0),
name: "test.FooMessage.Bar",
want: nil,
}, {
parent: fd.Messages().Get(1),
name: "test.FooMessage.BarEnum",
want: fd.Messages().Get(0).Enums().Get(1),
}, {
parent: fd.Messages().Get(1),
name: "test.FooEnum",
want: fd.Enums().Get(0),
}, {
parent: fd.Messages().Get(0),
name: "test.FooEnum",
want: fd.Enums().Get(0),
}, {
parent: fd.Messages().Get(0),
name: "test.FooEnum.NonExistent",
want: nil,
}, {
parent: fd.Messages().Get(0),
name: "test.FooMessage.FooEnum",
want: fd.Messages().Get(0).Enums().Get(0),
}, {
parent: fd.Messages().Get(0),
name: "test.FooMessage",
want: fd.Messages().Get(0),
}, {
parent: fd.Messages().Get(0),
name: "test.FooMessage.Fizz",
want: nil,
}, {
parent: fd.Messages().Get(0).Messages().Get(0),
name: "test.FooMessage.FooMessage",
want: fd.Messages().Get(0).Messages().Get(0),
}, {
parent: fd.Messages().Get(0).Messages().Get(0),
name: "test.FooMessage.BarMessage",
want: fd.Messages().Get(0).Messages().Get(1),
}, {
parent: fd.Messages().Get(0).Messages().Get(0),
name: "test.BarMessage.FooMessage",
want: nil,
}, {
parent: fd.Messages().Get(0).Messages().Get(0),
name: "test.BarMessage",
want: fd.Messages().Get(1),
}, {
parent: fd.Messages().Get(0).Messages().Get(0),
name: "test.BarMessageExtra",
want: nil,
}, {
parent: fd.Messages().Get(0).Messages().Get(0),
name: "taste.BarMessage",
want: nil,
for _, tt := range tests {
got := resolveReference(tt.parent,
if got != tt.want {
fullName := func(d pref.Descriptor) string {
if d == nil {
return "<nil>"
return string(d.FullName())
t.Errorf("resolveReference(%v, %v) = %v, want %v", fullName(tt.parent),, fullName(got), fullName(tt.want))