blob: 8b11cdbd55f181cfbcdc5388d2089cd625ec19af [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package protogen
import (
func opaqueNewFieldHook(desc protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, field *Field) {
field.camelCase = strs.GoCamelCase(string(desc.Name()))
func opaqueNewOneofHook(desc protoreflect.OneofDescriptor, oneof *Oneof) {
oneof.camelCase = strs.GoCamelCase(string(desc.Name()))
func opaqueNewMessageHook(message *Message) {
// New name mangling scheme: Add a '_' between method base
// name (Get, Set, Clear etc) and original field name if
// needed. As a special case, there is one globally reserved
// name, e.g. "Build" thet still results in actual renaming of
// the builder field like in the old scheme. We begin by
// taking care of this special case.
for _, field := range message.Fields {
if field.camelCase == "Build" {
field.camelCase += "_"
// Then find all names of the original field names, we do not want the old scheme to affect
// how we name things.
camelCases := map[string]bool{}
for _, field := range message.Fields {
if field.Oneof != nil {
// We add the name of the union here (potentially many times).
camelCases[field.Oneof.camelCase] = true
// The member fields of the oneof are considered fields in the struct although
// they are not technically there. This is to allow changing a proto2 optional
// to a oneof with source code compatibility.
camelCases[field.camelCase] = true
// For each field, check if any of it's methods would clash with an original field name
for _, field := range message.Fields {
// Every field (except the union fields, that are taken care of separately) has
// a Get and a Set method.
methods := []string{"Set", "Get"}
// For explicit presence fields, we also have Has and Clear.
if field.Desc.HasPresence() {
methods = append(methods, "Has", "Clear")
for _, method := range methods {
// If any method name clashes with a field name, all methods get a
// "_" inserted between the operation and the field name.
if camelCases[method+field.camelCase] {
field.hasConflictHybrid = true
// The union names for oneofs need only have a methods prefix if there is a clash with Has, Clear or Which in
// hybrid and opaque-v0.
for _, field := range message.Fields {
if field.Oneof == nil {
for _, method := range []string{"Has", "Clear", "Which"} {
// Same logic as for regular fields - all methods get the "_" if one needs it.
if camelCases[method+field.Oneof.camelCase] {
field.Oneof.hasConflictHybrid = true