blob: 7f6ca2c3acbb0ba51d203183fd5ae7f69709c01b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package internal_gengo
import (
// Specialized support for well-known types are hard-coded into the generator
// as opposed to being injected in adjacent .go sources in the generated package
// in order to support specialized build systems like Bazel that always generate
// dynamically from the source .proto files.
func genMessageKnownFunctions(g *protogen.GeneratedFile, f *fileInfo, m *messageInfo) {
switch m.Desc.FullName() {
case genid.Any_message_fullname:
g.P("// New marshals src into a new Any instance.")
g.P("func New(src ", protoPackage.Ident("Message"), ") (*Any, error) {")
g.P(" dst := new(Any)")
g.P(" if err := dst.MarshalFrom(src); err != nil {")
g.P(" return nil, err")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" return dst, nil")
g.P("// MarshalFrom marshals src into dst as the underlying message")
g.P("// using the provided marshal options.")
g.P("// If no options are specified, call dst.MarshalFrom instead.")
g.P("func MarshalFrom(dst *Any, src ", protoPackage.Ident("Message"), ", opts ", protoPackage.Ident("MarshalOptions"), ") error {")
g.P(" const urlPrefix = \"\"")
g.P(" if src == nil {")
g.P(" return ", protoimplPackage.Ident("X"), ".NewError(\"invalid nil source message\")")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" b, err := opts.Marshal(src)")
g.P(" if err != nil {")
g.P(" return err")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" dst.TypeUrl = urlPrefix + string(src.ProtoReflect().Descriptor().FullName())")
g.P(" dst.Value = b")
g.P(" return nil")
g.P("// UnmarshalTo unmarshals the underlying message from src into dst")
g.P("// using the provided unmarshal options.")
g.P("// It reports an error if dst is not of the right message type.")
g.P("// If no options are specified, call src.UnmarshalTo instead.")
g.P("func UnmarshalTo(src *Any, dst ", protoPackage.Ident("Message"), ", opts ", protoPackage.Ident("UnmarshalOptions"), ") error {")
g.P(" if src == nil {")
g.P(" return ", protoimplPackage.Ident("X"), ".NewError(\"invalid nil source message\")")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" if !src.MessageIs(dst) {")
g.P(" got := dst.ProtoReflect().Descriptor().FullName()")
g.P(" want := src.MessageName()")
g.P(" return ", protoimplPackage.Ident("X"), ".NewError(\"mismatched message type: got %q, want %q\", got, want)")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" return opts.Unmarshal(src.GetValue(), dst)")
g.P("// UnmarshalNew unmarshals the underlying message from src into dst,")
g.P("// which is newly created message using a type resolved from the type URL.")
g.P("// The message type is resolved according to opt.Resolver,")
g.P("// which should implement protoregistry.MessageTypeResolver.")
g.P("// It reports an error if the underlying message type could not be resolved.")
g.P("// If no options are specified, call src.UnmarshalNew instead.")
g.P("func UnmarshalNew(src *Any, opts ", protoPackage.Ident("UnmarshalOptions"), ") (dst ", protoPackage.Ident("Message"), ", err error) {")
g.P(" if src.GetTypeUrl() == \"\" {")
g.P(" return nil, ", protoimplPackage.Ident("X"), ".NewError(\"invalid empty type URL\")")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" if opts.Resolver == nil {")
g.P(" opts.Resolver = ", protoregistryPackage.Ident("GlobalTypes"))
g.P(" }")
g.P(" r, ok := opts.Resolver.(", protoregistryPackage.Ident("MessageTypeResolver"), ")")
g.P(" if !ok {")
g.P(" return nil, ", protoregistryPackage.Ident("NotFound"))
g.P(" }")
g.P(" mt, err := r.FindMessageByURL(src.GetTypeUrl())")
g.P(" if err != nil {")
g.P(" if err == ", protoregistryPackage.Ident("NotFound"), " {")
g.P(" return nil, err")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" return nil, ", protoimplPackage.Ident("X"), ".NewError(\"could not resolve %q: %v\", src.GetTypeUrl(), err)")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" dst = mt.New().Interface()")
g.P(" return dst, opts.Unmarshal(src.GetValue(), dst)")
g.P("// MessageIs reports whether the underlying message is of the same type as m.")
g.P("func (x *Any) MessageIs(m ", protoPackage.Ident("Message"), ") bool {")
g.P(" if m == nil {")
g.P(" return false")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" url := x.GetTypeUrl()")
g.P(" name := string(m.ProtoReflect().Descriptor().FullName())")
g.P(" if !", stringsPackage.Ident("HasSuffix"), "(url, name) {")
g.P(" return false")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" return len(url) == len(name) || url[len(url)-len(name)-1] == '/'")
g.P("// MessageName reports the full name of the underlying message,")
g.P("// returning an empty string if invalid.")
g.P("func (x *Any) MessageName() ", protoreflectPackage.Ident("FullName"), " {")
g.P(" url := x.GetTypeUrl()")
g.P(" name := ", protoreflectPackage.Ident("FullName"), "(url)")
g.P(" if i := ", stringsPackage.Ident("LastIndexByte"), "(url, '/'); i >= 0 {")
g.P(" name = name[i+len(\"/\"):]")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" if !name.IsValid() {")
g.P(" return \"\"")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" return name")
g.P("// MarshalFrom marshals m into x as the underlying message.")
g.P("func (x *Any) MarshalFrom(m ", protoPackage.Ident("Message"), ") error {")
g.P(" return MarshalFrom(x, m, ", protoPackage.Ident("MarshalOptions"), "{})")
g.P("// UnmarshalTo unmarshals the contents of the underlying message of x into m.")
g.P("// It resets m before performing the unmarshal operation.")
g.P("// It reports an error if m is not of the right message type.")
g.P("func (x *Any) UnmarshalTo(m ", protoPackage.Ident("Message"), ") error {")
g.P(" return UnmarshalTo(x, m, ", protoPackage.Ident("UnmarshalOptions"), "{})")
g.P("// UnmarshalNew unmarshals the contents of the underlying message of x into")
g.P("// a newly allocated message of the specified type.")
g.P("// It reports an error if the underlying message type could not be resolved.")
g.P("func (x *Any) UnmarshalNew() (", protoPackage.Ident("Message"), ", error) {")
g.P(" return UnmarshalNew(x, ", protoPackage.Ident("UnmarshalOptions"), "{})")
case genid.Timestamp_message_fullname:
g.P("// Now constructs a new Timestamp from the current time.")
g.P("func Now() *Timestamp {")
g.P(" return New(", timePackage.Ident("Now"), "())")
g.P("// New constructs a new Timestamp from the provided time.Time.")
g.P("func New(t ", timePackage.Ident("Time"), ") *Timestamp {")
g.P(" return &Timestamp{Seconds: int64(t.Unix()), Nanos: int32(t.Nanosecond())}")
g.P("// AsTime converts x to a time.Time.")
g.P("func (x *Timestamp) AsTime() ", timePackage.Ident("Time"), " {")
g.P(" return ", timePackage.Ident("Unix"), "(int64(x.GetSeconds()), int64(x.GetNanos())).UTC()")
g.P("// IsValid reports whether the timestamp is valid.")
g.P("// It is equivalent to CheckValid == nil.")
g.P("func (x *Timestamp) IsValid() bool {")
g.P(" return x.check() == 0")
g.P("// CheckValid returns an error if the timestamp is invalid.")
g.P("// In particular, it checks whether the value represents a date that is")
g.P("// in the range of 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z to 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z inclusive.")
g.P("// An error is reported for a nil Timestamp.")
g.P("func (x *Timestamp) CheckValid() error {")
g.P(" switch x.check() {")
g.P(" case invalidNil:")
g.P(" return ", protoimplPackage.Ident("X"), ".NewError(\"invalid nil Timestamp\")")
g.P(" case invalidUnderflow:")
g.P(" return ", protoimplPackage.Ident("X"), ".NewError(\"timestamp (%v) before 0001-01-01\", x)")
g.P(" case invalidOverflow:")
g.P(" return ", protoimplPackage.Ident("X"), ".NewError(\"timestamp (%v) after 9999-12-31\", x)")
g.P(" case invalidNanos:")
g.P(" return ", protoimplPackage.Ident("X"), ".NewError(\"timestamp (%v) has out-of-range nanos\", x)")
g.P(" default:")
g.P(" return nil")
g.P(" }")
g.P("const (")
g.P(" _ = iota")
g.P(" invalidNil")
g.P(" invalidUnderflow")
g.P(" invalidOverflow")
g.P(" invalidNanos")
g.P("func (x *Timestamp) check() uint {")
g.P(" const minTimestamp = -62135596800 // Seconds between 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z and 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z, inclusive")
g.P(" const maxTimestamp = +253402300799 // Seconds between 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z and 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z, inclusive")
g.P(" secs := x.GetSeconds()")
g.P(" nanos := x.GetNanos()")
g.P(" switch {")
g.P(" case x == nil:")
g.P(" return invalidNil")
g.P(" case secs < minTimestamp:")
g.P(" return invalidUnderflow")
g.P(" case secs > maxTimestamp:")
g.P(" return invalidOverflow")
g.P(" case nanos < 0 || nanos >= 1e9:")
g.P(" return invalidNanos")
g.P(" default:")
g.P(" return 0")
g.P(" }")
case genid.Duration_message_fullname:
g.P("// New constructs a new Duration from the provided time.Duration.")
g.P("func New(d ", timePackage.Ident("Duration"), ") *Duration {")
g.P(" nanos := d.Nanoseconds()")
g.P(" secs := nanos / 1e9")
g.P(" nanos -= secs * 1e9")
g.P(" return &Duration{Seconds: int64(secs), Nanos: int32(nanos)}")
g.P("// AsDuration converts x to a time.Duration,")
g.P("// returning the closest duration value in the event of overflow.")
g.P("func (x *Duration) AsDuration() ", timePackage.Ident("Duration"), " {")
g.P(" secs := x.GetSeconds()")
g.P(" nanos := x.GetNanos()")
g.P(" d := ", timePackage.Ident("Duration"), "(secs) * ", timePackage.Ident("Second"))
g.P(" overflow := d/", timePackage.Ident("Second"), " != ", timePackage.Ident("Duration"), "(secs)")
g.P(" d += ", timePackage.Ident("Duration"), "(nanos) * ", timePackage.Ident("Nanosecond"))
g.P(" overflow = overflow || (secs < 0 && nanos < 0 && d > 0)")
g.P(" overflow = overflow || (secs > 0 && nanos > 0 && d < 0)")
g.P(" if overflow {")
g.P(" switch {")
g.P(" case secs < 0:")
g.P(" return ", timePackage.Ident("Duration"), "(", mathPackage.Ident("MinInt64"), ")")
g.P(" case secs > 0:")
g.P(" return ", timePackage.Ident("Duration"), "(", mathPackage.Ident("MaxInt64"), ")")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" return d")
g.P("// IsValid reports whether the duration is valid.")
g.P("// It is equivalent to CheckValid == nil.")
g.P("func (x *Duration) IsValid() bool {")
g.P(" return x.check() == 0")
g.P("// CheckValid returns an error if the duration is invalid.")
g.P("// In particular, it checks whether the value is within the range of")
g.P("// -10000 years to +10000 years inclusive.")
g.P("// An error is reported for a nil Duration.")
g.P("func (x *Duration) CheckValid() error {")
g.P(" switch x.check() {")
g.P(" case invalidNil:")
g.P(" return ", protoimplPackage.Ident("X"), ".NewError(\"invalid nil Duration\")")
g.P(" case invalidUnderflow:")
g.P(" return ", protoimplPackage.Ident("X"), ".NewError(\"duration (%v) exceeds -10000 years\", x)")
g.P(" case invalidOverflow:")
g.P(" return ", protoimplPackage.Ident("X"), ".NewError(\"duration (%v) exceeds +10000 years\", x)")
g.P(" case invalidNanosRange:")
g.P(" return ", protoimplPackage.Ident("X"), ".NewError(\"duration (%v) has out-of-range nanos\", x)")
g.P(" case invalidNanosSign:")
g.P(" return ", protoimplPackage.Ident("X"), ".NewError(\"duration (%v) has seconds and nanos with different signs\", x)")
g.P(" default:")
g.P(" return nil")
g.P(" }")
g.P("const (")
g.P(" _ = iota")
g.P(" invalidNil")
g.P(" invalidUnderflow")
g.P(" invalidOverflow")
g.P(" invalidNanosRange")
g.P(" invalidNanosSign")
g.P("func (x *Duration) check() uint {")
g.P(" const absDuration = 315576000000 // 10000yr * 365.25day/yr * 24hr/day * 60min/hr * 60sec/min")
g.P(" secs := x.GetSeconds()")
g.P(" nanos := x.GetNanos()")
g.P(" switch {")
g.P(" case x == nil:")
g.P(" return invalidNil")
g.P(" case secs < -absDuration:")
g.P(" return invalidUnderflow")
g.P(" case secs > +absDuration:")
g.P(" return invalidOverflow")
g.P(" case nanos <= -1e9 || nanos >= +1e9:")
g.P(" return invalidNanosRange")
g.P(" case (secs > 0 && nanos < 0) || (secs < 0 && nanos > 0):")
g.P(" return invalidNanosSign")
g.P(" default:")
g.P(" return 0")
g.P(" }")
case genid.Struct_message_fullname:
g.P("// NewStruct constructs a Struct from a general-purpose Go map.")
g.P("// The map keys must be valid UTF-8.")
g.P("// The map values are converted using NewValue.")
g.P("func NewStruct(v map[string]interface{}) (*Struct, error) {")
g.P(" x := &Struct{Fields: make(map[string]*Value, len(v))}")
g.P(" for k, v := range v {")
g.P(" if !", utf8Package.Ident("ValidString"), "(k) {")
g.P(" return nil, ", protoimplPackage.Ident("X"), ".NewError(\"invalid UTF-8 in string: %q\", k)")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" var err error")
g.P(" x.Fields[k], err = NewValue(v)")
g.P(" if err != nil {")
g.P(" return nil, err")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" return x, nil")
g.P("// AsMap converts x to a general-purpose Go map.")
g.P("// The map values are converted by calling Value.AsInterface.")
g.P("func (x *Struct) AsMap() map[string]interface{} {")
g.P(" vs := make(map[string]interface{})")
g.P(" for k, v := range x.GetFields() {")
g.P(" vs[k] = v.AsInterface()")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" return vs")
g.P("func (x *Struct) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {")
g.P(" return ", protojsonPackage.Ident("Marshal"), "(x)")
g.P("func (x *Struct) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {")
g.P(" return ", protojsonPackage.Ident("Unmarshal"), "(b, x)")
case genid.ListValue_message_fullname:
g.P("// NewList constructs a ListValue from a general-purpose Go slice.")
g.P("// The slice elements are converted using NewValue.")
g.P("func NewList(v []interface{}) (*ListValue, error) {")
g.P(" x := &ListValue{Values: make([]*Value, len(v))}")
g.P(" for i, v := range v {")
g.P(" var err error")
g.P(" x.Values[i], err = NewValue(v)")
g.P(" if err != nil {")
g.P(" return nil, err")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" return x, nil")
g.P("// AsSlice converts x to a general-purpose Go slice.")
g.P("// The slice elements are converted by calling Value.AsInterface.")
g.P("func (x *ListValue) AsSlice() []interface{} {")
g.P(" vs := make([]interface{}, len(x.GetValues()))")
g.P(" for i, v := range x.GetValues() {")
g.P(" vs[i] = v.AsInterface()")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" return vs")
g.P("func (x *ListValue) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {")
g.P(" return ", protojsonPackage.Ident("Marshal"), "(x)")
g.P("func (x *ListValue) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {")
g.P(" return ", protojsonPackage.Ident("Unmarshal"), "(b, x)")
case genid.Value_message_fullname:
g.P("// NewValue constructs a Value from a general-purpose Go interface.")
g.P("// ╔════════════════════════╤════════════════════════════════════════════╗")
g.P("// ║ Go type │ Conversion ║")
g.P("// ╠════════════════════════╪════════════════════════════════════════════╣")
g.P("// ║ nil │ stored as NullValue ║")
g.P("// ║ bool │ stored as BoolValue ║")
g.P("// ║ int, int32, int64 │ stored as NumberValue ║")
g.P("// ║ uint, uint32, uint64 │ stored as NumberValue ║")
g.P("// ║ float32, float64 │ stored as NumberValue ║")
g.P("// ║ string │ stored as StringValue; must be valid UTF-8 ║")
g.P("// ║ []byte │ stored as StringValue; base64-encoded ║")
g.P("// ║ map[string]interface{} │ stored as StructValue ║")
g.P("// ║ []interface{} │ stored as ListValue ║")
g.P("// ╚════════════════════════╧════════════════════════════════════════════╝")
g.P("// When converting an int64 or uint64 to a NumberValue, numeric precision loss")
g.P("// is possible since they are stored as a float64.")
g.P("func NewValue(v interface{}) (*Value, error) {")
g.P(" switch v := v.(type) {")
g.P(" case nil:")
g.P(" return NewNullValue(), nil")
g.P(" case bool:")
g.P(" return NewBoolValue(v), nil")
g.P(" case int:")
g.P(" return NewNumberValue(float64(v)), nil")
g.P(" case int32:")
g.P(" return NewNumberValue(float64(v)), nil")
g.P(" case int64:")
g.P(" return NewNumberValue(float64(v)), nil")
g.P(" case uint:")
g.P(" return NewNumberValue(float64(v)), nil")
g.P(" case uint32:")
g.P(" return NewNumberValue(float64(v)), nil")
g.P(" case uint64:")
g.P(" return NewNumberValue(float64(v)), nil")
g.P(" case float32:")
g.P(" return NewNumberValue(float64(v)), nil")
g.P(" case float64:")
g.P(" return NewNumberValue(float64(v)), nil")
g.P(" case string:")
g.P(" if !", utf8Package.Ident("ValidString"), "(v) {")
g.P(" return nil, ", protoimplPackage.Ident("X"), ".NewError(\"invalid UTF-8 in string: %q\", v)")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" return NewStringValue(v), nil")
g.P(" case []byte:")
g.P(" s := ", base64Package.Ident("StdEncoding"), ".EncodeToString(v)")
g.P(" return NewStringValue(s), nil")
g.P(" case map[string]interface{}:")
g.P(" v2, err := NewStruct(v)")
g.P(" if err != nil {")
g.P(" return nil, err")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" return NewStructValue(v2), nil")
g.P(" case []interface{}:")
g.P(" v2, err := NewList(v)")
g.P(" if err != nil {")
g.P(" return nil, err")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" return NewListValue(v2), nil")
g.P(" default:")
g.P(" return nil, ", protoimplPackage.Ident("X"), ".NewError(\"invalid type: %T\", v)")
g.P(" }")
g.P("// NewNullValue constructs a new null Value.")
g.P("func NewNullValue() *Value {")
g.P(" return &Value{Kind: &Value_NullValue{NullValue: NullValue_NULL_VALUE}}")
g.P("// NewBoolValue constructs a new boolean Value.")
g.P("func NewBoolValue(v bool) *Value {")
g.P(" return &Value{Kind: &Value_BoolValue{BoolValue: v}}")
g.P("// NewNumberValue constructs a new number Value.")
g.P("func NewNumberValue(v float64) *Value {")
g.P(" return &Value{Kind: &Value_NumberValue{NumberValue: v}}")
g.P("// NewStringValue constructs a new string Value.")
g.P("func NewStringValue(v string) *Value {")
g.P(" return &Value{Kind: &Value_StringValue{StringValue: v}}")
g.P("// NewStructValue constructs a new struct Value.")
g.P("func NewStructValue(v *Struct) *Value {")
g.P(" return &Value{Kind: &Value_StructValue{StructValue: v}}")
g.P("// NewListValue constructs a new list Value.")
g.P("func NewListValue(v *ListValue) *Value {")
g.P(" return &Value{Kind: &Value_ListValue{ListValue: v}}")
g.P("// AsInterface converts x to a general-purpose Go interface.")
g.P("// Calling Value.MarshalJSON and \"encoding/json\".Marshal on this output produce")
g.P("// semantically equivalent JSON (assuming no errors occur).")
g.P("// Floating-point values (i.e., \"NaN\", \"Infinity\", and \"-Infinity\") are")
g.P("// converted as strings to remain compatible with MarshalJSON.")
g.P("func (x *Value) AsInterface() interface{} {")
g.P(" switch v := x.GetKind().(type) {")
g.P(" case *Value_NumberValue:")
g.P(" if v != nil {")
g.P(" switch {")
g.P(" case ", mathPackage.Ident("IsNaN"), "(v.NumberValue):")
g.P(" return \"NaN\"")
g.P(" case ", mathPackage.Ident("IsInf"), "(v.NumberValue, +1):")
g.P(" return \"Infinity\"")
g.P(" case ", mathPackage.Ident("IsInf"), "(v.NumberValue, -1):")
g.P(" return \"-Infinity\"")
g.P(" default:")
g.P(" return v.NumberValue")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" case *Value_StringValue:")
g.P(" if v != nil {")
g.P(" return v.StringValue")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" case *Value_BoolValue:")
g.P(" if v != nil {")
g.P(" return v.BoolValue")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" case *Value_StructValue:")
g.P(" if v != nil {")
g.P(" return v.StructValue.AsMap()")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" case *Value_ListValue:")
g.P(" if v != nil {")
g.P(" return v.ListValue.AsSlice()")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" return nil")
g.P("func (x *Value) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {")
g.P(" return ", protojsonPackage.Ident("Marshal"), "(x)")
g.P("func (x *Value) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {")
g.P(" return ", protojsonPackage.Ident("Unmarshal"), "(b, x)")
case genid.FieldMask_message_fullname:
g.P("// New constructs a field mask from a list of paths and verifies that")
g.P("// each one is valid according to the specified message type.")
g.P("func New(m ", protoPackage.Ident("Message"), ", paths ...string) (*FieldMask, error) {")
g.P(" x := new(FieldMask)")
g.P(" return x, x.Append(m, paths...)")
g.P("// Union returns the union of all the paths in the input field masks.")
g.P("func Union(mx *FieldMask, my *FieldMask, ms ...*FieldMask) *FieldMask {")
g.P(" var out []string")
g.P(" out = append(out, mx.GetPaths()...)")
g.P(" out = append(out, my.GetPaths()...)")
g.P(" for _, m := range ms {")
g.P(" out = append(out, m.GetPaths()...)")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" return &FieldMask{Paths: normalizePaths(out)}")
g.P("// Intersect returns the intersection of all the paths in the input field masks.")
g.P("func Intersect(mx *FieldMask, my *FieldMask, ms ...*FieldMask) *FieldMask {")
g.P(" var ss1, ss2 []string // reused buffers for performance")
g.P(" intersect := func(out, in []string) []string {")
g.P(" ss1 = normalizePaths(append(ss1[:0], in...))")
g.P(" ss2 = normalizePaths(append(ss2[:0], out...))")
g.P(" out = out[:0]")
g.P(" for i1, i2 := 0, 0; i1 < len(ss1) && i2 < len(ss2); {")
g.P(" switch s1, s2 := ss1[i1], ss2[i2]; {")
g.P(" case hasPathPrefix(s1, s2):")
g.P(" out = append(out, s1)")
g.P(" i1++")
g.P(" case hasPathPrefix(s2, s1):")
g.P(" out = append(out, s2)")
g.P(" i2++")
g.P(" case lessPath(s1, s2):")
g.P(" i1++")
g.P(" case lessPath(s2, s1):")
g.P(" i2++")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" return out")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" out := Union(mx, my, ms...).GetPaths()")
g.P(" out = intersect(out, mx.GetPaths())")
g.P(" out = intersect(out, my.GetPaths())")
g.P(" for _, m := range ms {")
g.P(" out = intersect(out, m.GetPaths())")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" return &FieldMask{Paths: normalizePaths(out)}")
g.P("// IsValid reports whether all the paths are syntactically valid and")
g.P("// refer to known fields in the specified message type.")
g.P("// It reports false for a nil FieldMask.")
g.P("func (x *FieldMask) IsValid(m ", protoPackage.Ident("Message"), ") bool {")
g.P(" paths := x.GetPaths()")
g.P(" return x != nil && numValidPaths(m, paths) == len(paths)")
g.P("// Append appends a list of paths to the mask and verifies that each one")
g.P("// is valid according to the specified message type.")
g.P("// An invalid path is not appended and breaks insertion of subsequent paths.")
g.P("func (x *FieldMask) Append(m ", protoPackage.Ident("Message"), ", paths ...string) error {")
g.P(" numValid := numValidPaths(m, paths)")
g.P(" x.Paths = append(x.Paths, paths[:numValid]...)")
g.P(" paths = paths[numValid:]")
g.P(" if len(paths) > 0 {")
g.P(" name := m.ProtoReflect().Descriptor().FullName()")
g.P(" return ", protoimplPackage.Ident("X"), ".NewError(\"invalid path %q for message %q\", paths[0], name)")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" return nil")
g.P("func numValidPaths(m ", protoPackage.Ident("Message"), ", paths []string) int {")
g.P(" md0 := m.ProtoReflect().Descriptor()")
g.P(" for i, path := range paths {")
g.P(" md := md0")
g.P(" if !rangeFields(path, func(field string) bool {")
g.P(" // Search the field within the message.")
g.P(" if md == nil {")
g.P(" return false // not within a message")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" fd := md.Fields().ByName(", protoreflectPackage.Ident("Name"), "(field))")
g.P(" // The real field name of a group is the message name.")
g.P(" if fd == nil {")
g.P(" gd := md.Fields().ByName(", protoreflectPackage.Ident("Name"), "(", stringsPackage.Ident("ToLower"), "(field)))")
g.P(" if gd != nil && gd.Kind() == ", protoreflectPackage.Ident("GroupKind"), " && string(gd.Message().Name()) == field {")
g.P(" fd = gd")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" } else if fd.Kind() == ", protoreflectPackage.Ident("GroupKind"), " && string(fd.Message().Name()) != field {")
g.P(" fd = nil")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" if fd == nil {")
g.P(" return false // message has does not have this field")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" // Identify the next message to search within.")
g.P(" md = fd.Message() // may be nil")
g.P(" if fd.IsMap() {")
g.P(" md = fd.MapValue().Message() // may be nil")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" return true")
g.P(" }) {")
g.P(" return i")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" return len(paths)")
g.P("// Normalize converts the mask to its canonical form where all paths are sorted")
g.P("// and redundant paths are removed.")
g.P("func (x *FieldMask) Normalize() {")
g.P(" x.Paths = normalizePaths(x.Paths)")
g.P("func normalizePaths(paths []string) []string {")
g.P(" ", sortPackage.Ident("Slice"), "(paths, func(i, j int) bool {")
g.P(" return lessPath(paths[i], paths[j])")
g.P(" })")
g.P(" // Elide any path that is a prefix match on the previous.")
g.P(" out := paths[:0]")
g.P(" for _, path := range paths {")
g.P(" if len(out) > 0 && hasPathPrefix(path, out[len(out)-1]) {")
g.P(" continue")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" out = append(out, path)")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" return out")
g.P("// hasPathPrefix is like strings.HasPrefix, but further checks for either")
g.P("// an exact matche or that the prefix is delimited by a dot.")
g.P("func hasPathPrefix(path, prefix string) bool {")
g.P(" return ", stringsPackage.Ident("HasPrefix"), "(path, prefix) && (len(path) == len(prefix) || path[len(prefix)] == '.')")
g.P("// lessPath is a lexicographical comparison where dot is specially treated")
g.P("// as the smallest symbol.")
g.P("func lessPath(x, y string) bool {")
g.P(" for i := 0; i < len(x) && i < len(y); i++ {")
g.P(" if x[i] != y[i] {")
g.P(" return (x[i] - '.') < (y[i] - '.')")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" return len(x) < len(y)")
g.P("// rangeFields is like strings.Split(path, \".\"), but avoids allocations by")
g.P("// iterating over each field in place and calling a iterator function.")
g.P("func rangeFields(path string, f func(field string) bool) bool {")
g.P(" for {")
g.P(" var field string")
g.P(" if i := ", stringsPackage.Ident("IndexByte"), "(path, '.'); i >= 0 {")
g.P(" field, path = path[:i], path[i:]")
g.P(" } else {")
g.P(" field, path = path, \"\"")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" if !f(field) {")
g.P(" return false")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" if len(path) == 0 {")
g.P(" return true")
g.P(" }")
g.P(" path = ", stringsPackage.Ident("TrimPrefix"), "(path, \".\")")
g.P(" }")
case genid.BoolValue_message_fullname,
funcName := strings.TrimSuffix(m.GoIdent.GoName, "Value")
typeName := strings.ToLower(funcName)
switch typeName {
case "float":
typeName = "float32"
case "double":
typeName = "float64"
case "bytes":
typeName = "[]byte"
g.P("// ", funcName, " stores v in a new ", m.GoIdent, " and returns a pointer to it.")
g.P("func ", funcName, "(v ", typeName, ") *", m.GoIdent, " {")
g.P(" return &", m.GoIdent, "{Value: v}")