blob: 101e4ba582d6f13177b75aaf55814d5d98f4c93e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package jsonpb
import (
pref ""
// isCustomType returns true if type name has special JSON conversion rules.
// The list of custom types here has to match the ones in marshalCustomTypes.
func isCustomType(name pref.FullName) bool {
switch name {
case "google.protobuf.Any",
return true
return false
// marshalCustomType marshals given well-known type message that have special
// JSON conversion rules. It needs to be a message type where isCustomType
// returns true, else it will panic.
func (e encoder) marshalCustomType(m pref.Message) error {
name := m.Type().FullName()
switch name {
case "google.protobuf.Any":
return e.marshalAny(m)
case "google.protobuf.BoolValue",
return e.marshalKnownScalar(m)
case "google.protobuf.Struct":
return e.marshalStruct(m)
case "google.protobuf.ListValue":
return e.marshalListValue(m)
case "google.protobuf.Value":
return e.marshalKnownValue(m)
case "google.protobuf.Duration":
return e.marshalDuration(m)
case "google.protobuf.Timestamp":
return e.marshalTimestamp(m)
case "google.protobuf.FieldMask":
return e.marshalFieldMask(m)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("encoder.marshalCustomTypes(%q) does not have a custom marshaler", name))
func (e encoder) marshalAny(m pref.Message) error {
var nerr errors.NonFatal
msgType := m.Type()
knownFields := m.KnownFields()
// Start writing the JSON object.
defer e.EndObject()
if !knownFields.Has(fieldnum.Any_TypeUrl) {
if !knownFields.Has(fieldnum.Any_Value) {
// If message is empty, marshal out empty JSON object.
return nil
} else {
// Return error if type_url field is not set, but value is set.
return errors.New("field %s.type_url is not set", msgType.FullName())
typeVal := knownFields.Get(fieldnum.Any_TypeUrl)
valueVal := knownFields.Get(fieldnum.Any_Value)
// Marshal out @type field.
typeURL := typeVal.String()
if err := e.WriteString(typeURL); !nerr.Merge(err) {
return err
// Resolve the type in order to unmarshal value field.
emt, err := e.resolver.FindMessageByURL(typeURL)
if !nerr.Merge(err) {
return errors.New("unable to resolve %v: %v", typeURL, err)
em := emt.New()
// TODO: Need to set types registry in binary unmarshaling.
err = proto.Unmarshal(valueVal.Bytes(), em.Interface())
if !nerr.Merge(err) {
return errors.New("unable to unmarshal %v: %v", typeURL, err)
// If type of value has custom JSON encoding, marshal out a field "value"
// with corresponding custom JSON encoding of the embedded message as a
// field.
if isCustomType(emt.FullName()) {
return e.marshalCustomType(em)
// Else, marshal out the embedded message's fields in this Any object.
if err := e.marshalFields(em); !nerr.Merge(err) {
return err
return nerr.E
func (e encoder) marshalKnownScalar(m pref.Message) error {
msgType := m.Type()
fieldDescs := msgType.Fields()
knownFields := m.KnownFields()
// The "value" field has the same field number for all wrapper types.
const num = fieldnum.BoolValue_Value
fd := fieldDescs.ByNumber(num)
val := knownFields.Get(num)
return e.marshalSingular(val, fd)
func (e encoder) marshalStruct(m pref.Message) error {
msgType := m.Type()
fieldDescs := msgType.Fields()
knownFields := m.KnownFields()
fd := fieldDescs.ByNumber(fieldnum.Struct_Fields)
val := knownFields.Get(fieldnum.Struct_Fields)
return e.marshalMap(val.Map(), fd)
func (e encoder) marshalListValue(m pref.Message) error {
msgType := m.Type()
fieldDescs := msgType.Fields()
knownFields := m.KnownFields()
fd := fieldDescs.ByNumber(fieldnum.ListValue_Values)
val := knownFields.Get(fieldnum.ListValue_Values)
return e.marshalList(val.List(), fd)
func (e encoder) marshalKnownValue(m pref.Message) error {
msgType := m.Type()
fieldDescs := msgType.Oneofs().Get(0).Fields()
knownFields := m.KnownFields()
for i := 0; i < fieldDescs.Len(); i++ {
fd := fieldDescs.Get(i)
num := fd.Number()
if !knownFields.Has(num) {
// Only one field should be set.
val := knownFields.Get(num)
return e.marshalSingular(val, fd)
// Return error if none of the fields are set.
return errors.New("%s: none of the variants is set", msgType.FullName())
const (
secondsInNanos = int64(time.Second / time.Nanosecond)
maxSecondsInDuration = int64(315576000000)
func (e encoder) marshalDuration(m pref.Message) error {
msgType := m.Type()
knownFields := m.KnownFields()
secsVal := knownFields.Get(fieldnum.Duration_Seconds)
nanosVal := knownFields.Get(fieldnum.Duration_Nanos)
secs := secsVal.Int()
nanos := nanosVal.Int()
if secs < -maxSecondsInDuration || secs > maxSecondsInDuration {
return errors.New("%s.seconds out of range", msgType.FullName())
if nanos <= -secondsInNanos || nanos >= secondsInNanos {
return errors.New("%s.nanos out of range", msgType.FullName())
if (secs > 0 && nanos < 0) || (secs < 0 && nanos > 0) {
return errors.New("%s: signs of seconds and nanos do not match", msgType.FullName())
// Generated output always contains 0, 3, 6, or 9 fractional digits,
// depending on required precision, followed by the suffix "s".
f := "%d.%09d"
if nanos < 0 {
nanos = -nanos
if secs == 0 {
f = "-%d.%09d"
x := fmt.Sprintf(f, secs, nanos)
x = strings.TrimSuffix(x, "000")
x = strings.TrimSuffix(x, "000")
x = strings.TrimSuffix(x, ".000")
e.WriteString(x + "s")
return nil
const (
maxTimestampSeconds = 253402300799
minTimestampSeconds = -62135596800
func (e encoder) marshalTimestamp(m pref.Message) error {
msgType := m.Type()
knownFields := m.KnownFields()
secsVal := knownFields.Get(fieldnum.Timestamp_Seconds)
nanosVal := knownFields.Get(fieldnum.Timestamp_Nanos)
secs := secsVal.Int()
nanos := nanosVal.Int()
if secs < minTimestampSeconds || secs > maxTimestampSeconds {
return errors.New("%s.seconds out of range", msgType.FullName())
if nanos < 0 || nanos >= secondsInNanos {
return errors.New("%s.nanos out of range", msgType.FullName())
// Uses RFC 3339, where generated output will be Z-normalized and uses 0, 3,
// 6 or 9 fractional digits.
t := time.Unix(secs, nanos).UTC()
x := t.Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05.000000000")
x = strings.TrimSuffix(x, "000")
x = strings.TrimSuffix(x, "000")
x = strings.TrimSuffix(x, ".000")
e.WriteString(x + "Z")
return nil
func (e encoder) marshalFieldMask(m pref.Message) error {
msgType := m.Type()
knownFields := m.KnownFields()
name := msgType.FullName()
val := knownFields.Get(fieldnum.FieldMask_Paths)
list := val.List()
paths := make([]string, 0, list.Len())
for i := 0; i < list.Len(); i++ {
s := list.Get(i).String()
// Return error if conversion to camelCase is not reversible.
cc := camelCase(s)
if s != snakeCase(cc) {
return errors.New("%s.paths contains irreversible value %q", name, s)
paths = append(paths, cc)
e.WriteString(strings.Join(paths, ","))
return nil
// camelCase converts given string into camelCase where ASCII character after _
// is turned into uppercase and _'s are removed.
func camelCase(s string) string {
var b []byte
var afterUnderscore bool
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
c := s[i]
if afterUnderscore {
if isASCIILower(c) {
c -= 'a' - 'A'
if c == '_' {
afterUnderscore = true
afterUnderscore = false
b = append(b, c)
return string(b)
// snakeCase converts given string into snake_case where ASCII uppercase
// character is turned into _ + lowercase.
func snakeCase(s string) string {
var b []byte
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
c := s[i]
if isASCIIUpper(c) {
c += 'a' - 'A'
b = append(b, '_', c)
} else {
b = append(b, c)
return string(b)
func isASCIILower(c byte) bool {
return 'a' <= c && c <= 'z'
func isASCIIUpper(c byte) bool {
return 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z'