| #!/bin/bash |
| # Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. |
| # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style |
| # license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" |
| |
| read -p "What is the next release version (e.g., 'v1.26.0')? " VERSION |
| SEMVER_REGEX='^v\([0-9]*\)[.]\([0-9]*\)[.]\([0-9]*\)\([.a-zA-Z0-9A-Z-]*\)$' |
| if ! [[ -z $(echo $VERSION | sed -e "s/$SEMVER_REGEX//") ]]; then |
| echo; echo "invalid: must be a semver string"; exit 1 |
| fi |
| VERSION_MAJOR=$(echo $VERSION | sed -e "s/$SEMVER_REGEX/\1/") |
| VERSION_MINOR=$(echo $VERSION | sed -e "s/$SEMVER_REGEX/\2/") |
| VERSION_PATCH=$(echo $VERSION | sed -e "s/$SEMVER_REGEX/\3/") |
| VERSION_PRERELEASE=$(echo $VERSION | sed -e "s/$SEMVER_REGEX/\4/") |
| if ! [[ "$VERSION_MAJOR" =~ ^1$ ]]; then |
| echo; echo "invalid: major version must be 1"; exit 1 |
| fi |
| if ! [[ -z $VERSION_PRERELEASE ]] && ! [[ "$VERSION_PRERELEASE" =~ ^-rc[.][0-9]+$ ]]; then |
| echo; echo "invalid: pre-release suffix must be empty or '-rc.X'"; exit 1 |
| fi |
| VERSION_PRERELEASE=${VERSION_PRERELEASE#"-"} # trim possible leading dash |
| |
| function version_string() { |
| if ! [[ -z $VERSION_PRERELEASE ]]; then |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| read -p "Were there any changes to the generator that relies on new runtime functionality? " YN |
| case $YN in |
| [Yy]* ) |
| read -p " What minor version of the runtime is required now? " GEN_VERSION |
| if ! [[ "$GEN_VERSION" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then echo; echo "invalid: must be an integer"; exit 1; fi;; |
| [Nn]* ) ;; |
| * ) echo; echo "invalid: must be 'yes' or 'no'"; exit 1;; |
| esac |
| |
| read -p "Were there any dropped functionality in the runtime for old generated code? " YN |
| case $YN in |
| [Yy]* ) |
| read -p " What minor version of the runtime is required now? " MIN_VERSION |
| if ! [[ "$MIN_VERSION" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then echo; echo "invalid: must be an integer"; exit 1; fi;; |
| [Nn]* ) ;; |
| * ) echo; echo "invalid: must be 'yes' or 'no'"; exit 1;; |
| esac |
| |
| |
| echo |
| echo "Preparing changes to release $(version_string)." |
| echo |
| |
| set -e |
| |
| # Create a new branch to contain the release changes. |
| if [[ $(git branch --list release) ]]; then |
| echo "error: release branch already exists"; exit 1 |
| fi |
| git codereview change release |
| git codereview sync |
| |
| # Create commit for actual release. |
| INPLACE='-i ""' # BSD version of sed expects argument after -i |
| if [[ "$(sed --version)" == *"GNU"* ]]; then |
| INPLACE="-i" # GNU version of sed does not expect argument after -i |
| fi |
| sed $INPLACE -e "s/\(Minor *= *\)[0-9]*/\1$VERSION_MINOR/" internal/version/version.go |
| sed $INPLACE -e "s/\(Patch *= *\)[0-9]*/\1$VERSION_PATCH/" internal/version/version.go |
| sed $INPLACE -e "s/\(PreRelease *= *\)\"[^\"]*\"/\1\"$VERSION_PRERELEASE\"/" internal/version/version.go |
| if ! [[ -z $GEN_VERSION ]]; then |
| sed $INPLACE -e "s/\(GenVersion *= *\)[0-9]*/\1$GEN_VERSION/" runtime/protoimpl/version.go |
| fi |
| if ! [[ -z $MIN_VERSION ]]; then |
| sed $INPLACE -e "s/\(MinVersion *= *\)[0-9]*/\1$MIN_VERSION/" runtime/protoimpl/version.go |
| fi |
| git commit -a -m "all: release $(version_string)" |
| |
| # Build release binaries. |
| go test google.golang.org/protobuf -run='^TestIntegration$' -timeout=60m -count=1 "$@" -buildRelease |
| |
| # Create commit to start development after release. |
| VERSION_PRERELEASE="${VERSION_PRERELEASE}.devel" # append ".devel" |
| VERSION_PRERELEASE="${VERSION_PRERELEASE#"."}" # trim possible leading "." |
| sed $INPLACE -e "s/\(PreRelease *= *\)\"[^\"]*\"/\1\"$VERSION_PRERELEASE\"/" internal/version/version.go |
| git commit -a -m "all: start $(version_string)" |
| |
| echo |
| echo "Release changes prepared. Additional steps:" |
| echo " 1) Submit the changes:" |
| echo " a. Mail out the changes: git mail HEAD" |
| echo " b. Request a review on the changes and merge them." |
| echo " 2) Tag a new release on GitHub:" |
| echo " a. Write release notes highlighting notable changes." |
| echo " b. Attach pre-compiled binaries as assets to the release." |
| echo |