blob: 48ba9eeb6825122d684e17fb945992981a40a600 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO: Delete this package and re-write functionality to depend on
// reflect/protodesc and internal/fileinit.
// Package prototype provides builders to construct protobuf types that
// implement the interfaces defined in the protoreflect package.
// Protobuf types can either be constructed as standalone types
// (e.g., StandaloneMessage), or together as a batch of types in a single
// proto file (e.g., File). When creating standalone types, additional
// information must be provided such as the full type name and the proto syntax.
// When creating an entire file, the syntax and full name is derived from
// the parent type.
// Most types contain options, defined as messages in descriptor.proto.
// To avoid cyclic dependencies, the prototype package treats these options
// as opaque protoreflect.ProtoMessage values. In some cases where the option
// contains semantically important information (e.g.,
// google.protobuf.MessageOptions.map_entry), this information must be provided
// as a field of the corresponding type (e.g., prototype.Message.MapEntry).
package prototype
import ""
// Every struct has a "meta" struct embedded within it as a pointer.
// The meta type provides additional data structures for efficient lookup on
// certain methods (e.g., ByName) or derived information that can be
// derived from the parent (e.g., FullName). The meta type is lazily allocated
// and initialized. This architectural approach keeps the literal representation
// smaller, which then keeps the generated code size smaller.
// TODO: Instead of a top-down construction approach where internal references
// to message types use placeholder types, we could add a Reference method
// on Message and Enum that creates a MessageDescriptor or EnumDescriptor
// reference that only becomes valid after NewFile.
// However, that API approach is more error prone, as it causes more memory
// aliasing and provides more opportunity for misuse.
// Also, it requires that NewFile at least eagerly initialize all
// messages and enums list types. We can always add that API in the future.
// File is a constructor for protoreflect.FileDescriptor.
type File struct {
Syntax protoreflect.Syntax
Path string
Package protoreflect.FullName
Imports []protoreflect.FileImport
Options protoreflect.ProtoMessage
Enums []Enum
Messages []Message
Extensions []Extension
Services []Service
// NewFile creates a new protoreflect.FileDescriptor from the provided value.
// The file must represent a valid proto file according to protobuf semantics.
// Fields that reference an enum or message that is being declared within the
// same File can be represented using a placeholder descriptor. NewFile will
// automatically resolve the placeholder to point to a concrete descriptor.
// Alternatively, a reference descriptor obtained via Enum.Reference or
// Message.Reference can be used instead. The placeholder approach makes it
// possible to declare the file descriptor as a single File literal and
// is generally easier to use. The reference approach is more performant,
// but also more error prone.
// The caller must relinquish full ownership of the input t and must not
// access or mutate any fields. The input must not contain slices that are
// sub-slices of each other.
func NewFile(t *File) (protoreflect.FileDescriptor, error) {
// TODO: Provide an unverified make that avoids validating the file.
// This is useful for generated code since we know that protoc-gen-go
// already validated the protobuf types.
ft := newFile(t)
if err := validateFile(ft); err != nil {
return nil, err
// TODO: When using reference descriptors, it is vital that all enums and
// messages are touched so that they are initialized before returning.
// Otherwise, reference descriptors may still be invalid.
// We can remove this once validateFile is implemented, since it will
// inherently touch all the necessary messages and enums.
return ft, nil
func visitMessages(d interface {
Enums() protoreflect.EnumDescriptors
Messages() protoreflect.MessageDescriptors
}) {
ms := d.Messages()
for i := 0; i < ms.Len(); i++ {
// Message is a constructor for protoreflect.MessageDescriptor.
type Message struct {
Name protoreflect.Name
Fields []Field
Oneofs []Oneof
ReservedNames []protoreflect.Name
ReservedRanges [][2]protoreflect.FieldNumber
ExtensionRanges [][2]protoreflect.FieldNumber
ExtensionRangeOptions []protoreflect.ProtoMessage
Options protoreflect.ProtoMessage
IsMapEntry bool
Enums []Enum
Messages []Message
Extensions []Extension
// Reference returns m as a reference protoreflect.MessageDescriptor,
// which can be used to satisfy internal dependencies within a proto file.
// Methods on the returned descriptor are not valid until the file that this
// message belongs to has been constructed via NewFile.
func (m *Message) Reference() protoreflect.MessageDescriptor {
return messageDesc{m}
// Field is a constructor for protoreflect.FieldDescriptor.
type Field struct {
Name protoreflect.Name
Number protoreflect.FieldNumber
Cardinality protoreflect.Cardinality
Kind protoreflect.Kind
JSONName string
Default protoreflect.Value
OneofName protoreflect.Name
MessageType protoreflect.MessageDescriptor
EnumType protoreflect.EnumDescriptor
Options protoreflect.ProtoMessage
IsPacked OptionalBool
IsWeak bool
// Oneof is a constructor for protoreflect.OneofDescriptor.
type Oneof struct {
Name protoreflect.Name
Options protoreflect.ProtoMessage
// Extension is a constructor for protoreflect.ExtensionDescriptor.
type Extension struct {
Name protoreflect.Name
Number protoreflect.FieldNumber
Cardinality protoreflect.Cardinality
Kind protoreflect.Kind
Default protoreflect.Value
MessageType protoreflect.MessageDescriptor
EnumType protoreflect.EnumDescriptor
ExtendedType protoreflect.MessageDescriptor
Options protoreflect.ProtoMessage
IsPacked OptionalBool
// Enum is a constructor for protoreflect.EnumDescriptor.
type Enum struct {
Name protoreflect.Name
Values []EnumValue
ReservedNames []protoreflect.Name
ReservedRanges [][2]protoreflect.EnumNumber
Options protoreflect.ProtoMessage
// Reference returns e as a reference protoreflect.EnumDescriptor,
// which can be used to satisfy internal dependencies within a proto file.
// Methods on the returned descriptor are not valid until the file that this
// enum belongs to has been constructed via NewFile.
func (e *Enum) Reference() protoreflect.EnumDescriptor {
return enumDesc{e}
// EnumValue is a constructor for protoreflect.EnumValueDescriptor.
type EnumValue struct {
Name protoreflect.Name
Number protoreflect.EnumNumber
Options protoreflect.ProtoMessage
// Service is a constructor for protoreflect.ServiceDescriptor.
type Service struct {
Name protoreflect.Name
Methods []Method
Options protoreflect.ProtoMessage
// Method is a constructor for protoreflect.MethodDescriptor.
type Method struct {
Name protoreflect.Name
InputType protoreflect.MessageDescriptor
OutputType protoreflect.MessageDescriptor
IsStreamingClient bool
IsStreamingServer bool
Options protoreflect.ProtoMessage
// OptionalBool is a tristate boolean.
type OptionalBool uint8
// Tristate boolean values.
const (
DefaultBool OptionalBool = iota