15292/compile-time-functions.md: add Sept. 2016 proposal

Updates golang/go#15292.

Change-Id: Iea5046b3a623349c52924155a4e0789ca88a165a
Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/38731
Reviewed-by: Ian Lance Taylor <iant@golang.org>
diff --git a/design/15292/2016-09-compile-time-functions.md b/design/15292/2016-09-compile-time-functions.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fa9443
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+++ b/design/15292/2016-09-compile-time-functions.md
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+# Compile-time Functions and First Class Types
+This is a proposal for adding compile-time functions and first-class types to
+Go, written by Bryan C. Mills in September, 2016.
+This proposal will most likely not be adopted.
+It is being presented as an example for what a complete generics proposal must
+## Background
+This is an alternative to an
+[earlier proposal](https://github.com/golang/proposal/blob/master/design/15292/2013-12-type-params.md)
+and subsequent drafts by Ian Lance Taylor.
+Ian's earlier proposal notes:
+>  [T]he right way to implement such features [as template metaprogramming] in
+>  Go would be to add support in the go tool for writing Go code to generate Go
+>  code […] which is in turn compiled into the final program. This would mean
+>  that the metaprogramming language in Go is itself Go.
+This proposal is an attempt to drive that observation to its natural conclusion,
+by adding explicit support for running Go functions over types at compile-time.
+It results in a variant of Go with deep support for parametric types and
+functions, despite relatively little addition to the language.
+This proposal is intended to be Go 1 compatible.
+If any incompatibilities exist, they are likely to be due to the extension of
+`TypeName` to include compile-time expressions and/or due to grammar conflicts
+with the expanded definition of `Declaration`.
+## Proposal
+We introduce a new builtin type, `gotype`, which represents a type within Go
+program during compilation, and a new token which creates a constant of type
+`gotype` from a [`Type`](https://golang.org/ref/spec#Type).
+We permit a subset of Go functions to be called at compile-time.
+These functions can accept and return values of type `gotype`.
+The `gotype` values returned from such functions can appear as types within the
+### Syntax
+`const`, applied at the start of a
+[`FunctionDecl`](https://golang.org/ref/spec#FunctionDecl), indicates a
+declaration of a compile-time function.
+ℹ There are many reasonable alternatives to the `const` token.
+  We could use a currently-invalid token (such as `::` or `<>`), a new builtin
+  name (such as `static`), or, in fact, nothing at all!
+  In the latter case, any `FunctionDecl` that meets the constraints of a
+  compile-time function would result in a function which could be called at
+  compile time.
+The new builtin type `gotype` represents a Go type at compile-time.
+`(type)`, used in place of a
+[`LiteralValue`](https://golang.org/ref/spec#LiteralValue), or the `Expression`
+in a [`Conversion`](https://golang.org/ref/spec#Conversion), represents "the
+type itself".
+It produces a constant of type `gotype`.
+The actual syntax for the `(type)` token could be a currently-invalid
+token (such as `<>` or `{...}`), an existing keyword that cannot currently occur
+in this position (such as an unparenthesized `type`), or a new builtin
+non-keyword (such as `itself`, `typeof`, or `gotype`).
+The `.(type)` syntax already supported in type switches can be used as a general
+expression within compile-time functions.
+It returns the `gotype` of the `interface` value to which it is applied.
+In order to support defining methods on types within compile-time functions, we
+expand the definition of a
+[`Declaration`](https://golang.org/ref/spec#Declaration) to include
+[`FunctionDecl`](https://golang.org/ref/spec#FunctionDecl) and
+[`MethodDecl`](https://golang.org/ref/spec#MethodDecl), with the restriction
+that method declarations must occur within the same scope as the corresponding
+type declaration and before any values of that type are instantiated.
+For uniformity, we also allow these declarations within ordinary
+(non-compile-time) functions.
+ℹ As a possible future extension, we could allow conditional method declarations
+  within a compile-time function before the first use of the type.
+Expressions of type `gotype` can appear anywhere a
+[`TypeName`](https://golang.org/ref/spec#TypeName) is valid, including in the
+parameters or return-values of a compile-time function.
+The compiler substitutes the concrete type returned by the function in place of
+the `gotype` expression.
+`gotype` parameters to a compile-time function may be used in the types of
+subsequent parameters.
+ℹ In this proposal, functions whose parameter types depend on other parameters
+  do not have a well-formed Go type, and hence cannot be passed or stored as
+  variables with `func` types.
+  It may be possible to add such
+  [dependent types](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dependent_type) in the
+  future, but for now it seems prudent to avoid that complexity.
+### Semantics
+Compile-time functions and expressions cannot depend upon values that are not
+available at compile-time.
+In particular, they cannot call non-compile-time functions or access variables
+at package scope.
+ℹ As a possible future extension, we could allow compile-time functions to read
+  and manipulate package variables.
+  This would enable more `init` functions to be evaluated at compile-time,
+  reducing the run-time cost of package initialization (and allowing Go programs
+  to load more quickly).
+  However, it would potentially remove the useful invariant that all
+  compile-time functions are "pure" functions.
+The values returned from a call to a compile-time function are
+[constants](https://golang.org/ref/spec#Constants) if expressions of the
+corresponding types are otherwise valid as constants.
+Arguments to compile-time functions can include:
+* constants (including constants of type `gotype`)
+* calls to other compile-time functions (even if they do not return constants)
+* functions declared at package scope
+* functions and variables declared locally within other compile-time functions
+* [function literals](https://golang.org/ref/spec#Function_literals), provided
+  that the body of the literal does not refer to the local variables of a
+  run-time function or method
+It is an error to write a compile-time expression that depends on a value not
+available at compile-time.
+Passed-in run-time functions cannot be called directly within the compile-time
+function to which they are passed, but they can be called by other (run-time)
+functions and/or methods declared within it.
+⚠ Can / should we allow compile-time functions to accept and call other
+  compile-time functions passed as parameters?
+Run-time functions and methods declared within compile-time functions may refer
+to local variables of the compile-time function.
+Calls to compile-time functions from within run-time functions are evaluated at
+(This is a form of
+[partial evaluation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partial_evaluation).)
+Calls to compile-time functions from other compile-time functions are evaluated
+when the outer function is called.
+⚠ Should we allow compile-time functions that do not involve `gotype` to be
+  called at run-time (with parameters computed at run-time)?
+Expressions of type `gotype` can only be evaluated at compile-time.
+ℹ There is an important distinction between "an expression of type `gotype`" and
+  "an expression _whose type is_ an expression of type `gotype`" (a.k.a. "an
+  expression whose type is _a_ `gotype`).
+  The former is always a compile-time expression; the latter is not.
+If an expression's type is a `gotype` but the concrete type represented by
+evaluating the `gotype` does not support an operation used in the expression, it
+is a compile-time error.
+If the expression occurs within a compile-time function and the expression is
+not evaluated, there is no error.
+`gotype` expressions within type and method declarations are only evaluated if
+the block containing the type declaration is evaluated.
+(This is analogous to the
+[SFINAE rule in C++](http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/sfinae).)
+A [`TypeSwitchStmt`](https://golang.org/ref/spec#TypeSwitchStmt) on an
+expression or variable of type `gotype` switches on the concrete type
+represented by that `gotype`, not the type `gotype` itself.
+As a consequence, a `TypeSwitchStmt` on a `gotype` cannot bind an `identifier`
+in the `TypeSwitchGuard`.
+⚠ It would be useful in some cases to be able to convert between a `gotype` and
+  a `reflect.Type`, or to otherwise implement many of the `reflect.Type` methods
+  on the `gotype` type.
+  For example, in the `hashmap` example below, the `K` parameter could be
+  eliminated by changing the `hashfn` and `eqfn` parameters to `interface{}` and
+  reflecting over them to discover the key type.
+  Is that worth considering at this point?
+#### Type names
+The name of a type declared within a function is local to the function.
+If a local type is returned (as a `gotype`), it becomes
+an [unnamed type](https://golang.org/ref/spec#Types).
+ℹ Local types introduce the possibility of unnamed types with methods.
+Two unnamed types returned as `gotype` are
+[identical](https://golang.org/ref/spec#Type_identity) if they were returned by
+calls to the same function with the same parameters.
+If the function itself was local to another compile-time function, this applies
+to the parameters passed to the outermost function that returns the `gotype`.
+### Examples
+// AsWriterTo returns reader if it implements io.WriterTo,
+// or a wrapper that embeds reader and implements io.WriterTo otherwise.
+const func AsWriterTo(reader gotype) gotype {
+	switch reader.(type) {
+	case io.WriterTo:
+		return reader
+	default:
+		type WriterTo struct {
+			reader
+		}
+		func (t *WriterTo) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (n int64, err error) {
+			return io.Copy(w, t.reader)
+		}
+		return WriterTo (type)
+	}
+const func MakeWriterTo(reader gotype) func(reader) AsWriterTo(reader) {
+	switch reader.(type) {
+	case io.WriterTo:
+		return func(r reader) AsWriterTo(reader) {
+			return r
+		}
+	default:
+		return func(r reader) AsWriterTo(reader) {
+			return AsWriterTo(reader) { r }
+		}
+	}
+func redundantButOk(b *bytes.Buffer) io.WriterTo {
+	return MakeWriterTo(*bytes.Buffer)(b)  // ok: takes the io.WriterTo case
+func maybeUseful(r *io.LimitedReader) io.WriterTo {
+	return MakeWriterTo(*io.LimitedReader)(r)  // ok: takes the default case
+const func fused(reader gotype) (writerTo gotype, make func(reader) writerTo) {
+	writerTo = AsWriterTo(reader)            // ok: gotype var in a compile-time function
+	return writerTo, MakeWriterTo(writerTo)  // ok: call of compile-time function with compile-time var
+// bad always produces a compile-time error.
+func bad(i int) io.WriterTo {
+	return MakeWriterTo(int)(i)  // error: 'int' does not implement 'io.Reader'
+// hiddenError produces a compile-time error only if it is called.
+const func hiddenError(i int) io.WriterTo {
+	return MakeWriterTo(int)(i)  // error: 'int' does not implement 'io.Reader'
+const func List(T gotype) gotype {
+	type List struct {
+		element T
+		next *List
+	}
+	return List (type)
+type ListInt List(int)
+var v1 List(int)
+var v2 List(float)
+const func MyMap(T1, T2 gotype) gotype { return map[T1]T2 (type) }
+const func MyChan(T3 gotype) gotype { return chan T3 (type) }
+var v3 MyMap(int, string)
+package hashmap
+const func bucket(K, V gotype) gotype {
+	type bucket struct {
+		next *bucket
+		key K
+		val V
+	}
+	return bucket (type)
+const func Hashfn(K gotype) gotype { return func(K) uint (type) }
+const func Eqfn(K gotype) gotype { return func(K, K) bool (type) }
+const func Hashmap(K, V gotype, hashfn Hashfn(K), eqfn Eqfn(K)) gotype {
+	type Hashmap struct {
+		buckets []bucket(K, V)
+		entries int
+	}
+	func(p *Hashmap) Lookup (key K) (val V, found bool) {
+		h := hashfn(key) % len(p.buckets)
+		for b := p.buckets[h]; b != nil; b = b.next {
+			if eqfn(key, b.key) {
+				return b.val, true
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	func (p *Hashmap) Insert(key K, val V) (inserted bool) {
+		// Implementation omitted.
+	}
+	return Hashmap (type)
+const func New(K, V gotype, hashfn Hashfn(K), eqfn Eqfn(K)) func()*Hashmap(K, V, hashfn, eqfn) {
+	return func () *Hashmap(K, V, hashfn, eqfn) {
+		return &Hashmap(K, V, hashfn, eqfn) {
+			buckets: make([]bucket(K, V), 16),
+			entries: 0,
+		}
+	}
+package sample
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"hashmap"
+	"os"
+func hashint(i int) uint {
+	return uint(i)
+func eqint(i, j int) bool {
+	return i == j
+var v = hashmap.New(int(type), string(type), hashint, eqint)
+func Add(id int, name string) {
+	if !v.Insert(id, name) {
+		log.Fatal("duplicate id", id)
+	}
+func Find(id int) string {
+	val, found := v.Lookup(id)
+	if !found {
+		log.Fatal("missing id", id)
+	}
+	return val
+### Ambiguities
+The extension of `TypeName` to include calls returning a `gotype` introduces
+some minor ambiguities in the grammar which must be resolved, particularly when
+the argument to the `gotype` function is a named constant rather than a `gotype`
+or another call.
+The following example illustrates an ambiguity in interface declarations.
+If `Z` is a type, it declares a method named `Y` with an argument of type `Z`.
+If `Z` is a constant, it embeds the interface type `Y(Z)` in `X`.
+interface X {
+  Y(Z)
+The compiler can theoretically resolve the ambiguity itself based on the
+definition of `Z`, but `go/parser` package currently does not do enough analysis
+to determine the correct abstract syntax tree for this case.
+To keep the parser relatively simple, we can resolve the ambiguity by requiring
+parentheses for embedded types derived from expressions, which can never be
+valid method declarations:
+interface X {
+  (Y(Z))
+ℹ In the above example, `Z` must be a constant or the name of a type, not a
+  `gotype` literal: the `(type)` in `Z (type)` would already remove the
+  ambiguity.
+ℹ This problem and the proposed resolution are analogous to the existing
+  ambiguity and workaround for composite literals within `if`, `switch`, and
+  `for` statements.
+  (Search for "parsing ambiguity" in the Go 1.7 spec.)
+The following example illustrates an ambiguity in expressions.
+If `Y` is a compile-time function that returns a `gotype`, the expression is a
+[`Conversion`](https://golang.org/ref/spec#Conversion) of the expression `w` to
+the type `Y(Z)`.
+Otherwise, it is a [call](https://golang.org/ref/spec#Calls) to the function
+`Y(Z)` with [`Arguments`](https://golang.org/ref/spec#Arguments) `w`.
+var x = Y(Z)(w)
+Fortunately, the [`go/ast` representation](https://play.golang.org/p/C0W4uMy5ek)
+for both of these forms is equivalent: a nested `CallExpr`.
+ℹ As above, this case is only ambiguous if `Z` is a constant or the name of a
+  type.
+ℹ This ambiguity already appears in the existing grammar for the simpler case of
+  `var x = Y(w)`: whether the subexpression `Y(w)` is parsed as a `Conversion`
+  of `w` to `Y` or a `PrimaryExpr` applying a function `Y` to `w` already
+  depends upon whether `Y` names a type or a function or variable.
+The ambiguities described here are low-risk: the result of misparsing is an
+invalid program, not a valid program with unintended behavior.
+## Rationale
+This proposal provides support for parametricity and metaprogramming using a
+language that is already familiar to Go programmers: a subset of Go itself.
+The proposed changes to the compiler are extensive (in order to support
+compile-time evaluation), but the changes to the language itself and to the
+runtime are relatively minimal: extensions of existing declaration syntax to
+additional scopes, a token for indicating compile-time functions, a token for
+hoisting types into values, and the new built-in type `gotype`.
+The programmer needs to think about which parts of the program execute at
+compile-time or at run-time, but does not need to learn a whole new language (as
+opposed to, say, the extensive surface area of the `reflect` or `go/ast`
+packages or the entirely different language of `text/template`).
+The potential applications cover a significant fraction of "metaprogramming"
+use-cases that are currently well-supported only in languages much more complex
+than Go, and that are not addressed by previous proposals that run closer to
+conventional "generics" or "templates".
+The specific language changes may be somewhat more complex than some
+alternatives (particularly when compared to tools that build on top of `go
+generate`), but the deployment overhead is substantially lower: instead of
+preprocessing source files (and potentially iterating over the outputs many
+times to reach a fix-point of code generation), the programmer need only run the
+usual `go build` command.
+That is: this proposal trades a bit more language complexity for a significant
+reduction in tooling complexity for Go users.
+With a few additional modest extensions (e.g. compile-time `init` functions),
+the same mechanism can be used to make Go program initialization more efficient
+and to move detection of more errors from run-time to compile-time.
+The principles underlying this proposal are based on existing (if little-used)
+designs from programming language research: namely, higher-order types, partial
+evaluation[1][][2][], and dependent function types.
+[1]: https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fp/papers/jacm00.pdf
+[2]: https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fp/papers/sope98.pdf
+## Caveats
+With this style of metaprogramming, it would be difficult (perhaps infeasible)
+to add deduction for `gotype` arguments in a subsequent revision of the language
+in a way that maintains backward-compatibility.
+## Compatibility
+This proposal is intended to be compatible with Go 1.
+(The author has looked for incompatibilities and not yet found any.)
+## Implementation
+The implementation of `gotype` is straightforward, especially if we decline to
+add conversions to and from `reflect.Type`.
+The detection and evaluation of compile-time expressions adds a new algorithm to
+the compiler, but it should be a straightforward one (a bottom-up analysis of
+expressions) and is closely related to common compiler optimizations
+(e.g. constant folding).
+The export data format would have to be expanded to include definitions of
+compile-time functions (as I assume it does today for inlinable functions).
+The bulk of the implementation work is likely to be in support of executing Go
+functions at compile time: compile-time functions have similar semantics to
+run-time functions, but (because they are executed at compile time and because
+they can have dependent types) would need support for a more dynamically-typed