design: persistent memory support in Go

Design document for the proposal - add native support for programming
persistent memory in Go (

For golang/go#43810

Change-Id: I0b237f7e07634c0bc9d0dbadfc03f37910b83bce
Reviewed-by: Ian Lance Taylor <>
diff --git a/design/ b/design/
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+### Proposal: Add support for Persistent Memory in Go
+Authors: Jerrin Shaji George, Mohit Verma, Rajesh Venkatasubramanian, Pratap Subrahmanyam
+Last updated: January 20, 2021
+Discussion at
+## Abstract
+Persistent memory is a new memory technology that allows byte-addressability at
+DRAM-like access speed and provides disk-like persistence. Operating systems
+such as Linux and Windows server already support persistent memory and the
+hardware is available commercially in servers. More details on this technology
+can be found at [](
+This is a proposal to add native support for programming persistent memory in
+Go. A detailed design of our approach to add this support is described in our
+2020 USENIX ATC paper [go-pmem](
+An implementation of the above design based on Go 1.15 release is available
+## Background
+Persistent Memory is a new type of random-access memory that offers persistence
+and byte-level addressability at DRAM-like access speed. Operating systems
+provide the capability to mmap this memory to an application's virtual address
+space. Applications can then use this mmap'd region just like memory. Durable
+data updates made to persistent memory can be retrieved by an application even
+after a crash/restart.
+Applications using persistent memory benefit in a number of ways. Since durable
+data updates made to persistent memory is non-volatile, applications no longer
+need to marshal data between DRAM and storage devices. A significant portion
+of application code that used to do this heavy-lifting can now be retired.
+Another big advantage is a significant reduction in application startup times on
+restart. This is because applications no longer need to transform their at-rest
+data into an in-memory representation. For example, commercial applications like
+SAP HANA report a [12x improvement](
+in startup times using persistent memory.
+This proposal is to provide first-class native support for Persistent memory in
+Go. Our design modifies Go 1.15 to introduce a garbage collected persistent
+heap. We also instrument the Go compiler to introduce semantics that enables
+transactional updates to persistent-memory datastructures. We call our modified
+Go suite as *go-pmem*. A Redis database developed with using go-pmem offers more
+than 5x throughput compared to Redis running on NVMe SSD.
+## Proposal
+We propose adding native support for programming persistent memory in Go. This
+requires making the following features available in Go:
+1. Support persistent memory allocations
+2. Garbage collection of persistent memory heap objects
+3. Support modifying persistent memory datastructures in a crash-consistent
+4. Enable applications to recover following a crash/restart
+5. Provide applications a mechanism to retrieve back durably stored data in
+persistent memory
+To support these features, we extended the Go runtime and added a new SSA pass
+in our implementation as discussed below.
+## Rationale
+There exists libraries such as Intel [PMDK]( that provides
+C and C++ developers support for persistent memory programming. Other
+programming languages such as Java and Python are exploring ways to enable
+efficient access to persistent memory. E.g.,
+* Java -
+* Python -
+But no language provide a native persistent memory programming support. We
+believe this is an impediment to widespread adoption to this technology. This
+proposal attempts to remedy this problem by making Go the first language to
+completely support persistent memory.
+### Why language change?
+The C libraries expose a programming model significantly different (and complex)
+than existing programming models. In particular, memory management becomes
+difficult with libraries. A missed "free" call can lead to memory leaks and
+persistent memory leaks become permanent and do not vanish after application
+restarts. In a language with a managed runtime such as Go, providing visibility
+to its garbage collector into a memory region managed by a library becomes very
+Identifying and instrumenting stores to persistent memory data to provide
+transactional semantics also requires programming language change.
+In our implementation experience, the Go runtime and compiler was easily
+amenable to add these capabilities.
+## Compatibility
+Our current changes preserve the Go 1.x future compatibility promise. It does
+not break compatibility for programs not using any persistent memory features
+exposed by go-pmem.
+Having said that, we acknowledge a few downsides with our current design:
+1. We store memory allocator metadata in persistent memory. When a program
+restarts, we use these metadata to recreate the program state of the memory
+allocator and garbage collector. As with any persistent data, we need to
+maintain the data layout of this metadata. Any changes to Go memory allocator's
+datastructure layout can break backward compatibility with our persistent
+metadata. This can be fixed by developing an offline tool which can do this
+data format conversion or by embedding this capability in go-pmem.
+2. We currently add three new Go keywords : pnew, pmake and txn. pnew, pmake are
+persistent memory allocation APIs and txn is used to demarcate transactional
+updates to data structures. We have explored a few ways to avoid making these
+language changes as described below.
+a) pnew/pmake
+The availability of generics support in a future version of Go can help us avoid
+introducing these memory allocation functions. They can instead be functions
+exported by a Go package.
+func Pnew[T any](_ T) *T {
+    ptr := runtime.pnew(T)
+    return ptr
+func Pmake[T any](_ T, len, cap int) []T {
+    slc := runtime.pmake([]T, len, cap)
+    return slc
+`runtime.pnew` and `runtime.pmake` would be special functions that can take a
+type as arguments. They then behave very similar to the `new()` and `make()`
+APIs but allocate objects in the persistent memory heap.
+b) txn
+An alternative approach would be to define a new Go pragma that identifies a
+transactional block of code. It could have the following syntax:
+    // transactional data updates
+Another alternative approach can be to use closures with the help of a few
+runtime and compiler changes. For example, something like this can work:
+runtime.Txn() foo()
+Internally, this would be similar to how Go compiler instruments stores when
+mrace/msan flag is passed while compiling. In this case, writes inside
+function foo() will be instrumented and foo() will be executed transactionally.
+See this playground [code]( for a
+complete code listing with our proposed alternatives.
+## Implementation
+Our implementation is based on a fork of Go source code version Go 1.15. Our
+implementation adds three new keywords to Go: pnew, pmake and txn. pnew and
+pmake are persistent memory allocation APIs and txn is used to demarcate a
+block of transaction data update to persistent memory.
+1. pnew - `func pnew(Type) *Type`
+Just like `new`, `pnew` creates a zero-value object of the `Type` argument in
+persistent memory and returns a pointer to this object.
+2. pmake - `func pmake(t Type, size ...IntType) Type`
+The `pmake` API is used to create a slice in persistent memory. The semantics of
+`pmake` is exactly the same as `make` in Go. We don't yet support creating maps
+and channels in persistent memory.
+3. txn
+txn() {
+    // transaction data updates
+Our code changes to Go can be broken down into two parts - runtime changes and
+compiler-SSA changes.
+### Runtime changes
+We extend the Go runtime to support persistent memory allocations. The garbage
+collector now works across both the persistent and volatile heaps. The `mspan`
+datastructure has one additional data member `memtype` to distinguish between
+persistent and volatile spans. We also extend various memory allocator
+datastructures in mcache, mcentral, and mheap to store metadata related to
+persistent memory and volatile memory separately. The garbage collector now
+understands these different span types and puts back garbage collected spans
+in the appropriate datastructures depending on its `memtype`.
+Persistent memory is managed in arenas that are a multiple of 64MB. Each
+persistent memory arena has in its header section certain metadata that
+facilitates heap recovery in case of application crash or restart. Two kinds of
+metadata are stored:
+* GC heap type bits - Garbage collector heap type bits set for any object in
+this arena is copied as such to the metadata section to be restored on a
+subsequent run of this application
+* Span table - Captures metadata about each span in this arena that lets the
+heap recovery code recreates these spans in the next run.
+We added the following APIs in the runtime package to manage persistent memory:
+1  `func PmemInit(fname string) (unsafe.Pointer, error)`
+Used to initialize persistent memory. It takes the path to a persistent memory
+file as input. It returns the application root pointer and an error value.
+2  `func SetRoot(addr unsafe.Pointer) (err Error)`
+Used to set the application root pointer. All application data in persistent
+memory hangs off this root pointer.
+3  `func GetRoot() (addr unsafe.Pointer)`
+Returns the root pointer set using SetRoot().
+4  `func InPmem(addr unsafe.Pointer) bool`
+Returns whether `addr` points to data in persistent memory or not.
+5. `func PersistRange(addr unsafe.Pointer, len uintptr)`
+Flushes all the cachelines in the address range (addr, addr+len) to ensure
+any data updates to this memory range is persistently stored.
+### Compiler-SSA changes
+1.  We change the parser to recognize three new language tokens - `pnew`,
+`pmake`, and `txn`.
+2. We add a new SSA pass to instrument all stores to persistent memory. Because
+data in persistent memory survives crashes, updates to data in persistent memory
+have to be transactional.
+3.  The Go AST and SSA was modified so that users can now demarcate a block of
+Go code as transactional by encapsulating them within a `txn()` block.
+    -  To do this, we add a new keyword to Go called `txn`.
+    -  A new SSA pass would then look for stores(`OpStore`/`OpMove`/`OpZero`) to
+       persistent memory locations within this `txn()` block, and store the old
+       data at this location in an [undo Log](
+       This would be done before making the actual memory update.
+### go-pmem packages
+We have developed two packages that makes it easier to use go-pmem to write
+persistent memory applications.
+1. [pmem]( package
+It provides a simple `Init(fname string) bool` API that applications can use to
+initialize persistent memory. It returns if this is a first-time initialization
+or not. In case it is not the first-time initialization, any incomplete
+transactions are reverted as well.
+pmem package also provides named objects where names can be associated with
+objects in persistent memory. Users can create and retrieve these objects using
+string names.
+2. [transaction]( package
+Transaction package provides the implementation of undo logging that is used
+by go-pmem to enable crash-consistent data updates.
+### Example Code
+Below is a simple linked list application written using go-pmem
+// A simple linked list application. On the first invocation, it creates a
+// persistent memory pointer named "dbRoot" which holds pointers to the first
+//  and last element in the linked list. On each run, a new node is added to
+// the linked list and all contents of the list are printed.
+package main
+import (
+    ""
+    ""
+const (
+    // Used to identify a successful initialization of the root object
+    magic = 0x1B2E8BFF7BFBD154
+// Structure of each node in the linked list
+type entry struct {
+    id   int
+    next *entry
+// The root object that stores pointers to the elements in the linked list
+type root struct {
+    magic int
+    head  *entry
+    tail  *entry
+// A function that populates the contents of the root object transactionally
+func populateRoot(rptr *root) {
+    txn() {
+        rptr.magic = magic
+        rptr.head = nil
+        rptr.tail = nil
+    }
+// Adds a node to the linked list and updates the tail (and head if empty)
+func addNode(rptr *root) {
+    entry := pnew(entry)
+    txn() {
+ = rand.Intn(100)
+        if rptr.head == nil {
+            rptr.head = entry
+        } else {
+   = entry
+        }
+        rptr.tail = entry
+    }
+func main() {
+    firstInit := pmem.Init("database")
+    var rptr *root
+    if firstInit {
+        // Create a new named object called dbRoot and point it to rptr
+        rptr = (*root)(pmem.New("dbRoot", rptr))
+        populateRoot(rptr)
+    } else {
+        // Retrieve the named object dbRoot
+        rptr = (*root)(pmem.Get("dbRoot", rptr))
+        if rptr.magic != magic {
+            // An object named dbRoot exists, but its initialization did not
+            // complete previously.
+            populateRoot(rptr)
+        }
+    }
+    addNode(rptr)    // Add a new node in the linked list