design: design doc for eliminating stack re-scanning

Updates golang/go#17503.

Change-Id: Ib635a49f9fde36493ba98a6d87b9c1dd114e0c7d
Reviewed-by: Brad Fitzpatrick <>
diff --git a/design/ b/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a974217
--- /dev/null
+++ b/design/
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+# Proposal: Eliminate STW stack re-scanning
+Author(s): Austin Clements, Rick Hudson
+Last updated: 2016-10-18
+Discussion at
+## Abstract
+As of Go 1.7, the one remaining source of unbounded and potentially
+non-trivial stop-the-world (STW) time is stack re-scanning.
+We propose to eliminate the need for stack re-scanning by switching to
+a *hybrid write barrier* that combines a Yuasa-style deletion write
+barrier [Yuasa '90] and a Dijkstra-style insertion write barrier
+[Dijkstra '78].
+Preliminary experiments show that this can reduce worst-case STW time
+to under 50µs, and this approach may make it practical to eliminate
+STW mark termination altogether.
+Eliminating stack re-scanning will in turn simplify and eliminate many
+other parts of the garbage collector that exist solely to improve the
+performance of stack re-scanning.
+This includes stack barriers (which introduce significant complexity
+in many parts of the runtime) and maintenance of the re-scan list.
+Hence, in addition to substantially improving STW time, the hybrid
+write barrier should also reduce the overall complexity of the garbage
+## Background
+The Go garbage collector is a *tricolor* concurrent collector
+[Dijkstra '78].
+Every object is shaded either white, grey, or black.
+At the beginning of a GC cycle, all objects are white, and it is the
+goal of the garbage collector to mark all reachable objects black and
+then free all white objects.
+The garbage collector achieves this by shading GC roots (stacks and
+globals, primarily) grey and then endeavoring to turn all grey objects
+black while satisfying the *strong tricolor invariant*:
+> No black object may contain a pointer to a white object.
+Ensuring the tricolor invariant in the presence of concurrent pointer
+updates requires *barriers* on either pointer reads or pointer writes
+(or both).
+There are many flavors of barrier [Pirinen '98].
+Go 1.7 uses a coarsened Dijkstra write barrier [Dijkstra '78], where
+pointer writes are implemented as follows:
+writePointer(slot, ptr):
+    shade(ptr)
+    *slot = ptr
+`shade(ptr)` marks the object at `ptr` grey if it is not already grey
+or black.
+This ensures the strong tricolor invariant by conservatively assuming
+that `*slot` may be in a black object, and ensuring `ptr` cannot be
+white before installing it in `*slot`.
+The Dijkstra barrier has several advantages over other types of
+It does not require any special handling of pointer reads, which has
+performance advantages since pointer reads tend to outweigh pointer
+writes by an order of magnitude or more.
+It also ensures forward progress; unlike, for example, the Steele
+write barrier [Steele '75], objects transition monotonically from
+white to grey to black, so the total work is bounded by the heap size.
+However, it also has disadvantages.
+In particular, it presents a trade-off for pointers on stacks: either
+writes to pointers on the stack must have write barriers, which is
+prohibitively expensive, or stacks must be *permagrey*.
+Go chooses the later, which means that many stacks must be re-scanned
+during STW.
+The garbage collector first scans all stacks at the beginning of the
+GC cycle to collect roots.
+However, without stack write barriers, we can't ensure that the stack
+won't later contain a reference to a white object, so a scanned stack
+is only black until its goroutine executes again, at which point it
+conservatively reverts to grey.
+Thus, at the end of the cycle, the garbage collector must re-scan grey
+stacks to blacken them and finish marking any remaining heap pointers.
+Since it must ensure the stacks don't continue to change during this,
+the whole re-scan process happens *with the world stopped*.
+Re-scanning the stacks can take 10's to 100's of milliseconds in an
+application with a large number of active goroutines.
+## Proposal
+We propose to eliminate stack re-scanning and replace Go's write
+barrier with a *hybrid write barrier* that combines a Yuasa-style
+deletion write barrier [Yuasa '90] with a Dijkstra-style insertion
+write barrier [Dijkstra '78].
+The hybrid write barrier is implemented as follows:
+writePointer(slot, ptr):
+    shade(*slot)
+    if current stack is grey:
+        shade(ptr)
+    *slot = ptr
+That is, the write barrier shades the object whose reference is being
+overwritten, and, if the current goroutine's stack has not yet been
+scanned, also shades the reference being installed.
+The hybrid barrier makes stack re-scanning unnecessary; once a stack
+has been scanned and blackened, it remains black.
+Hence, it eliminates the need for stack re-scanning and the mechanisms
+that exist to support stack re-scanning, including stack barriers and
+the re-scan list.
+The hybrid barrier requires that objects be allocated black
+(allocate-white is a common policy, but incompatible with this
+However, while not required by Go's current write barrier, Go already
+allocates black for other reasons, so no change to allocation is
+To our knowledge, the hybrid barrier is a novel approach to concurrent
+### Reasoning
+A full proof of the hybrid write barrier is given at the end of this
+Here we give the high-level intuition behind the barrier.
+Unlike the Dijkstra write barrier, the hybrid barrier does *not*
+satisfy the strong tricolor invariant: for example, a black goroutine
+(a goroutine whose stack has been scanned) can write a pointer to a
+white object into a black object without shading the white object.
+However, it does satisfy the *weak tricolor invariant* [Pirinen '98]:
+> Any white object pointed to by a black object is reachable from a
+> grey object via a chain of white pointers (it is *grey-protected*).
+The weak tricolor invariant observes that it's okay for a black object
+to point to a white object, as long as *some* path ensures the garbage
+collector will get around to marking that white object.
+Any write barrier has to prohibit a mutator from "hiding" an object;
+that is, rearranging the heap graph to violate the weak tricolor
+invariant so the garbage collector fails to mark a reachable object.
+For example, in a sense, the Dijkstra barrier allows a mutator to hide
+a white object by moving the sole pointer to it to a stack that has
+already been scanned.
+The Dijkstra barrier addresses this by making stacks permagray and
+re-scanning them during STW.
+In the hybrid barrier, the two shades and the condition work together
+to prevent a mutator from hiding an object:
+1. `shade(*slot)` prevents a mutator from hiding an object by moving
+   the sole pointer to it from the heap to its stack.
+   If it attempts to unlink an object from the heap, this will shade
+   it.
+2. `shade(ptr)` prevents a mutator from hiding an object by moving the
+   sole pointer to it from its stack into a black object in the heap.
+   If it attempts to install the pointer into a black object, this
+   will shade it.
+3. Once a goroutine's stack is black, the `shade(ptr)` becomes
+   unnecessary.
+   `shade(ptr)` prevents hiding an object by moving it from the stack
+   to the heap, but this requires first having a pointer hidden on the
+   stack.
+   Immediately after a stack is scanned, it only points to shaded
+   objects, so it's not hiding anything, and the `shade(*slot)`
+   prevents it from hiding any other pointers on its stack.
+The hybrid barrier combines the best of the Dijkstra barrier and the
+Yuasa barrier.
+The Yuasa barrier requires a STW at the beginning of marking to either
+scan or snapshot stacks, but does not require a re-scan at the end of
+The Dijkstra barrier lets concurrent marking start right away, but
+requires a STW at the end of marking to re-scan stacks (though more
+sophisticated non-STW approaches are possible [Hudson '97]).
+The hybrid barrier inherits the best properties of both, allowing
+stacks to be concurrently scanned at the beginning of the mark phase,
+while also keeping stacks black after this initial scan.
+## Rationale
+The advantage of the hybrid barrier is that it lets a stack scan
+permanently blacken a stack (without a STW and without write barriers
+to the stack), which entirely eliminates the need for stack
+re-scanning, in turn eliminating the need for stack barriers and
+re-scan lists.
+Stack barriers in particular introduce significant complexity
+throughout the runtime, as well as interfering with stack walks from
+external tools such as GDB and kernel-based profilers.
+Also, like the Dijkstra-style write barrier, the hybrid barrier does
+not require a read barrier, so pointer reads are regular memory reads;
+and it ensures progress, since objects progress monotonically from
+white to grey to black.
+The disadvantages of the hybrid barrier are minor.
+It may result in more floating garbage, since it retains everything
+reachable from roots (other than stacks) at any point during the mark
+However, in practice it's likely that the current Dijkstra barrier is
+retaining nearly as much.
+The hybrid barrier also prohibits certain optimizations: in
+particular, the Go compiler currently omits a write barrier if it can
+statically show that the pointer is nil, but the hybrid barrier
+requires a write barrier in this case.
+This may slightly increase binary size.
+### Alternative barrier approaches
+There are several variations on the proposed barrier that would also
+work, but we believe the proposed barrier represents the best set of
+A basic variation is to make the Dijkstra-style aspect of the barrier
+writePointer(slot, ptr):
+    shade(*slot)
+    shade(ptr)
+    *slot = ptr
+The main advantage of this barrier is that it's easier to reason
+It directly ensures there are no black-to-white pointers in the heap,
+so the only source of black-to-white pointers can be scanned stacks.
+But once a stack is scanned, the only way it can get a white pointer
+is by traversing reachable objects, and any white object that can be
+reached by a goroutine with a black stack is grey-protected by a heap
+The disadvantage of this barrier is that it's effectively twice as
+expensive as the proposed barrier for most of the mark phase.
+Similarly, we could simply coarsen the stack condition:
+writePointer(slot, ptr):
+    shade(*slot)
+    if any stack is grey:
+        shade(ptr)
+    *slot = ptr
+This has the advantage of making cross-stack writes such as those
+allowed by channels safe without any special handling, but prolongs
+when the second shade is enabled, which slows down pointer writes.
+A different approach would be to require that all stacks be blackened
+before any heap objects are blackened, which would enable a pure
+Yuasa-style deletion barrier:
+writePointer(slot, ptr):
+    shade(*slot)
+    *slot = ptr
+As originally proposed, the Yuasa barrier takes a complete snapshot of
+the stack before proceeding with marking.
+Yuasa argued that this was reasonable on hardware that could perform
+bulk memory copies very quickly.
+However, Yuasa's proposal was in the context of a single-threaded
+system with a comparatively small stack, while Go programs regularly
+have thousands of stacks that can total to a large amount of memory.
+However, this complete snapshot isn't necessary.
+It's sufficient to ensure all stacks are black before scanning any
+heap objects.
+This allows stack scanning to proceed concurrently, but has the
+downside that it introduces a bottleneck to the parallelism of the
+mark phase between stack scanning and heap scanning.
+This bottleneck has downstream effects on goroutine availability,
+since allocation is paced against marking progress.
+Finally, there are other types of *black mutator* barrier techniques.
+However, as shown by Pirinen, all possible black mutator barriers
+other than the Yuasa barrier require a read barrier [Pirinen '98].
+Given the relative frequency of pointer reads to writes, we consider
+this unacceptable for application performance.
+### Alternative approaches to re-scanning
+Going further afield, it's also possible to make stack re-scanning
+concurrent without eliminating it [Hudson '97].
+This does not require changes to the write barrier, but does introduce
+significant additional complexity into stack re-scanning.
+Proposal #17505 gives a detailed design for how to do concurrent stack
+re-scanning in Go.
+## Other considerations
+### Channel operations and go statements
+The hybrid barrier assumes a goroutine cannot write to another
+goroutine's stack.
+This is true in Go except for two operations: channel sends and
+starting goroutines, which can copy values directly from one stack to
+For channel operations, the `shade(ptr)` is necessary if *either* the
+source stack or the destination stack is grey.
+For starting a goroutine, the destination stack is always black, so
+the `shade(ptr)` is necessary if the source stack is grey.
+### Racy programs
+In a racy program, two goroutines may store to the same pointer
+simultaneously and invoke the write barrier concurrently on the same
+The hazard is that this may cause the barrier to fail to shade some
+object that it would have shaded in a sequential execution,
+particularly given a relaxed memory model.
+While racy Go programs are generally undefined, we have so far
+maintained that a racy program cannot trivially defeat the soundness
+of the garbage collector (since a racy program can defeat the type
+system, it can technically do anything, but we try to keep the garbage
+collector working as long as the program stays within the type
+Suppose *optr* is the value of the slot before either write to the
+slot and *ptr1* and *ptr2* are the two pointers being written to the
+"Before" is well-defined here because all architectures that Go
+supports have *coherency*, which means there is a total order over all
+reads and writes of a single memory location.
+If the goroutine's respective stacks have been scanned, then *ptr1*
+and *ptr2* will clearly be shaded, since those shades don't read from
+Hence, the difficult case is if the goroutine's stacks have been
+In this case, the barriers reduce to:
+<tr><th>Goroutine G1</th><th>Goroutine G2</th></tr>
+<pre>optr1 = *slot
+*slot = ptr1</pre>
+<pre>optr2 = *slot
+*slot = ptr2</pre>
+Given that we're only dealing with one memory location, the property
+of coherence means we can reason about this execution as if it were
+sequentially consistent.
+Given this, concurrent execution of the write barriers permits one
+outcome that is not permitted by sequential execution: if both
+barriers read `*slot` before assigning to it, then only *optr* will be
+shaded, and neither *ptr1* nor *ptr2* will be shaded by the barrier.
+For example:
+<tr><th>Goroutine G1</th><th>Goroutine G2</th></tr>
+<pre>optr1 = *slot
+*slot = ptr1
+<pre>optr2 = *slot
+*slot = ptr2</pre>
+We assert that this is safe.
+Suppose *ptr1* is written first.
+This execution is *nearly* indistinguishable from an execution that
+simply skips the write of *ptr1*.
+The only way to distinguish it is if a read from another goroutine
+*G3* observes *slot* between the two writes.
+However, given our assumption that stacks have already been scanned,
+either *ptr1* is already shaded, or it must be reachable from some
+other place in the heap anyway (and will be shaded eventually), so
+concurrently observing *ptr1* doesn't affect the marking or
+reachability of *ptr1*.
+### cgo
+The hybrid barrier could be a problem if C code overwrites a Go
+pointer in Go memory with either nil or a C pointer.
+Currently, this operation does not require a barrier, but with any
+sort of deletion barrier, this does require the barrier.
+However, a program that does this would violate the cgo pointer
+passing rules, since Go code is not allowed to pass memory to a C
+function that contains Go pointers.
+Furthermore, this is one of the "cheap dynamic checks" enabled by the
+default setting of `GODEBUG=cgocheck=1`, so any program that violates
+this rule will panic unless the checks have been explicitly disabled.
+## Future directions
+### Write barrier omission
+The current write barrier can be omitted by the compiler in cases
+where the compiler knows the pointer being written is permanently
+shaded, such as nil pointers, pointers to globals, and pointers to
+static data.
+These optimizations are generally unsafe with the hybrid barrier.
+However, if the compiler can show that *both* the current value of the
+slot and the value being written are permanently shaded, then it can
+still safely omit the write barrier.
+This optimization is aided by the fact that newly allocated objects
+are zeroed, so all pointer slots start out pointing to nil, which is
+permanently shaded.
+### Low-pause stack scans
+Currently the garbage collector pauses a goroutine while scanning its
+If goroutines have large stacks, this can introduce significant tail
+latency effects.
+The hybrid barrier and the removal of the existing stack barrier
+mechanism would make it feasible to perform stack scans with only
+brief goroutine pauses.
+In this design, scanning a stack pauses the goroutine briefly while it
+scans the active frame.
+It then installs a *blocking stack barrier* over the return to the
+next frame and lets the goroutine resume.
+Stack scanning then continues toward the outer frames, moving the
+stack barrier up the stack as it goes.
+If the goroutine does return as far as the stack barrier, before it
+can return to an unscanned frame, the stack barrier blocks until
+scanning can scan that frame and move the barrier further up the
+One complication is that a running goroutine could attempt to grow its
+stack during the stack scan.
+The simplest solution is to block the goroutine if this happens until
+the scan is done.
+Like the current stack barriers, this depends on write barriers when
+writing through pointers to other frames.
+For example, in a partially scanned stack, an active frame could use
+an up-pointer to move a pointer to a white object out of an unscanned
+frame and into the active frame.
+Without a write barrier on the write that removes the pointer from the
+unscanned frame, this could hide the white object from the garbage
+However, with write barriers on up-pointers, this is safe.
+Rather than arguing about "partially black" stacks, the write barrier
+on up-pointers lets us view the stack as a sequence of separate
+frames, where unscanned frames are treated as part of the *heap*.
+Writes without write barriers can only happen to the active frame, so
+we only have to view the active frame as the stack.
+This design is technically possible now, but the complexity of
+composing it with the existing stack barrier mechanism makes it
+With the existing stack barriers gone, the implementation of this
+approach becomes relatively straightforward.
+It's also generally simpler than the existing stack barriers in many
+dimensions, since there are at most two stack barriers per goroutine
+at a time, and they are present only during the stack scan.
+### Strictly bounded mark termination
+This proposal goes a long way toward strictly bounding the time spent
+in STW mark termination, but there are some other known causes of
+longer mark termination pauses.
+The primary cause is a race that can trigger mark termination while
+there is still remaining heap mark work.
+This race and how to resolve it are detailed in the "Mark completion
+race" appendix.
+### Concurrent mark termination
+With stack re-scanning out of mark termination, it may become
+practical to make the remaining tasks in mark termination concurrent
+and eliminate the mark termination STW entirely.
+On the other hand, the hybrid barrier may reduce STW so much that
+completely eliminating it is not a practical concern.
+The following is a probably incomplete list of remaining mark
+termination tasks and how to address them.
+Worker stack scans can be eliminated by having workers self-scan
+during mark.
+Scanning the finalizer queue can be eliminated by adding explicit
+barriers to `queuefinalizer`.
+Without these two scans (and with the fix for the mark completion race
+detailed in the appendix), mark termination will produce no mark work,
+so finishing the work queue drain also becomes unnecessary.
+`mcache`s can be flushed lazily at the beginning of the sweep phase
+using rolling synchronization.
+Flushing the heap profile can be done immediately at the beginning of
+sweep (this is already concurrent-safe, in fact).
+Finally, updating global statistics can be done using atomics and
+possibly a global memory barrier.
+### Concurrent sweep termination
+Likewise, it may be practical to eliminate the STW for sweep
+This is slightly complicated by the fact that the hybrid barrier
+requires a global memory fence at the beginning of the mark phase to
+enable the write barrier and ensure all pointer writes prior to
+enabling the write barrier are visible to the write barrier.
+Currently, the STW for sweep termination and setting up the mark phase
+accomplishes this.
+If we were to make sweep termination concurrent, we could instead use
+a ragged barrier to accomplish the global memory fence, or the
+[`membarrier` syscall](
+on recent Linux kernels.
+## Compatibility
+This proposal does not affect the language or any APIs and hence
+satisfies the Go 1 compatibility guidelines.
+## Implementation
+Austin plans to implement the hybrid barrier during the Go 1.8
+development cycle.
+For 1.8, we will leave stack re-scanning support in the runtime for
+debugging purposes, but disable it by default using a `GODEBUG`
+Assuming things go smoothly, we will remove stack re-scanning support
+when the tree opens for Go 1.9 development.
+The planned implementation approach is:
+1. Fix places that do unusual or "clever" things with memory
+   containing pointers and make sure they cooperate with the hybrid
+   barrier.
+   We'll presumably find more of these as we debug in later steps, but
+   we'll have to make at least the following changes:
+    1. Ensure barriers on stack-to-stack copies for channel sends and
+       starting goroutines.
+    2. Check all places where we clear memory since the hybrid barrier
+       requires distinguishing between clearing for initialization and
+       clearing already-initialized memory.
+       This will require a barrier-aware `memclr` and disabling the
+       `duffzero` optimization for pointers with types.
+    3. Check all uses of unmanaged memory in the runtime to make sure
+       it is initialized properly.
+       This is particularly important for pools of unmanaged memory
+       such as the fixalloc allocator that may reuse memory.
+2. Implement concurrent scanning of background mark worker stacks.
+   Currently these are placed on the rescan list and *only* scanned
+   during mark termination, but we're going to disable the rescan
+   list.
+   We could arrange for background mark workers to scan their own
+   stacks, or explicitly keep track of heap pointers on background
+   mark worker stacks.
+3. Modify the write barrier to implement the hybrid write barrier and
+   the compiler to disable write barrier elision optimizations that
+   aren't valid for the hybrid barrier.
+4. Disable stack re-scanning by making rescan enqueuing a no-op unless
+   a `GODEBUG` variable is set.
+   Likewise, disable stack barrier insertion unless this variable is
+   set.
+5. Use checkmark mode and stress testing to verify that no objects are
+   missed.
+6. Wait for the Go 1.9 development cycle.
+7. Remove stack re-scanning, the rescan list, stack barriers, and the
+   `GODEBUG` variable to enable re-scanning.
+   Possibly, switch to low-pause stack scans, which can reuse some of
+   the stack barrier mechanism.
+## Appendix: Mark completion race
+Currently, because of a race in the mark completion condition, the
+garbage collector can begin mark termination when there is still
+available mark work.
+This is safe because mark termination will finish draining this work,
+but it makes mark termination unbounded.
+This also interferes with possible further optimizations that remove
+all mark work from mark termination.
+Specifically, the following interleaving starts mark termination
+without draining all mark work:
+Initially `workers` is zero and there is one buffer on the full list.
+<tr><th>Thread 1</th><th>Thread 2</th></tr>
+=> acquires only full buffer
+=> adds more pointer to work
+=> returns buffer to full list
+n := dec(&workers) [n=0]
+if n == 0 && [true]
+    full.empty() && [true]
+    markrootNext >= markrootJobs { [true]
+        startMarkTerm()
+=> acquires only full buffer
+=> adds more pointers to work
+In this example, a race between observing the `workers` count and
+observing the state of the full list causes thread 1 to start mark
+termination prematurely.
+Simply checking `full.empty()` before decrementing `workers` exhibits
+a similar race.
+To fix this race, we propose introducing a single atomic non-zero
+indicator for the number of non-empty work buffers.
+Specifically, this will count the number of work caches that are
+caching a non-empty work buffer plus one for a non-empty full list.
+Many buffer list operations can be done without modifying this count,
+so we believe it will not be highly contended.
+If this does prove to be a scalability issue, there are well-known
+techniques for scalable non-zero indicators [Ellen '07].
+## Appendix: Proof of soundness, completeness, and boundedness
+<!-- TODO: Show that the only necessary memory fence is a global
+ !-- store/load fence between enabling the write barrier and
+ !-- blackening to ensure visibility of all pointers and the write
+ !-- barrier flag.
+ !-->
+This section argues that the hybrid write barrier satisfies the weak
+tricolor invariant, and hence is sound in the sense that it does not
+collect reachable objects; that it terminates in a bounded number of
+steps; and that it eventually collects all unreachable objects, and
+hence is complete.
+We have also further verified these properties using a
+[randomized stateless model](
+The following proofs consider global objects to be a subset of the
+heap objects.
+This is valid because the write barrier applies equally to global
+Similarly, we omit explicit discussion of nil pointers, since the nil
+pointer can be considered an always-black heap object of zero size.
+The hybrid write barrier satisfies the *weak tricolor invariant*
+[Pirinen '98].
+However, rather than directly proving this, we prove that it satisfies
+the following *modified tricolor invariant*:
+> Any white object pointed to by a black object is grey-protected by a
+> heap object (reachable via a chain of white pointers from the grey
+> heap object).
+> That is, for every *B -> W* edge, there is a path *G -> W₁ -> ⋯ ->
+> Wₙ -> W* where *G* is a heap object.
+This is identical to the weak tricolor invariant, except that it
+requires that the grey-protector is a heap object.
+This trivially implies the weak tricolor invariant, but gives us a
+stronger basis for induction in the proof.
+<!-- Thoughts on how to simplify the proof:
+Perhaps define a more general notion of a "heap-protected object",
+which is either black, grey, or grey-protected by a heap object.
+Lemma 1 establishes a simple property of paths we'll use several
+**Lemma 1.** In a path *O₁ -> ⋯ -> Oₙ* where *O₁* is a heap object,
+all *Oᵢ* must be heap objects.
+**Proof.** Since *O₁* is a heap object and heap objects can only point
+to other heap objects, by induction, all *Oᵢ* must be heap objects.
+In particular, if some object is grey-protected by a heap object,
+every object in the grey-protecting path must be a heap object.
+Lemma 2 extends the modified tricolor invariant to white objects that
+are *indirectly* reachable from black objects.
+**Lemma 2.** If the object graph satisfies the modified tricolor
+invariant, then every white object reachable (directly or indirectly)
+from a black object is grey-protected by a heap object.
+<!-- Alternatively: every object reachable from a black object is
+either black, grey, or grey-protected by a heap object. -->
+**Proof.** Let *W* be a white object reachable from black object *B*
+via simple path *B -> O₁ -> ⋯ -> Oₙ -> W*.
+Note that *W* and all *Oᵢ* and must be heap objects because stacks can
+only point to themselves (in which case it would not be a simple path)
+or heap objects, so *O₁* must be a heap object, and by lemma 1, the
+rest of the path must be heap objects.
+Without loss of generality, we can assume none of *Oᵢ* are black;
+otherwise, we can simply reconsider using the shortest path suffix
+that starts with a black object.
+If there are no *Oᵢ*, *B* points directly to *W* and the modified
+tricolor invariant directly implies that *W* is grey-protected by a
+heap object.
+If any *Oᵢ* is grey, then *W* is grey-protected by the last grey
+object in the path.
+Otherwise, all *Oᵢ* are white.
+Since *O₁* is a white object pointed to by a black object, *O₁* is
+grey-protected by some path *G -> W₁ -> ⋯ -> Wₙ -> O₁* where *G* is a
+heap object.
+Thus, *W* is grey-protected by *G -> W₁ -> ⋯ -> Wₙ -> O₁ -> ⋯ -> Oₙ ->
+Lemma 3 builds on lemma 2 to establish properties of objects reachable
+by goroutines.
+**Lemma 3.** If the object graph satisfies the modified tricolor
+invariant, then every white object reachable by a black goroutine (a
+goroutine whose stack has been scanned) is grey-protected by a heap
+**Proof.** Let *W* be a white object reachable by a black goroutine.
+If *W* is reachable from the goroutine's stack, then by lemma 2 *W* is
+grey-protected by a heap object.
+Otherwise, *W* must be reachable from a global *X*.
+Let *O* be the last non-white object in the path from *X* to *W* (*O*
+must exist because *X* itself is either grey or black).
+If *O* is grey, then *O* is a heap object that grey-protects *W*.
+Otherwise, *O* is black and by lemma 2, *W* is grey-protected by some
+heap object.
+Now we're ready to prove that the hybrid write barrier satisfies the
+weak tricolor invariant, which implies it is *sound* (it marks all
+reachable objects).
+**Theorem 1.** The hybrid write barrier satisfies the weak tricolor
+**Proof.** We first show that the hybrid write barrier satisfies the
+modified tricolor invariant.
+The proof follows by induction over the operations that affect the
+object graph or its coloring.
+*Base case.* Initially there are no black objects, so the invariant
+holds trivially.
+*Write pointer in the heap.* Let *obj.slot := ptr* denote the write,
+where *obj* is in the heap, and let *optr* denote the value of
+*obj.slot* prior to the write.
+Let *W* be a white object pointed to by a black object *B* after the
+heap write.
+There are two cases:
+1. *B ≠ obj*: *W* was pointed to by them same black object *B* before
+   the write, and, by assumption, *W* was grey-protected by a path *G
+   -> W₁ -> ⋯ -> Wₙ -> W*, where *G* is a heap object.
+   If none of these edges are *obj.slot*, then *W* is still protected
+   by *G*.
+   Otherwise, the path must have included the edge *obj -> optr* and,
+   since the write barrier shades *optr*, *W* is grey-protected by
+   *optr* after the heap write.
+2. *B = obj*: We first establish that *W* was grey-protected before
+   the write, which breaks down into two cases:
+   1. *W = ptr*: The goroutine must be black, because otherwise the
+      write barrier shades *ptr*, so it is not white.
+      *ptr* must have been reachable by the goroutine for it to write
+      it, so by lemma 3, *ptr* was grey-protected by some heap object
+      *G* prior to the write.
+   2. *W ≠ ptr*: *B* pointed to *W* before the write and, by
+      assumption, *W* was grey-protected by some heap object *G*
+      before the write.
+   Because *obj* was black before the write, it could not be in the
+   grey-protecting path from *G* to *W*, so this write did not affect
+   this path, so *W* is still grey-protected by *G*.
+*Write pointer in a stack.* Let *stk.slot := ptr* denote the write.
+Let *W* be a white object pointed to by a black object *B* after the
+stack write.
+We first establish that *W* was grey-protected before the stack write,
+which breaks down into two cases:
+1. *B = stk* and *W = ptr*: *W* may not have been pointed to by a
+   black object prior to the stack write (that is, the write may
+   create a new *B -> W* edge).
+   However, *ptr* must have been reachable by the goroutine, which is
+   black (because *B = stk*), so by lemma 3, *W* was grey-protected by
+   some heap object *G* prior to the write.
+2. Otherwise: *W* was pointed to by the same black object *B* prior to
+   the stack write, so, by assumption, *W* was grey-protected by some
+   heap object *G* prior to the write.
+By lemma 1, none of the objects in the grey-protecting path from heap
+object *G* to *W* can be a stack, so the stack write does not modify
+this path.
+Hence, *W* is still grey-protected after the stack write by *G*.
+*Scan heap object.* Let *obj* denote the scanned object.
+Let *W* be an object pointed to by a black object *B* after the scan.
+*B* cannot be *obj* because immediately after the scan, *obj* does not
+ point to any white objects.
+Thus, *B* must have been black and pointed to *W* before the scan as
+well, so, by assumption, *W* was grey-protected by a path *G -> W₁ ->
+⋯ -> Wₙ -> W*, where *G* is a heap object.
+If some *Wᵢ* was an object pointed to by *obj*, then *W* is
+grey-protected by *Wᵢ* after the scan.
+Otherwise, *W* is still grey-protected by *G*.
+*Stack scan.* This case is symmetric with scanning a heap object.
+<!-- Old direct proof of stack scans:
+*Stack scan.* Let *W* be an object pointed to by a black object *B*
+ after the stack scan.
+Even though scanning stack *stk* blackens *stk*, *B* cannot be *stk*
+because scanning greys all objects directly referenced by *stk*.
+Hence, *W* was pointed to by the same black object *B* before the
+stack scan, and by assumption was grey-protected by some path *G -> W₁
+-> ⋯ -> Wₙ -> W* where *G* is a heap object.
+By lemma 1, none of the objects in the grey-protecting path can be a
+stack, so after the stack scan, *W* is either still grey-protected by
+*G*, or some *Wᵢ* was greyed by the stack scan and *W* is now
+grey-protected by *Wᵢ*.
+*Allocate an object.* Since new objects are allocated black and point
+to nothing, the invariant trivially holds across allocation.
+*Create a stack.* This case is symmetric with object allocation
+because new stacks start out empty and hence are trivially black.
+This completes the induction cases and shows that the hybrid write
+barrier satisfies the modified tricolor invariant.
+Since the modified tricolor invariant trivially implies the weak
+tricolor invariant, the hybrid write barrier satisfies the weak
+tricolor invariant.
+The garbage collector is also *bounded*, meaning it eventually
+**Theorem 2.** A garbage collector using the hybrid write barrier
+terminates in a finite number of marking steps.
+**Proof.** We observe that objects progress strictly from white to
+grey to black and, because new objects (including stacks) are
+allocated black, the total marking work is bounded by the number of
+objects at the beginning of garbage collection, which is finite.
+Finally, the garbage collector is also *complete*, in the sense that
+it eventually collects all unreachable objects.
+This is trivial from the fact that the garbage collector cannot mark
+any objects that are not reachable when the mark phase starts.
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