design: Alias declarations for Go

For golang/go#16339.

Change-Id: Ie8b17a08cccaf8ef8e0f3d0846d94a5a2d693f10
Reviewed-by: Josh Bleecher Snyder <>
diff --git a/design/ b/design/
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+# Proposal: Alias declarations for Go
+Authors: Robert Griesemer & Rob Pike.
+Last updated: June 31, 2016
+Discussion at
+## Abstract
+We propose to add alias declarations to the Go language. An alias declaration
+introduces an alternative name for an object (type, function, etc.) declared
+elsewhere. Aliases simplify splitting up packages because clients can be
+updated incrementally, which is crucial for large-scale refactoring.
+## 1. Motivation
+Suppose we have a library package L and a client package C that depends on L.
+During refactoring of code, some functionality of L is moved into a new
+package L1, which in turn may require updates to C. If there are multiple
+clients C1, C2, ..., many of these clients may need to be updated
+simultaneously for the system to build. Failing to do so will lead to build
+breakages in a continuous build environment.
+This is a real issue in large-scale systems such as we find at Google because
+the number of dependencies can go into the hundreds if not thousands. Client
+packages may be under control of different teams and evolve at different
+speeds. Updating a large number of client packages simultaneously may be close
+to impossible. This is an effective barrier to system evolution and maintenance.
+If client packages can be updated incrementally, one package (or a small batch
+of packages) at a time, the problem is avoided. For instance, after moving
+functionality from L into L1, if it is possible for clients to continue to
+refer to L in order to get the features in L1, clients don’t need to be
+updated at once.
+Go packages export constants, types (incl. associated methods), variables, and
+functions. If a constant X is moved from a package L to L1, L may trivially
+depend on L1 and re-export X with the same value as in L1.
+package L
+import "L1"
+const X = L1.X  // X is effectively an alias for L1.X
+Client packages may use L1.X or continue to refer to L.X and still build
+without issues. A similar work-around exists for functions: Package L may
+provide wrapper functions that simply invoke the corresponding functions
+in L1. Alternatively, L may define variables of function type which are
+initialized to the functions which moved from L to L1:
+package L
+import "L1"
+var F = L1.F  // F is a function variable referring to L1.F
+func G(args…) Result { return L1.G(args…) }
+It gets more complicated for variables: An incremental approach still exists
+but it requires multiple steps. Let’s assume we want to move a variable V
+from L to L1. In a first step, we declare a pointer variable Vptr in L1
+pointing to L.V:
+package L1
+import "L"
+var Vptr = &L.V
+Now we can incrementally update clients referring to L.V such that they use
+(\*L1.Vptr) instead. This will give them full access to the same variable.
+Once all references to L.V have been changed, L.V can move to L1; this step
+doesn’t require any changes to clients of L1 (though it may require additional
+internal changes in L and L1):
+package L1
+import "L"
+var Vptr = &V
+var V T = ...
+Finally, clients may be incrementally updated again to use L1.V directly after
+which we can get rid of Vptr.
+There is no work-around for types, nor is possible to define a named type T in
+L1 and re-export it in L and have L.T mean the exact same type as L1.T.
+Discussion: The multi-step approach to factor out exported variables requires
+careful planning. For instance, if we want to move both a function F and a
+variable V from L to L1, we cannot do so at the same time: The forwarder F
+left in L requires L to import L1, and the pointer variable Vptr introduced
+in L1 requires L1 to import L. The consequence would be a forbidden import
+cycle. Furthermore, if a moved function F requires access to a yet unmoved V,
+it would also cause a cyclic import. Thus, variables will have to be moved
+first in such a scenario, requiring multiple steps to enable incremental
+client updates, followed by another round of incremental updates to move
+everything else.
+## 2. Alias declarations
+To address these issues with a single, unified mechanism, we propose a new
+form of declaration in Go, called an alias declaration. As the name suggests,
+an alias declaration introduces an alternative name for a given object that
+has been declared elsewhere, possibly in a different package.
+An alias declaration in package L makes it possible to move the original
+declaration of an object X (a constant, type, variable, or function) from
+package L to L1, while continuing to define and export the name X in L.
+Both L.X and L1.X denote the exact same object (L1.X).
+Note that the two predeclared types byte and rune are aliases for the
+predeclared types uint8 and int32. Alias declarations will enable users
+to define their own aliases, and byte and rune can then be defined
+internally using this general language mechanism rather than rely on
+built-in “magic” only available to the implementation.
+## 3. Notation
+The existing declaration syntax for constants effectively permits
+constant aliases:
+const C = L1.C  // C is effectively an alias for L1.C
+Ideally we would like to extend this syntax to other declarations
+and give it alias semantics:
+type T = L1.T  // T is an alias for L1.T
+func F = L1.F  // F is an alias for L1.F
+Unfortunately, this notation breaks down for variables, because it already
+has a given (and different) meaning in variable declarations:
+var V = L1.V  // V is initialized to L1.V
+Instead of "=" we propose the new alias operator  "->"  to solve the
+syntactic issue:
+const C -> L1.C  // for regularity only, same effect as const C = L1.C
+type  T -> L1.T  // T is an alias for type L1.T
+var   V -> L1.V  // V is an alias for variable L1.V
+func  F -> L1.F  // F is an alias for function L1.F
+With that, a general alias specification is of the form:
+AliasSpec = identifier "->" [ PackageName "." ] identifier .
+An alias declaration may refer to another alias, as in:
+type T1 -> L1.T  // T1 is an alias for L1.T
+type T2 -> T1    // T2 is an alias for L1.T
+The lhs identifier (T1, T2 in the example above) in an alias declaration is
+called the alias name (or alias for short). For each alias name there is an
+original name (or original for short), which is the non-alias name declared
+for a given object (here L1.T).
+Some more examples:
+import "math"
+import "oldp"
+var v -> oldp.V  // local alias, not exported
+type (
+	T1 -> oldp.T1  // original for T1 is oldp.T1
+	T2 -> T1       // original for T2 is oldp.T1
+var (
+	V1 -> oldp.V1
+	V2 T2  // same effect as: var V2 oldp.T1
+func myF -> oldp.F  // local alias, not exported
+func G   -> oldp.G
+func f() {
+	type T -> muchTooLongATypeName
+	x := T{}  // same effect as: x := muchTooLongATypeName{}
+	...
+The respective syntactic changes in the language spec are small and
+concentrated. Each declaration specification (ConstSpec, TypeSpec, etc.)
+gets a new alternative which is an alias specification (AliasSpec).
+Grouping is possible as before, except for functions (as before).
+See Appendix A1 for details.
+The short variable declaration form (using ":=") cannot be used to
+declare an alias.
+Discussion: Introducing a new operator ("->") has the advantage of not
+needing to introduce a new keyword (such as "alias"), which we can't really
+do without violating the Go 1 promise (though r@golang and rsc@golang observe
+that it would be possible to recognize "alias" as a keyword at the package-
+level only, when in const/type/var/func position, and as an identifier
+otherwise, and probably not break existing code). As proposed, it also means
+that an alias declaration must specify what kind of object the alias refers
+to (const, type, var, or func), which we think is an advantage: It makes it
+clear to a user what the alias denotes (as with existing declarations); and
+it also makes it possible to report an error at the type of the alias
+declaration if the aliased object changes (e.g., from being a constant to a
+variable) rather than only at where the alias is used.
+On the other hand, mdempsky@golang points out that using a keyword would
+permit making changes in a package L1, say change a function F into a type F,
+and not require a respective update of any alias declarations referring to
+L1.F, which in turn might simplify refactoring. Specifically, one could
+generalize import declarations so that they can be used to import and rename
+specific objects. For instance:
+	import Printf = fmt.Printf
+	import Printf fmt.Printf
+One might even permit the form
+	import context.Context
+as a shorthand for
+	import Context context.Context
+analogously to the renaming feature available to imports already. One of the
+issues to consider here is that imported packages end up in the file scope and
+are only visible in one file. Furthermore, currently they cannot be
+re-exported. It is crucial for aliases to be re-exportable. Thus alias imports
+would need to end up in package scope. (It would be odd if they ended up in
+file scope: the same alias may have to be imported in multiple files of the
+same package, possibly with different names.)
+The choice of symbol ("->") is somewhat arbitrary, but both "A -> B" and
+"A => B" conjure up the image of a reference or forwarding from A to B.
+Furthermore, "->" is also used in Unix directory listings for symbolic links,
+where the lhs is another name (an alias) for the file mentioned on the rhs.
+dneil@golang and r@golang observe that if "->" is written "in reverse" by
+mistake, a declaration "var X -> p.X" meant to be an alias declaration is
+close to a regular variable declaration "var X <-p.X" (with a missing "=");
+though it wouldn’t compile.
+adonovan@golang points out that we could permit aliases only to imported
+(explicitly package-qualified or dot-imported) identifiers to start with.
+This would solve the immediate problem at hand and still allow the more
+general form eventually. It may also mean less work during declaration cycle
+## 3. Semantics and rules
+An alias declaration declares an alternative name, the alias, for a constant,
+type, variable, or function, referred to by the rhs of the alias declaration.
+The rhs must be a (possibly package-qualified) identifier; it may itself be an
+alias, or it may the original name for the aliased object.
+An alias denotes the aliased object, and the effect of using an alias is
+indistinguishable from the effect of using the original; the only difference
+is the name.
+The same scope and export rules (capitalization for export) apply as for all
+other identifiers.
+An alias declaration may be used wherever it is valid to have a keyword-based
+constant, type, variable, or function declaration. In particular, alias
+declarations may be grouped and aliases may refer to locally declared objects.
+The scope of an alias identifier at the top-level (outside any function) is
+the package block (as is the case now for an identifier denoting a constant,
+type, variable, or function). The scope of an alias identifier inside a
+function begins at the end of the alias specification and ends at the end of
+the innermost block (analogous to what is the case now for local declarations).
+An alias declaration may refer to any predeclared type including
+unsafe.Pointer, but not to any other predeclared object in the Universe scope
+(true, false, nil, iota, or any of the predeclared functions) nor any function
+of package unsafe (unsafe.Alignof, unsafe.Offsetof, unsafe.Sizeof).
+An alias may refer to another alias, but cycles are forbidden. The existing
+lexical rules for cycle detection will serve for aliases as well.
+A variable “used” via an alias is considered “used” as if it were accessed by
+its original name.
+Discussion: The main reason for permitting aliases to predeclared types is
+regularity - we already implement byte and rune type aliases and the
+mechanisms for it exist already. There is no inherent difficulty in permitting
+aliases for the predeclared values nil, true, and false. However, due to the
+special meaning of nil it seems unwise to permit aliases to nil. The same is
+true for iota. The values true and false are constants, so aliases (as unwise
+as they may be) are already possible with constant declarations. Predeclared
+functions such as new or append (and others) are not regular functions; new
+takes a type argument, and append has a generic signature. These function
+types cannot be expressed via ordinary function signatures. If an alias to
+such a function were exported it would require a new mechanism to export these
+functions. Extra machinery for a questionable use case does not seem
+For purposes of implementation, unsafe.Pointer and the functions in package
+unsafe are treated like any of the other predeclared objects. It is already
+possible to declare a new type P with unsafe.Pointer as its underlying type,
+export P, and then use that P in another package to convert any pointer type
+to P, which then further can be converted to an uintptr. Thus restricting
+aliases in some way for unsafe.Pointer is not a meaningful restriction.
+## 4. Impact on other libraries and tools
+Alias declarations are a source-level and compile-time feature, with no
+observable impact at run time. Thus, libraries and tools operating at the
+source level or involved in type checking and compilation are expected to
+need adjustments.
+reflect package
+The reflect package permits access to values and their types at run-time.
+There’s no mechanism to make a new reflect.Value from a type name, only from
+a reflect.Type. The predeclared aliases byte and rune are mapped to uint8 and
+int32 already, and we would expect the same to be true for general aliases.
+For instance:
+fmt.Printf("%T", rune(0))
+prints the original type name int32, not rune. Thus, we expect no API or
+semantic changes to package reflect.
+go/\* std lib packages
+The packages under the go/\* std library tree which deal with source code will
+need to be adjusted. Specifically, the packages go/token, go/scanner, go/ast,
+go/parser, go/doc, and go/printer will need the necessary API extensions and
+changes to cope with the new syntax. These changes should be straightforward.
+Package go/types will need to understand how to type-check alias declarations.
+It may also require an extension to its API (to be explored).
+We don’t expect any changes to the go/build package.
+go doc
+The go doc implementation will need to be adjusted: It relies on package go/doc
+which now exposes alias declarations. Thus, godoc needs to have a meaningful
+way to show those as well. This may be a simple extension of the existing
+machinery to include alias declarations.
+Other tools operating on source code
+A variety of other tools operate or inspect source code such as go vet,
+go lint, goimport, and others. What adjustments need to be made needs to be
+decided on a case-by-case basis.
+## 5. Implementation
+There are many open questions that need to be answered by an implementation.
+To mention a few of them:
+Are aliases represented somehow as “first-class” citizens in a compiler and
+go/types, or are they immediately “resolved” internally to the original names?
+For go/types specifically, adonovan@golang points out that a first-class
+representation may have an impact on the go/types API and potentially affect
+many tools. For instance, type switches assuming only the kinds of objects now
+in existence in go/types would need to be extended to handle aliases, should
+they show up in the public API. The go/types’ Info.Uses map, which currently
+mapes identifiers to objects, will require especial attention: Should it record
+the alias to object references, or only the original names?
+At first glance, since an alias is simply another name for an object, it would
+seem that an implementation should resolve them immediately, making aliases
+virtually invisible to the API (we may keep track of them internally only for
+better error messages). On the other hand, they need to be exported and might
+need to show up in go/types’ Info.Uses map (or some additional variant thereof)
+so that tools such as guru have access to the alias names.
+To be prototyped.
+# Appendix
+## A1. Syntax changes
+The syntax changes necessary to accommodate alias declarations are limited
+and concentrated. There is a new declaration specification called AliasSpec:
+AliasSpec = identifier "->" [ PackageName "." ] identifier .
+An AliasSpec binds an identifier, the alias name, to the object (constant,
+type, variable, or function) the alias refers to. The object must be specified
+via a (possibly qualified) identifier. The aliased object must be a constant,
+type, variable, or function, depending on whether the AliasSpec is within a
+constant, type, variable, of function declaration.
+Alias specifications may be used with any of the existing constant, type,
+variable, or function declarations. The respective syntax productions are
+extended as follows, with the extensions marked in red:
+ConstDecl = "const" ( ConstSpec | "(" { ConstSpec ";" } ")" ) .
+ConstSpec = IdentifierList [ [ Type ] "=" ExprList ] | AliasSpec .
+TypeDecl  = "type" ( TypeSpec | "(" { TypeSpec ";" } ")" ) .
+TypeSpec  = identifier Type | AliasSpec .
+VarDecl   = "var" ( VarSpec | "(" { VarSpec ";" } ")" ) .
+VarSpec   = IdentList ( Type [ "=" ExprList ] | "=" ExprList ) |
+            AliasSpec .
+FuncDecl  = "func" FunctionName ( Function | Signature ) |
+            "func" AliasSpec .
+## A2. Alternatives to this proposal
+For completeness, we mention several alternatives.
+1) Do nothing (wait for Go 2). The easiest solution, but it does not address
+the problem.
+2) Permit alias declarations for types only, use the existing work-arounds
+otherwise. This would be a “minimal” solution for the problem. It would
+require the use of work-arounds for all other objects (constants, variables,
+and functions). Except for variables, those work-arounds would not be too
+onerous. Finally, this would not require the introduction of a new operator
+since "=" could be used.
+3) Permit re-export of imports, or generalize imports. One might come up with
+a notation to re-export all objects of an imported package wholesale,
+accessible under the importing package name. Such a mechanism would address
+the incremental refactoring problem and also permit the easy construction of
+some sort of “super-package” (or component), the API of which would be the sum
+of all the re-exported package APIs. This would be an “all-or-nothing” approach
+that would not permit control over which objects are re-exported or under what
+name. Alternatively, a generalized import scheme (discussed earlier in this
+document) may provide a more fine-grained solution.