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| <main><h2 id="pkg-overview">package knownhosts</h2> |
| <pre class="chroma"><span class="kn">import</span> <span class="s">"golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/knownhosts"</span></pre> |
| <p>Package knownhosts implements a parser for the OpenSSH known_hosts |
| host key database, and provides utility functions for writing |
| OpenSSH compliant known_hosts files. |
| <h3 id="pkg-index">Index</h3> |
| <ul> |
| <li><a href="#HashHostname">func HashHostname(hostname string) string</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#Line">func Line(addresses []string, key ssh.PublicKey) string</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#New">func New(files ...string) (ssh.HostKeyCallback, error)</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#Normalize">func Normalize(address string) string</a></li> |
| <li> |
| <a href="#KeyError">type KeyError</a> |
| <ul> |
| <li><a href="#KeyError.Error">func (u *KeyError) Error() string</a></li> |
| </ul> |
| </li> |
| <li> |
| <a href="#KnownKey">type KnownKey</a> |
| <ul> |
| <li><a href="#KnownKey.String">func (k *KnownKey) String() string</a></li> |
| </ul> |
| </li> |
| <li> |
| <a href="#RevokedError">type RevokedError</a> |
| <ul> |
| <li><a href="#RevokedError.Error">func (r *RevokedError) Error() string</a></li> |
| </ul> |
| </li> |
| </ul><h3 id="pkg-functions">Functions</h3> |
| <h3 id="HashHostname">func HashHostname</h3> |
| <pre class="chroma"><span class="kd">func</span> <span class="nf">HashHostname</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">hostname</span> <a href="https://pkg.go.dev/builtin#string"><span class="kt">string</span></a><span class="p">)</span> <a href="https://pkg.go.dev/builtin#string"><span class="kt">string</span></a></pre> |
| <p>HashHostname hashes the given hostname. The hostname is not |
| normalized before hashing. |
| <h3 id="Line">func Line</h3> |
| <pre class="chroma"><span class="kd">func</span> <span class="nf">Line</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">addresses</span> <span class="p">[]</span><a href="https://pkg.go.dev/builtin#string"><span class="kt">string</span></a><span class="p">,</span> <span class="nx">key</span> <a href=".."><span class="nx">ssh</span></a><span class="p">.</span><a href="..#PublicKey"><span class="nx">PublicKey</span></a><span class="p">)</span> <a href="https://pkg.go.dev/builtin#string"><span class="kt">string</span></a></pre> |
| <p>Line returns a line to add append to the known_hosts files. |
| <h3 id="New">func New</h3> |
| <pre class="chroma"><span class="kd">func</span> <span class="nf">New</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">files</span> <span class="o">...</span><a href="https://pkg.go.dev/builtin#string"><span class="kt">string</span></a><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">(</span><a href=".."><span class="nx">ssh</span></a><span class="p">.</span><a href="..#HostKeyCallback"><span class="nx">HostKeyCallback</span></a><span class="p">,</span> <a href="https://pkg.go.dev/builtin#error"><span class="kt">error</span></a><span class="p">)</span></pre> |
| <p>New creates a host key callback from the given OpenSSH host key |
| files. The returned callback is for use in |
| ssh.ClientConfig.HostKeyCallback. By preference, the key check |
| operates on the hostname if available, i.e. if a server changes its |
| IP address, the host key check will still succeed, even though a |
| record of the new IP address is not available. |
| <h3 id="Normalize">func Normalize</h3> |
| <pre class="chroma"><span class="kd">func</span> <span class="nf">Normalize</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">address</span> <a href="https://pkg.go.dev/builtin#string"><span class="kt">string</span></a><span class="p">)</span> <a href="https://pkg.go.dev/builtin#string"><span class="kt">string</span></a></pre> |
| <p>Normalize normalizes an address into the form used in known_hosts |
| <h3 id="pkg-types">Types</h3> |
| <h3 id="KeyError">type KeyError</h3> |
| <pre class="chroma"><span class="kd">type</span> <span class="nx">KeyError</span> <span class="kd">struct</span> <span class="p">{</span> |
| <span class="c1">// Want holds the accepted host keys. For each key algorithm, |
| </span><span class="c1"></span> <span class="c1">// there can be one hostkey. If Want is empty, the host is |
| </span><span class="c1"></span> <span class="c1">// unknown. If Want is non-empty, there was a mismatch, which |
| </span><span class="c1"></span> <span class="c1">// can signify a MITM attack. |
| </span><span class="c1"></span> <span id="KeyError.Want"><span class="nx">Want</span></span> <span class="p">[]</span><a href="#KnownKey"><span class="nx">KnownKey</span></a> |
| <span class="p">}</span></pre> |
| <p>KeyError is returned if we did not find the key in the host key |
| database, or there was a mismatch. Typically, in batch |
| applications, this should be interpreted as failure. Interactive |
| applications can offer an interactive prompt to the user. |
| <h4 id="KeyError.Error">func (*KeyError) Error</h4> |
| <pre class="chroma"><span class="kd">func</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">u</span> <span class="o">*</span><a href="#KeyError"><span class="nx">KeyError</span></a><span class="p">)</span> <span class="nf">Error</span><span class="p">()</span> <a href="https://pkg.go.dev/builtin#string"><span class="kt">string</span></a></pre> |
| <h3 id="KnownKey">type KnownKey</h3> |
| <pre class="chroma"><span class="kd">type</span> <span class="nx">KnownKey</span> <span class="kd">struct</span> <span class="p">{</span> |
| <span id="KnownKey.Key"><span class="nx">Key</span></span> <a href=".."><span class="nx">ssh</span></a><span class="p">.</span><a href="..#PublicKey"><span class="nx">PublicKey</span></a> |
| <span id="KnownKey.Filename"><span class="nx">Filename</span></span> <a href="https://pkg.go.dev/builtin#string"><span class="kt">string</span></a> |
| <span id="KnownKey.Line"><span class="nx">Line</span></span> <a href="https://pkg.go.dev/builtin#int"><span class="kt">int</span></a> |
| <span class="p">}</span></pre> |
| <p>KnownKey represents a key declared in a known_hosts file. |
| <h4 id="KnownKey.String">func (*KnownKey) String</h4> |
| <pre class="chroma"><span class="kd">func</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">k</span> <span class="o">*</span><a href="#KnownKey"><span class="nx">KnownKey</span></a><span class="p">)</span> <span class="nf">String</span><span class="p">()</span> <a href="https://pkg.go.dev/builtin#string"><span class="kt">string</span></a></pre> |
| <h3 id="RevokedError">type RevokedError</h3> |
| <pre class="chroma"><span class="kd">type</span> <span class="nx">RevokedError</span> <span class="kd">struct</span> <span class="p">{</span> |
| <span id="RevokedError.Revoked"><span class="nx">Revoked</span></span> <a href="#KnownKey"><span class="nx">KnownKey</span></a> |
| <span class="p">}</span></pre> |
| <p>RevokedError is returned if we found a key that was revoked. |
| <h4 id="RevokedError.Error">func (*RevokedError) Error</h4> |
| <pre class="chroma"><span class="kd">func</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">r</span> <span class="o">*</span><a href="#RevokedError"><span class="nx">RevokedError</span></a><span class="p">)</span> <span class="nf">Error</span><span class="p">()</span> <a href="https://pkg.go.dev/builtin#string"><span class="kt">string</span></a></pre> |
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