The Go Playground

Clone this repo:
  1. c94b906 go.mod: update dependencies by Gopher Robot · 3 weeks ago master
  2. 7f8d4a7 all: upgrade go directive to at least 1.23.0 [generated] by Gopher Robot · 6 weeks ago
  3. a86a15f go.mod: update dependencies by Gopher Robot · 6 weeks ago
  4. 6567bdb go.mod: update dependencies by Gopher Robot · 3 months ago
  5. 76220c6 go.mod: update dependencies by Gopher Robot · 4 months ago


Go Reference

This subrepository holds the source for the Go playground:


# build the image
docker build -t golang/playground .


docker run --name=play --rm -p 8080:8080 golang/playground &
# run some Go code
cat /path/to/code.go | go run client.go | curl -s --upload-file - localhost:8080/compile

To run the “gotip” version of the playground, set GOTIP=true in your environment (via -e GOTIP=true if using docker run).


Deployment Triggers

Playground releases automatically triggered when new Go repository tags are pushed to GitHub, or when master is pushed on the playground repository.

For details, see deploy/go_trigger.yaml, deploy/playground_trigger.yaml, and deploy/deploy.json.

Changes to the trigger configuration can be made to the YAML files, or in the GCP UI, which should be kept in sync using the push-cloudbuild-triggers and pull-cloudbuild-triggers make targets.

Deploy via Cloud Build

The Cloud Build configuration will always build and deploy with the latest supported release of Go.

gcloud --project=golang-org builds submit --config deploy/deploy.json .

To deploy the “Go tip” version of the playground, which uses the latest development build, use deploy_gotip.json instead:

gcloud --project=golang-org builds submit --config deploy/deploy_gotip.json .

Deploy via gcloud app deploy

Building the playground Docker container takes more than the default 10 minute time limit of cloud build, so increase its timeout first (note, app/cloud_build_timeout is a global configuration value):

gcloud config set app/cloud_build_timeout 1200  # 20 mins

Alternatively, to avoid Cloud Build and build locally:

make docker
docker tag golang/playground:latest
docker push
gcloud --project=golang-org app deploy app.yaml


gcloud --project=golang-org app deploy app.yaml


To submit changes to this repository, see

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