blob: b417430a833adcbd68a7a5049529bfe228cbc517 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package sample provides functionality for generating sample values of
// the types contained in the internal package.
package sample
import (
// These sample values can be used to construct test cases.
var (
ModulePath = ""
RepositoryURL = ""
VersionString = "v1.0.0"
CommitTime = NowTruncated()
LicenseType = "MIT"
LicenseFilePath = "LICENSE"
NonRedistributableLicense = &licenses.License{
Metadata: &licenses.Metadata{
Types: []string{"UNKNOWN"},
Contents: []byte(`unknown`),
PackageName = "foo"
Suffix = "foo"
PackagePath = path.Join(ModulePath, Suffix)
V1Path = PackagePath
ReadmeFilePath = ""
ReadmeContents = "readme"
GOOS = internal.All
GOARCH = internal.All
Doc = Documentation(GOOS, GOARCH, DocContents)
API = []*internal.Symbol{
DocContents = `
// Package p is a package.
// Links
// -,
package p
var V int
Constant = &internal.Symbol{
SymbolMeta: internal.SymbolMeta{
Name: "Constant",
Synopsis: "const Constant",
Section: internal.SymbolSectionConstants,
Kind: internal.SymbolKindConstant,
GOOS: internal.All,
GOARCH: internal.All,
Variable = &internal.Symbol{
SymbolMeta: internal.SymbolMeta{
Name: "Variable",
Synopsis: "var Variable",
Section: internal.SymbolSectionVariables,
Kind: internal.SymbolKindVariable,
GOOS: internal.All,
GOARCH: internal.All,
Function = &internal.Symbol{
SymbolMeta: internal.SymbolMeta{
Name: "Function",
Synopsis: "func Function() error",
Section: internal.SymbolSectionFunctions,
Kind: internal.SymbolKindFunction,
GOOS: internal.All,
GOARCH: internal.All,
FunctionNew = &internal.Symbol{
SymbolMeta: internal.SymbolMeta{
Name: "New",
Synopsis: "func New() *Type",
Section: internal.SymbolSectionTypes,
Kind: internal.SymbolKindFunction,
ParentName: "Type",
GOOS: internal.All,
GOARCH: internal.All,
Type = &internal.Symbol{
SymbolMeta: internal.SymbolMeta{
Name: "Type",
Synopsis: "type Type struct",
Section: internal.SymbolSectionTypes,
Kind: internal.SymbolKindType,
GOOS: internal.All,
GOARCH: internal.All,
Children: []*internal.SymbolMeta{
Field = internal.SymbolMeta{
Name: "Type.Field",
Synopsis: "field",
Section: internal.SymbolSectionTypes,
Kind: internal.SymbolKindField,
ParentName: "Type",
Method = internal.SymbolMeta{
Name: "Type.Method",
Synopsis: "method",
Section: internal.SymbolSectionTypes,
Kind: internal.SymbolKindMethod,
ParentName: "Type",
// LicenseCmpOpts are options to use when comparing licenses with the cmp package.
var LicenseCmpOpts = []cmp.Option{
cmpopts.IgnoreFields(licensecheck.Match{}, "Start", "End"),
// coveragePercentEqual considers two floats the same if they are within 4
// percentage points, and both are on the same side of 90% (our threshold).
func coveragePercentEqual(a, b float64) bool {
if (a >= 90) != (b >= 90) {
return false
return math.Abs(a-b) <= 4
// NowTruncated returns time.Now() truncated to Microsecond precision.
// This makes it easier to work with timestamps in PostgreSQL, which have
// Microsecond precision:
func NowTruncated() time.Time {
return time.Now().In(time.UTC).Truncate(time.Microsecond)
func DefaultModule() *internal.Module {
fp := constructFullPath(ModulePath, Suffix)
return AddPackage(Module(ModulePath, VersionString), UnitForPackage(fp, ModulePath, VersionString, path.Base(fp), true))
// Module creates a Module with the given path and version.
// The list of suffixes is used to create Units within the module.
func Module(modulePath, version string, suffixes ...string) *internal.Module {
mi := ModuleInfo(modulePath, version)
m := &internal.Module{
ModuleInfo: *mi,
Licenses: Licenses(),
m.Units = []*internal.Unit{UnitForModuleRoot(mi)}
for _, s := range suffixes {
fp := constructFullPath(modulePath, s)
lp := UnitForPackage(fp, modulePath, VersionString, path.Base(fp), m.IsRedistributable)
if s != "" {
AddPackage(m, lp)
} else {
u := UnitForPackage(lp.Path, modulePath, version, lp.Name, lp.IsRedistributable)
m.Units[0].Documentation = u.Documentation
m.Units[0].Name = u.Name
if modulePath == stdlib.ModulePath {
m.Units[0].Readme = nil
// Fill in license contents.
for _, u := range m.Units {
u.LicenseContents = m.Licenses
return m
func UnitForModuleRoot(m *internal.ModuleInfo) *internal.Unit {
u := &internal.Unit{
UnitMeta: *UnitMeta(m.ModulePath, m.ModulePath, m.Version, "", m.IsRedistributable),
IsRedistributable: m.IsRedistributable,
Licenses: LicenseMetadata(),
LicenseContents: Licenses(),
u.Readme = &internal.Readme{
Filepath: ReadmeFilePath,
Contents: ReadmeContents,
return u
// UnitForPackage constructs a unit with the given module path and suffix.
// If modulePath is the standard library, the package path is the
// suffix, which must not be empty. Otherwise, the package path
// is the concatenation of modulePath and suffix.
// The package name is last component of the package path.
func UnitForPackage(path, modulePath, version, name string, isRedistributable bool) *internal.Unit {
// Copy Doc because some tests modify it.
doc := *Doc
imps := Imports()
return &internal.Unit{
UnitMeta: *UnitMeta(path, modulePath, version, name, isRedistributable),
IsRedistributable: isRedistributable,
Licenses: LicenseMetadata(),
Documentation: []*internal.Documentation{&doc},
BuildContexts: []internal.BuildContext{{GOOS: doc.GOOS, GOARCH: doc.GOARCH}},
LicenseContents: Licenses(),
Imports: imps,
NumImports: len(imps),
func AddPackage(m *internal.Module, pkg *internal.Unit) *internal.Module {
if m.ModulePath != stdlib.ModulePath && !strings.HasPrefix(pkg.Path, m.ModulePath) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("package path %q not a prefix of module path %q",
pkg.Path, m.ModulePath))
AddUnit(m, UnitForPackage(pkg.Path, m.ModulePath, m.Version, pkg.Name, pkg.IsRedistributable))
minLen := len(m.ModulePath)
if m.ModulePath == stdlib.ModulePath {
minLen = 1
for pth := pkg.Path; len(pth) > minLen; pth = path.Dir(pth) {
found := false
for _, u := range m.Units {
if u.Path == pth {
found = true
if !found {
AddUnit(m, UnitEmpty(pth, m.ModulePath, m.Version))
return m
func PackageMeta(fullPath string) *internal.PackageMeta {
return &internal.PackageMeta{
Path: fullPath,
IsRedistributable: true,
Name: path.Base(fullPath),
Synopsis: Doc.Synopsis,
Licenses: LicenseMetadata(),
func ModuleInfo(modulePath, versionString string) *internal.ModuleInfo {
return &internal.ModuleInfo{
ModulePath: modulePath,
Version: versionString,
CommitTime: CommitTime,
// Assume the module path is a GitHub-like repo name.
SourceInfo: source.NewGitHubInfo("https://"+modulePath, "", versionString),
IsRedistributable: true,
HasGoMod: true,
func DefaultVersionMap() *internal.VersionMap {
return &internal.VersionMap{
ModulePath: ModulePath,
RequestedVersion: VersionString,
ResolvedVersion: VersionString,
Status: http.StatusOK,
GoModPath: "",
Error: "",
func AddUnit(m *internal.Module, u *internal.Unit) {
for _, e := range m.Units {
if e.Path == u.Path {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("module already has path %q", e.Path))
m.Units = append(m.Units, u)
func AddLicense(m *internal.Module, lic *licenses.License) {
m.Licenses = append(m.Licenses, lic)
dir := path.Dir(lic.FilePath)
if dir == "." {
dir = ""
for _, u := range m.Units {
if strings.TrimPrefix(u.Path, m.ModulePath+"/") == dir {
u.Licenses = append(u.Licenses, lic.Metadata)
u.LicenseContents = append(u.LicenseContents, lic)
// ReplaceLicense replaces all licenses having the same file path as lic with lic.
func ReplaceLicense(m *internal.Module, lic *licenses.License) {
replaceLicense(lic, m.Licenses)
for _, u := range m.Units {
for i, lm := range u.Licenses {
if lm.FilePath == lic.FilePath {
u.Licenses[i] = lic.Metadata
replaceLicense(lic, u.LicenseContents)
func replaceLicense(lic *licenses.License, lics []*licenses.License) {
for i, l := range lics {
if l.FilePath == lic.FilePath {
lics[i] = lic
func UnitEmpty(path, modulePath, version string) *internal.Unit {
return &internal.Unit{
UnitMeta: *UnitMeta(path, modulePath, version, "", true),
IsRedistributable: true,
Licenses: LicenseMetadata(),
func UnitMeta(path, modulePath, version, name string, moduleIsRedistributable bool) *internal.UnitMeta {
return &internal.UnitMeta{
Path: path,
Name: name,
ModuleInfo: internal.ModuleInfo{
ModulePath: modulePath,
Version: version,
CommitTime: NowTruncated(),
IsRedistributable: moduleIsRedistributable,
SourceInfo: source.NewGitHubInfo("https://"+modulePath, "", version),
func constructFullPath(modulePath, suffix string) string {
if modulePath != stdlib.ModulePath {
return path.Join(modulePath, suffix)
return suffix
// Documentation returns a Documentation value for the given Go source.
// It panics if there are errors parsing or encoding the source.
func Documentation(goos, goarch, fileContents string) *internal.Documentation {
fset := token.NewFileSet()
pf, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, "sample.go", fileContents, parser.ParseComments)
if err != nil {
docPkg := godoc.NewPackage(fset, nil)
docPkg.AddFile(pf, true)
src, err := docPkg.Encode(context.Background())
if err != nil {
return &internal.Documentation{
GOOS: goos,
GOARCH: goarch,
Synopsis: fmt.Sprintf("This is a package synopsis for GOOS=%s, GOARCH=%s", goos, goarch),
Source: src,
func LicenseMetadata() []*licenses.Metadata {
return []*licenses.Metadata{
Types: []string{LicenseType},
FilePath: LicenseFilePath,
Coverage: licensecheck.Coverage{
Percent: 100,
Match: []licensecheck.Match{{ID: "MIT", Type: 0}},
func Licenses() []*licenses.License {
return []*licenses.License{
{Metadata: LicenseMetadata()[0], Contents: []byte(`Lorem Ipsum`)},
func Imports() []string {
return []string{"fmt", "path/to/bar"}