blob: fd4cc8402e9c4cc1a99195099846b991fa88c473 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// All the code in this file is manually copied from
// If an identifier needs to be edited, move it to internal/symbol/generate.go
// before editing.
package symbol
import (
var (
fset = token.NewFileSet()
internalPkg = regexp.MustCompile(`(^|/)internal($|/)`)
func (w *Walker) Features() (fs []string) {
for f := range w.features {
fs = append(fs, f)
var parsedFileCache = make(map[string]*ast.File)
func (w *Walker) parseFile(dir, file string) (*ast.File, error) {
filename := filepath.Join(dir, file)
if f := parsedFileCache[filename]; f != nil {
return f, nil
f, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, filename, nil, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
parsedFileCache[filename] = f
return f, nil
// Disable before debugging non-obvious errors from the type-checker.
const usePkgCache = true
var (
pkgCache = map[string]*types.Package{} // map tagKey to package
pkgTags = map[string][]string{} // map import dir to list of relevant tags
// tagKey returns the tag-based key to use in the pkgCache.
// It is a comma-separated string; the first part is dir, the rest tags.
// The satisfied tags are derived from context but only those that
// matter (the ones listed in the tags argument plus GOOS and GOARCH) are used.
// The tags list, which came from go/build's Package.AllTags,
// is known to be sorted.
func tagKey(dir string, context *build.Context, tags []string) string {
ctags := map[string]bool{
context.GOOS: true,
context.GOARCH: true,
if context.CgoEnabled {
ctags["cgo"] = true
for _, tag := range context.BuildTags {
ctags[tag] = true
// TODO: ReleaseTags (need to load default)
key := dir
// explicit on GOOS and GOARCH as global cache will use "all" cached packages for
// an indirect imported package. See
// for more detail.
tags = append(tags, context.GOOS, context.GOARCH)
for _, tag := range tags {
if ctags[tag] {
key += "," + tag
ctags[tag] = false
return key
var listCache sync.Map // map[string]listImports, keyed by contextName
// listSem is a semaphore restricting concurrent invocations of 'go list'.
var listSem = make(chan semToken, runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0))
type semToken struct{}
// listEnv returns the process environment to use when invoking 'go list' for
// the given context.
func listEnv(c *build.Context) []string {
if c == nil {
return os.Environ()
environ := append(os.Environ(),
if c.CgoEnabled {
environ = append(environ, "CGO_ENABLED=1")
} else {
environ = append(environ, "CGO_ENABLED=0")
return environ
// Importing is a sentinel taking the place in Walker.imported
// for a package that is in the process of being imported.
var importing types.Package
func (w *Walker) Import(name string) (*types.Package, error) {
return w.ImportFrom(name, "", 0)
func (w *Walker) ImportFrom(fromPath, fromDir string, mode types.ImportMode) (*types.Package, error) {
name := fromPath
if canonical, ok := w.importMap[fromDir][fromPath]; ok {
name = canonical
pkg := w.imported[name]
if pkg != nil {
if pkg == &importing {
log.Fatalf("cycle importing package %q", name)
return pkg, nil
w.imported[name] = &importing
// Determine package files.
dir := w.importDir[name]
if dir == "" {
dir = filepath.Join(w.root, filepath.FromSlash(name))
if fi, err := os.Stat(dir); err != nil || !fi.IsDir() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no source in tree for import %q (from import %s in %s): %v", name, fromPath, fromDir, err)
context := w.context
if context == nil {
context = &build.Default
// Look in cache.
// If we've already done an import with the same set
// of relevant tags, reuse the result.
var key string
if usePkgCache {
if tags, ok := pkgTags[dir]; ok {
key = tagKey(dir, context, tags)
if pkg := pkgCache[key]; pkg != nil {
w.imported[name] = pkg
return pkg, nil
info, err := context.ImportDir(dir, 0)
if err != nil {
if _, nogo := err.(*build.NoGoError); nogo {
return nil, err
log.Fatalf("pkg %q, dir %q: ScanDir: %v", name, dir, err)
// Save tags list first time we see a directory.
if usePkgCache {
if _, ok := pkgTags[dir]; !ok {
pkgTags[dir] = info.AllTags
key = tagKey(dir, context, info.AllTags)
filenames := append(append([]string{}, info.GoFiles...), info.CgoFiles...)
// Parse package files.
var files []*ast.File
for _, file := range filenames {
f, err := w.parseFile(dir, file)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error parsing package %s: %s", name, err)
files = append(files, f)
// Type-check package files.
conf := types.Config{
IgnoreFuncBodies: true,
FakeImportC: true,
Importer: w,
pkg, err = conf.Check(name, fset, files, nil)
if err != nil {
ctxt := "<no context>"
if w.context != nil {
ctxt = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", w.context.GOOS, w.context.GOARCH)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error typechecking package %s: %s (%s)", name, err, ctxt)
if usePkgCache {
pkgCache[key] = pkg
w.imported[name] = pkg
return pkg, nil
// pushScope enters a new scope (walking a package, type, node, etc)
// and returns a function that will leave the scope (with sanity checking
// for mismatched pushes & pops)
func (w *Walker) pushScope(name string) (popFunc func()) {
w.scope = append(w.scope, name)
return func() {
if len(w.scope) == 0 {
log.Fatalf("attempt to leave scope %q with empty scope list", name)
if w.scope[len(w.scope)-1] != name {
log.Fatalf("attempt to leave scope %q, but scope is currently %#v", name, w.scope)
w.scope = w.scope[:len(w.scope)-1]
func sortedMethodNames(typ *types.Interface) []string {
n := typ.NumMethods()
list := make([]string, n)
for i := range list {
list[i] = typ.Method(i).Name()
return list
func (w *Walker) writeType(buf *bytes.Buffer, typ types.Type) {
switch typ := typ.(type) {
case *types.Basic:
s := typ.Name()
switch typ.Kind() {
case types.UnsafePointer:
s = "unsafe.Pointer"
case types.UntypedBool:
s = "ideal-bool"
case types.UntypedInt:
s = "ideal-int"
case types.UntypedRune:
// "ideal-char" for compatibility with old tool
// TODO(gri) change to "ideal-rune"
s = "ideal-char"
case types.UntypedFloat:
s = "ideal-float"
case types.UntypedComplex:
s = "ideal-complex"
case types.UntypedString:
s = "ideal-string"
case types.UntypedNil:
panic("should never see untyped nil type")
switch s {
case "byte":
s = "uint8"
case "rune":
s = "int32"
case *types.Array:
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "[%d]", typ.Len())
w.writeType(buf, typ.Elem())
case *types.Slice:
w.writeType(buf, typ.Elem())
case *types.Struct:
case *types.Pointer:
w.writeType(buf, typ.Elem())
case *types.Tuple:
panic("should never see a tuple type")
case *types.Signature:
w.writeSignature(buf, typ)
case *types.Interface:
if typ.NumMethods() > 0 {
buf.WriteByte(' ')
buf.WriteString(strings.Join(sortedMethodNames(typ), ", "))
buf.WriteByte(' ')
case *types.Map:
w.writeType(buf, typ.Key())
w.writeType(buf, typ.Elem())
case *types.Chan:
var s string
switch typ.Dir() {
case types.SendOnly:
s = "chan<- "
case types.RecvOnly:
s = "<-chan "
case types.SendRecv:
s = "chan "
w.writeType(buf, typ.Elem())
case *types.Named:
obj := typ.Obj()
pkg := obj.Pkg()
if pkg != nil && pkg != w.current {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown type %T", typ))
func (w *Walker) writeSignature(buf *bytes.Buffer, sig *types.Signature) {
w.writeParams(buf, sig.Params(), sig.Variadic())
switch res := sig.Results(); res.Len() {
case 0:
// nothing to do
case 1:
buf.WriteByte(' ')
w.writeType(buf, res.At(0).Type())
buf.WriteByte(' ')
w.writeParams(buf, res, false)
func (w *Walker) writeParams(buf *bytes.Buffer, t *types.Tuple, variadic bool) {
for i, n := 0, t.Len(); i < n; i++ {
if i > 0 {
buf.WriteString(", ")
typ := t.At(i).Type()
if variadic && i+1 == n {
typ = typ.(*types.Slice).Elem()
w.writeType(buf, typ)
func (w *Walker) typeString(typ types.Type) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
w.writeType(&buf, typ)
return buf.String()
func (w *Walker) signatureString(sig *types.Signature) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
w.writeSignature(&buf, sig)
return buf.String()
func (w *Walker) emitObj(obj types.Object) {
switch obj := obj.(type) {
case *types.Const:
w.emitf("const %s %s", obj.Name(), w.typeString(obj.Type()))
x := obj.Val()
short := x.String()
exact := x.ExactString()
if short == exact {
w.emitf("const %s = %s", obj.Name(), short)
} else {
w.emitf("const %s = %s // %s", obj.Name(), short, exact)
case *types.Var:
w.emitf("var %s %s", obj.Name(), w.typeString(obj.Type()))
case *types.TypeName:
case *types.Func:
panic("unknown object: " + obj.String())
func (w *Walker) emitType(obj *types.TypeName) {
name := obj.Name()
typ := obj.Type()
if obj.IsAlias() {
w.emitf("type %s = %s", name, w.typeString(typ))
switch typ := typ.Underlying().(type) {
case *types.Struct:
w.emitStructType(name, typ)
case *types.Interface:
w.emitIfaceType(name, typ)
return // methods are handled by emitIfaceType
w.emitf("type %s %s", name, w.typeString(typ.Underlying()))
// emit methods with value receiver
var methodNames map[string]bool
vset := types.NewMethodSet(typ)
for i, n := 0, vset.Len(); i < n; i++ {
m := vset.At(i)
if m.Obj().Exported() {
// Do not emit methods promoted from embedded fields.
if len(m.Index()) == 1 {
if methodNames == nil {
methodNames = make(map[string]bool)
methodNames[m.Obj().Name()] = true
// emit methods with pointer receiver; exclude
// methods that we have emitted already
// (the method set of *T includes the methods of T)
pset := types.NewMethodSet(types.NewPointer(typ))
for i, n := 0, pset.Len(); i < n; i++ {
m := pset.At(i)
if m.Obj().Exported() && !methodNames[m.Obj().Name()] {
// Do not emit methods promoted from embedded fields.
if len(m.Index()) == 1 {
func (w *Walker) emitFunc(f *types.Func) {
sig := f.Type().(*types.Signature)
if sig.Recv() != nil {
panic("method considered a regular function: " + f.String())
w.emitf("func %s%s", f.Name(), w.signatureString(sig))
func (w *Walker) emitMethod(m *types.Selection) {
sig := m.Type().(*types.Signature)
recv := sig.Recv().Type()
// report exported methods with unexported receiver base type
if true {
base := recv
if p, _ := recv.(*types.Pointer); p != nil {
base = p.Elem()
if obj := base.(*types.Named).Obj(); !obj.Exported() {
log.Fatalf("exported method with unexported receiver base type: %s", m)
w.emitf("method (%s) %s%s", w.typeString(recv), m.Obj().Name(), w.signatureString(sig))
func contextName(c *build.Context) string {
s := c.GOOS + "-" + c.GOARCH
if c.CgoEnabled {
s += "-cgo"
if c.Dir != "" {
s += fmt.Sprintf(" [%s]", c.Dir)
return s