blob: dcb8c186d94aec3292d8f32c1b45753ff64f3292 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package database
import (
// QueryLoggingDisabled stops logging of queries when true.
// For use in tests only: not concurrency-safe.
var QueryLoggingDisabled bool
var queryCounter int64 // atomic: per-process counter for unique query IDs
type queryEndLogEntry struct {
ID string
Query string
Args string
DurationSeconds float64
Error string `json:",omitempty"`
func logQuery(ctx context.Context, query string, args []any, instanceID string, retryable bool) func(*error) {
if QueryLoggingDisabled {
return func(*error) {}
const maxlen = 300 // maximum length of displayed query
// To make the query more compact and readable, replace newlines with spaces
// and collapse adjacent whitespace.
var r []rune
for _, c := range query {
if c == '\n' {
c = ' '
if len(r) == 0 || !unicode.IsSpace(r[len(r)-1]) || !unicode.IsSpace(c) {
r = append(r, c)
query = string(r)
if len(query) > maxlen {
query = query[:maxlen] + "..."
uid := generateLoggingID(instanceID)
// Construct a short string of the args.
const (
maxArgs = 20
maxArgLen = 50
var argStrings []string
for i := 0; i < len(args) && i < maxArgs; i++ {
s := fmt.Sprint(args[i])
if len(s) > maxArgLen {
s = s[:maxArgLen] + "..."
argStrings = append(argStrings, s)
if len(args) > maxArgs {
argStrings = append(argStrings, "...")
argString := strings.Join(argStrings, ", ")
log.Debugf(ctx, "%s %s args=%s", uid, query, argString)
start := time.Now()
return func(errp *error) {
dur := time.Since(start)
if errp == nil { // happens with queryRow
log.Debugf(ctx, "%s done", uid)
} else {
derrors.Wrap(errp, "DB running query %s", uid)
entry := queryEndLogEntry{
ID: uid,
Query: query,
Args: argString,
DurationSeconds: dur.Seconds(),
if *errp == nil {
log.Debug(ctx, entry)
} else {
entry.Error = (*errp).Error()
// There are many places in our logs when a query will be
// canceled, because all unfinished search queries for a given
// request are canceled:
// We don't want to log these as errors, because it makes the logs
// very noisy. Based on
// it seems that ctx.Err() could return nil because this error
// is coming from postgres. currently handles
// errors like these in their tests by hardcoding the string:
logf := log.Error
if errors.Is(ctx.Err(), context.Canceled) ||
strings.Contains(entry.Error, "pq: canceling statement due to user request") {
logf = log.Debug
// If the transaction is retryable and this is a serialization error,
// then it's not really an error at all. Log it as debug, so if
// we get a "failed due to max retries" error, we can find
// these easily. However, these errors can also be noisy, so we
// can also hide them by setting GO_DISCOVERY_LOG_LEVEL=info.
if retryable && isSerializationFailure(*errp) {
logf = log.Debug
logf(ctx, entry)
func (db *DB) logTransaction(ctx context.Context) func(*error) {
if QueryLoggingDisabled {
return func(*error) {}
uid := generateLoggingID(db.instanceID)
log.Debugf(ctx, "%s transaction (isolation %s) started", uid, db.opts.Isolation)
start := time.Now()
return func(errp *error) {
log.Debugf(ctx, "%s transaction (isolation %s) finished in %s with error %v",
uid, db.opts.Isolation, time.Since(start), *errp)
func generateLoggingID(instanceID string) string {
if instanceID == "" {
instanceID = "local"
} else if len(instanceID) > 8 {
// App Engine instance IDs are long strings. The low-order part seems
// quite random, so shortening the ID will still likely result in
// something unique.
instanceID = instanceID[len(instanceID)-4:]
n := atomic.AddInt64(&queryCounter, 1)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", instanceID, n)