blob: 7fe95440935077ba237b51833dbc647c10964474 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package page defines common fields shared by pages when rendering templages.
package page
import (
// BasePage contains fields shared by all pages when rendering templates.
type BasePage struct {
// HTMLTitle is the value to use in the page’s <title> tag.
HTMLTitle string
// MetaDescription is the html used for rendering the <meta name="Description"> tag.
MetaDescription safehtml.HTML
// Query is the current search query (if applicable).
Query string
// Experiments contains the experiments currently active.
Experiments *experiment.Set
// DevMode indicates whether the server is running in development mode.
DevMode bool
// LocalMode indicates whether the server is running in local mode (i.e. ./cmd/pkgsite).
LocalMode bool
// AppVersionLabel contains the current version of the app.
AppVersionLabel string
// GoogleTagManagerID is the ID used to load Google Tag Manager.
GoogleTagManagerID string
// AllowWideContent indicates whether the content should be displayed in a
// way that’s amenable to wider viewports.
AllowWideContent bool
// Enables the two and three column layouts on the unit page.
UseResponsiveLayout bool
// SearchPrompt is the prompt/placeholder for search input.
SearchPrompt string
// SearchMode is the search mode for the current search request.
SearchMode string
// SearchModePackage is the value of const searchModePackage. It is used in
// the search bar dropdown.
SearchModePackage string
// SearchModeSymbol is the value of const searchModeSymbol. It is used in
// the search bar dropdown.
SearchModeSymbol string
func (p *BasePage) SetBasePage(bp BasePage) {
bp.SearchMode = p.SearchMode
*p = bp
// ErrorPage contains fields for rendering a HTTP error page.
type ErrorPage struct {
TemplateName string
MessageTemplate template.TrustedTemplate
MessageData any