| ### Go ### |
| # Binaries for programs and plugins |
| *.exe |
| *.exe~ |
| *.dll |
| *.so |
| *.dylib |
| |
| # Test binary, built with `go test -c` |
| *.test |
| |
| # Output of the go coverage tool, specifically when used with LiteIDE |
| *.out |
| |
| # Crash log files |
| crash.log |
| |
| ### macOS ### |
| .DS_Store |
| .idea |
| |
| ### Discovery Project ### |
| private |
| internal/**/go.sum |
| cmd/*/*.yaml |
| experiment.yaml |
| |
| #### GKE |
| go-discovery*.json |
| |
| #### App Engine |
| *credentials.json |
| *credentials.yaml |
| |
| #### Loadtest Related Files #### |
| results.bin |
| |
| #### Screentest Failure Output #### |
| tests/screentest/output |
| |
| #### VS Code Debugger Files #### |
| .vscode |
| __debug_bin |
| |
| #### NPM #### |
| node_modules |
| |
| #### E2E Test Output #### |
| __diff_output__ |
| |
| #### Cloud Build Artifacts #### |