blob: a6e716ded402b2eb05f32de03de5dfc3f0a2e967 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
{{define "module_list"}}
{{range $major := .}}
{{if not (eq $major.ModulePath "std")}}
<span class="Versions-modulePath"> &ndash; {{$major.ModulePath}}</span>
<ul class="Versions-list">
{{range $v := $major.Versions}}
<li class="Versions-item">
<a href="{{$v.Link}}">{{$v.Version}}</a>
<span class="Versions-commitTime"> &ndash; {{$v.CommitTime}}</span>
{{define "details_content"}}
<div class="Versions">
{{if or .OtherModules .ThisModule}}
{{if .OtherModules}}
<h2>Versions in this module</h2>
{{template "module_list" .ThisModule}}
{{if .OtherModules}}
<h2>Other modules containing this package</h2>
{{template "module_list" .OtherModules}}
{{template "empty_content" "No other known versions of this package!"}}