blob: 5e34ccf6983065c6353a83a8bb2d12df04f7a916 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package datasource
import (
var _ internal.DataSource = (*ProxyDataSource)(nil)
// New returns a new direct proxy datasource.
func NewProxy(proxyClient *proxy.Client) *ProxyDataSource {
return newProxyDataSource(proxyClient, source.NewClient(1*time.Minute), false)
func NewForTesting(proxyClient *proxy.Client, bypassLicenseCheck bool) *ProxyDataSource {
return newProxyDataSource(proxyClient, source.NewClientForTesting(), bypassLicenseCheck)
func newProxyDataSource(proxyClient *proxy.Client, sourceClient *source.Client, bypassLicenseCheck bool) *ProxyDataSource {
ds := newDataSource([]fetch.ModuleGetter{fetch.NewProxyModuleGetter(proxyClient)}, sourceClient, bypassLicenseCheck, proxyClient)
return &ProxyDataSource{
ds: ds,
// NewBypassingLicenseCheck returns a new direct proxy datasource that bypasses
// license checks. That means all data will be returned for non-redistributable
// modules, packages and directories.
func NewBypassingLicenseCheck(c *proxy.Client) *ProxyDataSource {
return newProxyDataSource(c, source.NewClient(1*time.Minute), true)
// ProxyDataSource implements the frontend.DataSource interface, by querying a
// module proxy directly and caching the results in memory.
type ProxyDataSource struct {
ds *dataSource
// findModule finds the longest module path containing the given package path,
// using the given finder func and iteratively testing parent directories of
// the import path. It performs no testing as to whether the specified module
// version that was found actually contains a package corresponding to pkgPath.
func (ds *ProxyDataSource) findModule(ctx context.Context, pkgPath string, version string) (_ string, _ *proxy.VersionInfo, err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "findModule(%q, ...)", pkgPath)
pkgPath = strings.TrimLeft(pkgPath, "/")
for _, modulePath := range internal.CandidateModulePaths(pkgPath) {
info, err := ds.ds.prox.Info(ctx, modulePath, version)
if errors.Is(err, derrors.NotFound) {
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
return modulePath, info, nil
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find module: %w", derrors.NotFound)
// getUnit returns information about a unit.
func (ds *ProxyDataSource) getUnit(ctx context.Context, fullPath, modulePath, version string, _ internal.BuildContext) (_ *internal.Unit, err error) {
var m *internal.Module
m, err = ds.ds.getModule(ctx, modulePath, version)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, d := range m.Units {
if d.Path == fullPath {
return d, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%q missing from module %s: %w", fullPath, m.ModulePath, derrors.NotFound)
// GetLatestInfo returns latest information for unitPath and modulePath.
func (ds *ProxyDataSource) GetLatestInfo(ctx context.Context, unitPath, modulePath string, latestUnitMeta *internal.UnitMeta) (latest internal.LatestInfo, err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "GetLatestInfo(ctx, %q, %q)", unitPath, modulePath)
if latestUnitMeta == nil {
latestUnitMeta, err = ds.GetUnitMeta(ctx, unitPath, internal.UnknownModulePath, version.Latest)
if err != nil {
return latest, err
latest.MinorVersion = latestUnitMeta.Version
latest.MinorModulePath = latestUnitMeta.ModulePath
latest.MajorModulePath, latest.MajorUnitPath, err = ds.getLatestMajorVersion(ctx, unitPath, modulePath)
if err != nil {
return latest, err
// Do not try to discover whether the unit is in the latest minor version; assume it is.
latest.UnitExistsAtMinor = true
return latest, nil
// getLatestMajorVersion returns the latest module path and the full package path
// of the latest version found in the proxy by iterating through vN versions.
// This function does not attempt to find whether the full path exists
// in the new major version.
func (ds *ProxyDataSource) getLatestMajorVersion(ctx context.Context, fullPath, modulePath string) (_ string, _ string, err error) {
// We are checking if the full path is valid so that we can forward the error if not.
seriesPath := internal.SeriesPathForModule(modulePath)
info, err := ds.ds.prox.Info(ctx, seriesPath, version.Latest)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
// Converting version numbers to integers may cause an overflow, as version
// numbers need not fit into machine integers.
// While using Atoi is wrong, for it to fail, the version number must reach a
// value higher than at least 2^31, which is unlikely.
startVersion, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimPrefix(semver.Major(info.Version), "v"))
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
// We start checking versions from "/v2" or higher, since v1 and v0 versions
// don't have a major version at the end of the modulepath.
if startVersion < 2 {
startVersion = 2
for v := startVersion; ; v++ {
query := fmt.Sprintf("%s/v%d", seriesPath, v)
_, err := ds.ds.prox.Info(ctx, query, version.Latest)
if errors.Is(err, derrors.NotFound) {
if v == 2 {
return modulePath, fullPath, nil
latestModulePath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/v%d", seriesPath, v-1)
return latestModulePath, latestModulePath, nil
if err != nil {
return "", "", err