blob: 2cf0c6d49d7409adcc27d98b06e2a7eeb889243c [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
{{define "description"}}
<meta name="description" content="Sub-repositories are part of the Go Project but outside the main
Go tree. They are developed under looser compatibility requirements than the Go core.">
{{define "pre-content"}}
<link href="/static/frontend/subrepo/subrepo.min.css?version={{.AppVersionLabel}}" rel="stylesheet">
{{define "main"}}
<main class="go-Container" id="main-content">
<div class="go-Content">
These repositories are part of the Go Project but outside the main Go
tree. They are developed under looser compatibility requirements than
the Go core.
This list is not exhaustive. The full list of Go repositories can be
viewed at <a href=""></a>.
<ul class="SubRepo-links">
<a data-gtmc="subrepo link" href="/">benchmarks</a>
— benchmarks to measure Go as it is developed.
<a data-gtmc="subrepo link" href="/">build</a>
<a href=""></a>'s implementation.
<a data-gtmc="subrepo link" href="/">crypto</a>
— additional cryptography packages.
<a data-gtmc="subrepo link" href="/">debug</a>
— an experimental debugger for Go.
<a data-gtmc="subrepo link" href="/">exp</a>
— experimental and deprecated packages (handle with care; may change without warning).
<a data-gtmc="subrepo link" href="/">image</a>
— additional imaging packages.
<a data-gtmc="subrepo link" href="/">mobile</a>
— experimental support for Go on mobile platforms.
<a data-gtmc="subrepo link" href="/">mod</a>
— packages for writing tools that work with Go modules.
<a data-gtmc="subrepo link" href="/">net</a>
— additional networking packages.
<a data-gtmc="subrepo link" href="/">oauth2</a>
— a client implementation for the OAuth 2.0 spec
<a data-gtmc="subrepo link" href="/">perf</a>
— packages and tools for performance measurement, storage, and analysis.
<a data-gtmc="subrepo link" href="/">pkgsite</a>
— home of the website.
<a data-gtmc="subrepo link" href="/">review</a>
— a tool for working with Gerrit code reviews.
<a data-gtmc="subrepo link" href="/">sync</a>
— additional concurrency primitives.
<a data-gtmc="subrepo link" href="/">sys</a>
— packages for making system calls.
<a data-gtmc="subrepo link" href="/">term</a>
— Go terminal and console support packages.
<a data-gtmc="subrepo link" href="/">text</a>
— packages for working with text.
<a data-gtmc="subrepo link" href="/">time</a>
— additional time packages.
<a data-gtmc="subrepo link" href="/">tools</a>
— godoc, goimports, gorename, and other tools.
<a data-gtmc="subrepo link" href="/">tour</a>
<a href=""></a>'s implementation.
<a data-gtmc="subrepo link" href="/">vuln</a>
— packages for accessing and analyzing data from the Go Vulnerability Database.
<a data-gtmc="subrepo link" href="/">website</a>
— home of the and websites.