blob: c6a937b15cfdfab9e31e7c9c0033c1b2cd7fba40 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package teeproxy
import (
type RequestEvent struct {
Host string
Path string
URL string
Header http.Header
Latency time.Duration
Status int
Error string
// RedirectHost indicates where a request should be redirected to. It is
// used for testing when redirecting requests to somewhere other than
RedirectHost string
// IsRobot reports whether this request came from a robot.
IsRobot bool
var gddoToPkgGoDevRequest = map[string]string{
"/": "/",
"/-/about": "/about",
"/-/bootstrap.min.css": "/404",
"/-/bootstrap.min.js": "/404",
"/-/bot": "/404",
"/-/go": "/std",
"/-/jquery-2.0.3.min.js": "/404",
"/-/refresh": "/404",
"/-/sidebar.css": "/404",
"/-/site.css": "/404",
"/-/subrepo": "/404",
"/BingSiteAuth.xml": "/404",
"/C": "/C",
"/favicon.ico": "/favicon.ico",
"/google3d2f3cd4cc2bb44b.html": "/404",
"/humans.txt": "/404",
"/robots.txt": "/404",
"/site.js": "/404",
"/third_party/jquery.timeago.js": "/404",
func HandleGddoEvent(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if status, err := doRequest(r); err != nil {
log.Infof(r.Context(), "teeproxy.HandleGddoEvent: %v", err)
http.Error(w, http.StatusText(status), status)
func doRequest(r *http.Request) (_ int, err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "doRequest(%q): referer=%q", r.URL.Path, r.Referer())
ctx := r.Context()
status, err := validateTeeProxyRequest(r)
if err != nil {
return status, err
gddoEvent, err := getGddoEvent(r)
if err != nil {
return http.StatusBadRequest, err
var pkgGoDevEvent *RequestEvent
if experiment.IsActive(r.Context(), internal.ExperimentTeeProxyMakePkgGoDevRequest) {
pkgGoDevEvent, err = makePkgGoDevRequest(ctx, gddoEvent.RedirectHost, pkgGoDevPath(gddoEvent.Path))
if err != nil {
log.Info(ctx, map[string]*RequestEvent{
"": gddoEvent,
return http.StatusInternalServerError, err
log.Info(ctx, map[string]*RequestEvent{
"": gddoEvent,
"": pkgGoDevEvent,
return http.StatusOK, nil
// validateTeeProxyRequest validates that a request to the teeproxy is allowed.
// It will return the error code and error if a request is invalid. Otherwise,
// it will return http.StatusOK.
func validateTeeProxyRequest(r *http.Request) (code int, err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "validateTeeProxyRequest(r)")
if r.Method != "POST" {
return http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, fmt.Errorf("%s: %q", http.StatusText(http.StatusMethodNotAllowed), r.Method)
ct := r.Header.Get("Content-Type")
if ct != "application/json; charset=utf-8" {
return http.StatusUnsupportedMediaType, fmt.Errorf("Content-Type %q is not supported", ct)
return http.StatusOK, nil
// pkgGoDevPath returns the corresponding path on for the given
// path.
func pkgGoDevPath(gddoPath string) string {
redirectPath, ok := gddoToPkgGoDevRequest[gddoPath]
if ok {
return redirectPath
return gddoPath
// getGddoEvent constructs a url.URL and RequestEvent from the request.
func getGddoEvent(r *http.Request) (gddoEvent *RequestEvent, err error) {
defer func() {
derrors.Wrap(&err, "getGddoEvent(r)")
if gddoEvent != nil && err != nil {
log.Info(r.Context(), map[string]interface{}{
"": gddoEvent,
"tee-error": err.Error(),
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
gddoEvent = &RequestEvent{}
if err = json.Unmarshal(body, gddoEvent); err != nil {
return nil, err
return gddoEvent, nil
// makePkgGoDevRequest makes a request to the redirectHost and redirectPath,
// and returns a requestEvent based on the output.
func makePkgGoDevRequest(ctx context.Context, redirectHost, redirectPath string) (_ *RequestEvent, err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "makePkgGoDevRequest(%q, %q)", redirectHost, redirectPath)
if redirectHost == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("redirectHost cannot be empty")
redirectURL := redirectHost + redirectPath
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", redirectURL, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
start := time.Now()
resp, err := ctxhttp.Do(ctx, http.DefaultClient, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &RequestEvent{
Host: redirectHost,
Path: redirectPath,
URL: redirectURL,
Status: resp.StatusCode,
Latency: time.Since(start),
}, nil