blob: 30e43a76202909c12a57676299f082ced8ddb20d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package templates
import (
func TestCheckFrontendTemplates(t *testing.T) {
// Perform additional checks on parsed templates.
staticFS := template.TrustedFSFromEmbed(static.FS)
templates, err := templates.ParsePageTemplates(staticFS)
if err != nil {
for _, c := range []struct {
name string
subs []string
typeval any
{"badge", nil, frontend.BadgePage{}},
// error.tmpl omitted because relies on an associated "message" template
// that's parsed on demand; see renderErrorPage above.
{"fetch", nil, page.ErrorPage{}},
{"homepage", nil, frontend.Homepage{}},
{"license-policy", nil, frontend.LicensePolicyPage{}},
{"search", nil, frontend.SearchPage{}},
{"search-help", nil, page.BasePage{}},
{"unit/main", nil, frontend.UnitPage{}},
[]string{"unit-outline", "unit-readme", "unit-doc", "unit-files", "unit-directories"},
{"unit/importedby", nil, frontend.UnitPage{}},
{"unit/importedby", []string{"importedby"}, frontend.ImportedByDetails{}},
{"unit/imports", nil, frontend.UnitPage{}},
{"unit/imports", []string{"imports"}, frontend.ImportsDetails{}},
{"unit/licenses", nil, frontend.UnitPage{}},
{"unit/licenses", []string{"licenses"}, frontend.LicensesDetails{}},
{"unit/versions", nil, frontend.UnitPage{}},
{"unit/versions", []string{"versions"}, versions.VersionsDetails{}},
{"vuln", nil, page.BasePage{}},
{"vuln/list", nil, frontend.VulnListPage{}},
{"vuln/entry", nil, frontend.VulnEntryPage{}},
} {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
tm := templates[]
if tm == nil {
t.Fatalf("no template %q",
if c.subs == nil {
if err := templatecheck.CheckSafe(tm, c.typeval); err != nil {
} else {
for _, n := range c.subs {
s := tm.Lookup(n)
if s == nil {
t.Fatalf("no sub-template %q of %q", n,
if err := templatecheck.CheckSafe(s, c.typeval); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s: %v", n, err)
var templateFS = template.TrustedFSFromTrustedSource(template.TrustedSourceFromConstant("../../../static"))
func TestCheckDocHTMLTemplates(t *testing.T) {
for _, tm := range dochtml.Templates() {
if err := templatecheck.CheckSafe(tm, dochtml.TemplateData{}); err != nil {