blob: e6fb5085a6f8073a6cde4aa4dcaecbf335e37ecd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package postgres
import (
func insertSymbols(ctx context.Context, db *database.DB, modulePath, version string,
pathToID map[string]int,
pathToDocIDToDoc map[string]map[int]*internal.Documentation) (err error) {
defer derrors.WrapStack(&err, "insertSymbols(ctx, db, %q, %q, pathToID, pathToDocs)", modulePath, version)
nameToID, err := upsertSymbolNamesReturningIDs(ctx, db, pathToDocIDToDoc)
if err != nil {
return err
pathToPkgsymToID, err := upsertPackageSymbolsReturningIDs(ctx, db, modulePath, pathToID, nameToID, pathToDocIDToDoc)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := upsertDocumentationSymbols(ctx, db, pathToPkgsymToID, pathToDocIDToDoc); err != nil {
return err
if experiment.IsActive(ctx, internal.ExperimentInsertSymbolHistory) {
return upsertSymbolHistory(ctx, db, modulePath, version, nameToID,
pathToID, pathToPkgsymToID, pathToDocIDToDoc)
return nil
type packageSymbol struct {
name string
synopsis string
// parentName is a unique key in packageSymbol because the section can change
// with the name and synopsis remaining the same. For example:
// is in the Variables section,
// with parentName Universe.
// is in the Types section,
// with parentName Scope.
// is in the Types
// section under type InputMode.
// is in the Types
// section under ScreenMode.
parentName string
func upsertDocumentationSymbols(ctx context.Context, db *database.DB,
pathToPkgsymID map[string]map[packageSymbol]int,
pathToDocIDToDoc map[string]map[int]*internal.Documentation) (err error) {
defer derrors.WrapStack(&err, "upsertDocumentationSymbols(ctx, db, pathToPkgsymID, pathToDocIDToDoc)")
// Create a map of documentation_id TO package_symbol_id set.
// This will be used to verify that all package_symbols for the unit have
// been inserted.
docIDToPkgsymIDs := map[int]map[int]bool{}
for path, docIDToDoc := range pathToDocIDToDoc {
for docID, doc := range docIDToDoc {
err := updateSymbols(doc.API, func(s *internal.Symbol) error {
pkgsymToID := pathToPkgsymID[path]
pkgsymID := pkgsymToID[packageSymbol{synopsis: s.Synopsis, name: s.Name, parentName: s.ParentName}]
_, ok := docIDToPkgsymIDs[docID]
if !ok {
docIDToPkgsymIDs[docID] = map[int]bool{}
docIDToPkgsymIDs[docID][pkgsymID] = true
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
// Fetch all existing rows in documentation_symbols for this unit using the
// documentation IDs.
// Keep track of which rows already exist in documentation_symbols using
// gotDocIDToPkgsymIDs.
var documentationIDs []interface{}
for docID := range docIDToPkgsymIDs {
documentationIDs = append(documentationIDs, docID)
gotDocIDToPkgsymIDs := map[int]map[int]bool{}
collect := func(rows *sql.Rows) error {
var id, docID, pkgsymID int
if err := rows.Scan(&id, &docID, &pkgsymID); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("row.Scan(): %v", err)
if !docIDToPkgsymIDs[docID][pkgsymID] {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected pkgsymID %d for docID %d", pkgsymID, docID)
if _, ok := gotDocIDToPkgsymIDs[docID]; !ok {
gotDocIDToPkgsymIDs[docID] = map[int]bool{}
gotDocIDToPkgsymIDs[docID][pkgsymID] = true
return nil
if err := db.RunQuery(ctx, `
FROM documentation_symbols ds
WHERE documentation_id = ANY($1);`, collect, pq.Array(documentationIDs)); err != nil {
return err
// Get the difference between the documentation_symbols for this package,
// and the ones that already exist in the documentation_symbols table. Only
// insert rows that do not already exist.
// Sort first to prevent deadlocks.
var docIDs []int
for docID := range docIDToPkgsymIDs {
docIDs = append(docIDs, docID)
var values []interface{}
for _, docID := range docIDs {
gotSet := gotDocIDToPkgsymIDs[docID]
for pkgsymID := range docIDToPkgsymIDs[docID] {
if !gotSet[pkgsymID] {
values = append(values, docID, pkgsymID)
// Insert the rows.
// Note that the order of pkgsymcols must match that of the SELECT query in
// the collect function.
docsymcols := []string{"documentation_id", "package_symbol_id"}
if err := db.BulkInsert(ctx, "documentation_symbols", docsymcols,
values, database.OnConflictDoNothing); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func upsertPackageSymbolsReturningIDs(ctx context.Context, db *database.DB,
modulePath string,
pathToID map[string]int,
nameToID map[string]int,
pathToDocIDToDoc map[string]map[int]*internal.Documentation) (_ map[string]map[packageSymbol]int, err error) {
defer derrors.WrapStack(&err, "upsertPackageSymbolsReturningIDs(ctx, db, %q, pathToID, pathToDocIDToDoc)", modulePath)
idToPath := map[int]string{}
for path, id := range pathToID {
idToPath[id] = path
var names []string
idToSymbolName := map[int]string{}
for name, id := range nameToID {
idToSymbolName[id] = name
names = append(names, name)
modulePathID := pathToID[modulePath]
if modulePathID == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("modulePathID cannot be 0: %q", modulePath)
pathTopkgsymToID := map[string]map[packageSymbol]int{}
collect := func(rows *sql.Rows) error {
var (
id, pathID, symbolID, parentSymbolID int
synopsis string
if err := rows.Scan(&id, &pathID, &symbolID, &parentSymbolID, &synopsis); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("row.Scan(): %v", err)
path := idToPath[pathID]
if _, ok := pathTopkgsymToID[path]; !ok {
pathTopkgsymToID[path] = map[packageSymbol]int{}
sym := idToSymbolName[symbolID]
if sym == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("symbol name cannot be empty: %d", symbolID)
parentSym := idToSymbolName[parentSymbolID]
if sym == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("parent symbol name cannot be empty: %d", parentSymbolID)
synopsis: synopsis,
name: sym,
parentName: parentSym,
}] = id
return nil
if err := db.RunQuery(ctx, `
FROM package_symbols ps
INNER JOIN symbol_names s ON ps.symbol_name_id =
WHERE module_path_id = $1 AND = ANY($2);`, collect, modulePathID, pq.Array(names)); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Sort to prevent deadlocks.
var paths []string
for path := range pathToDocIDToDoc {
paths = append(paths, path)
var packageSymbols []interface{}
for _, path := range paths {
docs := pathToDocIDToDoc[path]
pathID := pathToID[path]
if pathID == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("pathID cannot be 0: %q", path)
for _, doc := range docs {
if err := updateSymbols(doc.API, func(s *internal.Symbol) error {
ps := packageSymbol{synopsis: s.Synopsis, name: s.Name, parentName: s.ParentName}
symID := nameToID[s.Name]
if symID == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("symID cannot be 0: %q", s.Name)
if s.ParentName == "" {
s.ParentName = s.Name
parentID := nameToID[s.ParentName]
if parentID == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("parentSymID cannot be 0: %q", s.ParentName)
if _, ok := pathTopkgsymToID[path][ps]; !ok {
packageSymbols = append(packageSymbols, pathID,
modulePathID, symID, parentID, s.Section, s.Kind,
return nil
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
// The order of pkgsymcols must match that of the SELECT query in the
//collect function.
pkgsymcols := []string{"id", "package_path_id", "symbol_name_id", "parent_symbol_name_id", "synopsis"}
if err := db.BulkInsertReturning(ctx, "package_symbols",
}, packageSymbols, database.OnConflictDoNothing, pkgsymcols, collect); err != nil {
return nil, err
return pathTopkgsymToID, nil
func upsertSymbolNamesReturningIDs(ctx context.Context, db *database.DB,
pathToDocIDToDocs map[string]map[int]*internal.Documentation) (_ map[string]int, err error) {
defer derrors.WrapStack(&err, "upsertSymbolNamesReturningIDs")
var names []string
for _, docIDToDocs := range pathToDocIDToDocs {
for _, doc := range docIDToDocs {
if err := updateSymbols(doc.API, func(s *internal.Symbol) error {
names = append(names, s.Name)
return nil
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
query := `
SELECT id, name
FROM symbol_names
WHERE name = ANY($1);`
nameToID := map[string]int{}
collect := func(rows *sql.Rows) error {
var (
id int
name string
if err := rows.Scan(&id, &name); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("row.Scan(): %v", err)
nameToID[name] = id
if id == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("id can't be 0: %q", name)
return nil
if err := db.RunQuery(ctx, query, collect, pq.Array(names)); err != nil {
return nil, err
var values []interface{}
for _, name := range names {
if _, ok := nameToID[name]; !ok {
values = append(values, name)
if err := db.BulkInsertReturning(ctx, "symbol_names", []string{"name"},
values, database.OnConflictDoNothing, []string{"id", "name"}, collect); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nameToID, nil
// getUnitSymbols returns all of the symbols for the given unitID.
func getUnitSymbols(ctx context.Context, db *database.DB, unitID int) (_ map[internal.BuildContext][]*internal.Symbol, err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "getUnitSymbols(ctx, db, %d)", unitID)
// Fetch all symbols for the unit. Order by symbol_type "Type" first, so
// that when we collect the children the structs for these symbols will
// already be created.
query := `
SELECT AS symbol_name, AS parent_symbol_name,
FROM documentation_symbols ds
INNER JOIN documentation d ON = ds.documentation_id
INNER JOIN package_symbols ps ON ds.package_symbol_id =
INNER JOIN symbol_names s1 ON ps.symbol_name_id =
INNER JOIN symbol_names s2 ON ps.parent_symbol_name_id =
WHERE d.unit_id = $1
// buildToSymbols contains all of the symbols for this unit, grouped by
// build context.
buildToSymbols := map[internal.BuildContext][]*internal.Symbol{}
// buildToNameToType contains all of the types for this unit, grouped by
// name and build context. This is used to keep track of the parent types,
// so that we can map the children to those symbols.
buildToNameToType := map[internal.BuildContext]map[string]*internal.Symbol{}
collect := func(rows *sql.Rows) error {
var s internal.Symbol
if err := rows.Scan(
&s.Name, &s.ParentName,
&s.Section, &s.Kind, &s.Synopsis,
&s.GOOS, &s.GOARCH); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("row.Scan(): %v", err)
build := internal.BuildContext{GOOS: s.GOOS, GOARCH: s.GOARCH}
switch s.Section {
// For symbols that belong to a type, map that symbol as a children of
// the parent type.
case internal.SymbolSectionTypes:
if s.Kind == internal.SymbolKindType {
_, ok := buildToNameToType[build]
if !ok {
buildToNameToType[build] = map[string]*internal.Symbol{}
buildToNameToType[build][s.Name] = &s
buildToSymbols[build] = append(buildToSymbols[build], &s)
} else {
nameToType, ok := buildToNameToType[build]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("build context %v for parent type %q could not be found for symbol %q", build, s.ParentName, s.Name)
parent, ok := nameToType[s.ParentName]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("parent type %q could not be found for symbol %q", s.ParentName, s.Name)
parent.Children = append(parent.Children, &s)
buildToSymbols[build] = append(buildToSymbols[build], &s)
return nil
if err := db.RunQuery(ctx, query, collect, unitID); err != nil {
return nil, err
return buildToSymbols, nil
func updateSymbols(symbols []*internal.Symbol, updateFunc func(s *internal.Symbol) error) error {
for _, s := range symbols {
if err := updateFunc(s); err != nil {
return err
for _, s := range s.Children {
if err := updateFunc(s); err != nil {
return err
return nil