blob: 9ef227fb11e9a04e32c64eb0bd58bdd5af1199af [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package worker
import (
const popularCutoff = 50
// handleUpdateRedisIndexes scans recently modified search documents, and
// updates redis auto completion indexes with data from these documents.
func (s *Server) handleUpdateRedisIndexes(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
ctx := r.Context()
err := updateRedisIndexes(ctx, s.db.Underlying(), s.redisClient, popularCutoff)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Fprint(w, "OK")
return nil
// updateRedisIndexes updates redisClient with autocompletion data from db.
// cutoff specifies the number of importers at which a package is considered
// popular, and is passed-in as an argument to facilitate testing.
func updateRedisIndexes(ctx context.Context, db *database.DB, redisClient *redis.Client, cutoff int) (err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "updateRedisIndexes")
if redisClient == nil {
return errors.New("redis client is nil")
// For autocompletion, we track two separate "indexes" (sorted sets of
// package path suffixes): one for popular packages, and one for the
// remainder, as defined by the popularCutoff const. This allows us to
// suggest popular completions, even when the user input is short (i.e. we
// want to suggest 'fmt' when the user types 'f', but don't want to scan all
// completions that start with the letter 'f').
// This function scans search documents in the database and builds up a
// pipeline that writes these two sorted sets to Redis, using timestamped
// temporary keys, and then renames them to the keys used by the frontend for
// autocompletion.
// See for more information on renaming:
// it's unclear whether renaming is atomic, but we don't really care.
// Populating these indexes currently takes 1-2 minutes, and renaming takes
// 1-2 seconds. Even if completions are broken during this 1-2 seconds, it's
// preferable to them being broken for 1-2 minutes. We could do something
// more clever, such as updating the completion data in place using
// ZREMRANGEBYLEX followed by ZADD, but that would be significantly more
// complicated.
// One additional concern of this operation is that we temporary double the
// size of our redis database while we're staging the new completion data.
// That's fine, but it's dangerous if we ever have a bug and this operation
// was either not cleaned up properly, or run concurrently. In light of this,
// we first look for evidence of another update operation currently running,
// by scanning Redis for keys that match the temporary key pattern.
// Check for an ongoing update operation, as described above.
tempKeyPattern := fmt.Sprintf("%s*-*", complete.KeyPrefix)
existing, _, err := redisClient.Scan(0, tempKeyPattern, 1).Result()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(`redis error: Scan(%q): %v`, tempKeyPattern, err)
if len(existing) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("found existing in-progress completion index: %v", existing[0])
// Use temporary timestamped keys while we write the completion data, as it
// can take ~minutes.
keyPop := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", complete.PopularKey, time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339))
keyRem := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", complete.RemainingKey, time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339))
// Always clean up: DEL succeeds even if the keys have been renamed.
defer func() {
if _, err := redisClient.Del(keyPop).Result(); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "redisClient.Del(%q): %v", keyPop, err)
if _, err := redisClient.Del(keyRem).Result(); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "redisClient.Del(%q): %v", keyRem, err)
// pipeSize tracks the number of ZADD statements in the pipe.
pipeSize := 0
pipe := redisClient.Pipeline()
defer pipe.Close()
// flush executes the current pipeline and resets its state.
flush := func() error {
log.Infof(ctx, "Writing completion data pipeline of size %d.", pipeSize)
if _, err := pipe.ExecContext(ctx); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("redis error: pipe.Exec: %v", err)
// As of writing this is unnecessary as ExecContext resets the pipeline
// commands, but since this is not documented functionality we explicitly
// Discard.
pipeSize = 0
return nil
// Track whether or not we have any entries in the popular or remaining
// indexes. This is an edge case, but if we don't insert any entries for a
// given index the key won't exist and we'll get an error when renaming.
var (
haveRemaining bool
havePopular bool
// As of writing there were around 5M entries in our index, so writing in
// batches of 1M should result in ~6 batches.
const batchSize = 1e6
// processRow builds up a Redis pipeline as we scan the search_documents
// table.
processRow := func(rows *sql.Rows) error {
var partial complete.Completion
if err := rows.Scan(&partial.PackagePath, &partial.ModulePath, &partial.Version, &partial.Importers); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("rows.Scan: %v", err)
cmpls := complete.PathCompletions(partial)
var zs []*redis.Z
for _, cmpl := range cmpls {
zs = append(zs, &redis.Z{Member: cmpl.Encode()})
switch {
case partial.Importers >= cutoff:
havePopular = true
pipe.ZAdd(keyPop, zs...)
haveRemaining = true
pipe.ZAdd(keyRem, zs...)
pipeSize += len(zs)
if pipeSize > batchSize {
if err := flush(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Here we use the *database.DB rather than a function on postgres.DB,
// so that we can write to our redis pipeline while we stream results from
// the DB. Otherwise, we would have to:
// - add a method on postgres.DB for the trivial query above
// - add a type (or reuse SearchResult) to hold the subset of search
// document data used here.
// - hold two copies of all search results in memory while building the
// redis pipeline below.
query := `
SELECT package_path, module_path, version, imported_by_count
FROM search_documents`
if err := db.RunQuery(ctx, query, processRow); err != nil {
return err
if err := flush(); err != nil {
return err
if havePopular {
log.Infof(ctx, "Renaming %q to %q", keyPop, complete.PopularKey)
if _, err := redisClient.Rename(keyPop, complete.PopularKey).Result(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(`redis error: Rename(%q, %q): %v`, keyPop, complete.PopularKey, err)
if haveRemaining {
log.Infof(ctx, "Renaming %q to %q", keyRem, complete.RemainingKey)
if _, err := redisClient.Rename(keyRem, complete.RemainingKey).Result(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(`redis error: Rename(%q, %q): %v`, keyRem, complete.RemainingKey, err)
return nil