blob: 3279497c2b54490dd4259cc8e62a5bf93bbe6e16 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package source constructs public URLs that link to the source files in a module. It
// can be used to build references to Go source code, or to any other files in a
// module.
// Of course, the module zip file contains all the files in the module. This
// package attempts to find the origin of the zip file, in a repository that is
// publicly readable, and constructs links to that repo. While a module zip file
// could in theory come from anywhere, including a non-public location, this
// package recognizes standard module path patterns and construct repository
// URLs from them, like the go command does.
package source
// Much of this code was adapted from
// and
import (
// Info holds source information about a module, used to generate URLs referring
// to directories, files and lines.
type Info struct {
repoURL string // URL of repo containing module; exported for DB schema compatibility
moduleDir string // directory of module relative to repo root
commit string // tag or ID of commit corresponding to version
templates urlTemplates // for building URLs
func (i *Info) RepoURL() string {
if i == nil {
return ""
return i.repoURL
// ModuleURL returns a URL for the home page of the module.
func (i *Info) ModuleURL() string {
return i.DirectoryURL("")
// DirectoryURL returns a URL for a directory relative to the module's home directory.
func (i *Info) DirectoryURL(dir string) string {
if i == nil {
return ""
return strings.TrimSuffix(expand(i.templates.Directory, map[string]string{
"repo": i.repoURL,
"commit": i.commit,
"dir": path.Join(i.moduleDir, dir),
}), "/")
// FileURL returns a URL for a file whose pathname is relative to the module's home directory.
func (i *Info) FileURL(pathname string) string {
if i == nil {
return ""
return expand(i.templates.File, map[string]string{
"repo": i.repoURL,
"commit": i.commit,
"file": path.Join(i.moduleDir, pathname),
// LineURL returns a URL referring to a line in a file relative to the module's home directory.
func (i *Info) LineURL(pathname string, line int) string {
if i == nil {
return ""
return expand(i.templates.Line, map[string]string{
"repo": i.repoURL,
"commit": i.commit,
"file": path.Join(i.moduleDir, pathname),
"line": strconv.Itoa(line),
// RawURL returns a URL referring to the raw contents of a file relative to the
// module's home directory. In addition to the usual variables, it supports
// {repoPath}, which is the repo URL's path.
func (i *Info) RawURL(pathname string) string {
if i == nil {
return ""
// Some templates don't support raw content serving.
if i.templates.Raw == "" {
return ""
u, err := url.Parse(i.repoURL)
if err != nil {
// This should never happen. If it does, note it and soldier on.
log.Errorf(context.TODO(), "repo URL %q failed to parse: %v", i.repoURL, err)
u = &url.URL{Path: "ERROR"}
moduleDir := i.moduleDir
// Special case: the standard library's source module path is set to "src",
// which is correct for source file links. But the README is at the repo
// root, not in the src directory. In other words,
// VersionInfo.ReadmeFilePath is not relative to
// VersionInfo.SourceInfo.moduleDir, as it is for every other module.
// Correct for that here.
if i.repoURL == stdlib.GoSourceRepoURL {
moduleDir = ""
return expand(i.templates.Raw, map[string]string{
"repo": i.repoURL,
"repoPath": strings.TrimPrefix(u.Path, "/"),
"commit": i.commit,
"file": path.Join(moduleDir, pathname),
// map of common urlTemplates
var urlTemplatesByKind = map[string]urlTemplates{
"github": githubURLTemplates,
"gitlab": gitlabURLTemplates,
"bitbucket": bitbucketURLTemplates,
// jsonInfo is a Go struct describing the JSON structure of an INFO.
type jsonInfo struct {
RepoURL string
ModuleDir string
Commit string
// Store common templates efficiently by setting this to a short string
// we look up in a map. If Kind != "", then Templates == nil.
Kind string `json:",omitempty"`
Templates *urlTemplates `json:",omitempty"`
// ToJSONForDB returns the Info encoded for storage in the database.
func (i *Info) MarshalJSON() (_ []byte, err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "MarshalJSON")
ji := &jsonInfo{
RepoURL: i.repoURL,
ModuleDir: i.moduleDir,
Commit: i.commit,
// Store common templates efficiently, by name.
for kind, templs := range urlTemplatesByKind {
if i.templates == templs {
ji.Kind = kind
if ji.Kind == "" && i.templates != (urlTemplates{}) {
ji.Templates = &i.templates
return json.Marshal(ji)
func (i *Info) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "UnmarshalJSON(data)")
var ji jsonInfo
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &ji); err != nil {
return err
i.repoURL = ji.RepoURL
i.moduleDir = ji.ModuleDir
i.commit = ji.Commit
if ji.Kind != "" {
i.templates = urlTemplatesByKind[ji.Kind]
} else if ji.Templates != nil {
i.templates = *ji.Templates
return nil
type Client struct {
// client used for HTTP requests. It is mutable for testing purposes.
httpClient *http.Client
// New constructs a *Client using the provided timeout.
func NewClient(timeout time.Duration) *Client {
return &Client{
httpClient: &http.Client{
Transport: &ochttp.Transport{},
Timeout: timeout,
// doURL makes an HTTP request using the given url and method. It returns an
// error if the request returns an error. If only200 is true, it also returns an
// error if any status code other than 200 is returned.
func (c *Client) doURL(ctx context.Context, method, url string, only200 bool) (_ *http.Response, err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "doURL(ctx, client, %q, %q)", method, url)
if c == nil || c.httpClient == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("c.httpClient cannot be nil")
req, err := http.NewRequest(method, url, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resp, err := ctxhttp.Do(ctx, c.httpClient, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if only200 && resp.StatusCode != 200 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("status %s", resp.Status)
return resp, nil
// ModuleInfo determines the repository corresponding to the module path. It
// returns a URL to that repo, as well as the directory of the module relative
// to the repo root.
// ModuleInfo may fetch from arbitrary URLs, so it can be slow.
func ModuleInfo(ctx context.Context, client *Client, modulePath, version string) (info *Info, err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "source.ModuleInfo(ctx, %q, %q)", modulePath, version)
if modulePath == stdlib.ModulePath {
commit, err := stdlib.TagForVersion(version)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Info{
repoURL: stdlib.GoSourceRepoURL,
moduleDir: stdlib.Directory(version),
commit: commit,
templates: githubURLTemplates,
}, nil
repo, relativeModulePath, templates, err := matchStatic(modulePath)
if err != nil {
info, err = moduleInfoDynamic(ctx, client, modulePath, version)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
info = &Info{
repoURL: "https://" + repo,
moduleDir: relativeModulePath,
commit: commitFromVersion(version, relativeModulePath),
templates: templates,
adjustVersionedModuleDirectory(ctx, client, info)
return info, nil
// TODO(b/141770842): support, including the special case in cmd/go/internal/get/vcs.go.
// matchStatic matches the given module or repo path against a list of known
// patterns. It returns the repo name, the module path relative to the repo
// root, and URL templates if there is a match.
// The relative module path may not be correct in all cases: it is wrong if it
// ends in a version that is not part of the repo directory structure, because
// the repo follows the "major branch" convention for versions 2 and above.
// E.g. this function could return "foo/v2", but the module files live under "foo"; the
// "/v2" is part of the module path (and the import paths of its packages) but
// is not a subdirectory. This mistake is corrected in adjustVersionedModuleDirectory,
// once we have all the information we need to fix it.
// repo + "/" + relativeModulePath is often, but not always, equal to
// moduleOrRepoPath. It is not when the argument is a module path that uses the
// go command's general syntax, which ends in a ".vcs" (e.g. ".git", ".hg") that
// is neither part of the repo nor the suffix. For example, if the argument is
// then repo="" and relativeModulePath="c"; together they make up the module path.
// But if the argument is
// then repo="" and relativeModulePath="c"; the ".git" is omitted, since it is neither
// part of the repo nor part of the relative path to the module within the repo.
func matchStatic(moduleOrRepoPath string) (repo, relativeModulePath string, _ urlTemplates, _ error) {
for _, pat := range patterns {
matches :=
if matches == nil {
var repo string
for i, n := range {
if n == "repo" {
repo = matches[i]
// Special case: has a go-import tag that points to
//, but it's not quite right (the repo prefix is
// missing a ".git"), so handle it here.
const apacheDomain = ""
if strings.HasPrefix(repo, apacheDomain) {
repo = strings.Replace(repo, apacheDomain, "", 1)
relativeModulePath = strings.TrimPrefix(moduleOrRepoPath, matches[0])
relativeModulePath = strings.TrimPrefix(relativeModulePath, "/")
return repo, relativeModulePath, pat.templates, nil
return "", "", urlTemplates{}, derrors.NotFound
// moduleInfoDynamic uses the go-import and go-source meta tags to construct an Info.
func moduleInfoDynamic(ctx context.Context, client *Client, modulePath, version string) (_ *Info, err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "source.moduleInfoDynamic(ctx, client, %q, %q)", modulePath, version)
sourceMeta, err := fetchMeta(ctx, client, modulePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Don't check that the tag information at the repo root prefix is the same
// as in the module path. It was done for us by the proxy and/or go command.
// (This lets us merge information from the go-import and go-source tags.)
// sourceMeta contains some information about where the module's source lives. But there
// are some problems:
// - We may only have a go-import tag, not a go-source tag, so we don't have URL templates for
// building URLs to files and directories.
// - Even if we do have a go-source tag, its URL template format predates
// versioning, so the URL templates won't provide a way to specify a
// version or commit.
// We resolve these problems as follows:
// 1. First look at the repo URL from the tag. If that matches a known hosting site, use the
// URL templates corresponding to that site and ignore whatever's in the tag.
// 2. Then look at the URL templates to see if they match a known pattern, and use the templates
// from that pattern. For example, the meta tags for only mention github
// in the URL templates, like "{/dir}". We can observe
// that that template begins with a known pattern--a GitHub repo, ignore the rest of it, and use the
// GitHub URL templates that we know.
// 3. TODO(b/141847689): heuristically determine how to construct a URL template with a commit from the
// existing go-source template. For example, by replacing "master" with "{commit}".
// We could also consider using the repo in the go-import tag instead of the one in the go-source tag,
// if the former matches a known pattern but the latter does not.
repoURL := sourceMeta.repoURL
_, _, templates, _ := matchStatic(removeHTTPScheme(repoURL))
// If err != nil, templates will the zero value, so we can ignore it (same just below).
if templates == (urlTemplates{}) {
var repo string
repo, _, templates, _ = matchStatic(removeHTTPScheme(sourceMeta.dirTemplate))
if templates == (urlTemplates{}) {
log.Infof(ctx, "no templates for repo URL %q from meta tag: err=%v", sourceMeta.repoURL, err)
} else {
// Use the repo from the template, not the original one.
repoURL = "https://" + repo
dir := strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimPrefix(modulePath, sourceMeta.repoRootPrefix), "/")
return &Info{
repoURL: strings.TrimSuffix(repoURL, "/"),
moduleDir: dir,
commit: commitFromVersion(version, dir),
templates: templates,
}, nil
// adjustVersionedModuleDirectory changes info.moduleDir if necessary to
// correctly reflect the repo structure. info.moduleDir will be wrong if it has
// a suffix "/vN" for N > 1, and the repo uses the "major branch" convention,
// where modules at version 2 and higher live on branches rather than
// subdirectories. See for a discussion of
// the "major branch" vs. "major subdirectory" conventions for organizing a
// repo.
func adjustVersionedModuleDirectory(ctx context.Context, client *Client, info *Info) {
dirWithoutVersion := removeVersionSuffix(info.moduleDir)
if info.moduleDir == dirWithoutVersion {
// moduleDir does have a "/vN" for N > 1. To see if that is the actual directory,
// fetch the go.mod file from it.
res, err := client.doURL(ctx, "HEAD", info.FileURL("go.mod"), true)
// On any failure, assume that the right directory is the one without the version.
if err != nil {
info.moduleDir = dirWithoutVersion
} else {
// removeHTTPScheme removes an initial "http://" or "https://" from url.
// The result can be used to match against our static patterns.
// If the URL uses a different scheme, it won't be removed and it won't
// match any patterns, as intended.
func removeHTTPScheme(url string) string {
for _, prefix := range []string{"https://", "http://"} {
if strings.HasPrefix(url, prefix) {
return url[len(prefix):]
return url
// removeVersionSuffix returns s with "/vN" removed if N is an integer > 1.
// Otherwise it returns s.
func removeVersionSuffix(s string) string {
dir, base := path.Split(s)
if !strings.HasPrefix(base, "v") {
return s
if n, err := strconv.Atoi(base[1:]); err != nil || n < 2 {
return s
return strings.TrimSuffix(dir, "/")
// Patterns for determining repo and URL templates from module paths or repo
// URLs. Each regexp must match a prefix of the target string, and must have a
// group named "repo".
var patterns = []struct {
re *regexp.Regexp
templates urlTemplates
// Patterns known to the go command.
// Other patterns from cmd/go/internal/get/vcs.go, that we omit:
// it no longer exists.
// now redirects to github, and serves a go-import tag.
// has been rebranded.
// has no Go packages in
// Patterns that are not (yet) part of the go command.
// Assume that any site beginning "gitlab." works like
// Patterns that match the general go command pattern, where they must have
// a ".git" repo suffix in an import path. If matching a repo URL from a meta tag,
// there is no ".git".
Directory: "{repo}/+/{commit}/{dir}",
File: "{repo}/+/{commit}/{file}",
Line: "{repo}/+/{commit}/{file}#{line}",
// no raw support (b/13912564)
// General syntax for the go command. We can extract the repo and directory, but
// we don't know the URL templates.
// Must be last in this list.
func init() {
for _, p := range patterns {
found := false
for _, n := range {
if n == "repo" {
found = true
if !found {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("pattern %s missing <repo> group",
// urlTemplates describes how to build URLs from bits of source information.
// The fields are exported for JSON encoding.
type urlTemplates struct {
Directory string // URL template for a directory, with {repo}, {commit} and {dir}
File string // URL template for a file, with {repo}, {commit} and {file}
Line string // URL template for a line, with {repo}, {commit}, {file} and {line}
Raw string // URL template for the raw contents of a file, with {repo}, {repoPath}, {commit} and {file}
var (
githubURLTemplates = urlTemplates{
Directory: "{repo}/tree/{commit}/{dir}",
File: "{repo}/blob/{commit}/{file}",
Line: "{repo}/blob/{commit}/{file}#L{line}",
Raw: "{repoPath}/{commit}/{file}",
gitlabURLTemplates = urlTemplates{
Directory: "{repo}/tree/{commit}/{dir}",
File: "{repo}/blob/{commit}/{file}",
Line: "{repo}/blob/{commit}/{file}#L{line}",
Raw: "{repo}/raw/{commit}/{file}",
bitbucketURLTemplates = urlTemplates{
Directory: "{repo}/src/{commit}/{dir}",
File: "{repo}/src/{commit}/{file}",
Line: "{repo}/src/{commit}/{file}#lines-{line}",
Raw: "{repo}/raw/{commit}/{file}",
// commitFromVersion returns a string that refers to a commit corresponding to version.
// The string may be a tag, or it may be the hash or similar unique identifier of a commit.
// The second argument is the module path relative to the repo root.
func commitFromVersion(vers, relativeModulePath string) string {
// Commit for the module: either a sha for pseudoversions, or a tag.
v := strings.TrimSuffix(vers, "+incompatible")
if version.IsPseudo(v) {
// Use the commit hash at the end.
return v[strings.LastIndex(v, "-")+1:]
} else {
// The tags for a nested module begin with the relative module path of the module,
// removing a "/vN" suffix if N > 1.
prefix := removeVersionSuffix(relativeModulePath)
if prefix != "" {
return prefix + "/" + v
return v
// The following code copied from cmd/go/internal/get:
// expand rewrites s to replace {k} with match[k] for each key k in match.
func expand(s string, match map[string]string) string {
// We want to replace each match exactly once, and the result of expansion
// must not depend on the iteration order through the map.
// A strings.Replacer has exactly the properties we're looking for.
oldNew := make([]string, 0, 2*len(match))
for k, v := range match {
oldNew = append(oldNew, "{"+k+"}", v)
return strings.NewReplacer(oldNew...).Replace(s)
// NewGitHubInfo creates a source.Info with GitHub URL templates.
// It is for testing only.
func NewGitHubInfo(repoURL, moduleDir, commit string) *Info {
return &Info{
repoURL: repoURL,
moduleDir: moduleDir,
commit: commit,
templates: githubURLTemplates,
// NewGitLabInfo creates a source.Info with GitHub URL templates.
// It is for testing only.
func NewGitLabInfo(repoURL, moduleDir, commit string) *Info {
return &Info{
repoURL: repoURL,
moduleDir: moduleDir,
commit: commit,
templates: gitlabURLTemplates,