blob: 18280dcff1738e55968b8e681415f38547eaa9e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package search
import (
// ParseInputType parses the search query input and returns the InputType. The
// InputType determines which symbol search query will be run.
func ParseInputType(q string) InputType {
q = strings.TrimSpace(q)
if strings.ContainsAny(q, " \t\n") {
return InputTypeMultiWord
parts := strings.Split(q, ".")
switch strings.Count(q, ".") {
case 0:
return InputTypeNoDot
case 1:
return InputTypeOneDot
case 2:
if strings.Contains(parts[1], "/") {
// Example: if q = "", parts[1] will be
// "com/foo/bar.DB".
// <package-path>.<symbol> is currently not a supported search when
// package path is not a standard library path.
return InputTypeNoMatch
return InputTypeTwoDots
return InputTypeNoMatch
// InputType is the type determined for the search query input.
type InputType int
const (
// InputTypeNoMatch indicates that there is no situation where we will get
// results for this search input.
InputTypeNoMatch InputType = iota
// InputTypeNoDot indicates that the query type is <symbol>.
// If the search input contains only 1 word with no dots, it must be the
// symbol name.
// InputTypeOneDot indicates that the query type is <package>.<symbol> or
// <type>.<fieldOrMethod>.
// If the search input contains only 1 word split by 1 dot, the search must
// either be for <package>.<symbol> or <type>.<methodOrFieldName>.
// InputTypeTwoDots indicates that the query type is
// <package>.<type>.<fieldOrMethod>.
// If the search input contains only 1 word split by 1 dot, the search must
// be for <package>.<type>.<methodOrFieldName>.
// TODO(golang/go#44142): This could also be a search for
// <package-path>.<symbol>, but that case is not currently handled.
// InputTypeMultiWord indicates that the query has multiple words.
// SearchType is the type of search that will be performed, based on the input
// type.
type SearchType int
const (
// SearchTypeSymbol is used for InputTypeNoDot (input is <symbol>) or
// InputTypeOneDot (input is <type>.<fieldOrMethod>).
SearchTypeSymbol SearchType = iota
// SearchTypePackageDotSymbol is used for
// InputTypeNoDot (input is <package>.<symbol>) or
// InputTypeTwoDots (input is <package>.<type>.<fieldOrMethod>).
// SearchTypeMultiWordOr is used for InputTypeMultiWord when the
// search query cannot be used to generate a reasonable number of symbol
// and path token combinations. In that case, an OR search is performed on
// all of the words in the search input.
// SearchTypeMultiExact is used for InputTypeMultiWord when the search
// query can be used to construct a reasonable number of symbol and path
// token combinations. In that case, multiple queries are run in parallel
// and the results are combined.
// String returns the name of the search type as a string.
func (st SearchType) String() string {
switch st {
case SearchTypeSymbol:
return "SearchTypeSymbol"
case SearchTypePackageDotSymbol:
return "SearchTypePackageDotSymbol"
case SearchTypeMultiWordOr:
return "SearchTypeMultiWordOr"
case SearchTypeMultiWordExact:
return "SearchTypeMultiWordExact"
// This should never happen.
return "?unknown?"