blob: f37f22efe9be275768c0ae557901a8c0d5b1b828 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package dochtml
const (
IdentifierBodyStart = `<div class="Documentation-content js-docContent">`
IdentifierBodyEnd = `</div>`
const tmplBody = `
` + IdentifierBodyStart + ` {{/* Documentation content container */}}
{{- if or .Doc (index .Examples.Map "") -}}
<section class="Documentation-overview">
<h2 tabindex="-1" id="pkg-overview" class="Documentation-overviewHeader">Overview <a href="#pkg-overview">¶</a></h2>{{"\n\n" -}}
{{render_doc .Doc}}{{"\n" -}}
{{- template "example" (index .Examples.Map "") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if or .Consts .Vars .Funcs .Types .Examples.List -}}
<section class="Documentation-index">
<h2 id="pkg-index" class="Documentation-indexHeader">Index <a href="#pkg-index">¶</a></h2>{{"\n\n" -}}
<ul class="Documentation-indexList">{{"\n" -}}
{{- if .Consts -}}<li class="Documentation-indexConstants"><a href="#pkg-constants">Constants</a></li>{{"\n"}}{{- end -}}
{{- if .Vars -}}<li class="Documentation-indexVariables"><a href="#pkg-variables">Variables</a></li>{{"\n"}}{{- end -}}
{{- range .Funcs -}}
<li class="Documentation-indexFunction">
<a href="#{{.Name}}">{{render_synopsis .Decl}}</a>
{{- end -}}
{{- range .Types -}}
{{- $tname := .Name -}}
<li class="Documentation-indexType"><a href="#{{$tname}}">type {{$tname}}</a></li>{{"\n"}}
{{- with .Funcs -}}
<li><ul class="Documentation-indexTypeFunctions">{{"\n" -}}
{{range .}}<li><a href="#{{.Name}}">{{render_synopsis .Decl}}</a></li>{{"\n"}}{{end}}
</ul></li>{{"\n" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- with .Methods -}}
<li><ul class="Documentation-indexTypeMethods">{{"\n" -}}
{{range .}}<li><a href="#{{$tname}}.{{.Name}}">{{render_synopsis .Decl}}</a></li>{{"\n"}}{{end}}
</ul></li>{{"\n" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- range $marker, $item := .Notes -}}
<li class="Documentation-indexNote"><a href="#pkg-note-{{$marker}}">{{$marker}}s</a></li>
{{- end -}}
</ul>{{"\n" -}}
{{- if .Examples.List -}}
<section class="Documentation-examples">
<h3 tabindex="-1" id="pkg-examples" class="Documentation-examplesHeader">Examples <a href="#pkg-examples">¶</a></h3>{{"\n" -}}
<ul class="Documentation-examplesList">{{"\n" -}}
{{- range .Examples.List -}}
<li><a href="#{{.ID}}" class="js-exampleHref">{{or .ParentID "Package"}}{{with .Suffix}} ({{.}}){{end}}</a></li>{{"\n" -}}
{{- end -}}
</ul>{{"\n" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if .Consts -}}
<section class="Documentation-constants">
<h3 tabindex="-1" id="pkg-constants" class="Documentation-constantsHeader">Constants <a href="#pkg-constants">¶</a></h3>{{"\n"}}
{{- range .Consts -}}
{{- $out := render_decl .Doc .Decl -}}
{{- $out.Decl -}}
{{- $out.Doc -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if .Vars -}}
<section class="Documentation-variables">
<h3 tabindex="-1" id="pkg-variables" class="Documentation-variablesHeader">Variables <a href="#pkg-variables">¶</a></h3>{{"\n"}}
{{- range .Vars -}}
{{- $out := render_decl .Doc .Decl -}}
{{- $out.Decl -}}
{{- $out.Doc -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if .Funcs -}}
<section class="Documentation-functions">
{{- range .Funcs -}}
<div class="Documentation-function">
{{- $id := safe_id .Name -}}
<h3 tabindex="-1" id="{{$id}}" data-kind="function" class="Documentation-functionHeader">func {{source_link .Name .Decl}} <a href="#{{$id}}">¶</a></h3>{{"\n"}}
{{- $out := render_decl .Doc .Decl -}}
{{- $out.Decl -}}
{{- $out.Doc -}}
{{- template "example" (index $.Examples.Map .Name) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if .Types -}}
<section class="Documentation-types">
{{- range .Types -}}
<div class="Documentation-type">
{{- $tname := .Name -}}
{{- $id := safe_id .Name -}}
<h3 tabindex="-1" id="{{$id}}" data-kind="type" class="Documentation-typeHeader">type {{source_link .Name .Decl}} <a href="#{{$id}}">¶</a></h3>{{"\n"}}
{{- $out := render_decl .Doc .Decl -}}
{{- $out.Decl -}}
{{- $out.Doc -}}
{{- template "example" (index $.Examples.Map .Name) -}}
{{- range .Consts -}}
<div class="Documentation-typeConstant">
{{- $out := render_decl .Doc .Decl -}}
{{- $out.Decl -}}
{{- $out.Doc -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- range .Vars -}}
<div class="Documentation-typeVariable">
{{- $out := render_decl .Doc .Decl -}}
{{- $out.Decl -}}
{{- $out.Doc -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- range .Funcs -}}
<div class="Documentation-typeFunc">
{{- $id := safe_id .Name -}}
<h3 tabindex="-1" id="{{$id}}" data-kind="function" class="Documentation-typeFuncHeader">func {{source_link .Name .Decl}} <a href="#{{$id}}">¶</a></h3>{{"\n"}}
{{- $out := render_decl .Doc .Decl -}}
{{- $out.Decl -}}
{{- $out.Doc -}}
{{- template "example" (index $.Examples.Map .Name) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- range .Methods -}}
<div class="Documentation-typeMethod">
{{- $name := (printf "%s.%s" $tname .Name) -}}
{{- $id := (safe_id $name) -}}
<h3 tabindex="-1" id="{{$id}}" data-kind="method" class="Documentation-typeMethodHeader">func ({{.Recv}}) {{source_link .Name .Decl}} <a href="#{{$id}}">¶</a></h3>{{"\n"}}
{{- $out := render_decl .Doc .Decl -}}
{{- $out.Decl -}}
{{- $out.Doc -}}
{{- template "example" (index $.Examples.Map $name) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
<section class="Documentation-files">
<h3 tabindex="-1" id="pkg-files" class="Documentation-filesHeader">Package Files <a href="#pkg-files">¶</a></h3>
<ul class="Documentation-filesList">
{{- range .Filenames -}}
<li>{{file_link .}}</li>
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if .Notes -}}
<section class="Documentation-notes">
{{- range $marker, $content := .Notes -}}
<div class="Documentation-note">
<h2 tabindex="-1" id="{{index $.NoteIDs $marker}}" class="Documentation-noteHeader">{{$marker}}s <a href="#pkg-note-{{$marker}}">¶</a></h2>
<ul class="Documentation-noteList" style="padding-left: 20px; list-style: initial;">{{"\n" -}}
{{- range $v := $content -}}
<li style="margin: 6px 0 6px 0;">{{render_doc $v.Body}}</li>
{{- end -}}
</ul>{{"\n" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
` + IdentifierBodyEnd + ` {{/* End documentation content container */}}
const tmplExample = `
{{- define "example" -}}
{{- range . -}}
<details tabindex="-1" id="{{.ID}}" class="Documentation-exampleDetails js-exampleContainer">{{"\n" -}}
<summary class="Documentation-exampleDetailsHeader">Example{{with .Suffix}} ({{.}}){{end}} <a href="#{{.ID}}">¶</a></summary>{{"\n" -}}
<div class="Documentation-exampleDetailsBody">{{"\n" -}}
{{- if .Doc -}}{{render_doc .Doc}}{{"\n" -}}{{- end -}}
{{- with play_url .Example -}}
<p><a class="Documentation-examplesPlay" href="{{.}}">Open in Go playground »</a></p>{{"\n" -}}
{{- end -}}
<p>Code:</p>{{"\n" -}}
{{render_code .Example}}{{"\n" -}}
{{- if (or .Output .EmptyOutput) -}}
<pre class="Documentation-exampleOutput">{{"\n"}}{{.Output}}</pre>{{"\n" -}}
{{- end -}}
</div>{{"\n" -}}
{{- if .Play -}}
<div class="Documentation-exampleButtonsContainer">
<p class="Documentation-exampleError" role="alert" aria-atomic="true"></p>
<button class="Documentation-examplePlayButton" aria-label="Play Code">Play</button>
{{- end -}}
</details>{{"\n" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}