blob: fcb5d9879b512e2d220865845648d7e4fd542d97 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package frontend
import (
// ProcessReadmeMarkdown processes the README of unit u, if it has one.
// Processing includes rendering and sanitizing the HTML or Markdown,
// and extracting headings and links.
// Headings are prefixed with "readme-" and heading levels are adjusted to start
// at h3 in order to nest them properly within the rest of the page. The
// readme's original styling is preserved in the html by giving headings a css
// class styled identical to their original heading level.
// The extracted links are for display outside of the readme contents.
// This function is exported for use by external tools.
func ProcessReadmeMarkdown(ctx context.Context, u *internal.Unit) (_ *Readme, err error) {
defer derrors.WrapAndReport(&err, "ProcessReadmeMarkdown(%q, %q, %q)", u.Path, u.ModulePath, u.Version)
return processReadmeMarkdown(ctx, u.Readme, u.SourceInfo)
func processReadmeMarkdown(ctx context.Context, readme *internal.Readme, info *source.Info) (frontendReadme *Readme, err error) {
if readme == nil || readme.Contents == "" {
return &Readme{}, nil
if !isMarkdown(readme.Filepath) {
t := template.Must(template.New("").Parse(`<pre class="readme">{{.}}</pre>`))
h, err := t.ExecuteToHTML(readme.Contents)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Readme{HTML: h}, nil
p := markdown.Parser{
HeadingIDs: true,
Strikethrough: true,
TaskListItems: true,
AutoLinkText: true,
Table: true,
Emoji: true,
doc := p.Parse(readme.Contents)
(&linkRewriter{info, readme}).rewriteLinks(doc)
rewriteImgSrc(doc, info, readme)
rewriteHeadingIDs(doc) // rewrite heading ids before extractTOC extracts them
et := &extractTOC{ctx: ctx, removeTitle: true}
el := &extractLinks{ctx: ctx}
var buf bytes.Buffer
return &Readme{
HTML: sanitizeHTML(&buf),
Outline: et.Headings,
Links: el.links,
}, nil
// rewriteImgSrc rewrites the HTML in the markdown document to replace img
// src keys with a value that properly represents the source of the image
// from the repo.
func rewriteImgSrc(doc *markdown.Document, info *source.Info, readme *internal.Readme) {
walkBlocks(doc.Blocks, func(b markdown.Block) error {
switch x := b.(type) {
case *markdown.HTMLBlock:
htmlBlock := x
for i := range htmlBlock.Text {
translated, err := translateHTML([]byte(htmlBlock.Text[i]), info, readme)
if err != nil {
htmlBlock.Text[i] = string(translated)
case *markdown.Text:
rewriteHtmlInline(x.Inline, info, readme)
return nil
func rewriteHtmlInline(inlines []markdown.Inline, info *source.Info, readme *internal.Readme) {
for _, inl := range inlines {
if htmlTag, ok := inl.(*markdown.HTMLTag); ok {
translated, err := translateHTML([]byte(htmlTag.Text), info, readme)
if err != nil {
htmlTag.Text = string(translated)
var errSkipChildren = errors.New("skip children")
// walkBlocks calls walkFunc on all the blocks in the markdown document. If the
// walkFunc returns the errSkipChildren error the children of that block will be skipped.
func walkBlocks(blocks []markdown.Block, walkFunc func(b markdown.Block) error) error {
for _, b := range blocks {
err := walkFunc(b)
if err == errSkipChildren {
} else if err != nil {
return err
err = nil
switch x := b.(type) {
case *markdown.Document:
err = walkBlocks(x.Blocks, walkFunc)
case *markdown.Text:
case *markdown.Paragraph:
err = walkBlocks([]markdown.Block{x.Text}, walkFunc)
case *markdown.Heading:
err = walkBlocks([]markdown.Block{x.Text}, walkFunc)
case *markdown.List:
err = walkBlocks(x.Items, walkFunc)
case *markdown.Item:
err = walkBlocks(x.Blocks, walkFunc)
case *markdown.Quote:
err = walkBlocks(x.Blocks, walkFunc)
case *markdown.HTMLBlock:
case *markdown.CodeBlock:
case *markdown.Empty:
case *markdown.Table:
for _, t := range x.Header {
walkBlocks([]markdown.Block{t}, walkFunc)
for _, r := range x.Rows {
for _, t := range r {
walkBlocks([]markdown.Block{t}, walkFunc)
case *markdown.ThematicBreak:
return fmt.Errorf("unhandled block type %T", x)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (e *extractTOC) extract(doc *markdown.Document) {
var headings []*Heading
err := walkBlocks(doc.Blocks, func(b markdown.Block) error {
if heading, ok := b.(*markdown.Heading); ok {
var textbuf bytes.Buffer
for _, t := range heading.Text.Inline {
section := &Heading{
Level: heading.Level,
Text: textbuf.String(),
section.ID = heading.ID
headings = append(headings, section)
return errSkipChildren
return nil
if err != nil {
log.Errorf(e.ctx, "extractTOC.extract: %v", err)
// We nest the headings by walking through the list we extracted and
// establishing parent child relationships based on heading levels.
var nested []*Heading
for i, h := range headings {
if i == 0 {
nested = append(nested, h)
parent := headings[i-1]
for parent != nil && parent.Level >= h.Level {
parent = parent.parent
if parent == nil {
nested = append(nested, h)
} else {
h.parent = parent
parent.Children = append(parent.Children, h)
if e.removeTitle {
// If there is only one top tevel heading with 1 or more children we
// assume it is the title of the document and remove it from the TOC.
if len(nested) == 1 && len(nested[0].Children) > 0 {
nested = nested[0].Children
e.Headings = nested
func (e *extractLinks) extract(doc *markdown.Document) {
var seenLinksHeading bool
err := walkBlocks(doc.Blocks, func(b markdown.Block) error {
switch x := b.(type) {
case *markdown.Heading:
// We are in the links heading from the point we see a heading with
// linkHeadingText until the point we see the next heading.
if e.inLinksHeading {
e.inLinksHeading = false
var headingText bytes.Buffer
for _, t := range x.Text.Inline {
if !seenLinksHeading && bytes.Equal(headingText.Bytes(), linkHeadingBytes) {
seenLinksHeading = true
e.inLinksHeading = true
case *markdown.Item:
// When in the links heading, extract links from list items.
if !e.inLinksHeading {
return errSkipChildren
// We expect the pattern: ListItem -> TextBlock -> Link, with no
// other children.
if len(x.Blocks) == 0 {
return errSkipChildren
if tb, ok := x.Blocks[0].(*markdown.Text); ok {
if len(tb.Inline) != 1 {
return errSkipChildren
if l, ok := tb.Inline[0].(*markdown.Link); ok {
// Record the link.
var linkText bytes.Buffer
for _, t := range l.Inner {
e.links = append(e.links, link{
Href: l.URL,
Body: linkText.String(),
return errSkipChildren
return nil
if err != nil {
log.Errorf(e.ctx, "extractLinks.extract: %v", err)
// linkRewriter rewrites links and image targets in a markdown document
// using translateLink.
type linkRewriter struct {
info *source.Info
readme *internal.Readme
func (g *linkRewriter) rewriteLinks(doc *markdown.Document) {
walkBlocks(doc.Blocks, func(b markdown.Block) error {
if text, ok := b.(*markdown.Text); ok {
return nil
func (g *linkRewriter) rewriteLinksInline(inlines []markdown.Inline) {
for _, inl := range inlines {
switch x := inl.(type) {
case *markdown.Link:
if d := translateLink(x.URL,, false, g.readme); d != "" {
x.URL = d
case *markdown.Image:
if d := translateLink(x.URL,, true, g.readme); d != "" {
x.URL = d
case *markdown.Emph:
case *markdown.Strong:
// transformHeadingsToHTML replaces heading blocks with rendered html
// blocks for the heading. It converts heading levels above 6 to divs
// with the h[level] class set on them.
func transformHeadingsToHTML(doc *markdown.Document) {
firstHeading := true
offset := 0
var rewriteHeadingsBlocks func([]markdown.Block)
rewriteHeadingsBlocks = func(blocks []markdown.Block) {
for i, b := range blocks {
switch x := b.(type) {
case *markdown.Text:
case *markdown.HTMLBlock:
case *markdown.Table:
case *markdown.Empty:
case *markdown.CodeBlock:
case *markdown.ThematicBreak:
case *markdown.Paragraph:
case *markdown.List:
case *markdown.Item:
case *markdown.Quote:
case *markdown.Heading:
heading := x
if firstHeading {
// The offset ensures the first heading is always an <h3>.
offset = 3 - heading.Level
firstHeading = false
newLevel := heading.Level + offset
htmltag := &markdown.HTMLBlock{}
var buf bytes.Buffer
// TODO(matloob): Do we want the div and h elements to have analogous classes?
// Currently we're using newLevel for the div's class but n.Level for the h element's
// class.
if newLevel > 6 {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, `<div class="h%d" role="heading" aria-level="%d"`, newLevel, heading.Level)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, `<h%d class="h%d"`, newLevel, heading.Level)
if heading.ID != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, ` id="%s"`, htmlQuoteEscaper.Replace(heading.ID))
if newLevel > 6 {
_, _ = buf.WriteString("</div>")
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "</h%d>", newLevel)
htmltag.Text = append(htmltag.Text, buf.String())
blocks[i] = htmltag
var htmlQuoteEscaper = strings.NewReplacer(
"\"", "&quot;",
"&", "&amp;",
"<", "&lt;",
">", "&gt;",
// rewriteHeadingIDs generates ids based on the body of the heading.
// The original code uses the raw markdown as the input to the ids.Generate
// function, but we don't have the raw markdown anymore, so we use the
// text instead.
func rewriteHeadingIDs(doc *markdown.Document) {
ids := &ids{
values: map[string]bool{},
walkBlocks(doc.Blocks, func(b markdown.Block) error {
if heading, ok := b.(*markdown.Heading); ok {
id := ids.generateID(heading, "heading")
heading.ID = string(id)
return nil