blob: ff6b4da7570d7c37ef4f733aec383d278ee181bd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package datasource provides internal.DataSource implementations backed solely
// by a proxy instance, and backed by the local filesystem.
// Search and other tabs are not supported by these implementations.
package datasource
import (
lru ""
// dataSource implements the internal.DataSource interface, by trying a list of
// fetch.ModuleGetters to fetch modules and caching the results.
type dataSource struct {
sourceClient *source.Client
cache *lru.Cache
// cacheEntry holds a fetched module or an error, if the fetch failed.
type cacheEntry struct {
module *internal.Module
err error
const maxCachedModules = 100
func newDataSource(sc *source.Client) *dataSource {
cache, err := lru.New(maxCachedModules)
if err != nil {
// Can only happen if size is bad.
return &dataSource{
sourceClient: sc,
cache: cache,
// cacheGet returns information from the cache if it is present, and (nil, nil) otherwise.
func (ds *dataSource) cacheGet(path, version string) (*internal.Module, error) {
// Look for an exact match first, then use LocalVersion, as for a
// directory-based or GOPATH-mode module.
for _, v := range []string{version, fetch.LocalVersion} {
if e, ok := ds.cache.Get(internal.Modver{Path: path, Version: v}); ok {
e := e.(cacheEntry)
return e.module, e.err
return nil, nil
// cachePut puts information into the cache.
func (ds *dataSource) cachePut(path, version string, m *internal.Module, err error) {
ds.cache.Add(internal.Modver{Path: path, Version: version}, cacheEntry{m, err})