blob: 0c5023d28ad4f2ff4b85eb0d3a3b1cf1da2f8df5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package proxy
import (
// Module represents a module version used to generate testdata.
type Module struct {
ModulePath string
Version string
Files map[string]string
zip []byte
func goMod(m *Module) string {
if m.Files == nil {
return defaultGoMod(m.ModulePath)
if _, ok := m.Files["go.mod"]; !ok {
return defaultGoMod(m.ModulePath)
return m.Files["go.mod"]
// SetupTestProxy creates a fake module proxy for testing using the given test
// version information. If modules is nil, it will default to hosting the
// modules in the testdata directory.
// It returns a function for tearing down the proxy after the test is completed
// and a Client for interacting with the test proxy.
func SetupTestProxy(t *testing.T, modules []*Module) (*Client, func()) {
var cleaned []*Module
for _, m := range modules {
cleaned = append(cleaned, cleanTestModule(t, m))
return TestProxyServer(t, TestProxy(cleaned))
// TestProxyServer starts serving proxyMux locally. It returns a client to the
// server and a function to shut down the server.
func TestProxyServer(t *testing.T, proxyMux *http.ServeMux) (*Client, func()) {
// override client.httpClient to skip TLS verification
httpClient, proxy, serverClose := testhelper.SetupTestClientAndServer(proxyMux)
client, err := New(proxy.URL)
if err != nil {
client.httpClient = httpClient
return client, serverClose
// TestProxy implements a fake proxy, hosting the given modules. If modules
// is nil, it serves the modules in the testdata directory.
func TestProxy(modules []*Module) *http.ServeMux {
// Group different modules of a module together, so that we can get
// the latest modules and create the list endpoint.
byModule := make(map[string][]*Module)
for _, m := range modules {
byModule[m.ModulePath] = append(byModule[m.ModulePath], m)
mux := http.NewServeMux()
for modPath, modVersions := range byModule {
sort.Slice(modVersions, func(i, j int) bool {
return semver.Compare(modVersions[i].Version, modVersions[j].Version) < 0
handle := func(path string, content io.ReadSeeker) {
mux.HandleFunc(path, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
http.ServeContent(w, r, path, time.Now(), content)
latest := func(modVersions []*Module) string {
return modVersions[len(modVersions)-1].Version
master := func(modVersions []*Module) string {
// TODO( master should return the
// most recently published version, which is not necessarily the
// latest version according to semver.
return modVersions[len(modVersions)-1].Version
handle(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/@v/list", modPath), strings.NewReader(versionList(modVersions)))
handle(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/@latest", modPath), strings.NewReader(defaultInfo(latest(modVersions))))
handle(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/@v/", modPath), strings.NewReader(defaultInfo(master(modVersions))))
for _, m := range modVersions {
handle(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/@v/", m.ModulePath, m.Version), strings.NewReader(defaultInfo(m.Version)))
handle(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/@v/%s.mod", m.ModulePath, m.Version), strings.NewReader(goMod(m)))
handle(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/@v/", m.ModulePath, m.Version), bytes.NewReader(
return mux
const versionTime = "2019-01-30T00:00:00Z"
func defaultInfo(version string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("{\n\t\"Version\": %q,\n\t\"Time\": %q\n}", version, versionTime)
func versionList(modVersions []*Module) string {
var vList []string
for _, v := range modVersions {
vList = append(vList, v.Version)
return strings.Join(vList, "\n")
// defaultGoMod creates a bare-bones go.mod contents.
func defaultGoMod(modulePath string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("module %s\n\ngo 1.12", modulePath)
func cleanTestModule(t *testing.T, m *Module) *Module {
if m.Version == "" {
m.Version = "v1.0.0"
files := map[string]string{}
for path, contents := range m.Files {
p := m.ModulePath + "@" + m.Version + "/" + path
files[p] = contents
zip, err := testhelper.ZipContents(files)
if err != nil {
} = zip
return m