internal/godoc/dochtml/internal/render: refactor Renderer.declHTML

Split out the part that renders doc comments to a separate function.

This will make it easier to integrate the (probably) forthcoming
go/doc/comments package.

Change-Id: If7a29ee42a7b66c1acae96fdc27c15b4502d3e28
Trust: Jonathan Amsterdam <>
Run-TryBot: Jonathan Amsterdam <>
Reviewed-by: Jamal Carvalho <>
diff --git a/internal/godoc/dochtml/internal/render/linkify.go b/internal/godoc/dochtml/internal/render/linkify.go
index 9db49da..347c5b0 100644
--- a/internal/godoc/dochtml/internal/render/linkify.go
+++ b/internal/godoc/dochtml/internal/render/linkify.go
@@ -74,61 +74,64 @@
 func (r *Renderer) declHTML(doc string, decl ast.Decl, extractLinks bool) (out struct{ Doc, Decl safehtml.HTML }) {
-	dids := newDeclIDs(decl)
-	idr := &identifierResolver{r.pids, dids, r.packageURL}
 	if doc != "" {
-		var els []docElement
-		inLinks := false
-		for _, blk := range docToBlocks(doc) {
-			var el docElement
-			switch blk := blk.(type) {
-			case *paragraph:
-				if inLinks {
-					r.links = append(r.links, parseLinks(blk.lines)...)
-				} else {
-					el.Body = r.linesToHTML(blk.lines)
-					els = append(els, el)
-				}
-			case *preformat:
-				if inLinks {
-					r.links = append(r.links, parseLinks(blk.lines)...)
-				} else {
-					el.IsPreformat = true
-					el.Body = r.linesToHTML(blk.lines)
-					els = append(els, el)
-				}
-			case *heading:
-				if extractLinks && blk.title == "Links" {
-					inLinks = true
-				} else {
-					inLinks = false
-					el.IsHeading = true
-					el.Title = blk.title
-					id := badAnchorRx.ReplaceAllString(blk.title, "_")
-					el.ID = safehtml.IdentifierFromConstantPrefix("hdr", id)
-					els = append(els, el)
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		var headings []docElement
-		for _, e := range els {
-			if e.IsHeading {
-				headings = append(headings, e)
-			}
-		}
-		out.Doc = ExecuteToHTML(r.docTmpl, docData{
-			Elements:         els,
-			Headings:         headings,
-			EnableCommandTOC: r.enableCommandTOC,
-		})
+		out.Doc = r.formatDocHTML(doc, extractLinks)
 	if decl != nil {
+		idr := &identifierResolver{r.pids, newDeclIDs(decl), r.packageURL}
 		out.Decl = r.formatDeclHTML(decl, idr)
 	return out
+func (r *Renderer) formatDocHTML(doc string, extractLinks bool) safehtml.HTML {
+	var els []docElement
+	inLinks := false
+	for _, blk := range docToBlocks(doc) {
+		var el docElement
+		switch blk := blk.(type) {
+		case *paragraph:
+			if inLinks {
+				r.links = append(r.links, parseLinks(blk.lines)...)
+			} else {
+				el.Body = r.linesToHTML(blk.lines)
+				els = append(els, el)
+			}
+		case *preformat:
+			if inLinks {
+				r.links = append(r.links, parseLinks(blk.lines)...)
+			} else {
+				el.IsPreformat = true
+				el.Body = r.linesToHTML(blk.lines)
+				els = append(els, el)
+			}
+		case *heading:
+			if extractLinks && blk.title == "Links" {
+				inLinks = true
+			} else {
+				inLinks = false
+				el.IsHeading = true
+				el.Title = blk.title
+				id := badAnchorRx.ReplaceAllString(blk.title, "_")
+				el.ID = safehtml.IdentifierFromConstantPrefix("hdr", id)
+				els = append(els, el)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	var headings []docElement
+	for _, e := range els {
+		if e.IsHeading {
+			headings = append(headings, e)
+		}
+	}
+	return ExecuteToHTML(r.docTmpl, docData{
+		Elements:         els,
+		Headings:         headings,
+		EnableCommandTOC: r.enableCommandTOC,
+	})
 // parseLinks extracts links from lines.
 func parseLinks(lines []string) []Link {
 	var links []Link