| -- Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. |
| -- Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style |
| -- license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| -- |
| -- This schema migration is created from squashing all of our existing |
| -- migration files in |
| -- |
| SET statement_timeout = 0; |
| SET lock_timeout = 0; |
| SET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = 0; |
| SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'; |
| SET standard_conforming_strings = on; |
| SET check_function_bodies = on; |
| SET xmloption = content; |
| SET client_min_messages = warning; |
| SET row_security = off; |
| |
| CREATE FUNCTION trigger_modify_updated_at() RETURNS trigger |
| LANGUAGE plpgsql |
| AS $$ |
| NEW.updated_at = NOW(); |
| END; |
| $$; |
| COMMENT ON FUNCTION trigger_modify_updated_at IS |
| 'FUNCTION trigger_modify_updated_at sets the value of a column named updated_at to the current timestamp. This is used by the versions, packages, and search_documents tables as a trigger to set the value of updated_at.'; |
| |
| CREATE FUNCTION to_tsvector_parent_directories(package_path text, module_path text) RETURNS tsvector |
| LANGUAGE plpgsql |
| AS $$ |
| sub_path TEXT; |
| parent_directories TEXT := module_path; |
| sub_directories TEXT[][]; |
| current_directory TEXT := module_path; |
| tsv_parent_directories TSVECTOR := module_path::tsvector; |
| IF package_path = module_path THEN |
| RETURN tsv_parent_directories; |
| END IF; |
| -- +2 because substr is one-based and we need to include the trailing slash |
| sub_path := substr(package_path, length(module_path) + 2); |
| sub_directories := regexp_split_to_array(sub_path, '/'); |
| FOR i IN 1..cardinality(sub_directories) LOOP |
| current_directory := current_directory || '/' || sub_directories[i]; |
| parent_directories = parent_directories || ' ' || current_directory; |
| RETURN parent_directories::tsvector; |
| END; |
| $$; |
| COMMENT ON FUNCTION to_tsvector_parent_directories IS |
| 'FUNCTION to_tsvector_parent_directories computes all directories that exist between module_path and package_path, inclusive of both module_path and package_path. Return the result as a tsvector.'; |
| |
| CREATE TYPE version_type AS ENUM ( |
| 'release', |
| 'prerelease', |
| 'pseudo' |
| ); |
| COMMENT ON TYPE version_type IS |
| 'ENUM version_type specifies the version types expected for a given module version.'; |
| |
| CREATE TABLE versions ( |
| module_path text NOT NULL, |
| version text NOT NULL, |
| commit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, |
| series_path text NOT NULL, |
| version_type version_type NOT NULL, |
| readme_file_path text, |
| readme_contents text, |
| source_info jsonb, |
| major integer NOT NULL, |
| minor integer NOT NULL, |
| patch integer NOT NULL, |
| prerelease text NOT NULL, |
| created_at timestamp without time zone DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, |
| updated_at timestamp without time zone DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, |
| PRIMARY KEY (module_path, version) |
| ); |
| COMMENT ON TABLE versions IS |
| 'TABLE versions contains modules at a specific semantic version.'; |
| COMMENT ON COLUMN versions.prerelease IS |
| 'prerelease will be set as "~" if the version does not have a prerelease tag.'; |
| |
| CREATE INDEX idx_versions_semver_sort ON versions |
| USING btree (module_path, major DESC, minor DESC, patch DESC, prerelease DESC); |
| COMMENT ON INDEX idx_versions_semver_sort IS |
| 'INDEX idx_versions_semver_sort is used to sort versions in order of descending latest. It is used to get the latest version of a package/module and to fetch all versions of a package/module in semver order.'; |
| |
| CREATE INDEX idx_versions_module_path_text_pattern_ops ON versions |
| USING btree (module_path text_pattern_ops); |
| COMMENT ON INDEX idx_versions_module_path_text_pattern_ops IS |
| 'INDEX idx_versions_module_path_text_pattern_ops is using to improve performance of LIKE statements for module_path. It is used to fetch directories matching a given module_path prefix.'; |
| |
| CREATE INDEX idx_versions_version_type ON versions USING btree (version_type); |
| COMMENT ON INDEX idx_versions_version_type IS |
| 'INDEX idx_versions_version_type is used when fetching versions for a given version_type.'; |
| |
| FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_modify_updated_at(); |
| COMMENT ON TRIGGER set_updated_at ON versions IS |
| 'TRIGGER set_updated_at updates the value of the updated_at column to the current timestamp whenever a row is inserted or updated to the table.'; |
| |
| CREATE TABLE packages ( |
| path text NOT NULL, |
| module_path text NOT NULL, |
| version text NOT NULL, |
| commit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, |
| name text NOT NULL, |
| synopsis text, |
| license_types text[], |
| license_paths text[], |
| v1_path text NOT NULL, |
| goos text NOT NULL, |
| goarch text NOT NULL, |
| redistributable boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, |
| documentation text, |
| tsv_parent_directories tsvector, |
| created_at timestamp without time zone DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, |
| updated_at timestamp without time zone DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, |
| PRIMARY KEY (path, module_path, version), |
| FOREIGN KEY (module_path, version) REFERENCES versions(module_path, version) ON DELETE CASCADE |
| ); |
| COMMENT ON TABLE packages IS |
| 'TABLE packages contains packages in a specific module version.'; |
| COMMENT ON COLUMN packages.commit_time IS |
| 'commit_time is the same as verions.commit_time. It is added here so that we can reduce the number of joins in our queries.'; |
| COMMENT ON COLUMN packages.tsv_parent_directories IS |
| 'tsv_parent_directories should always be NOT NULL, but it is populated by a trigger, so it will be initially NULL on insert.'; |
| |
| CREATE INDEX idx_packages_v1_path ON packages USING btree (v1_path); |
| COMMENT ON INDEX idx_packages_v1_path IS |
| 'INDEX idx_packages_v1_path is used to get all of the packages in a series.'; |
| |
| CREATE INDEX idx_packages_module_path_text_pattern_ops ON packages USING btree (module_path text_pattern_ops); |
| COMMENT ON INDEX idx_versions_module_path_text_pattern_ops IS |
| 'INDEX idx_versions_module_path_text_pattern_ops is using to improve performance of LIKE statements for module_path. It is used to fetch directories matching a given module_path prefix.'; |
| |
| CREATE INDEX idx_packages_path_text_pattern_ops ON packages USING btree (path text_pattern_ops); |
| COMMENT ON INDEX idx_versions_module_path_text_pattern_ops IS |
| 'INDEX idx_versions_module_path_text_pattern_ops is used to improve performance of LIKE statements for module_path. It is used to fetch directories matching a given module_path prefix.'; |
| |
| CREATE INDEX idx_packages_tsv_parent_directories ON packages USING gin (tsv_parent_directories); |
| COMMENT ON INDEX idx_packages_tsv_parent_directories IS |
| 'INDEX idx_packages_tsv_parent_directories is used to search for packages that match a given prefix. These prefixes are stored as a tsv_vector type in tsv_parent_directories. This is used to fetch all packages in a given directory.'; |
| |
| CREATE FUNCTION trigger_modify_packages_tsv_parent_directories() RETURNS TRIGGER |
| LANGUAGE plpgsql |
| AS $$ |
| NEW.tsv_parent_directories = to_tsvector_parent_directories(NEW.path, NEW.module_path); |
| END; |
| $$; |
| COMMENT ON FUNCTION trigger_modify_packages_tsv_parent_directories IS |
| 'FUNCTION trigger_modify_packages_tsv_parent_directories invokes FUNCTION to_tsvector_parent_directories and sets the value of tsv_parent_directories to the output.'; |
| |
| CREATE TRIGGER set_tsv_parent_directories BEFORE INSERT ON packages FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_modify_packages_tsv_parent_directories(); |
| COMMENT ON TRIGGER set_tsv_parent_directories ON packages IS |
| 'TRIGGER set_tsv_parent_directories sets the value of tsv_parent_directories to the output of FUNCTION trigger_modify_search_documents_tsv_parent_directories when a new row in inserted.'; |
| |
| |
| CREATE TRIGGER set_updated_at BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON packages FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_modify_updated_at(); |
| COMMENT ON TRIGGER set_updated_at ON packages IS |
| 'TRIGGER set_updated_at updates the value of the updated_at column to the current timestamp whenever a row is inserted or updated to the table.'; |
| |
| CREATE TABLE imports ( |
| from_path text NOT NULL, |
| from_module_path text NOT NULL, |
| from_version text NOT NULL, |
| to_path text NOT NULL, |
| PRIMARY KEY (to_path, from_path, from_version), |
| FOREIGN KEY (from_path, from_module_path, from_version) |
| REFERENCES packages(path, module_path, version) ON DELETE CASCADE |
| ); |
| 'TABLE imports contains the imports for a package in the packages table. Package (from_path), in module (from_module_path) at version (from_version), imports package (to_path). We do not store the version and module at which to_path is imported because it is hard to compute.'; |
| |
| CREATE TABLE imports_unique ( |
| to_path text NOT NULL, |
| from_path text NOT NULL, |
| from_module_path text NOT NULL, |
| PRIMARY KEY (to_path, from_path, from_module_path) |
| ); |
| COMMENT ON TABLE imports_unique IS |
| 'TABLE imports_unique contains the imports for a unique import_path in the packages table. The from_version is dropped; each row says that package from_path in some version of from_module_path imports (some version of) to_path. Used to speed up imported-by computations.'; |
| |
| CREATE TABLE licenses ( |
| module_path text NOT NULL, |
| version text NOT NULL, |
| file_path text NOT NULL, |
| contents text NOT NULL, |
| types text[], |
| PRIMARY KEY (module_path, version, file_path), |
| FOREIGN KEY (module_path, version) REFERENCES versions(module_path, version) ON DELETE CASCADE |
| ); |
| COMMENT ON TABLE licenses IS |
| 'TABLE licenses contains the license data for a given module version.'; |
| |
| CREATE TABLE excluded_prefixes ( |
| prefix text NOT NULL, |
| created_by text NOT NULL, |
| reason text NOT NULL, |
| created_at timestamp without time zone DEFAULT NOW(), |
| PRIMARY KEY (prefix) |
| ); |
| COMMENT ON TABLE excluded_prefixes IS |
| 'TABLE excluded_prefixes contains the prefixes of modules or groups of modules we exclude from serving and processing. This is used to deal with attacks.'; |
| |
| CREATE TABLE module_version_states ( |
| module_path text NOT NULL, |
| version text NOT NULL, |
| status integer, |
| error text, |
| try_count integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, |
| last_processed_at timestamp with time zone, |
| next_processed_after timestamp with time zone DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, |
| index_timestamp timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, |
| created_at timestamp with time zone DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, |
| app_version text DEFAULT ''::text NOT NULL, |
| PRIMARY KEY (module_path, version) |
| ); |
| COMMENT ON TABLE module_version_states IS |
| 'TABLE module_version_states is used by the ETL to record the state of every module we have seen from the proxy index.'; |
| |
| CREATE INDEX idx_module_version_states_index_timestamp ON module_version_states USING btree (index_timestamp DESC); |
| COMMENT ON INDEX idx_module_version_states_index_timestamp IS |
| 'INDEX idx_module_version_states_index_timestamp is used to get the last time a module version was fetched from the the module index.'; |
| |
| CREATE INDEX idx_module_version_states_last_processed_at ON module_version_states USING btree (last_processed_at); |
| COMMENT ON INDEX idx_module_version_states_last_processed_at IS |
| 'INDEX idx_module_version_states_last_processed_at is used to get the last time a given module version was attempted to be processed.'; |
| |
| CREATE INDEX idx_module_version_states_next_processed_after ON module_version_states USING btree (next_processed_after); |
| COMMENT ON INDEX idx_module_version_states_last_processed_at IS |
| 'INDEX idx_module_version_states_last_processed_at is used to get the next time at which a module version should be retried for processing.'; |
| |
| CREATE TABLE search_documents ( |
| package_path text NOT NULL, |
| module_path text NOT NULL, |
| version text NOT NULL, |
| commit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, |
| name text NOT NULL, |
| synopsis text, |
| license_types text[], |
| imported_by_count integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, |
| redistributable boolean NOT NULL, |
| hll_register integer, |
| hll_leading_zeros integer, |
| tsv_parent_directories tsvector, |
| tsv_search_tokens tsvector NOT NULL, |
| created_at timestamp without time zone DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, |
| updated_at timestamp without time zone DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, |
| version_updated_at timestamp without time zone DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, |
| imported_by_count_updated_at timestamp without time zone, |
| PRIMARY KEY (package_path), |
| FOREIGN KEY (package_path, module_path, version) |
| REFERENCES packages(path, module_path, version) ON DELETE CASCADE |
| ); |
| COMMENT ON TABLE search_documents IS |
| 'TABLE search_documents contains a record for the latest version of each package. It is used to generate search results.'; |
| COMMENT ON COLUMN search_documents.hll_register IS |
| 'hll_* columns are added to help implement cardinality estimation using the hyperloglog algorithm. hll_register is the randomized bucket for this record.'; |
| COMMENT ON COLUMN search_documents.hll_leading_zeros IS |
| 'hll_* columns are added to help implement cardinality estimation using the hyperloglog algorithm. hll_leading_zeros is the number of leading zeros in the binary representation of hll_hash(package_path).'; |
| |
| -- INDEX idx_imported_by_count_gt_50 and idx_imported_by_count_gt_8 will be removed |
| -- and replaced by idx_imported_by_count_desc after testing to compare various search methods. |
| CREATE INDEX idx_imported_by_count_gt_8 ON search_documents USING btree (package_path) WHERE (imported_by_count > 8); |
| CREATE INDEX idx_imported_by_count_gt_50 ON search_documents USING btree (package_path) WHERE (imported_by_count > 50); |
| |
| CREATE INDEX idx_imported_by_count_desc ON search_documents USING btree (imported_by_count DESC); |
| COMMENT ON INDEX idx_imported_by_count_desc IS |
| 'INDEX idx_imported_by_count_desc is used by popular_search to execute a partial scan of popular search documents.'; |
| |
| CREATE INDEX idx_hll_register_leading_zeros ON search_documents USING btree (hll_register, hll_leading_zeros DESC); |
| COMMENT ON INDEX idx_hll_register_leading_zeros IS |
| 'INDEX idx_hll_register_leading_zeros allows us to quickly find the maximum number of leading zeros among search documents in each register matching a query, which is necessary for hyperloglog cardinality estimation.'; |
| |
| CREATE INDEX idx_search_documents_imported_by_count_updated_at ON search_documents USING btree (imported_by_count_updated_at); |
| COMMENT ON INDEX idx_search_documents_imported_by_count_updated_at IS |
| 'INDEX idx_search_documents_imported_by_count_updated_at index is used for incremental update of imported_by counts.'; |
| |
| CREATE INDEX idx_search_documents_module_path_version_package_path ON search_documents |
| USING btree (package_path, module_path, version); |
| COMMENT ON INDEX idx_search_documents_module_path_version_package_path IS |
| 'INDEX idx_search_documents_module_path_version_package_path is used for the FK reference to packages.'; |
| |
| CREATE INDEX idx_search_documents_tsv_parent_directories ON search_documents USING gin (tsv_parent_directories); |
| COMMENT ON INDEX idx_search_documents_tsv_parent_directories IS |
| 'INDEX idx_search_documents_tsv_parent_directories is used to search for packages that match a given prefix. These prefixes are stored as a tsv_vector type in tsv_parent_directories. This is used to fetch all packages in a given directory.'; |
| |
| CREATE INDEX idx_search_documents_tsv_search_tokens ON search_documents USING gin (tsv_search_tokens); |
| COMMENT ON INDEX idx_search_documents_tsv_search_tokens IS |
| 'INDEX idx_search_documents_tsv_search_tokens improves performance for full-text search.'; |
| |
| CREATE INDEX idx_search_documents_version_updated_at ON search_documents USING btree (version_updated_at); |
| COMMENT ON INDEX idx_search_documents_version_updated_at IS |
| 'INDEX idx_search_documents_version_updated_at is used for incremental update of imported_by counts, in order to determine when the latest version of a package was last updated.'; |
| |
| CREATE TRIGGER set_updated_at BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON search_documents |
| FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_modify_updated_at(); |
| COMMENT ON TRIGGER set_updated_at ON search_documents IS |
| 'TRIGGER set_updated_at updates the value of the updated_at column to the current timestamp whenever a row is inserted or updated to the table.'; |
| |
| CREATE FUNCTION trigger_modify_search_documents_tsv_parent_directories() RETURNS trigger |
| LANGUAGE plpgsql |
| AS $$ |
| NEW.tsv_parent_directories = to_tsvector_parent_directories(NEW.package_path, NEW.module_path); |
| END; |
| $$; |
| COMMENT ON FUNCTION trigger_modify_search_documents_tsv_parent_directories IS |
| 'FUNCTION trigger_modify_search_documents_tsv_parent_directories invokes FUNCTION to_tsvector_parent_directories and sets the value of tsv_parent_directories to the output.'; |
| |
| CREATE TRIGGER set_tsv_parent_directories BEFORE INSERT ON search_documents |
| FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_modify_search_documents_tsv_parent_directories(); |
| COMMENT ON TRIGGER set_tsv_parent_directories ON search_documents IS |
| 'TRIGGER set_tsv_parent_directories sets the value of tsv_parent_directories to the output of FUNCTION trigger_modify_search_documents_tsv_parent_directories when a new row in inserted.'; |
| |
| CREATE FUNCTION hll_hash(text) RETURNS bigint |
| LANGUAGE sql |
| AS $_$ |
| -- This is somewhat a hack, since there is no from_hex function in postgres. |
| -- Take the first 64 bits of the md5 hash by converting the hexadecimal |
| -- string to bitfield, and then bigint. |
| SELECT ('x'||substr(md5($1),1,16))::BIT(64)::BIGINT; |
| $_$; |
| 'FUNCTION hll_hash is a 64-bit integral hash function, which is used in implementing the hyperloglog cardinality estimation algorithm.'; |
| |
| CREATE FUNCTION hll_zeros(bigint) RETURNS integer |
| LANGUAGE plpgsql |
| AS $_$ |
| IF $1 < 0 THEN |
| RETURN 0; |
| END IF; |
| -- For bigints, taking log(2, $1) is too inaccurate due to floating point |
| -- issues. Specifically log(2, 1<<63-1) == 63.0... |
| FOR i IN 0..62 LOOP |
| IF ((1::BIGINT<<i) - 1) >= $1 THEN |
| RETURN 64-i; |
| END IF; |
| RETURN 1; |
| END; $_$; |
| 'FUNCTION hll_zeros returns the number of leading zeros in the binary representation of the given bigint.'; |
| |
| CREATE TYPE search_result AS ( |
| package_path text, |
| module_path text, |
| version text, |
| commit_time timestamp with time zone, |
| imported_by_count integer, |
| score double precision |
| ); |
| COMMENT ON TYPE search_result IS |
| 'TYPE search_result is used to simplify the popular_search function.'; |
| |
| CREATE FUNCTION popular_search(rawquery text, lim integer, off integer) RETURNS SETOF search_result |
| LANGUAGE plpgsql |
| AS $$ |
| package_path, |
| module_path, |
| version, |
| commit_time, |
| imported_by_count, |
| ( |
| ts_rank(tsv_search_tokens, query) * |
| ln(exp(1)+imported_by_count) * |
| CASE WHEN redistributable THEN 1 ELSE 0.5 END * |
| -- Rather than add this `tsv_search_tokens @@ query` check to a |
| -- where clause, we simply annihilate the score. Adding it to the |
| -- where clause caused the query planner to eventually decide to |
| -- use the tsv_search_token gin index rather than the popular |
| -- index, which is exactly what this stored proc is trying to |
| -- avoid. |
| -- It seems like this should be redundant with the ts_rank factor |
| -- above, but in fact it is possible for ts_rank to be nonzero, yet |
| -- tsv_search_tokens @@ query is false (I think because ts_rank doesn't |
| -- have special handling for AND or OR conjunctions). |
| CASE WHEN tsv_search_tokens @@ query THEN 1 ELSE 0 END |
| ) score |
| FROM search_documents |
| -- This should use the popular document index. |
| ORDER BY imported_by_count DESC; |
| -- top is the top search results, sorted by score descending, commit time |
| -- descending, then package_path ascending. |
| top search_result[]; |
| -- res is the current search result. |
| res search_result; |
| -- last_idx is the index of the last element in top. |
| last_idx INT; |
| last_idx := lim+off; |
| top := array_fill(NULL::search_result, array[last_idx]); |
| OPEN cur(query := websearch_to_tsquery(rawquery)); |
| FETCH cur INTO res; |
| WHILE found LOOP |
| IF top[last_idx] IS NULL OR res.score >= top[last_idx].score THEN |
| -- Insert res into top, maintaining sort order. |
| FOR i IN 1..last_idx LOOP |
| -- We want to preserve order by score desc, commit_time desc, |
| -- package_path asc, so insert res as soon as it sorted before top[i] |
| -- according to this ordering. |
| IF top[i] IS NULL OR |
| (res.score > top[i].score) OR |
| (res.score = top[i].score AND res.commit_time > top[i].commit_time) OR |
| (res.score = top[i].score AND res.commit_time = top[i].commit_time AND |
| res.package_path < top[i].package_path) THEN |
| top := (top[1:i-1] || res) || top[i:last_idx-1]; |
| EXIT; |
| END IF; |
| END IF; |
| IF top[last_idx].score > ln(exp(1)+res.imported_by_count) THEN |
| -- No subsequent document can be scored higher than our lowest scoring |
| -- document, as top[last_idx].score > 1.0*ln(e+imported_by_count), and |
| -- for all subsequent records ts_rank <= 1.0 and ln(e+imported_by_count) |
| -- is monotonically decreasing. |
| -- So we're done. |
| EXIT; |
| END IF; |
| FETCH cur INTO res; |
| CLOSE cur; |
| RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM UNNEST(top[off+1:last_idx]) |
| WHERE package_path IS NOT NULL AND score > 0.1; |
| END; $$; |
| COMMENT ON FUNCTION popular_search IS |
| 'FUNCTION popular_search is used to generate results for search. It is implemented as a stored function, so that we can use a cursor to scan search documents procedurally, and stop scanning early, whenever our search results are provably correct.'; |
| |
| CREATE TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION golang (COPY = pg_catalog.english); |
| ALTER TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION golang ALTER MAPPING FOR asciiword WITH simple,english_stem; |
| 'TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION golang is a custom search configuration used when creating tsvector for search. The url_path token type is remove, so that "github.com/foo/bar@v1.2.3" is indexed only as the full URL string, and not also"/foo/bar@v1.2.3". The asciiword token type is set to a "simple,english_stem" mapping, so that "plural" words will be indexed without stemming. This idea came from the "Morphological and Exact Search" section here: https://asp437.github.io/posts/flexible-fts.html.'; |