blob: 1524c350d3747a03e903880d990570d2fc76dd00 [file] [log] [blame]
windowsize 1536x960
compare {{.Origin}}::cache {{.Origin}}
{{with .Token}}header Authorization: Bearer {{.}}{{end}}
{{with .QuotaBypass}}header X-Go-Discovery-Auth-Bypass-Quota: {{.}}{{end}}
output tests/screentest/testdata
# Prevent dynamic readme bages from rendering
{{$ready := "[role='treeitem'][aria-selected='true']"}}
{{$hideImportedby := "document.querySelector(\"[data-test-id='UnitHeader-importedby']\")?.remove();"}}
{{$scrollTop := "window.scrollTo({top:0});"}}
test short readme has no toggle
pathname /
wait {{$ready}}
eval {{$hideImportedby}}
capture viewport
capture viewport 540x1080
test x/tools
pathname /
wait {{$ready}}
eval {{$scrollTop}}
eval {{$hideImportedby}}
capture viewport
capture viewport 540x1080
test x/tools readme expanded
pathname /
wait {{$ready}}
eval {{$scrollTop}}
eval {{$hideImportedby}}
capture viewport
capture viewport 540x1080
test x/tools directories expanded
pathname /
wait {{$ready}}
click [data-test-id="directories-toggle"]
eval {{$scrollTop}}
eval {{$hideImportedby}}
capture fullscreen
capture fullscreen 540x1080
# test empty jump to modal
# pathname /
# wait {{$ready}}
# click [data-test-id="jump-to-button"]
# eval {{$hideImportedby}}
# capture viewport
test standard library package
pathname /errors@go1.16.3
wait {{$ready}}
eval {{$hideImportedby}}
capture fullscreen
capture fullscreen 540x1080
test really long import path
pathname /
wait {{$ready}}
eval {{$hideImportedby}}
capture viewport
capture viewport 540x1080
test package that exists in multiple modules at the same versions
pathname /
wait {{$ready}}
eval {{$hideImportedby}}
capture viewport
capture viewport 540x1080
test no documentation
pathname /
wait {{$ready}}
eval {{$hideImportedby}}
capture viewport
capture viewport 540x1080
test module that is also a package
pathname /
wait {{$ready}}
eval {{$hideImportedby}}
capture viewport
capture viewport 540x1080
test package not at latest version of a module
pathname /
wait {{$ready}}
eval {{$hideImportedby}}
capture viewport
capture viewport 540x1080
test standard library
pathname /std@go1.16.3
wait {{$ready}}
eval {{$hideImportedby}}
capture fullscreen
capture fullscreen 540x1080
test package with multiple licenses
pathname /
wait {{$ready}}
eval {{$hideImportedby}}
capture viewport
capture viewport 540x1080
test package with higher major version
pathname /
wait {{$ready}}
eval {{$hideImportedby}}
capture viewport
capture viewport 540x1080
test package with multi-GOOS
pathname /
wait {{$ready}}
eval {{$hideImportedby}}
capture viewport
capture viewport 540x1080
test retracted package
pathname /
wait {{$ready}}
eval {{$hideImportedby}}
capture viewport
capture viewport 540x1080
test deprecated package
pathname /
wait {{$ready}}
eval {{$hideImportedby}}
capture viewport
capture viewport 540x1080
test package with deprecated symbols
pathname /database/sql/driver@go1.16.3
wait {{$ready}}
eval {{$hideImportedby}}
capture fullscreen
capture fullscreen 540x1080
test badge
pathname /badge
capture fullscreen
capture fullscreen 540x1080
test error
status 400
pathname /bad.package@v1.0-badversion
capture fullscreen
capture fullscreen 540x1080
test 404 with fetch button
status 404
pathname /
capture fullscreen
capture fullscreen 540x1080
test home
pathname /
click .go-Carousel-dot
capture fullscreen
capture fullscreen 540x1080
test license policy
pathname /license-policy
capture fullscreen
capture fullscreen 540x1080
test search help
pathname /search-help
capture fullscreen
capture fullscreen 540x1080
test search no results
pathname /search?q=aoeuidhtns
capture fullscreen
capture fullscreen 540x1080
test sub-repositories
pathname /
capture fullscreen
capture fullscreen 540x1080