blob: 4705b579962c433ede615d59f33d79b6878a73ac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package auth authorizes programs to make HTTP requests to the discovery site.
package auth
import (
// OAuth 2.0 Client IDs for the go-discovery (main) and the go-discovery-exp (exp) projects.
// See for more details.
const (
mainClientID = ""
expClientID = ""
// NewClient creates an http.Client for accessing go-discovery services.
// Its first argument is the JSON contents of a service account credentials file.
// If nil, default credentials are used.
// Its second argument determines which client ID to use.
func NewClient(ctx context.Context, jsonCreds []byte, useExp bool) (_ *http.Client, err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "auth.NewClient(jsonCreds, %t)", useExp)
audience, opts := idtokenArgs(jsonCreds, useExp)
return idtoken.NewClient(ctx, audience, opts...)
// Header returns a header value (typically a Bearer token) to be used in the
// HTTP 'Authorization' header.
func Header(ctx context.Context, jsonCreds []byte, useExp bool) (_ string, err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "auth.Header(jsonCreds, %t)", useExp)
audience, opts := idtokenArgs(jsonCreds, useExp)
ts, err := idtoken.NewTokenSource(ctx, audience, opts...)
if err != nil {
return "", err
token, err := ts.Token()
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("TokenSource.Token(): %v", err)
// This is a dummy request to get the authorization header.
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://localhost", nil)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("http.NewRequest(): %v", err)
return req.Header.Get("Authorization"), nil
func idtokenArgs(jsonCreds []byte, useExp bool) (string, []idtoken.ClientOption) {
var opts []idtoken.ClientOption
if len(jsonCreds) > 0 {
opts = append(opts, idtoken.WithCredentialsJSON(jsonCreds))
audience := mainClientID
if useExp {
audience = expClientID
return audience, opts
// NewClient creates an http.Client that adds an Authorization header
// containing its argument as a bearer token.
func NewClientBearer(token string) *http.Client {
return &http.Client{
Transport: &HeadersTransport{
Base: http.DefaultTransport,
Headers: map[string]string{
"Authorization": fmt.Sprintf("Bearer %s", token),
// HeadersTransport is an http.Transport that adds headers to the request.
type HeadersTransport struct {
Headers map[string]string
Base http.RoundTripper
func (t *HeadersTransport) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
// Copy req and its headers.
newReq := *req
newReq.Header = make(http.Header)
for k, v := range req.Header {
newReq.Header[k] = v
// Add or overwrite our headers.
for h, v := range t.Headers {
newReq.Header.Set(h, v)
return t.Base.RoundTrip(&newReq)